#jevil deltarune


So I had a dream about a Brick Bonus “Route” last night and I wanna share it with more than my close friends so (SPOILERS?):

At the start of Chapter 2, when you get to Castle Town, you’d release Jevil from your party (toss whatever item you have from Jevil) and he would go flying and laughing off to the left towards that large cliff. Do Chapter 2 as normal, no Strange Route, and recruit Spamton. When you get back to Castle Town at the end of Chapter 2, release Spamton as well, and he too will go flying to the left. Head over to the left side and you’ll find that Spamton was going to set up shop there, but Jevil already is preoccupying the space in a brick house.
Well, less of a house, more of a brick crate with a hole in it where Jevil can be “free” again. Spamton remarks how utterly preposterous it is and how he hasn’t [ACCEPTED THE TRUTH] yet.

So Spamton tasks the player to go find other bricks to break down the brick house. Stronger bricks. METAL bricks. So, the player goes around and asks for bricks from the other residences. Depending on the recruited monsters you have, (even if you only have Chapter 1 recruits), you’ll receive different bricks to throw at the brick house, typically relating to what the recruit is (like a diamond brick from Rudinn, Heart-Pained brick from Hathy, etc. etc.).
After gathering up however many bricks, you go back to hand them to Spamton, who can be seen punching the house as Jevil peers through the singular hole in there to laugh at him. Once Spamton has the bricks, he proceeds to throw them at the house, effectively breaking it open.

Jevil’s laughter stops then and there, and Spamton starts instead. Spamton rushes into the brick house and tries to shove Jevil out, but neither will budge. The player will be prompted with a decision: To help Jevil or help Spamton. No matter what’s chosen, the player will be told ‘Maybe they should be left alone instead’. There’s nothing left to do but leave the screen and come right back, to which the player will find the two of them yelling at each other about FREEDOM, challenging each other’s ideologies and such.
Spamton tries talking Jevil into the fact that none of them are BUY ONE GET ONE FREE, and Jevil retorts that the only freedom he had was pretty much DESTROYED because of the salesman. A battle engages, where you pretty much have to beat down both of them. (Or at least in my route I did???)
Whoever gets beaten down first will laugh at the other and not even attack, but the sparing option wasn’t available after one was down, it seemed like.

The player collects them up afterward, but they’re broken and need to be taken to the repair shop. Take them there, repair them, and the stats are just One Higher than they are usually, but they have an extra buff to them; Jevil’s buff is “Pitiful!” and Spamton’s buff is “WE DON’T NEED [KNIFE]!” (Spamton’s goes out of the text box it’s supposed to be in). The player can no longer equip the two items on the same person, or else they will be prompted with “Maybe once we’re all free…” instead of actually equipping them.
