#john x daughterreader


Characters: Reader, Bobby, John, Sam, Dean

Age: Spans from 2-20

Warnings: Death (of Y/N’s mother)

Word Count: 1,414

Summary: Snippets of life from when Y/N joins the Winchesters up to John’s disappearance.

Bobby was on the phone with another hunter, reading from one of his countless lore books, when there was a knock at his door. He shook his head and continued reading. The hunter on the other end needed this information fast. Whoever was on the other side of the door could wait. They didn’t seem to agree with that. Another knock—three hard, fast raps on the wood— and then his visitor called out.

“Bobby, please! I don’t have much time,” she called out, fear and desperation lacing each panicked word. It was one of his neighbors, Julia. Karen had befriended her long before that night, and since, Julia would often come by to check up on Bobby. Aside from Julia’s 2-year-old daughter, neither of them had any family. They looked out for each other.

Bobby let out a sharp breath, told the hunter he’d call him back, and ran to the door. Instinctively, he grabbed one of his knives on the way. He pulled the door open in enough time to catch a sleeping Y/N as Julia fell to the ground. She was dragged back by an invisible force, almost inhuman screams coming from her as the hound tore into her. Bobby ran Y/N into the living room and set her on the couch before running to his gun collection. He grabbed one loaded with iron bullets and went back to the front door, but the hound was gone. Julia’s lifeless body was sprawled out on the ground. Bobby quietly shut the door and made his way over to her, always looking around to ensure he was alone. He knelt down beside Julia and looked down at her, sighing. What had she gotten herself into?


“Oh, damn it,” Bobby cursed, shaking his hand to relieve some of the pain on his now burnt finger. He turned the stove off and quickly poured the eggs onto a plate. Y/N was content in the living room, watching cartoons. When she’d woken up, Bobby had slipped some holy water into her drink, just to make sure. Bobby didn’t think there’d be any adverse reaction. He’d never heard of a crossroad demon going after anyone except the one they’d made their deal with. But, demons were tricky, and he had to be safe.

Y/N hadn’t asked about her mother’s whereabouts, to Bobby’s relief. He didn’t know how he could explain it to her. He didn’t know what he was going to do; he couldn’t take care of this girl. Julia’d asked him and Karen long before Y/N to be the guardians in her will when she was pregnant for her first child. Julia miscarried during that pregnancy, and Karen had died before Julia was pregnant with Y/N, but Bobby still agreed to be named guardian. He’d never thought it would come to this. She was young and healthy, so he’d always thought Julia was over-preparing. After last night, he’d come to realize it wasn’t a “just-in-case.” She was planning for the inevitable. Truthfully, the only experience he’d had with kids Y/N’s age were the few times John Winchester brought his sons along. As he carried the plate into the living room and set it down in front of the little one, he had the idea.


“Bobby, I’ve got my hands full with the two I already got.” John shook his head, looking over at four-year-old Sam and 8-year-old Dean playing with the girl.

“Even out on the road, you and those boys would be givin’ her a better life than I could. Keep her away from whatever killed her mama if it’s decided to stick around the area.” Bobby sighed before continuing, dropping his voice low. “Look, I…I don’t know the first thing about raising a kid.” John hadn’t looked away from the kids. Of course, he could sympathize with the situation, but could he really take in another mouth to feed?

“I’ll send ya money each month,” Bobby added after a silent moment. John ran his hand down his face, letting out a long sigh.

“Alright. Where’s her stuff?”


John thought he’d regret the decision to take Y/N in as soon as he’d pulled off Bobby’s lot. But, she just happily babbled as she tried to keep up with Sam and Dean’s conversation before falling asleep in her seat. She almost never whined and went along with every move and every new school with a smile. She loved the adventure this life gave her. If anything, she felt bad for the kids they met in each town. They were sentenced to living normal, mundane lives. She got to be a hero.

Y/N learned about the supernatural when she was six, the same time Sam did. She wasn’t supposed to, but she’d always been good at faking sleep. She handled it well enough, aside from the occasional nightmare. When she was eight, she learned the truth about her lineage and her mother. That was when she decided to immerse herself in the hunting world as much as she could. She’d ask John all about the hunts he’d been on and read every book she could get her hands on. Bobby often gifted her books when they’d stop at his house. She researched every creature ever hunted, whether they were thought to have been hunted to extinction or not. By the time she was 12, she was John and Dean’s first call when on a hunt. It was around that time that she learned how to drive, just in case they needed her. She learned how to hunt, but didn’t actually go on her first hunt until Sam left for Stanford. Y/N always saw herself taking on a role like Bobby when she left for school. When Sam left, she dropped out of school and earned her GED like Dean had. She didn’t want to stick everyone with searching for a school to enroll her in for another two years.

She resented Sam for leaving. While she respected his desire for a normal life, she just couldn’t get over how he left. His abandonment of his family hurt Y/N most. Yes, he and John had really had it out, but he left her and Dean in the dust, too, refusing to acknowledge them. She’d written him letters in the beginning, but they all went unanswered. She’d even left her phone numbers in every letter, but he never called. After a year, she finally gave up. If he didn’t want anything to do with her, she wouldn’t waste her energy any further.

At that point, she dived even further into the hunting world. She even snuck off on a few occasions for some quick and easy hunts on her own. She started looking closer into her mom’s death, too. Of course, she knew her mom was responsible for making the deal in the first place, but Y/N needed to know why. She needed to know who, too. If she could find out who, she could exorcise them and keep them from taking a loved one away from someone else.


Four years after Sam left, a 20-year-old Y/N and Dean were in New Orleans working two different hunts. Dean thought she was working another simple case while he worked his own. No one knew she was going after demons on her own while they looked for Yellow Eyes. She was about to leave for the crossroad when Dean burst into the motel room. He had his phone to his ear but quickly lowered it, ending the call with a swear.

“What’s up?” Y/N asked, covering the papers on the table in front of her before Dean could see.

“Dad still isn’t answering,” he answered. Y/N’s stomach dropped. John had been gone this long before—hell, this wasn’t even his longest hunt to date—but he’d always answer his phone or get back to his kids. For him to go this long…something was wrong.

Y/N packed her belongings into her backpack side-by-side with Dean.

“He was in Jericho, right?” Y/N asked, trying to estimate how long it would take the duo to reach the town. Dean grunted “mmhmm” in response and led her out to the Impala. Y/N got in the front after throwing her bag in the backseat and grabbed the map from the glovebox. Dean started the car and sped out of the parking lot into the night.

forever taglist:@griff1ndor@gothsatanicrapunzel@choosemyname@mersuperwholocked-lowlife@not-astounding@sassy-specter
