#j talks


woulndtit be funny if i just like. went through my ask box and answered some asks from fucking YEARS ago????????? wouldntt that. be funny????

listening to ten hours of the world revolving and like. the nonbinary urge to go batshit insane

are the bad sanses unionized? do they get benefits? does nightmare offer dental or vision? whats their base pay? do they ever get bad sans of the month? how many hours are they working per week?

people will really come into my inbox like “hey artist on the internet my parents hate me please fix it :(” like goddamn that sucks wanna hear my underfell head cannons?

hey guys

so my therapist and i decided it would be best for my mental health to take a short break from certain social medias for a bit. sadly, this includes tumblr. i won’t be responding to any messages or notifs until it’s over.

i hope y’all can understand. and please don’t worry. i still love y’all to death (that will never change), and i’ll be right back as soon as possible.❤️❤️❤️

so what on earth has been going on with me recently?

i’m sure y’all have noticed how inactive i’ve been lately. (by lately, i mean like, the past couple months.) so i figured i’d catch y’all up on exactly why.

  1. i moved. which took a while, and a lot of time and energy.
  2. i went on a family vacation.
  3. i started dating someone.
  4. i got back and finished moving.
  5. then there was the back-to-school craziness.
  6. and then the school craziness itself.
  7. i joined some more extra-curriculars.
  8. i started writing a short story to eventually enter into some sort of contest.
  9. social drama. family drama. personal stuff.
  10. my mental health issues flared up again.
  11. just recently, the person i was dating and i broke up.

not gonna lie, because of the last two, i’m currently not doing that great. but i’m fine. everything’s good. i’m just adjusting. thank you for your concern, but don’t worry about me, lovelies!♡♡♡

i promise i’m alive

i’m really tired and really stressed and only on my second week of school but i’m alive AND YES I AM WRITING

you will see new fic soon i promise im so so sorry
