#dumb of ass


i am GENIUS. i stole my ex gf’s sweatshirt and now i have FEELINGS. what is WRONG with me i take it back i am DUMB ASS LESBIAN!!!



Album what now

Everyone point and laugh


Tagged by the headache that is @henbased<3 

Tagging: @atypicalacademic@radioactive-synth@theartofblossoming@glitchvault74@glowstickia@dumpsterhipster@sad-arcana-au​ and really whoever else that wants to do this!

SEASONING:sweet, spicy and pungent so gochujang

WEATHER: that moment before it rains like a bitch and a half

COLOR: blood red, asphalt gray

SKY: that weird in-between moment when it’s twilight– too early to be up, too late to go to bed.

MAGICAL POWER: shapeshifting!!!!Or incredible endurance

HOUSE PLANT: pothos/Devil’s Ivy– aka “why the fuck won’t you die?”

WEAPON: guns, shotguns specifically


SOCIAL MEDIA: TikToks full of him doing stupid shit or ranting. Instagram full of trolling thirst traps.

MAKEUP PRODUCT: smeared lipstick and running mascara after a round of… :J

CANDY:black licorice rope

FEAR: Life. Everything. The thoughts in his head if he stops for a minute and thinks.

ICE CUBE SHAPE:freezable plastic fruits

METHOD OF LONG-DISTANCE TRAVEL: hitch-hiking or roughing it in a beat up RV

ART STYLE:punk zine movement

MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE:zombie, because we’re on theme.

PIECE OF STATIONERY: faded receipts used to take down phone calls and messages.


CELESTIAL BODY:the shooting star you swore you saw in the night sky
