#jaeger pilots



okay but hear me out

  • male jaeger pilots getting extra moody when their female co-pilots are on their periods
  • male jaeger pilots getting to experience cramps via the drift and their faces go ashy and white and they have to clench their jaws to keep it together
  • male jaeger pilots providing small comforts to their female co-pilots because they know what they need without having to ask
  • male jaeger pilots calling out other pilots for their misogynistic shit because NAH BRO YOU DON’T FUCKIN KNOW
  • male jaeger pilots being able to tell when their female partner is pregnant before they can and either having to break it to them up front or find ways to give them hints
  • Fierce lady pilots with giant teddybear dudepilots
  • ヽ(๏∀๏ )ノ