#mcu smut


Natasha Romanoff x Reader. 3rd POV. Word Count: 4.1k.

Part Eight||Part Ten

Chatroom Masterlist

Summary:Y/n and Natasha continue their trip and enjoy each other’s company alone.

Content:age gap, some angst, fluff, smut (18+ only, MINORS DNI), semi-public sex, fingering, tribing.

A/N: One more chapter left of Chatroom! This one is pretty lighthearted to prepare for the calm before the storm


Natasha told her that burnt toast is the best way to eat. Y/n thought they were too charred to even eat but her girlfriend convinced her otherwise. She giggled while she explained how browner the perfect toast is with such conviction. It felt silly but Natasha talked so passionately about it as if someone had told her all her life she was wrong about her opinion on bread.

And Y/n realizes what she likes most about Natasha. It was silly to see the admirable trait of being passionate come through when she’s talking about bread, but Y/n is certain that she could talk about paint drying on a wall and she’d look at her with stars in her eyes. She has a passion that Y/n has never witnessed herself — a lust for life if you will. The people around her are exploring life, but there is just something so attractive about a person who has it together while not being solely tied down to their career every waking moment. It seems more meaningful than the trap of college life where you’re trying to party hard yet come out of college unscathed. Natasha has direction in her life, something that feels hard to grasp in the throes of college and preparing yourself for life beyond while in a totally new environment.

Y/n would like to feel like she has her life together someday. She never worried or thought about that until she met Natasha. Her main concern prior to this relationship was finding herself and being able to open — she feels like she has been able to do that with this relationship. However, she’s still in college where her life feels a little bit jumbled.

She is aware that right now she fits into Natasha’s life as much as a square peg fits into a round hole, but she hopes that doesn’t deter her from wanting to be with her. Aspects of their lives and personality make them incompatible, but there are so many great things that keep them bonded together. If both of them can just hold on for a little longer then things will fall into place.

“What do you want to do today?”

Natasha’s voice cuts through her thoughts and Y/n had no clue she was just staring at her as she sat across from her. She tries to play it off, hoping that she hadn’t been caught. She just looks so good in her morning attire with the scratchy voice to match.

“I don’t know…what do you have planned for us?”

“Well we could go down to the river nearby. It’s not warm enough for a swim,  but it’s still beautiful down there. Or we could go hiking. Either one sounds fine to me.”

“I wanna go hiking! I’ve never been to the dunes but Amy told me that they’re so beautiful and I gotta see it.”

“Then we’ll do that,” she tilts her head to see the clock on the stove that reads ‘11:23’, “we can head out at 1. That’ll give us plenty of time to get ready.”

Natasha gets up and walks over to Y/n’s side of the table and kisses the top of her head. In front of her was a plate of the simple breakfast she made for them. There wasn’t much to work with in the house. Natasha appreciated the effort. It was a new experience for her to wake up to noises coming from the kitchen and the smell of food in the air. It felt oddly domestic which was both comforting and frightening for her.

After last night, Natasha decided that she wasn’t going to bring up her feelings or acknowledge them for the entire trip. Y/n deserves the peace of knowing that her girlfriend does indeed like her. She feels guilty about the birthday fiasco, but Y/n acts like everything is fine so she decides it’s not worth bringing up on the trip. Y/n only acts like there isn’t an obvious problem because she’s clueless about how relationships work. Sometimes Natasha wants to be blunt with her. Y/n should be mad at her, she should want to stick up for herself and call her out. Every second that passes where she doesn’t do that Natasha feels like pushing her to do so, but she feels like that would do more harm than good. There is just no gentle way to confront reality and it sucks. She wishes she would have never been selfish in the beginning.

Natasha has to force herself to quit from thinking about exactly what she told herself to avoid. She doesn’t want to ruin this trip because of pessimism. Instead she turns her focus to packing for their hike. It’s not a hot day, but she wants to be prepared. It’s Y/n’s first time visiting the dunes and she doesn’t want it to be a bad experience. She contemplates packing one of the toys her eyes gloss over. She has a few that she hasn’t used on Y/n just yet and she’s excited to explore during this trip. However she decides not to pack one of their toys for now. She can’t promise herself  that the outing will be completely innocuous, but she’s already equipped with what she needs to get her girlfriend off. The dunes are nearby and she can’t wait for Y/n to see them. She’s sure that she’ll love it and she hopes it can give them the much needed peace deserved after the last two weeks.


“How close are we?”

“Less than a mile baby.”

Y/n wanted to groan but she feels like she’s complained enough already.

The forecast had lied to them and it was warmer than expected. Y/n was wearing a sweater, the one with Natasha’s alma mater on it, when they first began their journey on one of the dune trails. Now it’s tired around her waist and she’s in a sports bra. It’s a little bit too small for her and it’s very noticeable. She only wore it because she didn’t think she’d have to take her sweater off. Natasha felt childish for ogling her tits, but Y/n is her girlfriend after all and she just can’t help but to stare at what’s hers.

They’ve been walking for a good 30 minutes. Y/n was growing exhausted, but Natasha wanted to show her something. She promised her that the work it takes to make it to their destination will pay off and Y/n hopes it’s true. They pass by multiple mile markers and Y/n counts down until they finally reach the next full mile. The trail breaks off into two separate ones. Y/n is about to walk down the one on the left before Natasha stops her.


Natasha grabs Y/n’s hand and leads her to the trail on the right. Y/n is a bit worried that a lot more walking is ahead of them, but she sees that the trail has reached a dead end. It’s not really a scenic area so Y/n is sort of confused as to why Natasha really wanted them to come to this spot.

“We can take some time to rest here. I doubt anyone will stumble upon us — plus we get this view.”

Natasha points to the vast opening where they can see the Earth stretch out for miles and miles. They can see the other trails and so much more. Y/n has never considered herself an outdoorsy person but Natasha didn’t lie when she said this would be perfect.

After just staring at the landscape beyond her for a few minutes, she turns to Natasha and sees that she has set up a blanket on the ground for them to sit on.

“Come sit with me,” she pats the space beside her.

Y/n happily walks over and sits down. She’s grateful for Natasha packing all the stuff she did or else this would be a much more miserable time. There is even more water than she has in her water bottle and a few snacks. Y/n’s hand is reaching for the grapes and she quickly opens up the baggy before popping a few in her mouth.

“So…how do you like the view?”

“It’s perfect,” Y/n says after swallowing what was left in her mouth, “how many times have you been here?”

“Countless times. I would always come with friends, or by myself, but never with someone I’ve dated.”

The revelation makes Y/n feel special. She doesn’t make a big deal of the comment but she keeps it stored away in her mind.

“I love the city, don’t get me wrong, but this is perfect. When I get old and retire someday I want to leave the city. I don’t know if I’ll necessarily move close out here or out of state, but I want to spend the last of my days out by nature.”

“Really? I guess I haven’t thought about that far out in my life.”

“If you live more than five years in the city, then you’d get what I’m saying.”

Y/n lived in the suburbs all of her life so city life was a foreign thing to her. All of her treks to see Natasha and going into the city made her feel oddly mature. Her parents told her cities are so dangerous and filled with rude people, but she’s never encountered any of that. The city was colorful and filled with so many different people. She found Natasha to be so lucky that she could step outside her apartment and have countless options for things to do on a day off. Y/n has been looking up schools in the city for that very reason. She almost considered transferring in the middle of her undergraduate years, but it’s just easier to wait until she graduates. She hasn’t said anything to Natasha about it because she’s unsure of how she’ll react. Would her close presence be unwanted? It’s hard to find the answer, especially after the last two weeks.

“I can tell when you’re thinking,” Natasha teases her. She leans back and props herself up on her elbows, “it’s written all over your face whenever you’re thinking too much.”

“Is it that obvious?” Y/n giggles as she lays down next to Natasha.

An arm wraps around her shoulder and draws her in closer. Everything feels perfect — almost like it did in the beginning. Y/n forgets about the problems of the last two week, in fact she thinks about any and all of the problems they’ve had. It all feels so small and asinine now. Y/n loves Natasha so much that she’s willing to look past the petty stuff. It’s finally set in that she’s in love with her girlfriend and now it’s time to move through life together. Y/n wants to know so much more about Natasha. She feels like she’s always talking about her life and her past, but barely knows about Natasha besides the small tidbits from casual conversation.

“Did you like doing this kind of stuff when you were a kid?” Y/n asks, breaking the silence.

“Sometimes. My parents would take me camping. It was one of the few times I felt like I was able to be a kid. I used to get made fun of by my classmates that I didn’t know how to skip rocks, but I learned how to on my very first camping trip. It’s so stupid, but stuff like that really makes you feel alienated when you’re a kid who doesn’t know better.”

Y/n could relate so much to Natasha’s upbringing so she wonders why she doesn’t open up about it much. It could be hard for her to do, but Y/n understands what she went through.

“That was me but with crayons. My parents wouldn’t give me the big 48 pack of crayons while everyone else had them. They thought it would make me ‘spoiled’ and turn into a brat. In hindsight it’s was such a small thing to be upset about but I was in 1st grade and it felt like the end of the world for me.”

“Most of it was small silly stuff, but that denial of small things snowballs into bigger things,” Natasha inhales deeply, “let’s change the subject. We’re out here and it’s so beautiful, let’s not ruin that.”

Y/n nods her head. She doesn’t believe that opening up is going to “ruin” their time out here, in fact she thinks it’ll bring them closer, but she doesn’t protest. Besides, she has no choice but to not talk about it when Natasha kisses her.

It was mostly to placate her. She doesn’t want Y/n to think she’s trying to shut her down, but now is just not the time to talk about those things. She feels Y/n melting underneath her and she feels like her mission has been accomplished.

“You’re so pretty,” Natasha says between kisses. Y/n hums into the kiss and arches her back to press her body closer to Natasha. Y/n hoped that this spot is as secluded as Natasha said because it would be embarrassing to be caught like this.

Natasha’s hands rested idly on her sides before she began to tug at her leggings. The action was making Y/n wet because she knows exactly what Natasha wants. She wants her too and the thrill of doing something so private out here makes her feel delirious with lust. Natasha places her head in her neck and begins to suck on her skin. Y/n sighs and whimpers when Natasha nips at the most sensitive parts of her skin.

A hand snakes between them and Natasha applies pressure to Y/n’s clit through her leggings. Those little gasps and sighs of pleasure are heavenly to her. She’s obsessed with getting Y/n off so much that it makes her impatient. She’s eagerly tugging at her leggings while still kissing her neck.

“Natasha,” Y/n whimpers. Everything was happening so fast and she couldn’t stop it. But she didn’t want it to stop. This is Natasha’s way of showing her love. It becomes increasingly obvious that it’s not easy for Natasha to open up, but she shows it physically and that’s enough for Y/n.

Natasha pulls away from her neck and sits up on her knees. She removes her own t-shirt to reveal her sports bra. She grabs Y/n’s bra before Y/n is taking it off herself. The warm air hits her tits and instantly hardens her nipples. Y/n groans as she feels them pebbling. Natasha grabs the sweater around her waist and Y/n assumes she’s going to discard it somewhere but she instead places it over her head.

“I want you to wear it,” Natasha declares. Seeing Y/n in her clothes turns her on so much. It’s a little too warm to be wearing it, and their activities are going to heat her up even more, but Natasha is too selfish right now.

Y/n puts it on and it covers her up but it doesn’t deter Natasha from reaching underneath her shirt and squeezing her tits. Y/n’s sighs get a little bit louder, especially when Natasha’s fingers swipe across her hard nipples.

“Feels good, doesn’t it?”

Y/n nods her head while biting down on her bottom lip.

Natasha gets Y/n’s leggings off leaving her in just her underwear. Natasha is still partially clothed, but Y/n begins to tug at her sweat pants.

“You’re just so eager,” Natasha teases her for being hasty just like she is. It’s all lighthearted because once Natasha gets Y/n’s panties off she’s not going to be able to control herself.

“I don’t want to be the only one naked,” Y/n says with a pout.

Natasha gives her what she wants and takes her sweatpants off, but she quickly turns the attention back to Y/n. She hooks her fingers in the elastic and pulls her underwear off. Now she’s left in nothing but Natasha’s college sweater. Her hair is a bit disheveled from their fumbling on the blanket. She looks so hot like this, but Natasha wants to make her look even more of a mess. She’s possessive and likes to be reminded that she’s the only one who does this to Y/n.

Y/n felt slightly vulnerable being exposed like this, but she feels safe with Natasha. Natasha grabs her hips and pulls her across the blanket. Y/n gasps at the sudden movement and those gasps turn to whimpers of pleasure when Natasha dips two fingers into her pussy.

“Oh my god,” she whines.

She’s reminded of what they did just the day before when Natasha pushes her fingers in deeper. Y/n is so wet, soaking every inch of her digits as she slowly pulls them in and out. Y/n is too embarrassed to look at herself getting finger fucked, but Natasha can’t pull her eyes away. Her pussy is so deliciously warm and wet. Her slow pace is damn near tortuous but Natasha is having so much fun hearing Y/n whine and whimper like a bitch in heat.

“Your pussy is so tight. No matter how many times I stretch you out, your pussy is always wrapped so snugly around my fingers.”

Y/n’s body is heating up and it’s not just because of the outside temperature. Natasha’s fingers are somehow too much and not enough at the same time. She is constantly on a rollercoaster of emotions with Natasha’s but the highs are so high.

“Natasha,” Y/n whines again. It’s like that’s the only thing she can say because that is the only thing that matters.

The call of her name makes Natasha move her fingers in and out of her faster. She watches and hears the lewd sound of her fingers splashing in her wetness. Y/n’s pussy is already creaming around her fingers and it really hasn’t been that long. She just loves how responsive and needy Y/n gets.

As much as it’s fun to turn her into an impatient mess, Natasha is becoming one herself. She pulls her finger out of Y/n’s pussy and they’re covered in her slick. She sits back so she can take her own pants off and her panties follow suit.

“W-What are you doing?”

This was something new for Y/n. Natasha straddled her and placed her legs around her legs to make them fit like a puzzle piece. She was rendered speechless when Natasha placed her pussy on top of hers. She was wet and sticky. Their arousals mix together as Natasha begins to swirl her hips so their clits can roll over each other. She grabs onto Y/n’s leg tightly for leverage. Y/n has no clue what they’re doing but it feels so good.

“Nothing feels better than your pussy on mine,” Natasha confesses as her voice cracks. She feels like she’s in heaven now. “So fucking wet for me.”

Y/n was just laying there while Natasha did most of the work. She was so overwhelmed but Natasha was so much more composed than her. Y/n felt herself getting closer and closer every time Natasha moved her hips. She ground herself harder against Y/n’s pussy, chasing her high as much as she was concerned with making Y/n cum.

“Pussy is so sweet baby,” Natasha’s voice is now whiny which matches Y/n’s.

Her fast thrust makes Y/n’s tits juggle underneath the sweater. Natasha nearly cums at the sight of those pretty tits jiggling under hersweater, her alma mater sewed proudly into the soft fabric. She’s never felt so much pride in claiming someone as ‘hers’. It’s been a long time since she could say that. Flashes of regret hit her as she wishes she would have showed Y/n off at her birthday party. There are many things she could have done better, but Natasha can’t fix it now. Sometimes it feels futile to do so.

“I’m gonna cum Natasha!”

Y/n’s voice pulls her out of the daze. It was easy to get lost in contemplation when her hips were moving absentmindedly for her. But Y/n always somehow pulls Natasha into the reality where everything is fine. That clashes with the only reality that exists, but she can pretend until it becomes her reality because that’s all she wants.

“Cum for me baby,” Natasha leans down so her face was inches away from Y/n’s face, but her pussy is still on Y/n’s, grinding feverishly. “I want to feel you cum against me baby. You’re so goddamn wet.”

Y/n kisses Natasha with all the energy she has left in her. It’s going to be so hard to trek back down that trail, but that’s the bridge she’ll cross when she gets to it. She’s lost in the moment and the sweetness of her girlfriend’s lips against hers. Their kiss is so soft and delicate compared to the rough and fast movements of their hips. Y/n cums first, moaning against Natasha’s lips which sends a vibration throughout her body.

The feeling of Y/n’s pussy gushing against hers triggers Natasha orgasms. She’s the one who pulls away from the kiss so she can let out a strangled moan. She still grinds even as she grows sensitive. It’s Y/n who is the one who stops them, her hands gripping Natasha’s hips to bring her to a halt.

Natasha stops moving, but she rolls Y/n around so she’s on top. Her lips are back on hers and she never wants them to part. She kisses her feverishly, her tongue sliding into her mouth. It’s so lascivious that it makes the shy girl in Y/n all bashful. But the person on the outside is kissing back with so much passion. She’s come such a long way and her being able to be comfortable with her sexuality is a big step for her.

They could go forever, and it almost seems like they’re going to until a rock falls and makes both of them jump. Y/n yelps and Natasha looks in the direction of the fallen rock. When they realized it was just a rock and not a person, they relaxed. Y/n laughs at herself for getting all scared and yelping like that. Natasha joins her before she kisses her exposed collar bone.

“Was that good?” She asks against her skin.

“So good. It’s always so good with you.”

Hearing that makes Natasha’s heart pump faster and she feels up with warmth. She’s a grown woman but she feels like a teenager in love. It’s scary that someone so young is able to make her feel like this.

That mere thought makes her become hesitant again. She pulls her lips away from Y/n’s collarbone but she does it in a way that isn’t sudden and won’t worry Y/n. Her girlfriend has a big, satisfied smile on her face.

“I love being out here with you. I love this trip so far.”

Y/n was fawning over the trip, and what they just did, but what she really wanted to say was that she loved Natasha. She just feels like it’s too soon when considering their relationship. If they lived nearby and were able to function like a regular couple then she would have no problem saying it. It’s been a little over a year of them being together, how could Y/n not love Natasha?

Natasha has strong feelings for Y/n too, but it takes her much more to say 'I love you’. She’s only said it to one girlfriend and she truly meant it then. She still has love for that girlfriend, but she’s not inlove with her. She isn’t in love with anyone, but Y/n brings her good feelings that she hasn’t felt in a long time.

Her growing love for Y/n makes her believe that what Y/n wants is the opposite that she needs.

But, that is a problem for another day.

They’re on a trip together, enjoying the beautiful view of the dunes and the surrounding nature. Nothing else matters. Whatever problems arise in the future will be addressed then. For now they just have each other and the silence that falls between them. That’s all they needed — a moment of stillness in the quiet chaos of their relationship.

Natasha Romanoff x Reader. 3rd POV. Word Count: 6.6k.

Part Seven ||Part Nine

Chatroom Masterlist

Summary: The aftermath of Y/n’s birthday doesn’t go how she or her friends expected.

Content:age gap, some angst (mostly in the beginning), fluff, smut (18+ only, MINORS DNI), sex toys, edging, oral, overstimulation.


It’s been two weeks since Y/n’s birthday and life has been a complete mess since. She’s not sure when her friend decided to live a double life or when she got a girlfriend because Y/n still didn’t tell her more than that she has been seeing this “Natasha” person for nearly a year. Cindy had to go snooping on Y/n’s Myspace page only to find Natasha on her friend’s list. There were a few innocuous comments from Y/n on her profile too. She combed through her entire page, growing more confused as she looked deeper. This person was clearly older than the three of them and lived in the city. The more she discovered, the more confused she became.

Amy didn’t know how to navigate the situation either. She was the most clueless one out of the two. At least Cindy knew that Y/n liked someone. Amy just thought her friend was going through her life as usual. But there were small things about Y/n that had changed that neither of them were able to notice until now. She did dress slightly differently and seemed to have more confidence in herself. They just thought that she was finally letting loose and was beginning to enjoy her college years, never in a million years did they think it was because Y/n was in a relationship.

Y/n slept at Cindy’s dorm that night, but she was gone first thing in the morning before Cindy could see her. She had gone ghost all weekend. It felt appropriate to give her some space, but when they didn’t see her Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, it was time for them to check in on her.

Cindy knew that at 2pm on Thursday Y/n was leaving her English Literature class. They waited outside until people began filing out of the room. Y/n didn’t notice them at first but jumped when it registered to her that her friends were outside of her classroom waiting for her. Her plan of avoiding them until Spring Break wasn’t going to work because they wanted answers.

“We need to talk.”

The three of them ended up at Cindy’s dorm since it was the only place that would be private enough for them to sort things out.

With her friends standing in front of her, arms crossed, while she sits on the couch, Y/n felt like she was a child again. In hindsight, of all the people she hid her relationship from, it shouldn’t have been her friends. She was just scared about what they would think and if they would judge Natasha for being older. That had come to bite her in the ass.

“When were you going to tell us you have a girlfriend? One that is like ten years older than us at that!?”

“She’s not ten years older than us.”

“Are you sure? Because she definitely isn’t 20 or 21. She works in a goddamn office!”

Y/n couldn’t be mad at her friends for finding Natasha’s Myspace page and dissecting it. If she had just been open about this from the beginning then they could be avoiding all of this.

“She’solder, but she’s not old. I’m not the only one who has been with someone older!” Y/n points at Amy, “Ben was 25 when you were just 19!” She was only accusatory because she couldn’t take the heat from her friends.

“He was 23 and we weren’t dating. We didn’t even hang out! All we did was send a couple flirty messages on Myspace. That’s different from being in a secret relationship for a whole year!”

“Okay, then how old is she?” Cindy says quickly after Amy is done.

Y/n feels attacked from both sides and Cindy of all people did not seem to be on her side.

“I…I don’t know.”

Cindy sighed, her head falling forward while Amy laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. These two were acting like parents, but if they had been Y/n’s parents they would have been calling up some young adult Christian camp and sending her off within a week. This is bad, but Y/n holds onto the fact that it could be much worse. Once the shock and annoyance subsides, Y/n will be able to explain everything to them without them being mad at them. But, she has quite a bit to tell them and she isn’t sure how they’ll take it.

“How do you not know your own girlfriend’s age? I mean – she knows how old you are, right?”

“Yes, but-”

“Okay, but how do you not know? That just sounds fucking bizarre to me, Y/n.”

“Please just let me explain!”

“Yes, please do!”

Her friends are all ears to hear how this whole thing came about. Still, even as Y/n told them everything, every single detail, and how they got to this point, they were so confused. Amy was stuck on the fact that she just happened to meet someone who lives an hour away on Chatzy of all places. It seems like pure luck, but it almost sounds too good to be true. Cindy was shocked that Y/n was actually taking trips to the city by herself and without anyone knowing. The campus bus does take people to the train station that takes them to the city, but Y/n was always too shy and timid to do something that major. Hell, she was even scared to eat in the cafeteria by herself their first year of college!

“I just don’t understand whywould you want to date someone who lives so far away and is older than you. She lives a completely different lifestyle than you and I don’t see how it could work! She clearly doesn’t respect you because you don’t even know her age! Even her friend was unsure of you. So, why deal with that?”

“You don’t get it. Natasha grew up just like me! She had strict parents and didn’t have her freedom until college. I admire her so much-”

“Okay and I admired Nicole Richie for like three years but I didn’t act on that! You could admire someone without getting into a relationship with them Y/n.”

“I know, I know, but you don’t get it! This is the first time I feel like a normal person! My parents never let me do anything growing up and it’s so nice to have someone who can empathize with me about that. You two get to have so much fun and date people, and even though I tried to force myself by going to those frat parties, I just couldn’t enjoy it. I had to do something on my own terms to grow up and feel normal. My relationship with Natasha makes me feel like it’s my turn to be a normal girl.”

It was hard to respond because what could her friends really say? They know how Y/n’s parents are and always felt bad for her. But they just didn’t think a secret relationship was the way to have her rebellious phase. Y/n was being extremely naive, but at the same time, her friends don’t have much room to talk, especially Amy. They all just reached their 20s and have made many mistakes in dating, however none seem as outrageous as what their friend is doing.

“Are you even happy in the relationship? Because it seems like you two just honestly aren’t compatible.”

“I’m very happy! She’s so kind and sweet to me and she does amazing things for me.”

Cindy doesn’t doubt that Natasha is a good person. She just doesn’t think her and Y/n are a good match. It’s a case of right person, wrong time. If she’s annoyed with the high schoolers that live in her neighborhood back at home, then Cindy can’t imagine Natasha being too excited to hangout with someone in college. She’s done all of that before it seems, which makes it hard for Cindy to fathom why she would want to hang around someone still in college. She doesn’t want Y/n to feel like she isn’t special, but what about her really attracts an older person besides her youth and naïveté?

“Okay, so what is your plan going forward with the relationship? Do you want this to be a long-term thing?

"DoesNatashawant this to be a long-term thing?”

“And how does she feel about you still being in college?”

“What would your parents think about you dating someone much older than you?”

The questions they lobbied at her made Y/n’s head-spin. She can’t accept the harshness of them being right. If she listens to them any longer then she’s going to ruin her Spring break.

“I-I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

Her friends sigh in defeat once more. Her hesitancy to answer any of their questions means that they’re right, but she’s going to be too stubborn to tell them that.

“Our relationship is good and Natasha is taking me on a trip for Spring break to show me that. Okay? We’re good.

Not being able to handle anymore bombshells, Amy laughed and plopped down onto Cindy’s bed. Cindy is sure her face looks crazy as she stares at Y/n in disbelief. It’s like she doesn’t even know who her friend is. The petty side of her wants to be pissed and disown Y/n for being so secretive and acting so stupid once she was found out, but the other side knows that that wouldn’t solve anything. She cares for her friend and wants her to be happy, but this relationship just does not sound like one Y/n should be in.

"I love her, okay? I promise I’ll be fine.”

It was hard for them to believe her, but the conversation was going nowhere. Everyone was dizzy from going in circles and circles.

“How do you plan to manage taking a trip with her? What are you going to tell your parents?”

“Don’t worry. I have that all figured out.”


Red Fox Cabins was only two hours away from the city, and one hour away from Brecker University. It was that time of year where college kids were traveling to the beaches and party hotspots to blow off the steam of the school year so far and throw caution to the wind.

There was no way Natasha was going to be caught dead at a Spring Break beach bash, but she knows Y/n wouldn’t even be interested in one of those things either.

Patching things up with gifts and a trip does not heal the wound yet Y/n has been acting like never ever happened after Natasha propositioned her with this trip. Sometimes she’s so stunned by how simple Y/n is. They argue and all Natasha has to do is do something for her and everything is just fine again. There’s no pushback with Y/n wanting to talk about her frustrations in person or even on the phone. She was almost turned off by it too, however her hands are not entirely clean when it comes to how Y/n responds to their arguments. Her knee-jerk reaction is to placate Y/n after upsetting her. She cannot fathom the idea of Y/n breaking up with her.

“Are you ready to go?”

Natasha’s car was parked outside of Y/n’s dorm. She helped her load her suitcase and everything Y/n brought down from her dorm with her. Y/n didn’t expect this trip to happen so she didn’t have many supplies she would need for a trip to the cabin in the woods, but Natasha reassured her that everything would be fine. The two get into Natasha’s car and they’re leaving campus.

Y/n found it so easy to lie to her parents when Natasha talked about wanting to take her on a trip. She lied about being in her college’s bible study group and told them about the Spring Break trip they were taking. Her parents had no way to verify whether she was telling the truth or not which made it easier for her to lie about. She found a sense of freedom in lying to them. It’s not like she’s doing anything dangerous or illegal. 

Natasha played a CD of songs Y/n has never heard before. She was enjoying every second of their time in the car together and she just can’t help but wonder why her friends tried to sow doubt into their relationship. Y/n has never felt more alive or happy in her life. 

“So, what made you decide to take me on a trip?” Y/n has her ideas, but she’s desperate to hear it from Natasha. She wants to hear her girlfriend fawn over her and list off all the reasons why she likes doing these kind of things for her.

“We could use some time away from our lives,” Natasha took the entire week off of work because she needs a break from the city, “plus we could use some time together. Alone, just the two of us.”

Y/n sighs in content. She really needs reassurance after the events of her birthday that happened only two weeks ago. She was glad that Natasha thought about her instead of Y/n having to go home for a boring Spring Break. 

“I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t done any sort of camping since I was in middle school.”

“Christian camps?”

“Yep. They were sort of fun, but the camp counselors were so uptight. A lot of the people I went to camp with liked sneaking out of the cabins at night, but it was hard not to get caught. The one time I joined them was a successful attempt though. It was completely harmless — people were just gossiping and this guy had a guitar…I don’t know why everyone acted like if we weren’t so heavily monitored that we would start going wild. Only being able to have that little bit of freedom is what made us rebel the most.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about being monitored. It’s just us out there.”

Y/n’s realizations sound a lot like the ones Natasha had when she was that age. It just sucks that her empathy is beginning to wane. She’s had these conversations before over and over again in her youth, and she just has lost interest in the topic. If she was just a few years younger then she wouldn’t mind listening, but at 30, it shows the glaringly obvious differences between the two of them.

At some point Y/n falls asleep, and Natasha just listens to the lull of her wheels driving over the road and the music softly playing. She can’t deny that she feels unsure about this relationship, but she’s still looking forward to this week. She seriously needed a break from the fast city life and maybe if she takes Y/n into a new setting then they can find some way to be on the same page. More than anything she wants Y/n to understand where she’s coming from. She can’t involve herself in Y/n’s college life, but she doesn’t want that to stop Y/n from doing things she should be doing for her social development.

"We’re here.”

Y/n opens her eyes slowly and they’re parked in front of a log cabin. Apparently this was owned by Natasha’s friend and they were letting her use it for the weekend. It’s going to be a whole week with just the two of them. They haven’t been together for that for the entire duration of their relationship. Staying the night at Natasha’s place was great, but knowing she doesn’t have to get up in the morning and make her way back to campus is even better.

Even the first few hours being here were perfect. They didn’t do much either, they just unpacked their things and got settled into the cabin. It was really nice of Natasha’s friends to let them stay here. She wonders if she met them at her birthday or if they’re complete strangers to her. There is a lot that Y/n doesn’t know about Natasha and it should be alarming to her. She knows about her job, and has met some of her friends, the very basics. But, for a one year relationship, there are some large gaps in what she knows about her girlfriend. If she were to fill out a questionnaire about her girlfriend she isn’t sure she’d be able to do it successfully. She wouldn’t be able to learn everything about Natasha, or any person, in a year, but she should know more. This trip was perfect for that. It’s come at perfect timing too because Y/n is sure her and Natasha will grow closer and the two will be able to get to know each other much more.

“What do you have planned for us while we’re here?”

“Nothing really. That’s the point of this trip,” Natasha wraps her arm around Y/n’s shoulder and pulls her closer as they cuddle on the couch, “it’s just for us to get a break from the real world. Just me and you.”

Y/n was excited to just be able to relax for the entire week without any interruptions. The events of her birthday were on her mind though, but she didn’t want to sour the mood by bringing it up.

“And, you can consider this week your birthday gift.”

An apology was left out of what Natasha says. Natasha, if she’s being honest, doesn’t feel like she did anything wrong. If anything she feels bad for how she handled it, but she wasn’t going to show up to that party with all those college kids no matter what.

“Well, are you at least going to bake me a cake?” Y/n jokes

“Unless you want me to burn down this cabin then yeah no, that is not happening.”

Y/n couldn’t stop staring at Natasha. She’s enamored by her, the twinkle in her eyes as she laughs and the slight wrinkles in the corners of her eyes. How could she walk away from this? Her feelings are almost unimaginable, something she thought she’d never experience.

Natasha doesn’t notice her staring until a good two minutes have passed.

“What?” She asks with a playful smirk on her face.

“Nothing,” she meets her with the same amount of playfulness.

Just a simple touch, their simple embrace, fills Y/n up with so much desire. The dull ache in the pit of her stomach is hard to ignore and it feels something like hunger. She’s craving the connection that can only be satiated by her lover. This budding lust drives her to reach up and kiss Natasha. They were supposed to just be relaxing for a few hours. Natasha wanted to wait a few hours before they had their fun, but the way Y/n kisses her lets her know that she can’t wait.

She hugs her tighter like she doesn’t want to let go. Y/n’s lips move against hers with a forcefulness. This was a side of her that was unabashedly horny and Natasha likes it. It’s much different from the bright-eyed, shy, and somewhat naïve nature that surrounds her. Natasha wonders how long that is going to follow her until she decides to shed it completely. This feels like a start, the way she takes action and begins to play with the buttons of her shirt while kissing her harder.

“What’s gotten into you?” Natasha asks breathlessly between kisses. She hopes the question doesn’t deter Y/n or slow her down because she’s enjoying this.

“I’ve missed you,” Y/n kisses her, “and I want you.”

Natasha is so turned on that she feels her skin heating up. Y/n eyes are filled with adoration mixed with lust.

“I’ve got something for you. Stay right here for me, okay?”

Y/n nods her head diligently. Natasha kisses her forehead which makes her briefly close her eyes. She gets up off the couch and leaves Y/n sitting there patiently. She’s eager to know what she has for her and she runs down the list of things that she may bring back with her.

Natasha is only gone for no more than two minutes before she comes back into the living room. Y/n’s eyes go straight to her hand and the dildo that she holds. She holds her breath looking at, observing the size and length of it. She was becoming so nervous about taking it, but her pussy only became wetter as the ache inside of her grew stronger.

“Get those panties off.”

Y/n scrambles to obey her. She’s grateful she wore a dress for logistical reasons, but she takes that off too. Natasha didn’t ask for her to take everything off, but she’s not complaining about her going a step further and fully undressing herself. Her nipples are so hard from getting all worked up. The sight of her peering up back at her makes Natasha weak.

“Lean your back against me pretty,” she says as she sits on the couch.

Y/n puts her feet onto the couch and lays back when she feels Natasha’s presence behind her. She rests her head against her shoulder and turns her head to see her. Natasha instantly kisses her once they’re in position. Y/n finds it slightly awkward but is not going to complain about being in her embrace.

Natasha’s strong hand parts her legs and in the process her hand slips against her thigh. She groans when she feels her slicking clinging to her skin. She peers over to look at Y/n’s pussy.

“You’re so wet,” she coos, “I’m gonna take care of you, don’t worry.”

Y/n gasps when she feels the cool rubber toy bump against her skin. Natasha puts it right up to her open but she doesn’t push in. She teases her by rubbing the head against her slippery fold before pressing it against her clit. Y/n squirms from a pleasure she wants to feel more of. Her thighs are nearly trembling at this point.

“Natasha please,” her voice trails off into a whimper. It makes Natasha smirk seeing how needy she is for her to make her feel good.

“Shh, I got you,” Natasha whispers into her ear while pushing inside of Y/n.

She moans loudly at the intrusion of the toy. It’s been quite some time since she’s had anything inside of her and the stretch causes a delicious burn. She sinks deeper into Natasha’s embrace as she works up a steady pace of pumping the toy in and out of her. It feels so good as her walls wrap around it. The length has a curve to it and Y/n feels like it’s made just for her because it hits all the right spots inside of her. She whimpers each time the head pushes deep into her and hits her sweet spot.

Natasha sighs heavily at the sight of her legs split open. She looks so beautiful like this. She litters kisses against Y/n’s neck and jawline. Each kiss seems to make her melt and fill her with. She begins to fuck the toy faster into her after going a little bit too slow for her liking. Y/n looked as if she was trying her best to handle all of the cock inside of her but she was failing greatly. It begins to feel too good and she doesn’t know how to act. She grabs onto Natasha’s thigh and squeezes it hard.

“Oh Natasha! Oh god!” She repeats over and over between broken sobs. She can’t believe how good she feels and that she’s here right now. She’s never felt such euphoria in life until she met her. The intimacy only heightens the please she feels. Natasha’s fingers caress her breast and tease her nipples. Y/n’s skin feels so soft against her touch and she doesn’t want to stop touching her. All that paired with Natasha fucking her overwhelms Y/n.

“That’s it baby. You’re my pretty girl.”

Y/n’s pussy squelches around the cock inside of her. She’s almost embarrassed to hear how wet she sounds. If Natasha wasn’t fucking her closer and closer to her climax then she would be self-conscious. She’s so wet that her slick covers her hand. It makes Natasha delirious feeling that wetness against her skin. The sound of her pussy getting fucked hard and fast fills the room.

“Cum for me. I know you’re close baby. Let go and let daddy take care of you.”

She would be too shy to call her that, daddy, but the name fills her with naughty thoughts. It feels so taboo to hear Natasha call herself that, but she likes it so much that she lets herself moan louder.

All Y/n wants to do is obey her. She thinks about that more than her own pleasure and she wants to make Natasha proud by cumming for her. She really works to make her cum too, moving her hand at a punishing pace.

“I-It’s too much,” she managed to get out, but she’s nearly a blubbering mess.

Her legs get for Natasha as  she takes everything her girlfriend gives her. The powerful thrust of the dildo inside can’t distract Y/n from the deep growls she lets out in her ear when Natasha smells her slick. She almost goes feral and it shows in the way she pounds the toy into Y/n’s poor pussy.

Y/n lokos down between her legs for the first time today and lets out a whimper when she sees herself getting fucked. The toy disappears past her folds before sliding out, covered with her arousal. She’s neber been fucked this hard. She’s going to be sore tomorrow morning, but she doesn’t care, it’ll be worth it.

“‘Tasha, I’m gonna cum,” her weak voice gives it away that she’s so, so close/

Natasha feels herself having a mean streak that comes out of nowhere. She quickly pulls the toy out of her before Y/n could cum. She watches in amusement as Y/n throws a temper tantrum and flails her legs. She was on the verge of cumming, how could her girlfriend be so cruel?

“Aw, what’s wrong baby?” She taunts her as she begins to rub the head against her slick folds.

“Please…please,” she repeats desperately. She sounds so pathetic and needy.

“What? You need that pussy filled again?”

Tears slip from her eyes as she nods her head. Her eyes slowly close and she doesn’t watch Natasha push the dildo back inside of her, but the feeling of being stretched out again makes her gasp. Y/n grabs onto her forearm this time, her nails digging into Natasha’s skin in the process. Natasha doesn’t mind the slight sting of her nails, in fact she welcomes the pain. Reducing Y/n to a puddle of nothing but pleasure makes Natasha feel powerful. It’s one of the biggest reasons why she stays. She loves being wanted, it makes her feel all warm inside. And, when Y/n looks at her with that look of admiration, it makes her never want to leave.

“Please! I need it so bad!” She begs again and Natasha doesn’t deprive her for much longer.

She continues with that fast pace before Y/n’s walls are tightening and spasming around the dildo and cumming. All the tension in her body releases itself in just a matter of seconds and nothing else in the world mattes to her.

Her body relaxes against Natasha’s. She nearly forgets where she is until she feels Natasha sliding the dildo out of her. She groans at the empty feeling inside of her but she’s so satisfied that it sits deep into her bones.

“Are you going to let me up?” Natasha asks playfully. Y/n looks like she can stay in this spot for the entire today.

Y/n groans and moves so Natasha can get up.

“I’m gonna run us a bath, okay?”

Natasha draws them a warm bath, filling it with epsom salt and a few bath bubbles. It’s ready in just a few minutes and the two are sitting in the tub together.

“It’s been such a long time since I’ve had a bath like this. Especially with bubbles,” Y/n lightly runs her hands through the water in a playful motion. “This is so much better than showering in a dorm.”

“Ugh…the community bathrooms are the worst thing about college and should be a health code violation or something.”

“Yeah, it sucks. But, I’m hoping to live in an apartment next year.”

“On your own?”

“Maybe. It just depends on what my parents say. I could get one of the on-campus apartments because my gpa is good and I’ll have more seniority, but I’d have to have a roommate or two, and I kind of want to live alone. It’d be fun to live with my friends, but I kind of want to live alone y’know? I’ve never lived alone before and I just want to have some independence for one. It’s a lot of responsibility, but I have to do it someday, so why not do it now?”

Natasha didn’t want to say it out loud, but she’d feel much better about their relationship if Y/n lived in an apartment. She wouldn’t feel weird about coming to see her or like her girlfriend was a little girl. Living in a dorm just makes it just a glaring reminder that Y/n is still so young. She could visit Y/n and stay the night without any problems. The apartment sounds like some good for not only her, but their relationship.

“I had an apartment my senior year with a roommate. If you do live with someone, live with your friends. Yea you guys may argue, but living with a stranger is awful. At least with your friends you can tolerate them more and you wouldn’t be nervous about telling them to clean up and stuff like that. It can be hard at first, especially since it’ll be your first time in a situation like that, but I think you’d adjust well. What about a car?”

“I have my license, I just never had a car. My parents said I really only needed my license for now just in case there was an emergency at home, but it seems like they’re coming around to letting me grow up. I honestly think it’s because of my good grades and I don’t have much of a social life in college. It’s not true, but I guess it’s a good thing if it means they’ll let me have these things. If I have a car then maybe I could get a part-time job.”

These things are major additions to one’s life, but it still feels like baby steps for Y/n. She can’t tell her parents about her relationship yet because she isn’t allowed to date yet. Her parents want her to finish her undergraduate studies before she dates. Of course she didn’t obey that rule, or many other rules. But, not only is she dating someone, she’s dating someone older and takes a trip to the city to go see them. Her mother would have a heart attack on the spot if she found out about it.

“I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to do after college a lot lately…”

“Are you planning to go to grad school?”

“Definitely. I’ve met somany people at that convention that continue studying for years. I’ve been looking at some graduate schools closer to the city too. There were some nice people who seemed interested in my research topics. I wish I could just fast forward to that future.”

Natasha felt the same way. She wishes Y/n has at least already a junior going into her senior year or a senior. It would just make her feel a little bit better about this relationship. She doesn’t want to feel like she’s taking advantage of an inexperienced girl anymore.

“It’ll go by faster than you think. My college years flew by, hell even my graduate years feel like they happened ten years ago. So much happens in such a little amount of time, that you’ll miss the simplistic days of doing dumb shit with your friends.”

“Yea, but the freedom you must feel being on your own must be amazing.”

It was true. Being an adult is tough, but there are so many rewarding things that come from the freedom to do whatever she wants. She can hear the envy of her freedom in Y/n’s voice. Natasha knows it’s not from a malicious standpoint, but just from her longing for it.

“You’ll be in the same spot one day, I’m sure of it.”

“I hope it’s the two of us together.”

Natasha lets the silence fall between them as they soak in the water. It soon begins to cool off and Natasha suggests they get out. The cabin is heated well enough that Y/n decides to forgo wrapping the towel around her body after drying off in the bathroom. Never would she have thought she’d be comfortable with someone like this in her life and she loves the feeling.

“What do you want to do now?” Natasha asks as she trails behind her from the bathroom. She has the towel wrapped around her, but Y/n wishes she didn’t.

“I was thinking…” Y/n’s voice was soft and almost too quiet to hear.

“What were you thinking?”

“Maybe…maybe we could do something?”

A smirk forms on Natasha’s face. Y/n is too shy to say what she really wants to say. Natasha finds her shyness so cute, but she wants her to spit it out.

“What? What do you want to do?”

She lets the towel drop to the floor and she walks over to Y/n who is sitting on the couch. She’s towered over Y/n before, but never completely naked. Y/n’s heart races at the sight of her nude body and she can’t pull her eyes away. She can’t believe that thiswoman is her girlfriend.

“I-I wanna…I wanna go down on you,” Y/n finds the confidence to spit her words out. Natasha is sort of shocked, but she’s not going to complain.

“You sure?”

“Yes. I’m sure.”

Natasha simply nods her head before kissing Y/n’s forehead. She lays on the bed while Y/n gets up. She looks so nervous standing there, but her body moves without thinking. Natasha makes her feel so good and more all the time, and Y/n think it’s only the right thing to return the favor. She’s glad Natasha didn’t protest and is allowing her to do this. She crawls between her legs and places herself between them.

Y/n goes over everything she’s learned from Natasha (and some of the videos she sheepishly watched online). She shouldn’t be so nervous, she knows Natasha is going to be supportive of her, but she just wants to do a good job and make her girlfriend feel good. Natasha gives her a nod to go ahead. Y/n knows what feels good for her, so she leads with that.

The moan Natasha lets out when she gives her the first lick makes Y/n feel a little bit bolder. She looks up at Natasha who closes her eyes and rests her head against the pillow. Y/n licks her again so she could get the same reaction. She becomes addicted to the sounds of her moans, she could listen to them forever and that would be enough to satisfy her. 

“Just like that princess, you’re doing such a good job,” Natasha coos between a moan. She doesn’t have to guide Y/n or tell her what to do because she’s doing such a good job already. 

Her tongue slides over every inch of her sex in exploration before she settles on the spots that elicit the most reaction. Natasha’s hand comes to the back of her head and buries her face deeper into her sex. She lightly grinds her mouth against Y/n’s mouth. She wants so much more, to be a little bit rougher with her, but she doesn’t want to make her nervous so she tempers herself. However, Y/n was the one who was beginning to lose control over her actions. Her tongue moved with a mind of it’s own as she dived between Natasha’s folds and the tip of her tongue teased her slit. She collected Natasha’s arousal on her tongue and hummed at the taste. Her moan sends a vibration throughout Natasha’s body which makes her grab onto Y/n’s hair.

“That’s it…you’re such a good girl,” Natasha can barely get her words out as she pants.

Y/n works harder every time Natasha gives her a compliment. She moves her tongue from her slit and opts for wrapping her lips around Natasha’s clit and sucking on it. She receives the loudest reaction thus far and it makes Y/n feel so proud of herself. Natasha’s hips buck against Y/n’s face and her thighs tremble. The spread wider and wider for her girlfriend and she feels Y/n’s greedy hands grab at her thighs. Her fingers dig into her soft skin a little bit, but she doesn’t care. It just feels so damn good and she’s on cloud nine.

She cums within a matter of seconds, her arousal gushing against Y/n’s mouth and making a mess of her. Y/n grinds her clit against the edge of the bed as she licks Natasha to the point of overstimulation. Her girlfriend mewls helplessly just like she does when Natasha does the same to her. Y/n just feels so insatiable that she could never tease her girlfriend. She doesn’t want to pull away, but she doesn’t have much of a choice when Natasha uses all of her strength to pull herself up. Y/n looks up at her with a glistening face and Natasha crashes her lips against her. The first thing she tastes is the burst of herself all over Y/n’s mouth. The mix of her cum and Y/n’s saliva makes her feel intoxicated. She feels so in love that she can’t think of anything else. She feels so lucky.

“Fuck,” she says between their kiss. It seems like Y/n doesn’t want the moment to end or to stop kissing Natasha. She needs her so bad, she’s hungry for her even as the tiredness sets into her body. “You’re so perfect,” Natasha continues.

It takes a good few minutes before the energy dies down again. The sun had set probably 30 minutes ago, but the two were too tired and wrapped up in each other to care.

Soft snores let Y/n know Natasha is already asleep. The blanket is thrown haphazardly over them, but Y/n is too sleepy to do anything about. 

Sleep is about to capture her within a few minutes. She spends these few minutes going over the memory of today like it’s a video tape. She is glad Natasha’s asleep because she doesn’t have the courage yet to fully verbalize her feelings for her girlfriend to her face.

“I love you.”

Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/Reader/Wanda Maximoff

Summary: Y/n gets caught in a lie and leaves her caught between her former lover and current one.

Content: smut (18+ only, MINORS DNI),slight dubcon, rough sex, degradation, slight humiliation, pet names (’princess’, ‘baby’), name calling (’slut’, ‘bitch’), pet play (use of the word ‘puppy’ and ‘puppycunt’), fingering, oral, strap-on sex, use of a cumming strap-on.

Masterlist||Saturday Sleepover Masterlist

Natasha is quick to deny that she was ever a jealous person. Y/n liked to tease her about, not letting up on her until her girlfriend was shutting her up.

She would describe herself more as a “possessive” person because she doesn’t get upset when people flirt with Y/n. She knows how her girlfriend looks — she knows there will be lingering eyes and people attempting to get with her. Y/n is quick to let them know she is taken which makes Natasha feel proud. Although Y/n is usually diligent about telling people off, she wasn’t telling one particular person to leave her alone.

They got invited to some birthday party, and the only reason why Natasha agreed to go was because so many of her and Y/n’s mutual friends were going to be there. They didn’t really know the guy whose birthday it was, but they showed up with gifts and were welcomed in. Natasha had left Y/n out of her sight for one moment to grab a beer. That one moment turned into ten minutes when she was stopped and distracted by Steve and Sam.

“No one thought you would come,” Steve was less shocked than his words let on. It’s a running joke in their friend group that Natasha doesn’t leave the house unless Y/n is dragging her out the door.

“I wasn’t, but Y/n convinced me.”

Steve’s eyes flashed to Sam’s before he looked back at his friend in front of him. Natasha narrowed her eyes at that. Steve doesn’t necessarily have the best poker face and he can never keep his mouth shut. So him being oddly silent is very noticeable. No matter how much Sam tries to fill the dead air with random babble, Natasha is still stuck on Steve looking…nervous? She can’t quite place her finger on what his face is trying to convey, but she knows it’s not good.

“Where is Y/n? Why isn’t she with you?”

“I was only meaning to grab a beer before you too stopped me…why?”

“Just wonderin’”

Now Natasha was really confused. Steve, nor Sam, didn’t follow up about wanting to see her and say hello after a few weeks of them not hanging out. There was no way Steve was just curious. Natasha didn’t like how out of character Steve was acting, but she decided to shake it off. She’s at some random guy’s birthday party and it would be pointless to try to get to the bottom of why Steve is acting like this. She shrugs it off and waves them goodbye, telling the two men that she’ll probably come talk to them again, this time with Y/n in tow.

There were quite a few people here. Some faces were familiar while others weren’t. Natasha is unsure how she never met the birthday boy before if they have this many mutual friends. It took a while for her to find Y/n, but when she did spot her, she was in the living room. However, she wasn’t alone. She was talking to someone Natasha has never seen before. And, they looked like they were morethan just talking; they were outright flirting with each other. Natasha was slightly ticked that Y/n seemed to be enjoying the situation, leaning in and giggling like a schoolgirl with someone who Natasha thinks is a stranger. She parses through the crowd, not caring if she was slightly bumping into other guests, to get to her girlfriend.

“Hey. Am I interrupting something?” Natasha’s stark voice ended the conversation between the two women. Y/n looks up and her face completely falls. She looks up at her girlfriend with a sheepish look as if she’s been caught.

She truly wasn’t doing anything wrong, but Y/n really didn’t want these two to meet. She just got caught up in conversation that she forgot what her initial plan was when they came. The look on Natasha’s face is intimidating, but only Y/n seems to be affected by it.

“Hi, I’m Wanda.” She sticks her hand out for Natasha to shake it, like any polite person would, but Natasha instead folds her arms. Wanda brings her hand back into her lap in defeat. ‘She must be a jealous one’ she thinks to herself as she looks over at Y/n. There is tension in the air but she maintains a smile on her face. Everything feels so electric yet they’re the only three people in the room who feel it.

Y/n clears her throat before saying, “this is my friend Wanda.”

Y/n has plenty of friends, and Natasha has met all of them. This is the first time she’s hearing about anyone named 'Wanda’. If they’re close enough for Y/n to practically all over her then Natasha should know about her. Natasha knows that Y/n is not telling her the full story because she read it all over her face that she’s been caught.

“Nice to meet you,” Natasha forces out. Her jealousy was palpable, making Y/n so uncomfortable that she feels like she’s drowning in it.

Someone had bumped into Natasha followed by profusely apologizing. It worked to snap her out of her annoyance at Y/n and this situation for a moment which gave Wanda a chance to escape.

“I should probably go catch up with one of my other friends. It was nice seeing you again, and it was so nice to meet you Natasha.”

Wanda ducked out before anything else could be said. Natasha watched her slink away from them before turning to look at Y/n. She wasn’t going to say anything about what happened just yet, but Y/n already knows Natasha has a million and one questions for her.

“Who was that?”

Y/n lets out a weak sigh before responding with, “an old friend.” There is no reason to be nervous if she’s telling the truth, right?

“How come I’ve never met her before?”

“She doesn’t live in the city. I don’t know — it’s just never crossed my mind for the two to meet. I haven’t seen her in a long time.”

“Were you too close?”

“Sort of.”

That was a lie.

Y/n was lying straight to Natasha’s face just to save herself from having to explain a long story.

Wanda wasn’t just an old friend and they weren’t “sort of” close; they had dated for two years. Things between them were well, and Wanda would even say it was the best relationship she had at the time. Which is why she was blindsided when Y/n said she wanted to end things. She said that she hasn’t felt in love with her for some time, but Wanda couldn’t believe that. It wasn’t even necessarily true either. Y/n only broke things off because she felt herself having feelings for Natasha. She loved Wanda and as hard as it was to make her suffer through a break-up that came out of the blue, it would have been much more painful if Y/n had cheated on her.

By some miracle Natasha and Wanda never crossed paths until now despite having mutual friends. None of their closest friends brought her up. Now Natasha is recalling back to Steve being odd earlier and she wonders if it has to do with this Wanda person being here at the same party with them. She doesn’t know the full story, but she knows there is more than her girlfriend is letting on. She’s only scratched the surface.

Everyone around her was in such a jovial mood, even her girlfriend who was pretending like everything was alright, but Natasha’s mind was stuck on Wanda. Once the jealousy had subsided she became intrigued. She finds herself wanting to know more about this person her girlfriend is oh so comfortable with, but didn’t tell Natasha a thing about. She excused herself from Y/n who seemed to be relieved that Natasha didn’t seem so mad at her anymore.

Her eyes scanned over every single person as she roamed around the apartment until she spotted exactly who she was looking for outside on the balcony.

Wanda nearly jumped at the sound of the glass door sliding open. She had been out here for a good 30 minutes without interruption. She was shocked to see that it was Natasha, the woman she assumes is Y/n’s girlfriend. All the years and she didn’t think to lurk on Y/n’s social media accounts to see if she was seeing someone. A part of her was still hurt and confused by Y/n’s sudden change in feelings for her. She didn’t want to be reminded of what happened by being nosy and checking out her facebook.

“Hey,” Natasha says weakly. She’s not as fiery as she was earlier.


They shared the same feeling of wanting to know more about each other. Wanda can tell Natasha isn’t the type of person to fold so easily so it was something that she had presumably come to look for her. But, she wasn’t going to be the one to initiate things. Wanda on the other hand had no shame in asking.

“Are you seeing Y/n?”

“We’re dating…have been for nearly three years now.”

Wanda thinks about the timeline in her head. She doesn’t have enough evidence to believe that Y/n cheated on her, but they broke up near the end of the year. Her and Natasha would have had to start dating in October or November for them to be reaching a three month anniversary. There was just no way Y/n broke up with her and then suddenly found someone new to date within a few weeks or a month of their relationship ending.

“She didn’t tell you about me, did she?”


Natasha walks over to Wanda and joins her near the railing of the balcony. The apartment has a nice view of the city, it almost distracts her from what’s heavy on her mind.

“You two dated, I assume.”

“We did. For two years. We even lived together.

Natasha felt lied to. Y/n truly wasn’t obligated to talk about her past relationships, but she had kept so much from her and lied that she can’t help but feel some sort of resentment towards her girlfriend.

"That’s not what she told me.”

“What did she say?”

“That she hadn’t been in a relationship in a long time. She said she wasn’t seeing anyone at all when I asked her out. I don’t think she cheated on you with me, but I could be biased. However she was at my place an awful lot when we first began dating, so unless you never saw her at the end of your relationship…”

There is some overlap of Y/n being in her relationship with Wanda and meeting Natasha. She knew from the moment she saw her that she liked Natasha, but she didn’t act on her advances. Wanda feels a sense of relief knowing she wasn’t cheated on because the last days of their relationship was spent at their home together. She remembers those days so vividly; the two would barely talk to each other despite being in such a small apartment.

Wanda puts it all together and realizes she wasn’t cheated on, she was dumped for something new.

“You’re the person she left me for…”

Natasha tried not to feel guilty because she truly didn’t do anything wrong, however it seeps into her chest and it feels heavy. She felt like a bitch for being rude earlier for no real reason besides jealousy when it should be Wanda who feels some sort of way.

“I’m sorry,” Natasha says weakly. It’s hard for her to say sorry to anyone, but Wanda deserves it.

“Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault,” her voice is sweet yet she sounds so defeated at the same time. “I’m not mad at Y/n either. She’s always been sort of a free spirit, I was surprised that she even wanted to be in a long term relationship with me.”

“Don’t give her any passes. She lied to the both of us,” Natasha was thinking about how selfish her girlfriend was. She couldn’t help but wonder if Y/n would do the same to her if she got bored with their relationship. Natasha is sure her and Wanda could have worked it out (although the incredibly selfish part is glad they didn’t. Y/n has been nothing but faithful and dedicated to her, so she didn’t want to believe Y/n could dump her just to enter a new relationship).

“No, Natasha, it’s fine. I’m not upset about it like I used to be. I just thought that she had cheated on me which she didn’t. I’m happy that she’s happy. Plus I’ve been dating so it’s not like I’m losing any sleep over my past relationship.”

Natasha thought Wanda was too nice. If this had happened to her, as petty as it sounds, she would be dead set on revenge.

“Do you still think about her sometimes? In a romantic way? I don’t mean to pry, but I’m just so curious.”

“It’s hard not to, especially since dating can be so tough. I think about when things were simpler and we were together. But, I wouldn’t do anything to intrude upon your relationship. Like I said, she’s happy. She’s veryhappy with you and I don’t want you to be mad at her over this. I don’t think Y/n is the type to make what she did to me a habit. She just knows what she wants in life and that’s fine.”

Wanda’s optimism was oddly reassuring for Natasha. Her anger at Y/n was beginning to subside, but she still didn’t want to let her off the hook. Even if she just shook her up for a little bit she would be satisfied with that. She was always a vengeful person, something her friends and girlfriend reminded her of often, but revenge can just be so sweet and fun.


Y/n couldn’t find Natasha when it was time to sing happy birthday to the guest of honor tonight. She gave up looking after the crowd began to sing the second line of 'happy birthday to you!’. She didn’t spot her until ten minutes later. Her cheeks were pink, something that happens when she’s outside in the cold for a while.

“Hey, where were you?”

“Oh, I was just talking with someone,” she wrapped her arm around Y/n’s waist and pressed a kiss to her temple, “we got carried away talking about life. Did I miss the cake cutting?”

“You did, but there are still a lot of slices left.”

“That’s fine. I just feel bad that I missed singing happy birthday with all of you…guilty even.”

“I’m sure he won’t mind,” Y/n says, as oblivious as ever.

“Let’s go home now.”

“You sure? It’s still pretty early,” she checks the time on her phone. “It’s only close to 8:30.”

“I’m sure. Someone’s coming with us.”


She wondered who it was. It wasn’t uncommon for Steve or another one of their friends to come to their place after a party to wind down.

“They’ll meet us there.”

Y/n was confused, but she received no clear answer from Natasha; not even during the car ride back home. Natasha being so tight-lipped about it made her suspicious. Nothing seemed to be wrong, but Y/n can’t help but be a bit weirded out by her girlfriend’s behavior. Natasha is not the type to hold back or keep quiet, so it must be something she wants to keep from Y/n. Or, it just might now be a big deal. Y/n weighs the probability of her making this into something larger than what it really may be. She calms herself and just enjoys the rest of the ride.

She feels a bit of anticipation dancing inside of her the elevator ride up to their apartment. She didn’t know who to expect to be there waiting for the two, but the last person she would have ever thought to be standing outside of their apartment is there.

“Wanda? W-What are you doing here?”

Y/n visibly tenses up. Natasha almost laughs at her reaction and the stupid look on her face. She can’t believe Y/n is so shocked by this. She should have seen it coming, but maybe her girlfriend was just so concerned for herself that she didn’t consider this happening at all.

“She’s just here to have a chat. Let’s go on in,” Natasha gestures towards the front door. Y/n holds the key in her shaky hands. Natasha’s voice is smooth and soft, which should be reassuring, but it only makes Y/n feel more nervous. She struggles to get the front door open, but when she does, she’s being pushed into their dark apartment.

“You have a lot of explaining to do, Y/n,” Natasha coos in a taunting voice.

There is a little bit of light as the city lights peak through the sheer curtains. Y/n felt two hands on her shoulder, guiding her forward until she was walking down the dark hallway.

“Open the door,” Natasha commands.

Y/n feels for the door knob of their bedroom door before she accidentally bangs her hand against it. There is so much adrenaline pumping through her veins that the pain doesn’t even register. She opens the door in a hurry and feels herself being pushed towards the bed. She allows herself to fall onto, just to have a moment where she’s not in her body.

“W-What’s going on?”

“Don’t you think you’ve asked enough questions already? I don’t want to have to shut that precious mouth of yours up,” Natasha begins to caress Y/n’s face, “we want to hear you moan.”

Y/n was too shocked to speak. Her mouth was agape and left Natasha with the opportunity to slide two fingers into her mouth.


Y/n obeys, too afraid to not do anything Natasha asks of her.

Wanda closes the door behind her and she comes to stand by Natasha. There is more light in their bedroom, but the light casts a menacing shadow over the two women towering over her.

“Submissive, just like I remember. Glad to see nothing has changed,” she begins to pet Y/n’s hair while she continues to suck on Natasha’s fingers.

Y/n’s eyes go from Natasha to Wanda and back and forth. She feels like she’s stepped into the twilight zone, but everything is so real as evidenced by their touch leaving a burning mark on her skin.

“She is. And she’s going to move higher up on the bed and spread her legs for us, isn’t that right?”

Y/n nods her head, lips wrapped snugly around Natasha’s fingers before they’re being pulled out with an audible pop. She doesn’t hesitate to follow the instructions Natasha gave her. She moves herself to the middle of their bed and spreads her legs. She curses herself for wearing that skirt to the party. Natasha told her it was too cold to be wearing it, but she didn’t listen to her. She hopes they can’t see her panties in the low light, that they can’t see the wet spot that formed on them in the last few minutes.

The bed dips as Wanda comes behind Y/n. She pulls her back into her embrace before her hands are flying to her tits to grope them. Y/n gasps at how rough her touch is. Wanda, although dominant over her, never was this rough with her when they were together. She’s reeling as everything moves so quickly and Natasha is pulling her panties off.

“She’s fucking dripping,” Natasha smirks. “Should’ve known my slut girlfriend was going to be turned on by this.”

Natasha’s fingers slide into Y/n’s pussy. She nearly groans at the feeling of her warm walls around her finger; so hot, sticky, and wet.

Y/n lets out a pathetic whimper. It feels so good even though she doesn’t want it to. Wanda’s hands are only making her feel better. She begins to unbutton her blouse so she can get to her tits without the barrier of fabric being in her way. She pulls the cups of Y/n’s bra down to expose her tits.

“Her nipples are so hard too. I’ve never felt them this hard.”

They were both laughing, laughing at her.

Their voices tangled together as they spoke at the same time; Y/n’s head was spinning. She had two fingers inside of her and two toying with her nipples. Her watery eyes made it hard for her to see Natasha between her legs.

Natasha moves her fingers in and out of Y/n’s pussy agonizingly slow. She doesn’t want to get her off just yet, she only wants to tease her and get her warmed up. The three of them can hear the sound of Y/n’s pussy squelching around Natasha’s fingers and she’s so embarrassed. There was no way she was going to be able to hide how wet she was once she got into a room with them. So many questions plague her mind, but they’re forced out every time Natasha pushes her fingers in deep. She hits a particular spot that makes Y/n moan loudly.

“You like that don’t you baby?” Wanda asks, her mouth dangerously close to her ear. Y/n was taken back by the pet name. She waited for a reaction from Natasha, any sign of jealousy that would lead to Y/n being out of this embarrassing situation, but she didn’t seem to care.

“I should make her cum for us already, shouldn’t I?”

“I think so.”

Y/n whines until her mouth is being covered by Wanda’s hand. Her muffled cries still fill the room as Natasha picks up the pace of her fingers in her pussy. Wanda attaches her lips to her neck and sucks at her ticklish skin. Y/n closes her eyes as she drowns in overwhelming pleasure. It doesn’t seem like the two are going to stop after this, but she’s already so tired and has yet to cum.

Natasha curls her fingers inside of Y/n and that’s what sends her girlfriend over the edge. She cries into Wanda’s hand as she cum around the fingers invading her. Natasha hums in approval at the feeling of Y/n’s slick coating her fingers. She pulls her fingers out and wipes the excess juices on Y/n’s inner thigh.

“Such a perfect pussy,” she fawns. She leans down to give a kiss to Y/n’s inner thigh which makes her shiver. “What did she use to call her, Wanda? Was it puppy?” Y/n’s eyes fly open and she meets Natasha’s heavy gaze. Her girlfriend has a smug smile on her face. She seems to know how much weight that little pet name holds and what it does to her. Y/n was already embarrassed, but it was even more mortifying that hearing that name that made her even wetter. The only way her girlfriend would know about what she did with her ex-girlfriend is if she and Wanda discussed it together. Her brain finally plays catch up and she realizes that Natasha was with Wanda the entire time she was missing at the party.

“Mhm. My cute little puppy,” Wanda kisses her cheek, “she was always so good for me too. Always whiny for me to play with her puppycunt and make her cum. She was so lucky that I was always gentle with her, even when I was mad at her.”

They talked about Y/n as if she wasn’t in the room. She flinched hearing Wanda refer to her pussy as a 'puppycunt’ just like she used to years ago. It was so degrading, yet she finds herself like the mix of Natasha and Wanda’s dominance. They’re so different yet she feels an equal amount of pressure coming from both of them.

“Show her how sloppy your puppycunt is.”

Natasha forces her legs wider apart and Wanda slides from behind her so she can join Natasha at her level.

“She still gets so wet when she gets spoiled. We didn’t even touch her poor clit and yet she’s still so damn wet.”

Just as she finishes speaking, Wanda brings her hand down on Y/n’s clit with a light tap. It’s not even that harsh, but it makes Y/n’s body jerk and a whine falls from her lips. She’s just so sensitive that anything they do to her makes her squirm.

“Wet enough to get her pussy filled.”

Natasha stands up and walks over their nightstand. The bottom drawer has all the toys Natasha needs whenever she wants to have her fun with Y/n in bed. Y/n thought it was silly to keep them so close, but Natasha likes to be prepared at all times.

Wanda undresses herself while Natasha is looking for whatever she’s looking for. Y/n is on the bed, still looking dumbfounded about everything happening. The last time Wanda saw her like this, they were deep in their relationship; years ago, but it feels just like yesterday. Wanda spots the strap-on in Natasha’s hand before Y/n does.

“Get on all fours,” she instructs.

Y/n knows what’s coming next, but she looks to Natasha for permission. Natasha gives her an approving look and Y/n gets on all four. Her skirt is bunched around her waist, but her blouse had been pulled off by Wanda who was greedy to touch her pretty tits.

With her face resting against the bed and her ass in the air, Y/n was completely exposed. She gave up trying to resist what was happening because every moment brought her nothing but pleasure. She doesn’t like to be humiliated but for some reason it was turning her.

“Good little puppy,” Natasha pats her ass as she stands behind her. The strap-on is fastened and ready for use. She holds the shaft and aims the head at Y/n’s slit. “Good pets get a nice, big treat.”

Natasha’s words are followed by her pushing into Y/n’s pussy. Y/n rocks forward and gasps at the feeling of the girth stretching her out. She cried as loud as needed to, as loud as her body would allow her. Natasha rests a reassuring palm on her lower back. She wants to have fun, but she also wants to make sure Y/n is good. The small motion of her hips moving back lets her know that Y/n is hungry for more.

Wanda watches them for just a little bit. She feels like she’s peeking in on an intimate moment, or a porn video, but she remembers whyshe’s here. She lays on the bed, sliding herself in front of Y/n. Natasha notices that she’s there and grabs a handful of Y/n’s hair to pull her head off the bed.

“C'mon…show me how you use to go down on her since you use to do it a lot.”

Y/n was obedient, diving into Wanda’s pussy after being commanded to do so. She wraps around Wanda’s thighs and eats her out like she’s starved, proving Natasha’s comment to be right. Wanda tastes just like she remembers. Y/n licked a wide trail from the bottom of Wanda’s pussy to her clit. Her ex-girlfriend throws her head back at the sensation of her sweet tongue on her pussy. It’s been a while since someone has gone down on her and she’s missed it so much. But, she believes, at least in the moment, that no one would be able to compare to Y/n. She knows her so well because she always paid so much attention to what made her tick. Y/n knows exactly what spots make Wanda cry and beg for more. Her moans would make it seem like Wanda was the submissive one in the situation.

As Natasha pumps into Y/n’s pretty pussy harder and faster, it makes her moan against Wanda’s sex. She can’t believe that Natasha is letting this happen. Her grip on her ass is so tight that Y/n knows that there is still some jealousy that bites at Natasha as she watches Y/n between another woman’s leg. Her anger at Y/n must run deep for her to let this go on.

“Is she doing a good job?”

“Yea…yea…so good,” Wanda moans dreamily. Her voice makes Y/n lick harder, work harder for her approval. Wanda pulls her head back up and looks at her ex-girlfriend between her legs, lapping at her like she’s missedher or something. Pleasure swims in Y/n’s eyes, but she keeps her mouth firmly planted on Wanda’s wet pussy. Her tongue slides over every inch before pushing against her slit. She pushes her tongue as deep in as it can go, but it doesn’t fill Wanda up like the way Natasha is filling her pussy up.

Y/n feels like she’s in heaven sandwiched in between two people that she really cares about. Natasha’s pace is brutal, she’s really taking her frustration out on Y/n’s poor pussy. She grabs her hair and pulls her head back once again, but this time she’s much harsher.

“Say your sorry,” her voice was so forceful, so mean that Y/n whines.

“I’m sorry!” Y/n cries out. Small moans slip between the cracks of her words as Natasha keeps her steady pace of fucking her nice and hard.

Natasha lets go of her and Y/n scrambles to get her mouth back on Wanda’s cunt.

“Needy little puppy. Such a sweet little mouth,” Wanda coos. She feels nostalgic for the time this was a common occurrence. She misses them being together, but she knows Y/n is happy with Natasha. She indulges in this feeling of being spoiled by Y/n and that pretty mouth off for what will probably be the last time. “You’re going to make me cum.”

Wanda pats Y/n’s head and lightly grinds her pussy against Y/n’s mouth. Tears well in both of their eyes as they together get closer to their highs. The cock inside of her hits Y/n’s sweet spot and she moans loudly into Wanda’s pussy. It feels so good that her mind is stuck on stupid. She’s enjoying being both Natasha and Wanda’s bitch even if it’s just for the night.

“Make her cum, or else I’ll pull out and not let you cum all night.”

Y/n starts to panic. It wasn’t like she didn’t plan on making Wanda cum, but the threat had made her become even more eager. Natasha pushes her face deeper into Wanda’s cunt as she gives Y/n long, hard strokes. The angle she’s in makes it easier for her to reach in deeper. Their skin slaps together loudly with every harsh stroke. She’s doing a number on Y/n’s poor pussy, but she deserves it.

Y/n wraps her lips around Wanda’s clit and sucks on it. Wanda doesn’t stand a chance against the mouth she loves so much and she starts gushing against her face. Y/n moans at the feeling of cum coating face. She’s drunk off the taste of Wanda’s pussy and doesn’t want to stop, but she has to once Wanda pushes her head away. There is a dazed look in her eyes when Wanda makes eye contact with her.

“Good girl, good puppy,” Natasha coos. She delivers three more thrust to Y/n’s pussy and the slut beneath her is cumming. Y/n grabs onto Wanda’s hands and squeezes them to relieve all the pressure built up in her body as she cums.

“That’s it baby, cum for us,” Wanda says as both her and Natasha begin to praise Y/n for being such a good girl. She feels all giddy inside yet lazy at the same time.

Natasha pulls out of her, leaving her feeling empty.

“C'mon princess.” She grabs Y/n’s arms and pulls her up. Y/n is easy to move around, like she’s a rag doll. Natasha grabs ahold of her face and Y/n comes to her senses for just a quick moment.

“You gonna let Wanda use your pretty pussy?” Y/n nods absentmindedly, a stupid smile on her face, “of course you are. Such a stupid little puppy for us,” Natasha presses a kiss to her forehead before letting her go.

Y/n whimpers as she falls onto the bed again. She’s staring up at the dark ceiling as she waits for whatever they want to give her. She feels her hips being grabbed and her lower-half being adjusted. She feels the head of the strap-on being pushed into her again. She looks up and sees that it’s Wanda’s pushing into her. Y/n’s pussy is so sensitive but it feels so good that she doesn’t complain.

“That pussy of yours can never be satisfied, can it? You always had a greedy little puppycunt.”

Wanda was thrusting into her with a steady pace. She was not as brutal as Natasha’s but to Y/n’s overstimulated pussy it made no difference. She was whining about how good it felt.

Natasha was comforting her while Wanda fucked her. She had taken her frustration out on her pussy, but now she was feeling slightly remorse. Although she shouldn’t feel so bad because it’s so rewarding seeing the stupid, fucked out look on Y/n’s face.

“She’s going to fill you up, okay?”

Y/n was lost in the throes, but Natasha’s words registered within seconds. She must’ve given Wanda the strap-on that cums. Y/n never knew they made such a thing until she got with Natasha.


“No waiting honey.”

There was a wicked smile on Natasha’s face. This was her and Wanda’s time for enjoyment. They let Y/n have her fun, but now it’s time to remind her that she needs to be put in her place.

“I’m gonna cum inside of you puppy,” Wanda’s tone is so sweet and comforting.

“She needs her pretty pussy filled up. She loves feeling it ooze out of her pussy.”

“I bet she does. Eager little slut.”

“Such a pretty puppy.”

“Cum for us sweetheart, cum puppy.”

Y/n is so overwhelmed by their words. They reduce her to nothing but a pussy for their enjoyment and it makes her cum. She lets out a pathetic whine as she cums for the third time tonight. The tears in her eyes finally slid down her cheek. She has no more energy left in her as her body becomes so lazy. 

“Awe, don’t give up on this now.” She nudged her girlfriend, but she didn’t budge. Natasha recognizes that they’ve pushed her to her limit. She was already overwhelmed and it would probably do more harm than good to push her even deeper into subspace. “It’s okay baby,” she coos over her as she wipes the sweat off of her forehead.

She’s been fucked into exhaustion a handful of times, and this is one of them. The last thing she remembers is hearing Natasha and Wanda talking about her while only a few feet away. She’ll deal with the consequences of having lied to her girlfriend about her ex-girlfriend and for how she ended her relationship with Wanda. That day may be tomorrow, or it may be one of the following days to come. But, for right now they decide to leave her alone.

“I hope we didn’t go too hard on her.” Wanda was always concerned about pushing Y/n which is why she was never too rough with her when they were together. However, she seemed to be used to and enjoy the treatment she received from Natasha.

“We didn’t. She’ll be fine. It’s not like she didn’t enjoy it either.”

The two were now fully dressed and Natasha was seeing Wanda out. There was a comfortable silence between them as they walked to the front door. It feels good to have no animosity towards each other. Natasha got all her frustration out when she was fucking Y/n. She still wants to talk about it, but it won’t be a conversation fueled by lust.

“See you around?” Wanda asks as she stands partially outside of Natasha and Y/n’s apartment.

“Yea, I’ll see you around.”


Earth Angel

Loki x female avenger reader

Contains smut

Drinks, laughter and of course charitable donations were passed through the gala. The sound of a live orchestra could be heard over the noise of the talkative crowd. The event consisted of some of the most wealthiest people as well as the Avengers who were not also guests but doubled up as Tony’s security. For someone so rich, you often teased him about how cheap he could be considering the fact that none of you were getting paid to ensure everyone’s safety tonight. You assumed it just came with the territory. You spent most of the night with Bucky and Natasha, often exchanging glances with Loki who seemed to have been getting along with some of the guests. You cut your eye at him seeing him dancing with one of the other females as he held her. Despite the fact that she was probably 80 and that you and Loki weren’t together, you found yourself feeling exceedingly jealous at their close proximity. He was yours.

You danced the night away with your own flock of men in the hopes that Loki felt as covetous as you did but alas, he simply gave you a small, daring smile whenever your eyes met.

Keep reading

I have to have one eye closed, practically asleep to write something

Night in Asgardian Leather P9

Previous Chapter

A/N: Peep the title change

Thankfully Kyle wasn’t dead although he probably wished he was after the injuries he sustained and the prison he was going to be locked up into. You had a bath, drowning your emotions, finally feeling free after such a long time being tethered to such a horrible man. Loki tried his hardest to comfort you which you appreciated, you appreciated it greatly. The rest of the team kept their distance knowing that you didn’t want to talk about everything right now. You were grateful for their understanding. By the time it was bedtime, you shifted uncomfortably in your short nightdress thinking about all the events that lead you to this moment before your mind drifted into Loki.

You wondered if the real Loki had the same thoughts and emotions as the cloned version of him he had deployed to comfort you. Surely they did. Surely Loki knew what happened, Loki must have been speaking through the clone. Regardless, you had to know plus you couldn’t bare sleeping alone, not tonight. Standing from your bed, you made your way to Lokis room still in your nightdress considering that it was dark so no one would properly be able to see you anyways. Once you reached his door, you gently knocked it before hearing a “come in” from him. Seeing you, Loki sat slightly straighter, closing the book he had open in his hands. Your eyes ran over his exposed chest as he sat against the headboard, his bottom half shielded by his duvet.

“How can I help you y/n? Is there something you need?” He asked, beginning to stand from the bed.

“No.” You quickly assured “can I—can I.” You started, gesturing to his bed.

“Of course, be my guest.” He welcomed, pulling the covers back before you made your way to the bed, settling in under the warm duvet.

“Thank you.” You smiled.

“Y/n, I’m sorry.” He replied quietly “I should have—.” He continued before you put your finger to his lips.

“No.” You uttered “you’re not going to blame yourself. I won’t let Kyle make you doubt yourself Loki.”

“But—” he argued before you decided to press your lips to his, silencing him. You surprised even yourself with the action, almost gasping when Lokis hand found the back of your head as he deepened the kiss. His tongue ran over the bottom of your lip before slipping past your tongue. You began moving on top of him, Loki helping you before you were straddling him. Breaking the kiss, you caught your breath back before you realised you were sitting on top of Loki who’s hands were caressing your bare upper thighs. You looked down at the movement, seeing the tips of his fingers disappearing underneath your dress before reappearing again. Your eyes widened remembering that you didn’t in fact have any underwear on which Loki clearly noticed too. Seeing your expression change, Loki instantly stopped his movements, scolding himself for allowing you both to get this far. Clearly this was not what you wanted.

“I am terribly sorry.” He apologised, moving you off of him before your hands found his shoulders, steadying yourself.

“Stop.” You implored.


“I want you Loki. I’m finally admitting it. I want you.” You smiled.

As much as Loki had wanted to hear those words, he didn’t believe them, he couldn’t.

“Y/n stop.”

“Loki no listen, I—I love you.” You confessed.

“Oh y/n.” He murmured before kissing you again “I’ve always loved you.” He spoke against your lips. The kiss grew more heated as you began rolling your hips against his thighs, feeling him hardening beneath you. You had to feel him. His lips began to travel over your neck before they explored down your chest as Loki absentmindedly helped guide your movements over him. When he heard you moaning his name in his ear, he realised what was happening. Pausing your movements, he grinned at you as he reached his hand down between you both and began rubbing over your clit with his thumb causing your head to fall back as you writhed above him.

“Yesss Loki.” You moaned, so close to the edge.

“You’re so nice and wet for me.” He praised “want me to fuck you until you cum?” He cooed leaving you practically begging for him to take you. He freed himself, stroking the tip of his cock over your wet folds, lubricating himself before he plunged into you, holding you against him. You adjusted to his size quickly considering how wet you were after grinding over him. Your lips found his again before you began to move on top of him. Once again, Loki was guiding your movements as you rode him. The sound of his grunts and your panting as well as the sinful wet sounds you were both producing filled the room as well as the aroma of sex. Loki spoke against your ear telling you how much he loved you, how beautiful you were and how lucky he was to be inside of you. It was rare for his lips to not be on your body as he kissed either your lips or your neck as he took you both to utopia.

When you both finally came, you bit into Lokis shoulder trying to stifle your moan. You continued to sit on top of him with him buried into you as he kissed you softly for a while, simply appreciating you. Finally pulling out, he made his way to the bathroom to fetch something to clean you with before you stood up, making your way to the bathroom too where you suggested you shower together. Loki didn’t refuse. The night was a long one filled with passion and the declaration of love.

The end x

A/N: I COMPLETELY ABANDONED THIS WHY DID NO ONE SLAP ME thought I’d write one final bit to conclude, hope you all enjoyed!!








I want a Smut that’s am x Reader but it’s told in the perspective of the character instead of the reader,

Like hearing the needy thought of someone…


Love Bites (MAIN Steven Grant x Jealous! Reader) SMUT!

Hi this is based from an ask from

Summary: You go to give Steven his lunch on his first day as a tour guide, which leads to some interesting following events.

Warnings: Smut, unprotected p i v (wrap it before you tap it), oral (m recieving), jealousy, insecure thoughts, biting (f giving), smutty steven (that’s a warning ok?). MINORS DNI

Feel free to ask for more requests, I may not be able to get to them all immediately but I will eventually!

You considered yourself to be a pacifist. Believing that violence should be avoided until absolutely necessary, like life or death. 

However you were seriously considering cutting that woman’s manicured hands off of her body if she didn’t get them off of your boyfriend. 

It wasn’t like you didn’t trust Steven (or Marc and Jake for that matter), you trusted them completely. It was just a darker, more feral, more insecure part of you that looked at that person’s hands and wanted to tear them from his arm. You watched as she tried every trick in the book, fingers dancing along his arm, gasp you must work out a lot Steven, the fluttering of the eyes with a look that just says ‘notice me’,  god you could practically hear her. However, you were content to stay next to the gift shop in the museum, silently seething at the woman but supporting Steven on his first day as a tour guide for now. Your poor Steven probably didn’t even realize what was going on, he was too engrossed talking about the mummification process to notice the woman’s (not really) subtle advances. You were about to take a walk to clear your head before you noticed how her eyes darted to his ass and bit her lip. 

You checked the clock and you thanked all the gods that it was around Steven’s lunch break time. However he hadn’t noticed since he was so involved in answering and giving thorough explanations to the seemingly never ending questions that the woman asked. 

Your low heels lightly clacked against the marble floor as you made your way to your curly haired vigilante. You were thankful you brought him his lunch that he probably didn’t even know he forgot. 

You got to him just before the woman could ask another question that she just didn’t care about. You lightly tapped Steven on the shoulder, hoping your face was light hiding your seething feelings. He paused as he turned to you, you could see his dark eyes light up and the smile that you were convinced could blind the sun god himself stretched over his face. 

“Darling,” Steven said, the woman beside him glared at you, you tried to pay her no mind. You held up the brown paper bag with the words “Steven with a V” written in his handwriting. 

“Couldn’t let you miss lunch again love,” You said in a light tone, you hand him the paper bag with a kiss on his cheek. You lingered there for a second, recuperating the glare the blonde woman behind him was giving you. You wanted to kiss him breathless in front of her, grab his ass as you glared at her with a silent message in your eyes. 


But you knew that Steven would probably blush profusely and get reprimanded on his first day, so you did what you could do. You were sweet, you were a silent storm, brewing. 

“Well now that you’re here, why don’t we both go to lunch?” Steven asked, his fingers playing with the paper bag slightly. His hands always needed something to do, whether that’s playing with the strings on his jacket, solving a puzzle or…more pleasurable. 

“Sounds like a plan,” You look behind Steven, right at the woman who Steven by now has completely forgotten about and smile a sweet and subtle ‘fuck you’ smile. Steven was about to walk away when the woman stopped him, and he clearly was startled, after forgetting her. 

“Wait,” she said, god you hated her voice, it was too high pitched and nasally, “I still have a few questions regarding a thing we saw at the beginning of the tour.” 

“It’s ok,” Steven said pointing to the person taking his place during lunch, “Bob will be able to answer those questions,” He holds out his hand to shake hers, “I’m off, lovely meeting you Sarah.” 

You heard her slightly huff before you headed off towards the front doors to find somewhere to eat together. You were a few feet away from the museum when you heard Steven let out a chuckle. 

“What’s funny?” You asked curiously. 

“You,” Steven said, “I never thought I would live to see the day that I’d have someone getting jealous over somebody flirting with me.” His words shocked you. 

“Me! Jealous,” You asked incredulously and a little defensively, “what would I be jealous about. She was just clearly veryinterested in what you had to say that she simply couldn’t contain herself.” Steven responded by chuckling more. His deep voice rumbling in his chest, eye crinkling in amusement as he admires the embarrassed flush invades your face and gives you away. Usually you’re the one to catch him being jealous, not the other way around so this was a treat. And if he was being honest, it made him feel special, knowing that he could have that effect on you as well. However, while he adored the pout that was currently on your face that you were trying to hide, he loved your smiles and laughter far more. 

He grabbed your hand from your face, uncovering your blushing face. 

“Although I’m flattered,” He starts as he kisses your cheek, “jealousy doesn’t suit you, I like seeing you smile more.” He stops you and brings you to the side of the sidewalk, where a wall full of graffiti laid bare, he kisses your nose before finally bringing you for a sweet and tender kiss on your lips. His kiss was always soft, full of love and tenderness. It was like kissing a dream, beautiful and leaves you in a sort of cloudy gaze, barely remembering it until his lips were on yours again. You would have probably kissed more if it wasn’t for the resounding rumble of your stomach interrupting you, reminding you that while you brought lunch for Steven you had barely eaten today. You and Steven looked at each other before laughing, his hands in yours, you both searched for a place to eat together. 

You laid in bed with Steven, you washed the sheets earlier that day and you had just gotten out of the shower so a fresh scent surrounded you. The only thing it was missing was him. 

Without him there thoughts of the day passed by, the woman from the museum still on your mind. You were so happy with Steven and Marc, and Jake. But you’ve been happy before, you’ve trusted before only to have it thrown back at your face. You start worrying that maybe you were misreading the situation, maybe you were harsh, maybe this is one of the good things that doesn’t last and this is the beginning of the end. 

You were so caught up with your inner demons that you didn’t register your personal angel sliding into the freshly washed and dried sheets until you felt a hand cradle your face. 

“What’s going on in that mind of yours darling?” Steven asked, dark eyes unwavering. 

“Steven I-” 

“Darling what is it you always say to us?”

“Communication is key.” 

“Correct,” Steven said as his hand went from cradling your face to holding your hand, “so communicate darling, I’m all ears.” 

“I get scared sometimes,” You admit unable to say no to him, “today I have you. But tomorrow is never a given, I’m so scared that someday when I’ve let go completely that you’ll want nothing to do with me. That you’ll regret me and leave. I know this is rubbish, but I still worry. I also worry I may have been a little too harsh on Sarah from the gift shop today.” true to his word Steven lets you let it out. His eyes and ears never deviated once.

“It’s ok to get scared,” Steven starts, “I could say the same things too, I am the luckiest bastard today because I have you, but I can be the sorriest knob on the earth tomorrow if you decide I’m too broken to be loved. But while I have you, I plan on holding you, loving you, I plan on keeping that heart you gave me safe and warm, like how you are keeping mine.” Your eyes look away before he directs your attention back at him, “hey look at me,” his thumb ghosts over your cheeks, “I’m yours, nothing can change that.” 

You bring your face to his, your lips molding together like puzzle pieces, you just fit. Your hands cradle his face, before going to his scalp as you lift one leg and straddle him on the bed. Your hands gently massage the space between his ear and hair. You hear him moan as his large hands grip your hips firmly, tanned digits digging into soft flesh, as the kisses now become opened mouthed and breathing becomes ragged. 

Stevens hands move from their place on your waist and dance up your side before grabbing the hem of your nightshirt. He parts from you for just a second to which you respond with a slight wine, you open your eyes to see his midnight eyes asking silently, pleading really, to lift your shirt. You bite your lip as you nod, lifting your arms he practically tore the shirt from you. The bite of night air made goosebumps rise all over your skin, the mixture of the aroused look in your eyes and how your topless figure bathed in the moonlight left Steven absolutely breathless with love and lust. You could see his dark eyes darken as he drank you in, no matter how many times Steven has seen you he always got the same look as though he was looking at you for the first time. And that made you feel cherished. 

Steven’s mouth lowered itself on your left breast, nipple in mouth, sucking, biting, tugging. Dragging choked, and needy whimpers and moans from you as you clutch onto his dark, damp curls. Back arching into his mouth, while his left hand played with your right breast and his right hand kneading the flesh of your ass. All of this went straight to your core, feral need flooded you as your mouth lowered itself to his ear. You nibbled at the top of his ear, licked and tugged at the lower part. Which seemed to send Steven into a needy frenzy of his own, he could feel your hot breath in his ear, deep and seductive. 

“Let me touch you,” you whispered moaning in his ear as you tugged at the bottom of his shirt, “I need to touch you love please.” 

For you he would do anything. 

He stopped and excitedly got rid of the last shred of clothing separating your top halves together. Just as he was about to continue worshiping your breasts the way they deserved, you gently pushed him back, letting your hands roam around his toned body. Memorizing every detail. 

Every scar, every mole, every freckle and goosebump. 

You want to memorize it all. 

Your lips latch onto his neck, sucking and kissing your way down to his clavicle. His breathing gets more erratic as he is so hard he throbs, his hands dancing patterns onto your skin. Your kisses continue downward, you take a small detour to take his dark nipple in your mouth sucking before lightly biting. His back arched at the sensation, urging for more, begging. However you have other plans as your hands gently caress the outline of his cock through his sleep pants. Noting the slight wet spot right where you knew the head was, a mischievous smirk settled on your lips. Your kisses travel lower, and lower until you are at eye level with the decent sized bulge. Your eyes look up at the half lidded and sex addled eyes of your lover before kissing the tip through the pants. The groan was guttural and damn did that do wonders for your confidence. You’ve brought him here, to the point between saving and utter ruin. Your eyes ask a silent question and he nodds fervently, your hands reach the waistband of his pants and he lifts his hips. You pull them down until his cock sprang forward, slapping against his stomach. It made your mouth water as you pulled back the foreskin and gave the tip of it a kiss before enveloping him within your mouth. 

Steven swears as his fingers clutch the hair on your scalp in a tight grip as you bob your head up and down in a consistent and steady rhythm. Your tongue tracing the outline of the vein on the underside of his shaft. You look up and as you see Steven fall apart beneath you, his chest rising and falling erratically as you pick up your pace. You decide to get dangerous as you just barely let your teeth graze him. Suddenly you are pulled off of him, the salty taste of his precum lingering on your tongue as he mashes his pillow soft, kiss swollen lips against yours, nearly drawing blood. The kiss is all lust and teeth and tongue. His hands grab the flesh of your ass tightly, for sure leaving bruises in their wake. And you know you’ll wear those bruises on your ass like a badge of honor.  

As the kiss died down he pressed his sweat covered forehead against yours. 

“That was close,” Steven whispered breathlessly, “I would’ve made a mess if you had done that again.” 

“That good huh?” you joked just as breathless as him as he kissed you again, sweetly. The combination of the feral and lust blown kiss from earlier to the sweet and domestic kiss was enough for your mind to whirl. 

“Better than good,” Steven said, breaking away from the kiss, “but I want you to come before I do darling.” 

You suddenly felt full as Steven thrusted his hips upward connecting you together. The pleasure filled screamed that came out of you made you sure that tomorrow you will receive a noise complaint…again. 

Steven’s hands steadied you as you fell forward, your chest against his as he began thrusting upward. Bouncing you up and down his lower appendage. 

You could barely form a coherent sentence as Steven expertly rocked into you and hit consistently in that one goddamn spot that made you see white. It was difficult to believe that Steven was so awkward about sex before when he’s fucking you so damn good. Your sweat covered chest rubbing against his, his hands firmly on your and the sole attention you were receiving was all contributing to the tight coil forming in your belly. It only got tighter once his diligent and skilled fingers found the sensitive little bundle of nerves and started rubbing in lazy circles that you felt the coil get impossibly tight as you felt him throb inside you. 

“I’m not gonna last much longer my darling,” he confesses as his lips attack your neck, “you’re so tight, let go my darling cum for me.” 

At that you did, you felt the surge of mind blowing pleasure that you didn’t realize you bit harshly onto Stevens neck. However at the feeling of your teeth sinking into him and marking him he exploded, unable to keep rocking into you as his release leaked out of where you both were joined. 

You both stayed like that for a while, with you collapsed on top of him, gently kissing the mark you left on him as an apology. While he lovingly traced the outline of your spine and the red marks he knew will darken into bruises by morning. Both of you basked in each other’s afterglow, not having the energy to move and nearly falling asleep. However Steven, the man who was always so attentive to your needs, knew you would be uncomfortable in a few hours if he didn’t clean you up. So reluctantly he removed himself from you with a wet plop, you groaned as you felt so empty without him. He kissed your temple and tried to remove himself from you, letting you know he was just gonna get a wet rag to clean you up with as well. 

You drifted in and out of sleep as you heard him in the bathroom over wetting the rag with warm water. 

He came back not a few minutes later with a warm wet rag and cleaned you up, although you were sensitive the warm wet rag was a welcome. After cleaning you up Steven disposed of the rag after cleaning himself up as well, he slid in next to you. His chin resting on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your torso. 

“How in the bloody hell am I going to cover this love bite tomorrow.”

You fell asleep smiling proudly at yourself.



Kinktober is almost upon us! I’m incredibly excited, nervous, and exhausted all at once. A lot of firsts will be happening this year. My first time writing for Kinktober, my first time writing for multiple fandoms, and a lotof these prompts will be the first time writing for certain kinks/pairings. As the month goes on, I’ll be making this post my Kinktober Masterlist so that it’ll be easier to find fics that you like. But first, a few disclaimers and stuff.

1) Even if they’re not adults in canon, all of the characters I will be writing for are over the age of 18. This is ESPECIALLY TRUE for My Hero Academia, Descendants, and the fics including Peter Parker, but it goes for all fics nonetheless. 

2) These fics will also be posted in a separate Kinktober 2020 work on AO3, which will go up on October 1st. Since AO3 doesn’t allow you to schedule posts, fics may go up a little later there than on tumblr. 


2b) If you are reading on AO3, you’ll be getting the first 4 fics on October 1st. I’ll be out of town celebrating my birthday the first weekend of October and don’t feel like spending time getting AO3 posts ready, SO you win some you lose some.

3) Some of the kinks I’ll be writing will be a bit out of my comfort zone, so I apologize in advance if some of them seem a little rushed. On the bright side, some of the pairings and kinks I’m more familiar with will be very thorough.

THAT BEING SAID!!!! Here are my Kinktober 2020 plans! Happy sinning!

Day 1: Mutual Masturbation, Maze Runner, Thomas x Newt

Day 2: Dirty Talk, MHA, TodoBaku

Day 3: Mind Control, MHA, Shinsou x Kaminari

Day 4: Somnophilia, Descendants, Sea Three

Day 5: Daddy K*nk, Shadowhunters, Malec

Day 6: Edging, MCU, Loki x Reader

Day 7: BJ, Descendants, Harry x Gil

Day 8: Desperation, Descendants, Huma

Day 9: Accidental Stimulation, Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid x Reader

Day 10: Knife K*nk, MHA, Dabi x Villain!Hawks

Day 11: Aftercare, MHA, KiriBaku

Day 12: Dubcon, Descendants, Jaylos

Day 13: In Public, MCU, Peter Parker x Reader

Day 14: Bloodplay, Maze Runner Vamp!AU, Thomas x Newt

Day 15: Hierophilia, Shadowhunters Demon!AU, Malec

Day 16: Bondage, Shadowhunters, Sizzy

Day 17: Begging, MCU, Peter Parker x Dom!Reader

Day 18: Coercion, MCU, Loki x Reader

Day 19: Threesome, Descendants, Jaylos x Harry

Day 20: Breathplay, Descendants, Huma

Day 21: Phone S*x, MHA, Dabi x Hawks

Day 22: Wax play, Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid x Reader

Day 23: First Time, MCU, Peter Parker x Reader

Day 24: Oral, Shadowhunters, Sizzy

Day 25: Pregnancy, MCU, Loki x Reader

Day 26: Temperature Play, MHA, Villain!Todoroki x Villain!Deku

Day 27: Yandere, Descendants Modern!AU, Yandere!Harry x Uma

Day 28: Praise K*nk, MHA, Shinsou x Kaminari

Day 29: Fingers, Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid x Reader

Day 30: Servitude, The Maze Runner, Thomas x Newt

Day 31: Overstimulation, MHA Vamp!AU, Dabi x Hawks

So KINKTOBER is almost here! I missed it last year but I am already starting to plan some works so I can send them out.

I’ll be using both this listandthis list for prompts, but since I’m wanting to step into the multi-fandom…the characters are up to y’all! If you want to make a request, a few things to keep in mind

- I’ll likely only take requests from the fandoms listed in my previous post (as well as the MCU, I forgot to add them for some reason)

- Characters who are canonically minors will DEFINITELY be aged up (this mostly goes for the BNHA/MHA fandom)

So yeah! I’ll probably start writing tomorrow so send those requests in! See y’all in Kinktober ;)


summary: wanda sure had a way with her magic

word count: 3.7k

pairings: wanda x black!reader ; bruce x black!reader ; avengers x black!reader

warnings: 18+!!!! wlw smut, mind control in a way?, everything is consensual, oral, using magic for pleasure, exibitionism, voyeurism, sex magick, magical strap on, being tied up, daddy kink

a/n: I do not own these characters but this story and my other works are my own intellectual property. And a big thanks to @vase-of-lilies​ for my new disclaimer banner!


Keep reading


summary: wanda sure had a way with her magic

word count: 3.7k

pairings: wanda x black!reader ; bruce x black!reader ; avengers x black!reader

warnings: 18+!!!! wlw smut, mind control in a way?, everything is consensual, oral, using magic for pleasure, exibitionism, voyeurism, sex magick, magical strap on, being tied up, daddy kink

a/n: I do not own these characters but this story and my other works are my own intellectual property. And a big thanks to @vase-of-lilies​ for my new disclaimer banner!


Keep reading
