#jac vanek


DIY Mug & Bowl Painting Video (Sharpie-Free)

I realize I haven’t posted here in awhile, and I haven’t regularly posted content for a few years now. There are reasons for that, some small, some big, but I will get into that at another time (as it’s a fairly long story). For now, I’d just like to have a few people watch this video. I’m trying to post videos regularly (which means I might be posting links to these videos here on Tumblr regularly), although my current circumstances might not all for that the way that I want, but I’m still trying.

For the few of you who do watch, thank you in advance.

#painting    #dishware    #jac vanek    #need more sleep    #i hate everyone    
I feel like this water bottle is like…. me enough that Eric won’t punch me if I buy it. HE WO

I feel like this water bottle is like…. me enough that Eric won’t punch me if I buy it. HE WON’T PUNCH ME BUT STILL I OWN A MILLION WATER BOTTLES JEEZE I WON’T BUY IT BUT I WANT TO OK. 

Jac Vanek Water Bottle | Dolls Kill | $16

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