#jigen x zenigata



Fic #19 posted in AO3 on June 18, 2022.

Summary: A conversation at a bar one night leads to some fun. Lots of feelings and pining involved. Mostly just these two being cute while me, The Author, cries over how much I love them.

Word Count: 4036

Warnings: Explicit Content, Brief Descriptions of Violence, NSFW (18+ only please).

“I thought I’d find you here.”

Zenigata took a seat beside Jigen at the bar, flagging down the bartender and ordering himself a drink. He lit a cigarette as he sat there, shifting his eyes in the direction of the gunman.

Jigen tipped his fedora at him, his smile wide and all Zenigata was allowed to see. “Oh, hey Pops. Did ya need somethin’?”

Zenigata bit down on the filter and took in a breath of smoke. He let it out through his nose and allowed his gaze to fall from Jigen to the cherrywood countertop before him. “I’ve got a question for you,” he said.

“Oh, yeah?” Jigen raised an eyebrow, leaning toward Zenigata as if he were trying to hear him better. “An’ what’s that?”

Zenigata slumped his shoulders, hesitating for a moment before he continued speaking. “Were you the one who killed Brandon Mulroy, Kaleb Neufeld, John Strahl, and Rich Demelo?”

“Hm? Where in the world did you hear those names?” Jigen’s face dropped. He tried his best to stay casual, but the cigarette in his mouth still seemed to falter. “Truth be told, I didn’t think you knew they existed.”

“I found them in a sealed file,” Zenigata admitted. “And while the description of their deaths was rudimentary, I recognized the style anyway. I need to know, Jigen. Were you the one who killed them?”

Jigen pulled the cigarette from his lips and crushed it between his fingers. He looked away. “Hardly. I wasn’t quite Daisuke back then, was I?”

“Jigen, please. Answer the question.”


“Why what?”

“Why do you want to know? Why should I tell you?”

Zenigata opened his mouth but paused when the bartender arrived to give him his drink. The whiskey burned as it went down, granting him the courage he needed to continue.

“I’m only asking because I need to understand. Before I allow anything to happen between us, Daisuke. I have to know you’re not the monster your files make you out to be.”

Jigen’s face grew shadowed, his expression haunted and distant. He took a sip of his own drink and seemed to slump in on himself, shoulders pulled inward.

“Monster…” he echoed. “I’m afraid I might disappoint ya, Pops.”

Zenigata sipped his glass and sighed. “Just explain. Please.”

Jigen let out a breath, staring into the amber liquid of his glass. “They killed my brother. I had to get back at them. I had to make them feel the pain I felt when I learned what happened to him.”

“They executed him, right?”

Jigen turned his gaze to Zenigata, lacking the energy to hide his eyes or the sadness present within them.

“Yeah,” he mumbled, voice ragged. “They took ‘em to a field and shot him in the back of the head. Claimed he stole from them. All of it was a mistake. They were just kids.”

“So were you,” Zenigata laid a careful hand on Jigen’s shoulder and pulled him closer. “You were what— seventeen when it happened?”

“Old enough to know what I was doing.”

He pulled another cigarette from his jacket and lit it with the flick of his lighter.

Zenigata watched him as he took in the first breath, noting the hard lines of his face and just how old Jigen looked despite his younger age.

This was a man who had lived a hard life. He’d done things and seen things Zenigata couldn’t even begin to imagine, and here he was bringing up the worst of it.

He’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel guilty, even if it was important for him to understand.

“Come back with me to my hotel.”

Jigen’s expression widened. He lifted the cigarette from his mouth and held it in front of his chest. “What?”

“You heard me,” Zenigata smiled, trying his best to be reassuring. “Come back with me.”

“You sure?” Jigen leaned away, though it was more out of confusion than anything else. “You were just— you’re sure?”

Zenigata nodded. “I wouldn’t have invited you if I wasn’t.”

“But I’m a criminal. I’ve killed people—”

“So has Lupin,” Zenigata said. “And that hasn’t stopped me yet. You’re a good man, Jigen. I know you don’t take these things lightly.”

Jigen’s eyes were alight with something that may have been tears, though he hid them before Zenigata could be sure. His cheeks grew crimson as he tugged on the brim of his hat, yanking it down to better hide his embarrassment.


Zenigata grinned at him and gulped down the rest of his drink, placing the glass on the counter and offering Jigen his hand, beaming. “Let’s get going, then.”


Zenigata found Jigen on the bed when he returned, lounging against the headrest like he owned the place.

He had a cigarette pressed between his lips, the tip of it dull and lifeless, like it had yet to be lit. One of his hands sat behind his head, pushing his hat down over his eyes and giving Jigen the appearance of a deadly criminal who had snuck in through the window.

He was surprised when he didn’t smell cigarette smoke, the room freshly cleaned and unmarred by anyone’s touch.

Jigen smiled as Zenigata stepped through the threshold, the scarlet of his blush peeking out from just under the brim of his fedora.

“Hey, Pops. Long time no see.”

Zenigata untied his trench coat and threw it over a nearby chair, his own smile amused and inviting.

“How’d you get in? I thought the plan was for you to sneak in after I got back.”

Jigen shrugged. “I thought this would be more entertaining. Are ya disappointed?”

“Not at all,” Zenigata said truthfully. He approached the bed and looked down at the younger man. “How do you want to do this?”

Jigen flicked the cigarette back into his hand and tucked it into his jacket, sitting up on the bed so he could remove his tie and throw his jacket on the floor by the window. His hat stayed firm over his bangs, shading Jigen’s face and hiding the look of his eyes.

It wasn’t long before he had himself on his knees, pushing his body up within Zenigata’s reach, smirking. He wrapped his arms carefully around his partner’s neck and basked in the expression it earned him. Zenigata’s cheeks were warm and his mouth was hanging wide open, spluttering for something to say.

Jigen’s eyes glinted dangerously. It was the same sneer he carried anytime he pulled his pistol— mysterious and deadly. Like an assassin coming to kill him in the night. Or an Angel of Death swooping in to carry away his soul.

It made his spine tingle.

Jigen smelled like the rich scent of tobacco smoke and bourbon, musty and earthy like a Spring day after a rainfall. He wanted to memorize that scent. If only to remember this moment — and this night — forever.

“You doin’ okay, Inspector?”

Zenigata coughed and pulled himself out of his thoughts, reminding himself to stay in the moment. He averted his gaze, but was pulled back in just as quickly.

“I’m fine,” he said. “You’re just very… striking. You know that?”

Jigen smirked. “So I’ve been told.”

Something in Jigen’s expression changed, and his grip against Zenigata slackened ever so slightly. His arms hung casually over the top of Zenigata’s shoulders, no longer as noticeable as they once were before. “You’re still… sure you want this to happen, right? You do realize who I am, don’t you?”

“Course I do,” Zenigata assured him. “I told you where I was staying, didn’t I? If I thought you were a threat, neither of us would be here right now. Not like this, anyway.”

“This isn’t some scheme to locate Lupin or arrest me, is it?”

Zenigata shook his head. “My handcuffs are in my jacket,” he said. “I won’t touch them. Not unless you want me to.”

Jigen sighed, nodding. “Okay. I believe you. I just wanted to be sure.”

“I know.” Zenigata smiled. He ran the tips of his fingers along the side of Jigen’s face, staring into his captivating eyes and brushing locks of dark hair to the side of his forehead. “I want you to be comfortable here, okay? You don’t have to worry. Not on nights like this one.”

Jigen snorted, covering his mouth with his fist to try and hide his amusement. “You’re okay with just about anything when you’re off the clock, aren’t you, Pops?”

Zenigata could feel his cheeks burning. He frowned, and Jigen laughed again.

“I wouldn’t say anything,” he murmured. “But I am fine with spending time with you like this. We should do it more often.”

“Sure,” Jigen said. “I’d be okay with that, though finding the time to do this might be difficult, given our general lives.”

“We’ll figure it out,” Zenigata said. “Now, kiss me, you stubborn gunman. It’s all I’ve been thinking about since we left the bar.”

The glint in Jigen’s eyes brightened and he grinned, knuckles caressing the back of Zenigata’s neck lovingly. “I thought you’d never ask.”

He pressed himself tighter against Zenigata’s torso, brushing his nose with his partner’s before finally closing the gap. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol intensified as Jigen pulled them both forward, guiding Zenigata down so they could reach each other better. His beard tickled Zenigata’s chin, pulling a small chuckle from the base of his throat.

Jigen’s hands were warm, his fingers making their way up Zenigata’s chest to his collar. He made quick work of the buttons, sliding the fabric of his shirt backwards to give him a full view of Zenigata’s body.

Zenigata scrambled to catch up, sufficiently distracted due to the man in his arms and the quickly growing erection in his pants.

He broke the kiss once Jigen was exposed, hands pressed against his stomach as he leaned forward and kissed along his neck down to his shoulder.

Jigen hummed as he tipped backwards, enjoying the feel of Zenigata’s lips and the warmth of his arousal as it spread between his legs.

He trailed his hands down the length of Zenigata’s body, admiring the hard-packed muscles of his abs and the intense heat of his skin. He was nearly as broad as Goemon and probably just as strong. He imagined it came with the life Zenigata lived, his arms strong and his chest wide; his muscles built through years of running and games of cat and mouse

“You and Goemon should spar sometime,” Jigen said suddenly. “I wanna know who would win.”

“Goemon would,” Zenigata paused, his hands grasping Jigen’s hips so he could move him further up the bed. “What brought that on?”

Jigen shrugged. “Jus’ thinking out loud. You do realize you’re about his size, right? You have similar builds.“

“Doesn’t matter,” Zenigata muttered. “Goemon is a fully trained warrior. I’m not nearly as skilled.”

Jigen furrowed his brow, reaching up to pull Zenigata closer to him. “Don’t sell yourself so short. You’re the only man who can keep up with Lupin, remember?”

Zenigata smirked and allowed himself to be drawn up over Jigen’s lap. He shook his head. “You don’t seem to have any problems keeping up with him.”

“That’s different,” Jigen said. “Comes with the job. Gotta learn to keep up if I want to stay with him.”

“I think he’d slow down for you. If you asked him to.”

“Maybe,” Jigen slipped a finger into one of the belt loops by Zenigata’s hip, working his fingers toward the clasp of his pants. “He’d do the same for you too, you know.”

“I doubt it,” Zenigata smiled sheepishly, imagining a scene where he did exactly that. In his mind, it didn’t go well. “He loves our game too much.”

“You mean you both love it—”

“You do too,” Zenigata leaned down and pressed another kiss to Jigen’s lips, laughing lightly as his fedora hit the bed and fell backwards. “Don’t lie.”

“Never said I didn’t,” Jigen whispered. “You’re a fun man to run from. I get the appeal.”

Zenigata’s smile turned to a smirk. He ran his fingers through Jigen’s hair and felt him purr low in his throat, the look on his face radiant and adoring. “And you’re a fun man to chase.”

“I’m not runnin’ now. Not when I finally have you where I want you.”

Zenigata laughed, leaning back so he could get a better look at the man below him. “I think you mean the opposite. It seems I have you where I want you, Daisuke.”

“Same thing,” Jigen said. “Undress me, Inspector. I want you inside of me.”

“Koichi.” Zenigata said softly. “Call me, Koichi.”

Jigen’s smile reached his eyes and transformed him into the kind hearted man Zenigata believed him to be. His voice was fond as he spoke, his tone light and adoring. “Undress me, Koichi. I’m tired of waiting.”

He popped the button of Zenigata’s slacks and tugged the fabric down his thighs to his shins, beaming at Zenigata’s tented underwear and passing a hand carefully over his dick.

Zenigata shuddered and felt himself twitch, his face as bright as the rubies Lupin had stolen over the years. His mouth was frozen between a smile and a frown, earning a satisfied huff from the gunman on the bed.


Zenigata finished removing his pants and turned his attention to the button on Jigen’s slacks. He didn’t hesitate as he released it, lifting Jigen’s hips so he could pile them on the floor.

His boxers were purple, the lighter shade complimenting the dark hue of his button-down. It made Zenigata chuckle.

“You match your underwear to your shirt?”

The blush on Jigen’s face darkened and he looked away, but only for a moment. “Shut up.”

“That’s adorable.”

“Shut up.”

“Mine have hearts today. They kind of match my jacket, so we’re not really all that different.”

Jigen burst out laughing, covering his face with his hands like this was all too much for him to handle. “And you call me adorable. This isn’t really the time, Pops.”

“It made you laugh,” Zenigata said. “I like to hear you laugh. It’s nice.”

Jigen peaked at him through his fingers, his face red. “You’re too much. Seriously. It’s gonna kill me.”

“What’s it you and your group like to say? That you’re immortal?”

Jigen’s laugh repeated itself, and Zenigata felt his heart stutter, stopping in his chest for the briefest of moments.

“It’s a figure of speech. Or at least, it’s supposed to be. Lupin likes to think we are. With how we live and how he pushes us, anyway. Sometimes I even think he believes it.”

Zenigata nodded, knowing exactly what Jigen meant. “Hey, what’s life without a little risk, right?”

Jigen shrugged. He fingered the waistband of his boxers and began moving them down past his hips. “You’re spending too much time with Lupin thinking like that.”

Zenigata saw what he was doing and did the same, finally springing free from the cramped material of his boxers. “You’re one to talk,” he said, taking in the image that was Daisuke Jigen.

He was beautiful; all sharp lines and dark hair, with long limbs and slim features full of life and change. It was an image Zenigata had only ever dreamed of; a fantasy that had finally come to fruition.

There was a glistening wetness between the gunman’s legs. It darkened the hair around his already swollen clit and gave Zenigata a picture he never wanted to forget.

"You’re really enjoying this.” He said, his expression wide.

“Course I am,” Jigen shifted under Zenigata’s weight, slightly embarrassed. “You’re what Lupin would call 'my type.’”

“Is that right?” Zenigata asked. He smiled, showing his teeth. “You find me attractive?”

Jigen sighed, smirking. “Don’t get too full of yourself, Pops. You’re just very… alluring. It’s distracting.”

“But you are enjoying this, right?”

Jigen chuckled, nodding. “Yes, Koichi. You’re very handsome.”

“Good,” Zenigata looked down at Jigen, his hand hovering but not yet moving to act. “Can I…?”

Jigen saw where his hand was hovering and nodded desperately. “Yes,” he breathed. “Please.”

Zenigata trailed his fingers along the inside of Jigen’s thigh, slowly ebbing his way toward what his partner wanted.

Jigen bucked his hips to get closer to Zenigata’s caress, the radiating warmth of his arousal almost too much for him to handle. He whined the moment Zenigata finally touched him, squeezing his eyes shut and leaning into the rough pads of his fingers.

Zenigata stroked along the top and sides of Jigen’s clit, working his way down his labia to the opening beneath.

Jigen bit his lip as he pushed into Zenigata’s touch, silently guiding him on where to go and what to do.

“Is this okay?” Zenigata asked.

Jigen pressed an arm against his eyes and nodded. “Yup. Yes. You’re perfect. Keep… keep that up.”

Zenigata nodded, continuing to run his fingers against Jigen’s eager warmth, growing wetter as Zenigata rubbed and focused in on where he was directed.

Pre-cum dripped down the side of Zenigata’s dick, the organ pulsating and aching for relief.

“Might wanna get yourself ready,” Jigen said. “I don’t think either of us will last too much longer.”

“Actually, would you—”

Zenigata paused, a bit too shy to say it.

Jigen seemed to understand what he meant anyway. “Yeah,” he said. “You want me to do it?”

“Please,” Zenigata begged. “I want you to touch me.”

Jigen’s smile was wide. He nodded happily, and sat up on his elbows to get a better look at his partner’s magnetic beauty. “Of course. Where are your supplies?”

“In the bedside table,” Zenigata gestured in the general direction of the drawer beside them, his other hand still working carefully between Jigen’s legs.

Jigen huffed against the feeling of Zenigata’s strokes, his face red and his body moving closer to Zenigata on instinct. He leaned over to pull at the drawer, searching for a condom and a small bottle of lube. When he found them, he broke the condom’s packaging and moved to place it over Zenigata’s cock.

Zenigata moaned through the sensitivity of Jigen’s touch, and leaned forward to press his warm face against the nape of Jigen’s neck. He paused as Jigen opened the bottle and used the lube to run one of his hands up and down the length of Zenigata’s shaft.

Zenigata savored the feeling until it became too much, lifting his hips to provide the gunman better access.

When he felt the heart-racing thrill of an approaching climax, he pulled away, panting.

“Wait,” he said. “You… you should stop. Before I disappoint you.”

“Impossible.” Jigen pressed a kiss against Zenigata’s hairline, one of his hands gently caressing the base of his jaw. He ran his hands through Zenigata’s hair and stared at him affectionately. “You ready?”

Zenigata nodded greedily, his heart pounding so hard it was almost all he could hear. His hands grasped at empty air, hungry and excited to explore Jigen’s body.

Jigen chuckled as he pushed himself backwards, laying back against the pillows so Zenigata had room for what came next.

Zenigata let his torso tip forward, leaning down over Jigen to kiss his lips and grip his pelvis to move it upwards.

His hands clumsily worked their way along Jigen’s frame, supporting him as he leaned forward and prepared them both for the first thrust.

Jigen gasped the moment Zenigata entered him, his hands pressed against the Inspector’s sides as he accepted the momentum and moved with it. It didn’t take long before the both of them were fully pressed together, moaning and whining through their connection.

Zenigata found his rhythm as Jigen wrapped his arms around his shoulders, quietly whispering his directions as they moved steadily toward a climax.

“You’re so warm,” Zenigata breathed, hands finding their purchase against Jigen’s ass. He gave his flesh a good squeeze and took satisfaction in the high-pitched squeak it earned him. “God, Daisuke. I can’t… can’t take it.”

“Getting close, Pops?” Jigen asked, grinning.

Zenigata’s blush darkened and prompted him to hide against his partner’s shoulder. He huffed, his voice breathless. “Shut up.”

Jigen’s laugh was like music, interrupted as Zenigata picked up the pace and his moans became increasingly louder.

Jigen was right there with him, angling his hips to hit just the right spot inside of him. The feeling between his legs grew continuously intense, building to what he hoped would be relief and resolution.

Zenigata was the first to lose it, giving one last powerful thrust before he groaned and came with enough force to fill the condom.

Jigen pulled him forward as his body stiffened and finally gave out, twitching and pulsating around Zenigata’s quickly waning erection.

They fell apart on each side of the bed, huffing and breathing through the last of their arousal.

“Fuck…” Jigen sighed. “That was fun.”

Zenigata nodded, running a hand down his face as he processed what just happened.

“Yes it was,” he said. “I’m glad you decided to come along.”

“I’m glad I decided to join you,” Jigen said. “To tell you the truth, I never thought this would happen.”

“Why’s that?” Zenigata asked. He turned his gaze to look at Jigen and swung his legs off the bed to grab supplies from the bathroom.

Jigen lifted his hat off the mattress and plunked it back down against his hair. “‘Cause you’re you and I’m me. I jus’ never thought it was an option.”

Zenigata stood and dipped his head through the nearby bathroom door, running a washcloth under the sink’s faucet. “Is that because of what I said at the bar?”

“Maybe. I’m not really sure.”

Zenigata turned back into the room, peeling off the condom and throwing it in the bedside trash can. “You’re not a monster, Jigen. I promise.”

“How can you believe that?” Jigen asked. He sat himself against the headboard behind him and leaned over to snatch his cigarettes and lighter from the pocket of his jacket.

“Because I know you. I know you don’t take death lightly.”

“But I still killed those kids. They didn’t deserve what I did to them.”

“That’s true,” Zenigata said. He sat back down beside Jigen and ran his fingers carefully against the edge of his forehead. “But you were just a kid yourself. I know you wouldn’t make that mistake a second time. Not without proper provocation.”

Jigen’s face contorted and he hid his eyes under the brim of his hat. “I’ve killed people, Koichi. Are you sure you can handle that?”

Zenigata nodded and lifted Jigen’s hat so he could steal a quick, chaste kiss. “I’ve killed people too, you know. It tends to happen in my line of work, so I understand. Believe me.”

“I do,” Jigen said. “I just—”

“You feel guilty. I know. It’s why I’m confident this will work between us.”

“Really?” Jigen sighed, slumping his shoulders. He tugged a cigarette from his pack and placed it between his teeth, throwing open his lighter. He exhaled smoke as Zenigata leaned away, nodding.

“Of course,” he said. “It’s worked so far with Lupin. I don’t see why our relationship would be all that different.”

“I guess so,” Jigen said. “I just don’t want this to hurt you. Or me for that matter.”

“I know,” Zenigata said. “I’m gonna do my best to keep that from happening. You deserve happiness, Daisuke. You know?”

Jigen smiled, chuckling. “You sound like Lup,” he said. “How in the world did I get so goddamn lucky?”

Zenigata shrugged, using the washcloth to clean both of them up. “I tend to ask myself the same thing,” he murmured. “I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot.”

“Even with our game?”

Zenigata giggled. “The game is what led me to this,” he said. He wrapped an arm around Jigen and pulled him into his lap. “It’s part of the reason I love it so much.”

“Me too,” Jigen said. “You okay with continuing it tomorrow?”

“Definitely,” Zenigata said. He tightened his grip around Jigen’s torso and pulled the blanket up firmly over their laps. “But let’s enjoy this moment while we have it, okay?”

Jigen intertwined their fingers and smiled.

