

Clothes shopping

Jon: Jervis you need to go clothes shopping

Jervis: *Currently sewing up a hole in one of his shirts* I don’t know know what you’re talking about

Jon: You’re literally always sewing up holes in your clothes

Jervis: My clothes are fine

Jon: We’re going clothes shopping for you

Jervis: I don’t like the clothes in the stores!

Jon: …..Ok What about a clearance store? Nobody wears most of the shit in there

Jervis: ….Fine.

Harley: Uh Wow Professor

Jon: Jervis needed new clothes. He loved the clearance store

Harley: You took Hatts to a clearance store to get him new clothes?!

Jon: He refused to go anywhere else.

Jon: Don‘t bother me, ok? I’m busy and i hate you all

Jervis: I made a cinnamon raisin loaf for you

Jon: You can bother me anytime

Jervis is very durable

Jervis: *Trying to reach things and they fall on him*

Jon: Are you Alright?

Jervis: I’m fine!

Jervis: *Appears* Hey Eddie!

Eddie: AH! *Hits him with the door*

Jervis: Sorry to alarm you

Eddie: ARE YOU OK?

Jervis: Never better!

Harvey: *Practicing his aim*

Jervis: ….Want a Sprite cranberry?

Harvey: *Shoots him in the head*

Jervis: You busy? Ok I’ll leave it hear, bye Harvey!


Jervis: Jon, I think I’m bleeding.

Jon: Ok lemme take a look— WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK

Jervis: Is it Ok? *Vibing whas th a bullet in him head*

Jon: *Walks into kitchen* Hey Jervis

Jervis: *Standing On the counter* Oh hi Jon!

Jon: Wait a second…why are you doing that?

Jervis: …..I can’t reach the paprika

Jon: Ha, short-

My Jon And Jervis minecraft skins

I got bored

Don’t have a name but hey, this is a thing, the cat’s names are Inky and Plume 

Don’t have a name but hey, this is a thing, the cat’s names are Inky and Plume 

Post link

Joker: Ugh Eddie brought his ugly ass toy with him

Harvey: *Cocks gun*

Jervis: Yeah And you brought your ugly ass attitude yet here we are

Joker: ….Fuck you

Eddie: :)

Jervis: *Chewing*

Jon: Hey Jervis…what are you chewing?

Jervis: ….*Chews faster*

Jon: *Grabs his face*  WHATEVER’S IN THERE SPIT IT OUT-
