#trent alexander arnold imagine


People, you all are amazing!!! I posted my first one-shot only 10 days ago and I’m already at 101 followers <3 I hope you all will enjoy what’s more to come and just let me know if you wanna see something or just want to talk!


P.S. the requests in my inbox are coming, no worries! :D

Who:Trent Alexander-Arnold x Reader
Disclaimer:I am not personally involved with Trent Alexander-Arnold nor do I know him personally

It wasn’t a strange occurance that Trent would have to do an interview for the Liverpool FC channels. I usually didn’t watch them, but this time around he had sent me the video with the specific instructions to watch it. Fans had sent in questions on Twitter to ask him and one of the questions was fairly out of the blue; Do you prefer a long bath or a long shower?

A smile appeared on Trent’s face as he answered and I knew exactly why that was the case. It also made sense why he had wanted me to watch the video. “I definitely prefer a long bath over a long shower.” It made me think back to what had happened almost a month ago now.

Trent and I had been dating for nearly two years now. We tried to keep it low profile, simply because I wasn’t waiting on all the attention of the media that he seemed to be getting. So people knew that Trent was in a relationship but with who exactly? That was the big question.


About a month ago I was waiting for Trent to be returning home from training. The spare key that had been hidden under the doormat was permanently in my possession already. Trent knew that I was waiting for him at home, the reason why he often skipped the shower after training and went home straight away after. Robbo definitely teased him a lot with that, something that made me laugh all the time. Those two were the best together when it came to banter. Maybe only Millie and Robbo would beat it.

I was halfway through a lost book on a shelf when I heard the door open. “Y/N?” Trent’s voice sounded through the apartment. Before I could answer him, he was standing in the doorway of his room, watching me on the bed.

“Let me quickly get a shower and then we can watch that movie you’ve been talking about for weeks now,” he let me know. I nodded, it would give me enough time to read a few more chapters since I knew that Trent was someone who spent quite some time in the bathroom. He walked over to the walk-in closet of his apartment as my focus went back to the book. He then disappeared in the bathroom, only for his head to reappear around the corner a few seconds after.

“Can’t you join me,” he asked me, seeing the grin on his lips as I looked up from the book. I put down the book on the bed and got up from it, walking to the bathroom as well. “Maybe. But only if we take a bath,” I let him know. He didn’t respond, his only response was to walk back into the bathroom once more and open up the faucet, filling the bathtub with warm water.

“You are way too overdressed to get into that tub,” Trent mentioned and I rolled my eyes at the obvious meaning behind his words. I pulled my shirt over my head, the rest of my clothes following just as his. He held out his hand so I could get into the tub first. I stepped into the warm water, stopping the water to make sure that we wouldn’t have a water ballet all over the bathroom soon. Trent got into the tub behind me and I relaxed into his strong body, as soon as he pulled me closer to him. My eyes closed at the feeling of his arms wrapping around my waist and holding me close in the warm water.

“Hmm, this would be an amazing ending to my day, every time I come back from training.” I laughed softly at his words. I turned around in his arms and shook my head. “You know, I often have stuff to do like work and such,” I pointed out to him and Trent shook his head.

“That’s not what I meant.” He paused for a moment, searching for the words to say next and I raised an eyebrow at him, since I was seeing a different Trent at this moment. He usually always knew what to say to me.

“What I meant, Y/N, is that that spare key I gave you becomes yours permanently. I want to see you when I get home from training or a match. I want to be able to see your face first thing in the morning. I need to know that you are safe when I’m away, simply by knowing that you are at my place - or rather our place. That walk-in closet of mine is big enough for your…” I didn’t even let him finish and pressed a kiss to his lips in the middle of his sentence. I was smiling into the kiss before I broke away a few moments later.

“I would love to live here with you, Trent.”


After I had watched that video, I opened a message to Trent, still with a smile on my face.

When are we taking a bath again? x

I’m just stunned people… How on earth did that thing on Jack Grealish get over 100 notes in just two days. Thank you all so much for reading and liking it, it means more to me than you all think <3

Anyways, I wanted to update you all a little on how I’ll be updating this blog. The weekdays will be used for a one-shot or blurb a day. The Saturday will be used to post a chapter of a story I’m writing, so tomorrow the first chapter of my Mason Mount story will be posted. Once a month I’m gonna post on Saturday night a theme for a blurb day / request day and then on the Sundays I’m gonna start posting those as much as possible!

Blurb day / request day will start in August and I hope you all will like it :D

Guess who found back her old writing from like ten years ago? THIS GIRL. So lemme tell you, I’m gonna start rewriting it - change a LOT knowing me, probably with different players as well. So be prepared for quite some writing people!
