#jack hotchner x reader


Blended - Mama Bear

Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader

Wc: 3.2 k

Description: You and Hotch live in a blended household, someone picks on your daughter for it and Jack stands up for her. What happens when reader goes mama bear on the principal?

A/n: This focuses more on the relationship between Jack and reader and how she stands up for her kids. He’s much older here, about 17. This is something new, so feedback is needed here. If it’s weird, please tell me! Hope you all enjoy though! I know it’s been awhile, but I adore all of you <3

Not my gif


The sight of your husband sitting on your shared bed with his glasses sliding down his nose, is one you never get tired of. You lean against the doorframe of your bedroom, admiring him and how relaxed he looks.

A book sits in his lap, one you know he has read maybe one too many times. As if he feels you staring his eyes shoot up from the page and he gives you a soft smile.

“Hey sweetheart.” You smile at the endearment and make your way over to the bed, plopping beside him as he sets his book on the side table. His glasses slip adorably down his nose as he turns back to you and you giggle.

He simply rolls his eyes at you and sets them with the book, turning back again and bringing you into his arms. You face each other and he presses a long sweet kiss to your lips.

“Mmm, what was that for?” You ask.

“For being the most amazing wife I could ask for Mrs. Hotchner.” You roll your eyes playfully before bringing your lips together again.

“Well thank you Mr. Hotchner.” He smiles, his dimples making a rare appearance.

“Kids all tucked in?” He asks and you nod.

“Jack is finishing up homework for Calc, god bless him. Addie is on the phone with Sam? I think that’s the name. I told her she had fifteen minutes. Isaac is fast asleep, and the Sophie is close behind him.” He presses another kiss to your lips.

“Wait, Sam? Is that a girl’s name or a boy’s name?” He asks and you already know where the conversation is leading.

“Does it really matter?” You ask, kissing down his jawline.

“No.” He pauses. “Not unless it’s a boy’s name.” You laugh and bury your face into his neck.

“You’re ridiculous. She’s a teenager now, boys are gonna happen now sweetheart.” He grimaces as you look back up at him.

“I know. I just miss when she was a little girl. And soon Sophie is going to be like that, and barely want anything to do with us.” He whines and you hold back a laugh. Even though Addie was Aaron’s step-daughter, he loved her all the same. She would always be his little girl, biological or not.

“Oh please.” He glares at you playfully.

“You think this is funny?” He asks. You let a chuckle escape and suddenly he is pinning you to the bed.

“Hey!” You squeak as his fingers dig into your sides. You can’t help but laugh as he tickles you.

“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry!” He laughs as he collapses on you, crushing you into the bed.

“No you’re not.” He chides. A devilish grin falls on his lips as he looks down at you though. “But you will be.”

You smile as the night ahead of you begins and his lips touch yours again.

* * * * * * * * * *

The next morning is filled with starving children and a soon to be late husband, your kitchen erupting in chaos.

“Honey, you’re going to be late if you don’t leave soon!” Aaron comes out of the hallway grumbling about meetings with Strauss and marches over to the pile of pancakes laid upon the stove. You shuffle Sophie around in your arm as you flip another pancake. Jack comes down the hall soon after, dressed and ready to go.

“Jack, honey can you drive Isaac to school when you and Addie leave?” You ask.

“Of course ma.” He comes up beside you, grabs a pancake and places a kiss on your cheek. He takes Sophie from your arms and flys her around like an airplane.

“Careful!” You chide as he takes off to the table to feed her breakfast. Addie is already at the table eating and Isaac is reading a book. He reminds you of Reid as he pushes up his glasses and stares intently at the pages.

“Kids be good for your mom, I love you all.” Aaron shouts as he wraps an arm around your waist and plants a kiss on your lips.

“Ewe!” You hear your children complain as you smile into the kiss.

“Be safe honey, I’ll see you at the office after I drop Sophie off.”

“I will, drive safe.” He leaves with one more kiss on your lips, his travel mug in hand.

Jack places Sophie in her high chair as he stands.

“Alright, Addie, Isaac, let’s go.” He grabs his keys off the counter and gives you another kiss on the cheek as you hand him his lunch. “Thanks ma, love you.” Addie follows behind as she hugs you, Isaac not far behind.

“Be good at school. Love you!”

“Love you mom!” Isaac and Addie shout as they exit the front door. You sigh and stop yourself from tearing up. Aarons right, they are growing up so fast.

You turn towards the twins and notice the syrup all over the table.

“Alright girls, let’s get cleaned up!” Thirty minutes later, Sophie is being dropped at daycare and you are making your way into the BAU’s glass doors. A fresh wave of stale coffee and paperwork fills your nostrils.

“Hey mama, how’re you doing?” Morgan asks as he hands you your favorite coffee.

“Good now that I have this.” You groan as you take a sip. “Thank God for Derek Morgan.” He laughs.

“Don’t let Hotch hear you say that.” You laugh at his remark and make your way to your desk. Morgan has been your best friend for as long as you could remember, and he couldn’t help himself but make fun of your very jealous unit chief slash husband.

You soon get to work on the paperwork from the last case, you work until lunch, when Prentiss comes bounding back into the office with subs for everyone.

“Prentiss you’re a saint.” JJ says as she makes her way down the steps from her office. Everyone drops their paperwork and makes their way to the conference room.

“I’ll grab Hotch.” You volunteer.

“Make it quick, we want to actually be able to eat this time.” Rossi jokes and you blush bright red at the implication of his words, though you should be used to it.

“Oh shut it.” You chide and they all laugh. You make your way down the hall to your husband’s office door.

You knock jokingly and he lets out a soft, “come in”. He smiles at you as you walk into the familiar office.

“Hi baby.” When you are close enough he grabs your wrist and drags you into his lap, pressing soft kisses to your face. “I missed you”

“I saw you four hours ago!” You laugh and he shrugs, kissing you square on the lips.

“Still missed you.” You smile and shake your head.

“I came to get you for lunch, Prentiss brought subs.”

“Thank god, I’m starving.” You both stand and make your way to the conference room.

Lunch was a much needed break from the gruesome paperwork that filled your day. The team joked and laughed and overall enjoyed each other’s company. It was days like this that you truly cherished the people you worked with, and the job that you had.

As if he senses your thoughts, you find your husband staring at you adorning a crooked smile.

“Careful guys, Hotch is smiling!” Morgan jokes and the group shares a laugh. He quickly drops his Amalie and glares at Derek, although you can tell it’s fake.

“Ooo”s fills the table like your back in middle school, but Hotch can’t hold it long and soon cracks another smile.

“I didn’t know Hotch could smile.” Reid whispers to you and you laugh getting yourself a glare from your husband. You can only laugh harder.

The girls start up a conversation soon after asking how the kids are and how the older three are getting along with the baby. It was only about a year ago that you brought her home and it was a major adjustment.

You’re happy little bubble is rudely interrupted by the ringing of Hotch’s phone.

The team groans, but you quickly realize it’s not work related when Hotch excuses himself.

“This is he.” Is all you hear as he steps out. Your left with baited breath as he walks back in a few moments later, something’s wrong. Your mind flies to the kids. You stand abruptly.

“What’s wrong, is it the kids?” You walk over to him and he looks bewildered, and a bit disappointed .

“Jack, Jack got in a fight at school. They need me to come pick him up he’s been suspended.” Shock blooms across your face.

“Jack Hotchner? Did they get the right Jack?” You ask and he nods. He can’t believe it himself. The team watches as you shake your head.

“I need to go pick him up.” Aaron says and turns to reach for the door, but Anderson is already coming through.

“Oh, sir, I was just coming to get you. Strauss needs you in her office, it’s important.” Anderson notices the tension in the room and raises his brows.

“It’s fine, go. I’ll go get him.” Aaron sighs, and the team clears out to continue paperwork.

“Are you sure?” He asks, and you nod. You squeeze his hand, press a kiss to his cheek, and walk back to your desk. You grab your keys and quickly head to your car and are off to the school. When you arrive, you walk swiftly towards the door.

The principal’s office is already open and you march in.

“Jack Benjamin Hotchner!” You demand as you look at him. He looks at you bashfully and you’re taken back to when you first met him and he was scared to shake your hand.

“Hey ma.” He says quietly. He’s obviously guilty. But you’re too mad at him right now to feel bad. You look to Principal Rogers and he looks angry to say the least.

“Ma’am, your son’s actions today were completely unacceptable. We have no fighting tolerance here. He will be suspended for-” Something isn’t adding up here. Jack wouldn’t just hit somebody unless he has a reason.

“May I have a minute with my son please?” You ask, well more like demand.

“I don’t think…” The principal shuts his mouth when you send him a vicious glare. “That’s fine, I’ll wait outside.” He scurries off. The door shuts behind him and you sigh audibly. You step in front of Jack and crouch down.

“Mom, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking!” He begins stuttering out excuses, barely looking you in the eye.

“Jack. What happened?” You ask.

“I- well he- I just punched him.” He says shamefully and you’re skeptical.

“Jack, you’re 17 now. When are you going to learn you can’t lie to me?” You attempt to make a joke to lighten him up, but he simply shrugs his shoulders. “C’mon, what really happened?” He sighs.

“He was making fun of Addie. Father’s Day is coming up and he said she wouldn’t have anyone to celebrate with cause her dad’s dead. I don’t know how but he knew all about her dad, and he just kept throwing insults at her. He was all up in her face ma! I had to do something. I stepped in to help her and he threw the first punch.” You couldn’t believe the audacity of whoever this kid Jack talked about was. But you were also incredibly proud of the boy sitting before you. With tears in your eyes you stood and pulled him up hugging him tight.

“You’re not mad?” He asked. You pulled away and looked him in the eye.

“Oh I am pissed off.” You smile softly. “But I am so proud of you for standing up for your sister like that.” At that the door opens again, and you tell Jack to wait outside. “I’ll handle this.” Jack smiles and hugs you one more time.

“You’re the best, ma.” He whispers and you nod before ushering them out.

“Ma’am, don’t tell me you’re not upset with him?” You turn around glaring at the man before you.

“Principal Rogers, did you even bother asking Jack what happened?” He opens his mouth but you don’t let him get a word in. “No you didn’t. Instead you pointed fingers. I would like you to know that my son stood up to a bully who made fun of his little sister’s dead father!” You yell. He points his finger up but you still don’t let him speak.

“He knew information about her father that people should not openly know or use against a fourteen year old girl! So that is probably some form of stalking! And this kid threw the first punch! He attacked my son!”

“Ma’am, the boy insists Jack attacked him.” He states and you shake your head.

“Are you calling my son a liar? A child who doesn’t have a mark on his record? Now before this goes further I demand you look at the security footage I know you have.” He stands and moves to a computer in the corner of the room, finding the hall video. He turns back to you moments later, a shocked look upon his face.

“Ma’am I apologize.” He says. “Unfortunately Jack will still have a three day suspension for being a part of the fight.” He insists and you glare harder than before.

“One day. It was self defense. And I want this other kid looked into immediately. For stalking, bullying, and for assaulting my son.” He nods, looking as scared as an unsub in an interrogation.

“Of course ma’am.” He nods.

“Good. Thank you.” And with that you turn and march out of the room. You’re surprised to see Jack standing with his ear to the door.

“Ma, you’re a badass!” Jack exclaims and you give hIm a look.

“Language young man. And you’re not off the hook.” He grimaces and nods before you both walk to the main office. Addie is sitting in the chairs and you sign her and Jack out before heading to the cars. You bring Addie into your arms.

“Hi baby.” You say softly.

“Hi mom.” She sniffs and you hold her tighter. No one messes with your babies. You walk out of the school, angrier than you’ve every felt before.

* * * * * * * * * *

Hours later you are waiting on the couch for your husband to come home. You had taken the rest of the day off and had come home to have a serious talk with Addie. She cried and you cried, but it helped her a lot.

You told her when Aaron got home she could talk to him about it too and said if she had any questions about her father she could always ask you anything. You decided to leave Jack for Aaron. You had already made your point and would let Jack explain the situation to him.

Aaron gets home around eight, a sigh leaving his lips as he walks in.

“He sweetheart.” He says as he trudges through the living room.

“Hey babe.” You murmur giving him a kiss. He sags against you on the couch and practically curls around you. “Long day?”

“Without you? Always.” You smile, albeit half heartedly.

“What happened with Jack?” He asks as he runs his fingers through your hair.

“I told him I’d let him explain it to you. Go easy on him though, he had a good reason. You’re also going to need to talk to Addie.” You say softly. He tenses against you, easily putting two and two together. He doesn’t look happy as he stands and presses a kiss to your forhead.

“I’ll meet you in bed soon.” He says and you nod. You hear him go up the stairs and you yourself head to your bedroom.

Aaron heads to Jacks room first and listens to him explain. He obviously isn’t letting Jack get away with being in a fight, but he understands. He’s even proud of him in a way. He stood up for Addie like a big brother should. He leaves Jacks room feeling conflicted. He heads to Addie next.

“Honey?” He asks tapping on her door. She looks up, hee eyes sad.

“Hey dad.” She whispers. He walks in and plops on the side of her bed.

“I never want to replace your dad. I know we’ve had this talk. But he will always be your dad. And just because he’s gone doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate him on Father’s Day.” Aaron says softly and Addie throws her arms around him.

“Thank you. But I have a dad here with me. I have two dads, just like Jack has two moms, and that’s okay with me.” Aaron smiles and kisses Addie’s forehead before tucking her in. She whines about being too old but he just laughs and turns off her light. He makes his rounds to Isaac, and Sophie, and soon is walking into your room.

“So how mama bear on a scale of 1 to 10 did you go on the principal today.” You shrug bashfully.

“I say he deserves it. I also say you know me too well to ask that question.” He nods and shucks his suit jacket and tie off. He collapses on the bed and places his head in your lap.

“Our kids are pretty awesome aren’t they?” He asks and you laugh nodding.

“Yeah they are.” You lean down to press a kiss to his lips, never will you tire of kissing him. He looks pensive for a moment. “What’s goin on in that mind of yours?”

“Let’s have another one.” He says and your eyes blow wide.

“What?” You ask him like he’s crazy.

“Let’s have another.” You laugh, but can’t help but feel warmth spread through you at the idea.

“Really?” You ask and he nods. “Yeah okay, let’s do it.” You exclaim.

“Should we start now?” He asks wiggling his eyebrows as he somehow pins you beneath him. It feels like a deja vu to last night, but you giggle into his kisses.

You can’t help but be excited at the prospect of growing your perfect family.


The end <3

Thanks for reading!!!
