#jadon sancho imagine


Who:Jadon Sancho x reader
Notes:This is a sad one, I had to do that after all the fluff I’ve been writing so far.
Disclaimer:I’m not personally involved with Jadon Sancho nor do I know him personally.

I groaned at the door that was opened by my mother at a time that was way too early for me. “Mom, will you please get out.” I threw a quick glance at the clock next to my bed. “I don’t have to get out for another hour,” I told her, pulling my sheets over my head as if that was going to make her leave.

“I’m sorry, I just wanted to ask you about something I read in the paper. But I’ll leave you. I just can’t believe that Jadon is leaving in a week.” That made me pull back the sheets from my face and I watched as my mother was about to walk out of the room. “Hold up, he’s leaving?” My mum turned around and looked at me, a surprised expression on her face. “Yeah, it said in the papers that he’s off to England, to Manchester United.”

Suddenly my stomach turned at that news. My best friend was going to leave me. We had grown quite close in the four years that he had been in Dortmund and now he was suddenly leaving. Without telling me. Because that transfer would’ve taken a while to get closed, I had definitely seen Jadon several times in that period of time.

I didn’t know how quickly I had to get out of bed. I got dressed in some sweats and a warm jumper before pulling on some trainers and making my way over to the place where we had spent many nights on the couch watching movies, doing silly stuff and even drunkenly sharing a kiss. One that he didn’t seem to remember but I definitely did. I impatiently knocked the door several times, not giving him a chance to open the door after the first time I had knocked.

Jadon opened up, an annoyed expression at the many times I had been knocking on the door but it changed the moment he realised it was me and a guilty expression appeared after seeing my furious one.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” My voice was raised as my hands found his chest and pushed him. I stepped inside, closing the door behind me. “Why didn’t you tell me you are leaving the fucking country?” I asked him as I gave him another push. Jadon did nothing to stop me, he just let me rant, let me get my anger out.

“You can’t leave,” the sentence suddenly came out of my mouth rather softly in comparison to the many pushes I had given him and the loud questions I had asked him. My hands stilled against his chest, suddenly realising the loss I would have to deal with, with my best friend leaving the country and leaving me in the process.

It had been the moment that Jadon had been waiting for, his arms pulling me in against his chest and wrapping me in a bearhug as tears started to form. “This is why I couldn’t tell you, Y/N. The last thing I want to do is to hurt you ever and I knew that me leaving would hurt you a lot,” he whispered softly, his mouth against my hair as we stood there for a while. My hands gripped his shirt tightly, as if that was going to make him stay, even though I knew that it was a lost cause.

“I will miss you.” The words left me in bits and pieces, unable to form a full sentence as I spoke. I couldn’t look up at Jadon yet, I didn’t want to face him just yet, because it meant that I would have to accept what was going to happen anyway.

“I’ll miss you too,” he said softly and after a soft pause, he spoke up again. “I love you Y/N.”

“I love you too.”

People, you all are amazing!!! I posted my first one-shot only 10 days ago and I’m already at 101 followers <3 I hope you all will enjoy what’s more to come and just let me know if you wanna see something or just want to talk!


P.S. the requests in my inbox are coming, no worries! :D

So today is a day without something I wrote simply because I’ve been too busy. I hope to get something online or either the day after tomorrow.

I will need some help tho on who to write it on, please comment on this post who you would like to see next;

  • Kai Havertz
  • Dominic Calvert-Lewin
  • Andy Robertson
  • Jadon Sancho
  • Someone else you would love to see?

So writing these first few days made me remember about why I liked it all so much. Thank you all for being so receptive and please sent in some requests because that makes me even happier.

Everything I’m writing will be added to my AO3 page as well!
