#jason crouse


Through his eyes

A/N:Time for a confession:I’ve been cheating a bit on Henry with Mr. Jason Crouse during the past weeks  But I had a good reason:

Happy birthday, my dearest @hswrites!! Sending you lots of good wishes and happy vibes! 

I wanted to write Negan for you, but that didn’t work somehow. So, I’ll leave it up to you to deal with his cocky ass! But Jason here had something to say, and that worked better. At least, I hope so. 

Pairing:Jason Crouse x Female Reader

Summary:relationship headcanon

Word count: ca. 1.7k

Warnings:18+, NSFW, fluffy fluff, smut (mentions of: p in v sex, f receiving oral, a toy)

Dividers: by@firefly-graphics

Jason Crouse is an observant man. So far, that’s not much of a surprise and just what you’d expect from a private investigator. However, it’s more than a compulsory task of his job. It’s a character trait. And if someone made you choose at gunpoint, it would be the character trait you love most about him - if only because you probably hadn’t met him otherwise. 

On that day, you took a walk to your favorite coffee shop during your lunch break to grab a snack and a much-needed dose of caffeine, soaking up some sunshine on the way. Of course, you noticed the man waiting in line behind you and a few other people. It was nearly impossible not to notice him, after all: Warm brown eyes, salt and pepper hair, his beard more salt than pepper, his tall and slender figure clad in dark jeans and a leather jacket - his style somewhat perfectly in the middle of a scale from smart casual to biker bad boy.  Perhaps his aura was even more striking than his looks: charismatic and incredibly confident, but without coming across as intimidating or arrogant. 

He was talking on the phone about something important as it seemed because he kept his voice low as he casually leaned against the counter. You watched him out of the corner of your eye, and of course, you got caught. His eyes bore into yours when your gaze met his. You quickly looked away, a bit embarrassed, assuming he must have suspected you had been listening to his phone call. Nonetheless, you couldn’t keep your gaze from wandering back to him as you waited for your drink. And this time, you caught him staring at you. But instead of averting his gaze, his mouth curved into a smirk. He was still talking on the phone when you received your beverage, sending a smile your way as you walked out of the coffee shop with an air of regret.

After two blocks on your way back to your workplace, you heard a loud voice shouting behind you. 

“Hey! Hey, Miss!”

You slowed down and turned around just when he came to a halt next to you. The man from the coffee shop, out of breath from running, but with a broad smile on his face. Before you could say something, he held up your bracelet - a delicate gold bracelet with a tiny heart on it that your parents gave you for your birthday many years ago. 

“That yours?” he asked in a hoarse voice. 

You involuntarily looked down at your bare wrist where the bracelet should have been. 

“Oh my god, yes. Why… I mean, how…?” 

“I found it on the counter. You must have lost it there.“ 

“Yes, but how did you know it was mine?” 

“I noticed your earrings and thought it would match those nicely,” he said, pointing at the indeed matching golden buds in your ears. 

It doesn’t happen to you often, but he had you speechless. Partially because you wondered how a random stranger could notice such tiny details while your ex hadn’t even noticed when you cut off half your hair for a new hairstyle. But mainly, you were speechless because the cheeky grin spreading across his face as you struggled for words was the most beautiful and distracting thing you had seen in a long time. The grin made his eyes sparkle, the color of which wasn’t a simple brown, as you noticed in the sunlight, but more a golden brown, like the color of whiskey in a crystal glass. And those dimples… Let’s just say he could have had you willing to sell him your immortal soul within the first five minutes of your conversation. It was the same for him though, as he confessed to you many months later. 

You didn’t make it back to your workplace on time on that day. However, even the major bollocking you received from your boss had been so worth it.     

On your second date, Jason took you to the rooftop of the apartment building he lived in. He had brought cozy cushions and blankets to sit on and a bottle of your favorite drink. You had mentioned it to him but had already forgotten about it. And there you sat, wrapped in a warm blanket and his even warmer embrace, as you looked at the nighty sky together. You talked about constellations and planets, philosophizing about things millions of lightyears away. When you managed to avert your gaze from the lovely view, you found him watching you, entranced. The kiss that followed made the whole universe shrink to insignificance as he brushed his soft lips against yours and his warm hand cradled your cheek, slowly sliding down your neck. The rest is history, so to speak, and until now, you haven’t become tired of watching the stars with him. And you probably never will. 

Jason hasn’t become any less observant since those days. He can’t get enough of looking at you, and he still notices little details in your appearance. He frequently swears that your eyes glow and your skin shines like finest silk when he undresses you in the soft lighting of your bedroom. And he would never overlook a new pair of shoes. 

And he’s not shy to point out what he likes. In general, shy is not exactly a word that comes to your mind if you think about Jason Crouse. If something has him intrigued - all above you - he’ll most definitely let you know. 

Often enough, his compliments make your face heat up. We’re not even getting started on him talking dirty between the sheets. Or whatever place you fuck at. He simply enjoys watching blood rush to your cheeks as you become flustered, pondering about a reply to put him in his place. As much as he enjoys being in charge, he loves that you’re able to pay him back in his own coin anytime. 

One more thing to appreciate about him is that he always knows how far he can go. He loves to tease you, to get his way by pouring his charm on you, but one should not be deceived. You quickly learned that a sensitive man hides behind his sarcasm and his big mouth. Jason is not only observant. He is attentive, and he knows you so well. He knows your habits, your likes and dislikes: your favorite flowers, the shampoo you use, and that, unlike him, you’re not a morning person and need to be handled with care before you’ve had your first cup of coffee. More importantly, he knows and perceives those small signs that tell him how you feel: the way you clench your jaw when you’re mad or the food you cook when you’re homesick for your old hometown, or how you fidget and babble when you’re nervous. And you can bet your ass he’ll find a way to make you feel better.   

His attentiveness applies to the sack as well. He made it his personal challenge to learn everything about you, all those little things that drive you crazy. You sometimes suspect he knows your body better than you do. And nothing gets him more off than watching your reactions to the things he does.

So far, it’s not much of a surprise he prefers positions with a nice view. He forces your legs apart when he eats you out, spreading you wide open, your pussy on display just for him. He takes his sweet time before he dives in, ogling your swollen flesh, wet and glistening with your honey, clenching in anticipation, so eager for his touch. And he loves to lock eyes with you, watching your gaze becoming hazy and dark with lust as he expertly plays your body like an instrument. 

And of course, Jason is a cowgirl guy, no matter if classic or reverse. He could watch you for hours when you tantalizingly roll your hips, your tight little pussy stretched around his big cock, taking him deeply like the good girl you are for him. And how your tits and ass bounce, and your breathing becomes heavy, tiny beads of sweat forming on your neck and chest… Could watch you for hours is only a theoretical statement because he doesn’t stand a chance when you fuck him like that. 

One of the first items he carried to the bedroom when you moved into your first apartment together was a big mirror. 

“I don’t think we have enough space for that here. Let’s put it in the entryway instead,” you suggested, a bit confused. 

“Nope. This mirror serves vital purposes,” he replied with his signature cheeky grin. “And you’ll find out tonight,” he drawled softly, suggestively running his tongue across his lips, sending your heart racing. 

You were tired to death from carrying boxes and assembling furniture that night. Nevertheless, you found yourself in front of the said mirror, on your hands and knees, face to face with your panting naked self, torn back and forth between embarrassment and beguiling fascination as he railed you from behind. 

“Just look at you, baby. Look how beautiful you are,” he purred, lost in your sight and the heat of your body. “Lift your head… yeah, just like that. I wanna see your pretty face when you cum,” he demanded as he felt your walls tighten around his cock right before your orgasm washed over you, intensely like you hardly ever experienced it before. His burning gaze remained glued to yours as he followed you moments later. 

And now imagine his reaction when he’ll find out you just recently bought a dildo with a suction cup to stick to that mirror. But that’s a different story to be told…

Jason’s vigilant eyes made you feel insecure at first, well aware that none of your flaws would escape him. And he sees them. You’re not perfect, and neither is he. To be exact, you’re well aware he’s not an angel. His sense of justice, or rather his means to achieve justice, have already gotten him into plenty of trouble on his job. But he always treats you like his most precious treasure, letting you feel he truly cares about you, and he’ll always have your back, whatever life might have in store for you. 

He doesn’t see past your flaws. He embraces them. He sees them as a part of you, the woman he loves. And he made you able to embrace those flaws as well, as you see yourself more clearly. Through his eyes.


Jason Crouse, is the man your parents approve of….

Denny Duquette is your best friend….

JD Ritcher is the man who sneaks in your window….

Ike Evans is your sugar daddy….

Sharkey is your bad boy that your father hates….

John Winchester is the hot family friend…

Negan is your cool neighbor….

Max is your landlord….

And Gerry is your boss….

Who’s your ultimate lover????
