#jeri ryan

goddesshunter: Jeri Ryan


#2,225 icons of Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine in Voyager, S5 can be found HERE. 200x100, slightly sharpened. Caps from HERE.

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In addition to star Sir Patrick Stewart, the only two members of the main Star Trek: Picard cast carrying over into season three are Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd. And the pair are now talking about what’s next for Seven and Raffi and what it is like working with the Star Trek: The Next Generation cast who are joining the series for season three.

Raffi and Seven in season three

On Monday Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd participated in a Twitter Spaces chat to discuss season two of Picard, but they also ventured into a bit on season three. The season two finale saw a resulting and coming together of Raffi and Seven. And when asked where this relationship is headed in season three, the pair made it clear they will be as close as ever:

Michelle Hurd: Well, I think that no matter what, there’s always going to be like the deepest respect between these women… There’s a connection. There’s a shorthand. There’s acceptance and trust. I believe that that’s where Rafi will always place Seven. She believes in this person. She trusts this person, implicitly. She’s so connected and respectful of this person. And so those two women will always walk in the path camaraderie and companionship and support.

Jeri Ryan: Yeah, absolutely… I think the way Michelle put it is exactly right. I think at the very basic level, they’ll always kind of be home for each other. Regardless of what paths life takes them on, they will always sort of just be home. A safe space and a comfortable, trusted space. There’s so much respect there. There’s so much love there. And so much trust.


Ship or shuttle gets hit:




Touching the forcefield:


(gifs: 1 via giphy, 2  via giphy, 3 via @philippageorgiou)





‘violating a direct medical command’ Janeway has never been so proud



Dark Frontier (Star Trek: Voyager 5.15)

Fly Me to the Moon (Star Trek: Picard 2.05)

Seven of Nine on the bridge during red alert.

Seven of Nine, tertiary adjunct of unimatrix zero one.


If time travel was real, it would be great to send gifs like this back to Janeway/Seven fans back in the 90s. “Y'all were right. Y'all KNEW.”

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