#james x erin fluff


Jerin future/family headcanon:

. In 2008, Erin and James are expecting their first child. It’s early January, Erin is ten days past her due date and absolutely sick and tired of being pregnant. Plus, Derry has been hit with a record-breaking snowfall over Christmas that’s iced over every possible surface, meaning she can’t so much as walk down her own driveway to collect the post without James hovering nervously beside her and insisting she be careful.

.Despite the discomfort of being ten days overdue, Erin is surprisingly calm about becoming a parent. James, on the other hand, is a nervous wreck, mostly due to the complete absence of a real parental figure for most of his life. For the past nine months he’s been obsessively reading baby books, panic-buying dummies (pacifiers for the American readers), onesies and an unfeasible amount of nappies, currently stuffed into a cupboard in the upstairs hallway.

. On January 8th, Erin starts getting aches and odd feelings from around 6pm onwards, but doesn’t think anything of it and goes to bed. At 1am on January 9th she wakes up and realises she’s having proper contractions, but she doesn’t even bother waking James due to her ma’s advice that labour takes forever and she’ll have a few hours before it’s time to go to the hospital. She does send Mary a quick text to let her know things are starting.

.At 2:33am in the Quinn house, Gerry is woken up by noises in the kitchen. He wanders downstairs to find Mary in her dressing gown and slippers, making piles of cheese sandwiches and filling a travel flask with tea.

Gerry: *very confused and sleepy* What’shappening…?

Mary: *frenziedly buttering bread* Erin texted me, we’ve got to start getting ready.

Gerry: And that somehow involves sandwiches?

Mary: For the car ride, keep up, Gerry! The awkward bastards aren’t gonna let her eat at hospital!

.At 3am at Erin and James’s house, James is woken up by his wife, who turns on the bedside lamp and calmly informs him that her contractions are starting to get closer together and they should probably get ready to go to the hospital. He then proceeds to jump out of bed shouting, “Oh my God, IT’S TIME” and frantically looks for the hospital bag and attempts to get dressed at the same time until Erin has to grab him by the shoulders and remind him to breathe.

. 3:10am - Erin is dressed and struggling to put her shoe on until she eventually just gives up and decides to go with slippers (they’ll be much comfier, anyway). James has had to go outside into the freezing winter morning to pour boiling water from the kettle over the car windshield, which has iced over in the night.

. 3:15am - Erin sends a text into the “Derry Girls” group chat letting the rest of the gang know that they’re headed to the hospital, but it’ll probably be a while and she’ll message later when they know more. James, meanwhile, has been fighting with the heavy, overly complicated carseat which requires a lot of adjusting and fiddling to get it installed. There was one moment where he accidentally caught his finger in one of the attachment parts and it bled, and he genuinely considered just throwing the stupid thing off the nearest cliff.

. 3:20 - The bastard carseat is finally installed, James’s finger has a plaster on it, the car is packed and they’re ready to set off for the hospital.

James: *In the car, driving at approximately 5 miles an hour because road safety is life* Okay, I’ve got the carseat, hospital bag, map… Is that everything? I swear I’m forgetting someth-

*Slowly looks across to the empty passenger seat *

James: Oh, shit!

(Shot of James’s car reversing speedily back down the street, coming to a stop in front of their house with Erin standing by the gate, her arms folded and looking unimpressed.)

Erin: *Gets in the car*

James: *Opens his mouth to apologise*

Erin: Just drive.

. They arrive at the Quinn house at 3:25am, greeted by Mary and Gerry shuffling out the front door bundled up in winter coats and knitwear, Mary toting a large bag filled to the brim with sandwiches and other supplies. They get in the car and head for the hospital, James driving painstakingly slow because of the weather and Mary attempting to force-feed Erin cheese sandwiches en-route while talking excitedly about how she’s going to be a granny. Gerry falls fast asleep in the back seat and is rudely awoken ten minutes later by Mary shaking his shoulder and the sound of his daughter groaning in pain mid-contraction. Mary warns him if he dares fall asleep again instead of being useful and comforting his child, he’ll never hear the end of it. He spends the rest of journey holding Erin’s hand and trying to keep his eyes open.

That’sall for now, I will post Part 2 of possibly my longest headcanon yet soon:) Enjoy!
