#japan nba

 We are very proud of Rui Hachimura, Japanese and Beninese, who was just drafted #9 in the 2019 NBA

We are very proud of Rui Hachimura, Japanese and Beninese, who was just drafted #9 in the 2019 NBA Draft by the Washington Wizards in Washington, DC!! Rui is the first Japanese born player to be drafted in the first round of the NBA draft. Three other Japanese born players have either played with or been drafted by NBA teams, but none of them have had any significant playing time or results in the NBA. Rui will undoubtedly be the first Japanese born basketball star in the NBA and he already has a huge following in Japan! We wish Rui continued success with the Wizards and many blessings! Here is a link to an awesome video of Rui and his parents when he was selected #9 by the Washington Wizards!


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