

johnathan be like: these bitches gay, good for them. goood for them.

Shitpost page + close up of wills shirt and the reference of said shirt

ID: [ a page of digitally drawn messy sketches of characters from stranger things four. They are very low effort. The first is of Will, wearing a tshirt that on the front says ‘act faggy’ and the back says ‘enrich your life engage shamelessly with homosexuality’. Below him is a picture of Jonathan and argyle, both high, with rainbow smoke behind them and labeled ‘California girls we’re unforgettable’. Then there’s a drawing of Mike as a 2000s emo, and a drawing of Lucas labeled ‘Lucas I love you’, and a drawing of Steve and Robin with hearts around their heads, both thinking ‘boobies’. The second image is a closeup of the Will drawing, and the third is a reference of the text.] /End ID

i cant get over argyles “who would i tell, jonathan? youre my only friend” tbh. like - listen. cuz. that means. before jonathan, argyle was also a loner like jonathan? neither had friends before each other and i just think thats so - ugh - like a lot of terrible shit came from lenora but this - THIS - it really just warms me


Argyle making Jonathan a bracelet during one of his classes because he wants them to be matching and Jonathan hasn’t taken it off since he gave it to him
