

Warnings: Nop.

Word Count: 300 words.

A/N: This is probably the last story of the Day 2 of my 300 Followers Celebration and my 5 Years Celebration but I still have some more drabbles so I’ll be posting them in the next couple days. Thank you all for being part of this celebration with me and for reading all this short stories I’ve working in, without you any this would have been possible

Gif obtained from Google. All credits to its owner.

Thanks for reading <3


It was finally summer and you couldn’t be happier, it was by far your favorite season of the year, always giving you many great memories and an amazing vibe overall.

So that morning when you woke up you did your hair, put on your favorite white dress and some white converse to go with it, grabbed some sunglasses and headed out the door to meet your boyfriend for lunch.

“Hi, Trudy” you said once you were at the front desk.

“(Y/N)! Hi! What brings you here? How can I help you?” she said, she had always been nice with you and it made you feel very special, Jay always telling everyone you were her favorite to make you blush.

“I was wondering, is Jay here?”

“Yeah, he’s upstairs” and turning to her left she yelled at Kim “You, Burgess, go tell Halstead that someone’s looking for him”

“But you just told me that…” she started.

“What are you waiting for?” she said while you mouthed a small “sorry” to Kim.

10 minutes later you had Jay’s hand in yours and you were walking down the street.

“Did I already told you that you look beautiful”

“Hmmm… I think only once or twice now”

“Well, you look beautiful” he said leaving a kiss in your temple.

“Stop it, Jay, you make me blush!” you said a little embarrassed.

“I know” he laughed “Wait a second” he said suddenly running away leaving you confused but it didn’t take him long before he was back with an ice cream cone in each hand.

You knew he had to come back soon but in the hour you had together you made the most of your little improvised date, eating ice cream, sitting under a tree and talking like nothing else mattered, all perfect.


