#jeffreys thirst squad



Mister Rich

Author’s Note: I’ve been meaning to write this kind of series and have some inspo from @hswrites

Summary:You lend a helping hand to a handsome stranger but don’t realize the impression you left

Warnings:fluff, swearing, age difference, eventual smut, romance

This weekend was an important business party you had to attend for with your publishing company. The walk you made was a bit longer since you had to buy flowers for the big hot shot of the author. You have to ride the subway, thankfully no lines. You went to scan your pass but notice a man just standing at the gates. He was wearing a very nice suit and had a height to his body. He looked confused and since you had time you approached him.

“Hey, do you need help?”

“Is it that obvious?”

“You’re fine. Here let me help. Have you ever ridden the subway?”

“I actually haven’t. Usually I drive my car or a car would come pick me up.” He’s rich! You thought to yourself as his eyes stared at a map.

“Well if that’s the case then I can help you. Here, I’ll get you a ticket. Where exactly are you going?”

“The big fancy hotel downtown.”

“No way! Me too, if you’d like we could ride together.”

He agreed with you as you finished buying his ticket and led him into the station. Like always it was flooded with people. You made sure he was behind you when the doors opened and heard the announcement for your route.

“That’s us, try to hurry so we don’t miss it.” He kept quiet and took long strides to enter the opened doors of the sub train. He moved a bit fast but you made it in time before the intercom announced to clear the doors. As you go to sit on one the chairs, the man joins by taking the free space next to you. He was silent for the ride and your mind was racing about this conference tonight. There were many thought going through your head, what to say to the author, how to act around the other departments, and hoping the dress you picked arrived to the hotel on time.

“The flowers. Did your boyfriend get you those?”

“No. These are for someone else and I don’t have a boyfriend.”

“Do you like flowers?”

“Doesn’t everybody? Sure these ones are beautiful, I wanted them to be special. But if I had to choose a favorite, it would be yellow roses.”

“I see.” He then looks ahead and keeps to himself for a few minutes. It gives you time to get on your phone to text your colleagues.

“If you don’t mind me asking, if you have a car. Then why are you taking the subway?”

“I get tired of doing all that. I wanted to do something independently.”

“I can understand that.”

You smile at him and he does the same. For the rest of the ride it was a comfortable silence and you looked at your peripheral to notice how handsome he was. He must’ve noticed since he wore a smirk that made deep dimples appear against his salt and pepper beard. What a beautiful man. It was then your destination was reached and made your exit with him. Upon walking upstairs to the street you notice he was still right behind. The sun shined bright along the sidewalk and you look at your map for directions.

“Here, it says we need to walk a couple blocks straight ahead.”

“Lead the way.”

You walk through the crowded sidewalk of the city as the stranger keeps beside you. It was nice to have a man next to you, mostly to avoid the really annoying catcalling you’d experience. That was definitely the most annoying part of city life. You then look to the side to see the hotel. The man wasn’t kidding about it being big and fancy. You both walk through the main entrance and you go to check in.

“Alright ma’am. We have you all set and there was a dry cleaning dropped off for you.”

“Thank you so much.” You then turn to see the stranger waiting for himself to check in and immediately get out of his way.

“Well it was certainly nice to meet you. I had fun traveling with you.”

“I’m flattered. Thank you for the help, guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

“Guess you will.” You waved as you took the dress from the employee and go to the elevator. A fun night was ahead of you and the first impression to your coworkers and the rest of the publisher’s was important. You enter your room and set everything in place.

“Time to get ready.” You say in a voice fueling confidence.


Jason Crouse, is the man your parents approve of….

Denny Duquette is your best friend….

JD Ritcher is the man who sneaks in your window….

Ike Evans is your sugar daddy….

Sharkey is your bad boy that your father hates….

John Winchester is the hot family friend…

Negan is your cool neighbor….

Max is your landlord….

And Gerry is your boss….

Who’s your ultimate lover????
