#jealous x reader


Love Bites (MAIN Steven Grant x Jealous! Reader) SMUT!

Hi this is based from an ask from

Summary: You go to give Steven his lunch on his first day as a tour guide, which leads to some interesting following events.

Warnings: Smut, unprotected p i v (wrap it before you tap it), oral (m recieving), jealousy, insecure thoughts, biting (f giving), smutty steven (that’s a warning ok?). MINORS DNI

Feel free to ask for more requests, I may not be able to get to them all immediately but I will eventually!

You considered yourself to be a pacifist. Believing that violence should be avoided until absolutely necessary, like life or death. 

However you were seriously considering cutting that woman’s manicured hands off of her body if she didn’t get them off of your boyfriend. 

It wasn’t like you didn’t trust Steven (or Marc and Jake for that matter), you trusted them completely. It was just a darker, more feral, more insecure part of you that looked at that person’s hands and wanted to tear them from his arm. You watched as she tried every trick in the book, fingers dancing along his arm, gasp you must work out a lot Steven, the fluttering of the eyes with a look that just says ‘notice me’,  god you could practically hear her. However, you were content to stay next to the gift shop in the museum, silently seething at the woman but supporting Steven on his first day as a tour guide for now. Your poor Steven probably didn’t even realize what was going on, he was too engrossed talking about the mummification process to notice the woman’s (not really) subtle advances. You were about to take a walk to clear your head before you noticed how her eyes darted to his ass and bit her lip. 

You checked the clock and you thanked all the gods that it was around Steven’s lunch break time. However he hadn’t noticed since he was so involved in answering and giving thorough explanations to the seemingly never ending questions that the woman asked. 

Your low heels lightly clacked against the marble floor as you made your way to your curly haired vigilante. You were thankful you brought him his lunch that he probably didn’t even know he forgot. 

You got to him just before the woman could ask another question that she just didn’t care about. You lightly tapped Steven on the shoulder, hoping your face was light hiding your seething feelings. He paused as he turned to you, you could see his dark eyes light up and the smile that you were convinced could blind the sun god himself stretched over his face. 

“Darling,” Steven said, the woman beside him glared at you, you tried to pay her no mind. You held up the brown paper bag with the words “Steven with a V” written in his handwriting. 

“Couldn’t let you miss lunch again love,” You said in a light tone, you hand him the paper bag with a kiss on his cheek. You lingered there for a second, recuperating the glare the blonde woman behind him was giving you. You wanted to kiss him breathless in front of her, grab his ass as you glared at her with a silent message in your eyes. 


But you knew that Steven would probably blush profusely and get reprimanded on his first day, so you did what you could do. You were sweet, you were a silent storm, brewing. 

“Well now that you’re here, why don’t we both go to lunch?” Steven asked, his fingers playing with the paper bag slightly. His hands always needed something to do, whether that’s playing with the strings on his jacket, solving a puzzle or…more pleasurable. 

“Sounds like a plan,” You look behind Steven, right at the woman who Steven by now has completely forgotten about and smile a sweet and subtle ‘fuck you’ smile. Steven was about to walk away when the woman stopped him, and he clearly was startled, after forgetting her. 

“Wait,” she said, god you hated her voice, it was too high pitched and nasally, “I still have a few questions regarding a thing we saw at the beginning of the tour.” 

“It’s ok,” Steven said pointing to the person taking his place during lunch, “Bob will be able to answer those questions,” He holds out his hand to shake hers, “I’m off, lovely meeting you Sarah.” 

You heard her slightly huff before you headed off towards the front doors to find somewhere to eat together. You were a few feet away from the museum when you heard Steven let out a chuckle. 

“What’s funny?” You asked curiously. 

“You,” Steven said, “I never thought I would live to see the day that I’d have someone getting jealous over somebody flirting with me.” His words shocked you. 

“Me! Jealous,” You asked incredulously and a little defensively, “what would I be jealous about. She was just clearly veryinterested in what you had to say that she simply couldn’t contain herself.” Steven responded by chuckling more. His deep voice rumbling in his chest, eye crinkling in amusement as he admires the embarrassed flush invades your face and gives you away. Usually you’re the one to catch him being jealous, not the other way around so this was a treat. And if he was being honest, it made him feel special, knowing that he could have that effect on you as well. However, while he adored the pout that was currently on your face that you were trying to hide, he loved your smiles and laughter far more. 

He grabbed your hand from your face, uncovering your blushing face. 

“Although I’m flattered,” He starts as he kisses your cheek, “jealousy doesn’t suit you, I like seeing you smile more.” He stops you and brings you to the side of the sidewalk, where a wall full of graffiti laid bare, he kisses your nose before finally bringing you for a sweet and tender kiss on your lips. His kiss was always soft, full of love and tenderness. It was like kissing a dream, beautiful and leaves you in a sort of cloudy gaze, barely remembering it until his lips were on yours again. You would have probably kissed more if it wasn’t for the resounding rumble of your stomach interrupting you, reminding you that while you brought lunch for Steven you had barely eaten today. You and Steven looked at each other before laughing, his hands in yours, you both searched for a place to eat together. 

You laid in bed with Steven, you washed the sheets earlier that day and you had just gotten out of the shower so a fresh scent surrounded you. The only thing it was missing was him. 

Without him there thoughts of the day passed by, the woman from the museum still on your mind. You were so happy with Steven and Marc, and Jake. But you’ve been happy before, you’ve trusted before only to have it thrown back at your face. You start worrying that maybe you were misreading the situation, maybe you were harsh, maybe this is one of the good things that doesn’t last and this is the beginning of the end. 

You were so caught up with your inner demons that you didn’t register your personal angel sliding into the freshly washed and dried sheets until you felt a hand cradle your face. 

“What’s going on in that mind of yours darling?” Steven asked, dark eyes unwavering. 

“Steven I-” 

“Darling what is it you always say to us?”

“Communication is key.” 

“Correct,” Steven said as his hand went from cradling your face to holding your hand, “so communicate darling, I’m all ears.” 

“I get scared sometimes,” You admit unable to say no to him, “today I have you. But tomorrow is never a given, I’m so scared that someday when I’ve let go completely that you’ll want nothing to do with me. That you’ll regret me and leave. I know this is rubbish, but I still worry. I also worry I may have been a little too harsh on Sarah from the gift shop today.” true to his word Steven lets you let it out. His eyes and ears never deviated once.

“It’s ok to get scared,” Steven starts, “I could say the same things too, I am the luckiest bastard today because I have you, but I can be the sorriest knob on the earth tomorrow if you decide I’m too broken to be loved. But while I have you, I plan on holding you, loving you, I plan on keeping that heart you gave me safe and warm, like how you are keeping mine.” Your eyes look away before he directs your attention back at him, “hey look at me,” his thumb ghosts over your cheeks, “I’m yours, nothing can change that.” 

You bring your face to his, your lips molding together like puzzle pieces, you just fit. Your hands cradle his face, before going to his scalp as you lift one leg and straddle him on the bed. Your hands gently massage the space between his ear and hair. You hear him moan as his large hands grip your hips firmly, tanned digits digging into soft flesh, as the kisses now become opened mouthed and breathing becomes ragged. 

Stevens hands move from their place on your waist and dance up your side before grabbing the hem of your nightshirt. He parts from you for just a second to which you respond with a slight wine, you open your eyes to see his midnight eyes asking silently, pleading really, to lift your shirt. You bite your lip as you nod, lifting your arms he practically tore the shirt from you. The bite of night air made goosebumps rise all over your skin, the mixture of the aroused look in your eyes and how your topless figure bathed in the moonlight left Steven absolutely breathless with love and lust. You could see his dark eyes darken as he drank you in, no matter how many times Steven has seen you he always got the same look as though he was looking at you for the first time. And that made you feel cherished. 

Steven’s mouth lowered itself on your left breast, nipple in mouth, sucking, biting, tugging. Dragging choked, and needy whimpers and moans from you as you clutch onto his dark, damp curls. Back arching into his mouth, while his left hand played with your right breast and his right hand kneading the flesh of your ass. All of this went straight to your core, feral need flooded you as your mouth lowered itself to his ear. You nibbled at the top of his ear, licked and tugged at the lower part. Which seemed to send Steven into a needy frenzy of his own, he could feel your hot breath in his ear, deep and seductive. 

“Let me touch you,” you whispered moaning in his ear as you tugged at the bottom of his shirt, “I need to touch you love please.” 

For you he would do anything. 

He stopped and excitedly got rid of the last shred of clothing separating your top halves together. Just as he was about to continue worshiping your breasts the way they deserved, you gently pushed him back, letting your hands roam around his toned body. Memorizing every detail. 

Every scar, every mole, every freckle and goosebump. 

You want to memorize it all. 

Your lips latch onto his neck, sucking and kissing your way down to his clavicle. His breathing gets more erratic as he is so hard he throbs, his hands dancing patterns onto your skin. Your kisses continue downward, you take a small detour to take his dark nipple in your mouth sucking before lightly biting. His back arched at the sensation, urging for more, begging. However you have other plans as your hands gently caress the outline of his cock through his sleep pants. Noting the slight wet spot right where you knew the head was, a mischievous smirk settled on your lips. Your kisses travel lower, and lower until you are at eye level with the decent sized bulge. Your eyes look up at the half lidded and sex addled eyes of your lover before kissing the tip through the pants. The groan was guttural and damn did that do wonders for your confidence. You’ve brought him here, to the point between saving and utter ruin. Your eyes ask a silent question and he nodds fervently, your hands reach the waistband of his pants and he lifts his hips. You pull them down until his cock sprang forward, slapping against his stomach. It made your mouth water as you pulled back the foreskin and gave the tip of it a kiss before enveloping him within your mouth. 

Steven swears as his fingers clutch the hair on your scalp in a tight grip as you bob your head up and down in a consistent and steady rhythm. Your tongue tracing the outline of the vein on the underside of his shaft. You look up and as you see Steven fall apart beneath you, his chest rising and falling erratically as you pick up your pace. You decide to get dangerous as you just barely let your teeth graze him. Suddenly you are pulled off of him, the salty taste of his precum lingering on your tongue as he mashes his pillow soft, kiss swollen lips against yours, nearly drawing blood. The kiss is all lust and teeth and tongue. His hands grab the flesh of your ass tightly, for sure leaving bruises in their wake. And you know you’ll wear those bruises on your ass like a badge of honor.  

As the kiss died down he pressed his sweat covered forehead against yours. 

“That was close,” Steven whispered breathlessly, “I would’ve made a mess if you had done that again.” 

“That good huh?” you joked just as breathless as him as he kissed you again, sweetly. The combination of the feral and lust blown kiss from earlier to the sweet and domestic kiss was enough for your mind to whirl. 

“Better than good,” Steven said, breaking away from the kiss, “but I want you to come before I do darling.” 

You suddenly felt full as Steven thrusted his hips upward connecting you together. The pleasure filled screamed that came out of you made you sure that tomorrow you will receive a noise complaint…again. 

Steven’s hands steadied you as you fell forward, your chest against his as he began thrusting upward. Bouncing you up and down his lower appendage. 

You could barely form a coherent sentence as Steven expertly rocked into you and hit consistently in that one goddamn spot that made you see white. It was difficult to believe that Steven was so awkward about sex before when he’s fucking you so damn good. Your sweat covered chest rubbing against his, his hands firmly on your and the sole attention you were receiving was all contributing to the tight coil forming in your belly. It only got tighter once his diligent and skilled fingers found the sensitive little bundle of nerves and started rubbing in lazy circles that you felt the coil get impossibly tight as you felt him throb inside you. 

“I’m not gonna last much longer my darling,” he confesses as his lips attack your neck, “you’re so tight, let go my darling cum for me.” 

At that you did, you felt the surge of mind blowing pleasure that you didn’t realize you bit harshly onto Stevens neck. However at the feeling of your teeth sinking into him and marking him he exploded, unable to keep rocking into you as his release leaked out of where you both were joined. 

You both stayed like that for a while, with you collapsed on top of him, gently kissing the mark you left on him as an apology. While he lovingly traced the outline of your spine and the red marks he knew will darken into bruises by morning. Both of you basked in each other’s afterglow, not having the energy to move and nearly falling asleep. However Steven, the man who was always so attentive to your needs, knew you would be uncomfortable in a few hours if he didn’t clean you up. So reluctantly he removed himself from you with a wet plop, you groaned as you felt so empty without him. He kissed your temple and tried to remove himself from you, letting you know he was just gonna get a wet rag to clean you up with as well. 

You drifted in and out of sleep as you heard him in the bathroom over wetting the rag with warm water. 

He came back not a few minutes later with a warm wet rag and cleaned you up, although you were sensitive the warm wet rag was a welcome. After cleaning you up Steven disposed of the rag after cleaning himself up as well, he slid in next to you. His chin resting on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your torso. 

“How in the bloody hell am I going to cover this love bite tomorrow.”

You fell asleep smiling proudly at yourself.


