#amber millington



fabian, who probably has nina’s play memorized and knows perfectly well that amber’s playing a canary: why are you dressed as a duck

Alfie: this isn’t my fault, blame Amber!

Amber: how was I supposed to know there’d be consequences to my actions?

dykelittlemy: “did you hear that? nina thinks i’m a genius!”


“did you hear that? nina thinks i’magenius!”

Post link

Halloween Heist: Chapter 3

Chapter III: “Spooky, Scary Skeletons”

Summary:Joy and Nina spend their first hour alone maybe ever. Mara and Amber have different ideas about how to spread the word about the party, while KT’s good ideas get steamrolled. Willow dreams of winning the costume contest. Meanwhile, Mr. Sweet catches a hint of something suspicious.

Link to AO3


Ana Mulvoy Ten truly had the best scream out of the entire cast. She’s too good, no one can touch her

*nods head* can’t fight you there.
