#jerome clarke


Two is Company - Chapter 61: A Bracelet For Your Birthday


When the truth comes out about Amber’s bracelet switch, Victor goes on a rampage. Meanwhile, Joy organizes open day, the twins have a little heart-to-heart, and Mr. Sweet gets a secret holiday surprise.



willow, mara and joy were so funny for this

pls not “wig hair”

Halloween Heist: Chapter 3

Chapter III: “Spooky, Scary Skeletons”

Summary:Joy and Nina spend their first hour alone maybe ever. Mara and Amber have different ideas about how to spread the word about the party, while KT’s good ideas get steamrolled. Willow dreams of winning the costume contest. Meanwhile, Mr. Sweet catches a hint of something suspicious.

Link to AO3


Patricia: How would you like me to make your life a living hell?

Jerome: Well, I’m not really ready for a relationship, Patricia, but thanks for asking.


I forgot when jerome was just causing problems for no reason in season one. like what did he gain from breaking up amber and mick?? nothing he simply did it to be trouble

I love how it’s like two seconds after we meet him too, like one episode in and he’s already harassing Nina, blackmailing Mara, and trying to end a committed relationship for sport





I’m gonna have Jerome sell contraband in this fic and I was GOING to have that include stuff like alcohol, cigarettes, and sexy magazines, but when I looked up “boarding school contraband” for research lots of these lists also included things like mini fridges and microwaves and candles so I’m wondering if it would be funnier if Jerome just sold illicit appliances

Jerome opens up his giant trench coat to reveal rows upon rows of candles

Also the combination of all those incredibly strong and conflicting aromas right under his nose threatens to make him ill

Consider along with candle peddler Jerome: Novelty Lighters

Jerome specializes in sexy bikini lighters

Omfg, candle vendor Jerome, I’m actually deceased


in this next installment of

jerome clarke’s horrid choices:

*insert the whole show*


I’m planning on making an edit of HOA + Stupid Costumes and I’m just now realizing just how many costumes Jerome wore - he’s like 40% of the list and each costume is so stupid

I have a completely rediculous, shit-eating theory with my sister that Jerome is a secret seamstress and makes all of his clothes and costumes. It came about when we were wondering how he got an exact replica of Amber’s dress but doll form so quickly. And the only logical answer was that he made it himself and now I have a mental image and him running to his room, getting on his hands and knees and pulling his machine out from under his bed like, “you’re time has come.”



the infamous prison slap

How did I FORGET this iconic moment

Reason number 8,761 I adore this 12 yro. The courage? I could never.
