#jack lee


Dirk Bogarde photographed between takes on the set of Once a Jolly Swagman (1948).

“will you love me more than i hate myself?”

feat. lee and hancock <3


Tagged by the headache that is @henbased<3 

Tagging: @atypicalacademic@radioactive-synth@theartofblossoming@glitchvault74@glowstickia@dumpsterhipster@sad-arcana-au​ and really whoever else that wants to do this!

SEASONING:sweet, spicy and pungent so gochujang

WEATHER: that moment before it rains like a bitch and a half

COLOR: blood red, asphalt gray

SKY: that weird in-between moment when it’s twilight– too early to be up, too late to go to bed.

MAGICAL POWER: shapeshifting!!!!Or incredible endurance

HOUSE PLANT: pothos/Devil’s Ivy– aka “why the fuck won’t you die?”

WEAPON: guns, shotguns specifically


SOCIAL MEDIA: TikToks full of him doing stupid shit or ranting. Instagram full of trolling thirst traps.

MAKEUP PRODUCT: smeared lipstick and running mascara after a round of… :J

CANDY:black licorice rope

FEAR: Life. Everything. The thoughts in his head if he stops for a minute and thinks.

ICE CUBE SHAPE:freezable plastic fruits

METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: hitch-hiking or roughing it in a beat up RV

ART STYLE:punk zine movement

MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE:zombie, because we’re on theme.

PIECE OF STATIONERY: faded receipts used to take down phone calls and messages.


CELESTIAL BODY:the shooting star you swore you saw in the night sky

Tagged by @henbased because why not?

Tagging:@dirty-bosmer@dumpsterhipster@asaara-writes@theggning@atypicalacademic and whoever else that wants to do this! (just say I tagged you!)

This isn’t six sentences at all, but… here’s a WIP I’m fond of since I’m feeling very Lee lately~ 

There was a quiet anger hovering over Lee as he sat at the dining table, glaring at the serving of mashed tatoes and roast meat. The only sign it had ever been touched were the small indents left by a fork. But not a bite had been taken.

Carol wiped her hands down the sides of her skirt, giving Lee a watery smile, “Not hungry, sweetie?”

Greta could see the anger rippling behind Lee’s eyes, the way his gaze shifted every which way but meeting Carol’s own imploring stares. He sighed, and shook his head. “I’m not, sorry. Thought I was.”

Carol, bless her, did what she could to battle the dark, angry cloud that seemed to hover over Lee. “Oh well, don’t worry, we can keep this for later. You could have it for breakfast! Or… whenever you like.”

Always dancing around the problem, her Carol, too sweet and too soft to ever confront anyone or anything head on. But that’s what Greta was for.

“You alright, Lee?” She looked at the youngster slumping in his seat, her eyes carefully regarding him.

He didn’t respond.

“You’ve been out of it for a while, kiddo,” Greta folded her arms across her chest, “You wanna talk about it?”

His continued silence was all the answer they needed.

got tagged by the insufferable @henbased to make my kiddos using this picrew!

tagging:@atypicalacademic@dumpsterhipster@eegplamt@sheirukitriesfandom@dirty-bosmer@radioactive-synth@theartofblossoming@mars-colony and really whoever else that wants to do this ♥

JACK LEE: Professional troublemaker, smoocher of Hancock, END 10. Likes chems, drinks and preferably not getting hurt over and over again. Thinks Super Mutants are kinda cool. Child at Heart because you can take the kid out of Little Lamplight but you can’t take Little Lamplight out of the kid.

VERLEN LAVELLAN: Sass machine extraordinaire. Buff Dalish elf who could benchpress two halla. Expert in various arms, including the way to your heart. Charming and a good sense for people– which is shorthand for him insulting Solas at every opportunity he gets. Smooches the Iron Bull.

CAMILLE ALLARD: Professional smoocher of everyone ever, sweetheart sunshine boy. Probably in love with the dark arts a little too much, given his sunny disposition. Absolutely will make sure you’re here to have a good time ♥
