#jasmine tea


DAY 4 - Piggy backing off of day 3, MAKE SOMETHING JUST FOR YOU AND YOUR CRAFT. Like all of these days, it can be something big or small. You can make a set of runes or maybe make yourself a picture for your alter. Just make it for YOU!

I had a busy day today so I made a myself a lovely cup of my favorite Jasmine tea and enjoyed it at my desk. It was a little bit of beauty in mist of my hectic day.

Recieved some tea from iran as a gift with the request to briefly share what I thought about it &hel

Recieved some tea from iran as a gift with the request to briefly share what I thought about it … Well, it’s a jasmine green tea reminiscent of a mild javanese green tea with an end tart note. Honestly not my favorite but a unique taste all the same. Kinda shocked that I found a big ass twig inside though =S

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