#jack grealish imagine


People, you all are amazing!!! I posted my first one-shot only 10 days ago and I’m already at 101 followers <3 I hope you all will enjoy what’s more to come and just let me know if you wanna see something or just want to talk!


P.S. the requests in my inbox are coming, no worries! :D

Who:Jack Grealish x Reader
Writer’s Notes: So even tho the previous one shot was with Kai Havertz who got requested the most, I decided to give the others who were picked a little something as well. Please let me know what you all think of this one!
Disclaimer:I’m not personally involved with Jack Grealish nor do I know him in person.

It was the first time that Jack was going to meet my parents and to say that I was nervous, was probably an understatement. I was someone who got along with my parents perfectly, nothing special. But my father had always been someone who was rather protective over me, no matter how many times I had told him that it was not necessary and that I would be able to look after myself.

I was just about to leave my place to walk over to my parents - who only lived a few blocks away - when my phone rang and I saw Jack’s name on the screen as a sign that he was calling.

“Hey babe, I was just about to leave for my parents, I’ll meet you there, right?” I asked him, my voice cheery simply because I was talking to him.

“I’m so sorry love, but I’m going to be a bit late. I was on my way back home to get ready and I got into an accident.” Before I could react - something he knew that I was about to do - he continued speaking. “I’m okay, no one got hurt. Except my car. And his car. Insurance will sort everything out but I haven’t been home yet. So I’m going to be half an hour late, I hope that’s okay?”

My voice was worried as I spoke again. “Sure, that’s okay. I’ll let my parents know. Are you sure you are okay?” A chuckle sounded from Jack’s side of the phone. “Yes, I am. Really, don’t worry about me. I will see you in a bit, okay?” I agreed with him and after we exchanged a quick ‘I love you’, he hung up.


The walk over to my parents place went by quickly and I rang the doorbell. It was my mother who opened up the door. I greeted her but before I could tell her that Jack was going to be a bit late, it was my mother who started talking nearly straight away.

“I’m going to warn you straight away, your father is in a bad mood. On his way home today he got in a small accident. Just some damage on the car but he keeps going on and on about it.” I felt myself pale and nodded slowly. How big would the chance be that Jack and my dad would’ve been in two separate accidents? I was praying that was going to be the case, hoping for it desperately was maybe a better description.

When I entered the room, my dad was indeed ranting about how ‘kids’ needed to learn how to drive properly and even though they were driving a fancy car, they still needed to know how to use it. After a while he seemed to be done with his rant, calming down slightly as he fully took in that I had arrived at that moment.

“Hi dad,” was all I could say, simply because I was still dreading the fact that there was a possibility that it was my boyfriend who he had collided with. I turned to face my mum as well. “Jack is going to be a little late, he was… He was running late from his previous commitment, unfortunately. He should be here in thirty minutes.” Saying that he had gotten in a small accident as well, didn’t seem like the right way to go.


With every minute that had passed and that brought Jack’s arrival closer, the knots in my stomach tightened. When the doorbell rang, I shot up so I could be the one opening up the door. I knew that my parents would probably follow at a slower pace, so I only had a short amount of time to update him that there was a chance that he had met my dad only a while ago already.

I opened up the door and a smiling Jack was standing in the doorway. Before he could say a word, I started rambling. “So, turns out my dad was in a car accident today as well and there might be a chance that it was…”

“YOU!” It hadn’t been on purpose but my dad had finished the sentence perfectly. “You are the guy who hit me today.”

Oh shoot.

So today is a day without something I wrote simply because I’ve been too busy. I hope to get something online or either the day after tomorrow.

I will need some help tho on who to write it on, please comment on this post who you would like to see next;

  • Kai Havertz
  • Dominic Calvert-Lewin
  • Andy Robertson
  • Jadon Sancho
  • Someone else you would love to see?

I’m just stunned people… How on earth did that thing on Jack Grealish get over 100 notes in just two days. Thank you all so much for reading and liking it, it means more to me than you all think <3

Anyways, I wanted to update you all a little on how I’ll be updating this blog. The weekdays will be used for a one-shot or blurb a day. The Saturday will be used to post a chapter of a story I’m writing, so tomorrow the first chapter of my Mason Mount story will be posted. Once a month I’m gonna post on Saturday night a theme for a blurb day / request day and then on the Sundays I’m gonna start posting those as much as possible!

Blurb day / request day will start in August and I hope you all will like it :D

Guess who found back her old writing from like ten years ago? THIS GIRL. So lemme tell you, I’m gonna start rewriting it - change a LOT knowing me, probably with different players as well. So be prepared for quite some writing people!

So writing these first few days made me remember about why I liked it all so much. Thank you all for being so receptive and please sent in some requests because that makes me even happier.

Everything I’m writing will be added to my AO3 page as well!

Come Back To Bed - Jack Grealish

Who:Jack Grealish x reader
Prompt: “Come back to bed.” from thisprompt
Disclaimer:I am not connected to Jack Grealish personally.

I have never been a great sleeper, quite the opposite of the man who was still laying in bed right now. Which was the exact reason why I was moving around our bedroom very silently to find the clothes we had discarded in a rush last night to get into bed together as quickly as possible. Yes, he had lost the finale of the European Championship but the fact that we had not seen each other for a full month in person had definitely had some effect on us.

After the long day he had had on the day of the final, I decided to let him sleep in while I would get some things done around the house, to start with the laundry. Just as I grabbed the clothing from the floor and was about to walk out of the room, a voice sounded from the bed. A sleepy and groggy voice.

“Come back to bed.” I turned around to see Jack barely awake in bed. His usually perfectly groomed hair was messy and it was clear that he would be able to fall asleep again if he wanted.

“But babe -” Jack cut me off nearly right away.

“No babe, you get back to bed,” he told me, patting on the bed next to him as a sign that he had meant it. A smile formed on my lips before I let the clothes fall back to the floor next to the bedroom door and moved back to the bed. As soon as I got into the bed, Jack’s arms were wrapped around my waist and he pulled me back in, his chest against my back and his face nuzzling in my hair. His body was warm and I rested my arms on top of his around my waist.

“Hmm, I missed you,” Jack softly mumbled, wrapping me in his arms a bit tighter before we fall back to sleep together once more.
