#johnny blurb



your eyelids flutter open when the bathroom door creaks open, the yellow tinted light illuminating your dark room. you spot a figure slip out of the steam filled room in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. he swiftly turns off the lights and your eyes give in to the weights pulling them down.

the next time you wake is when the bed dips as the familiar figure slips into it. you stir slightly, rubbing your eyes as johnny lets out a low laugh. you groan in protest when he softly pinches at your cheeks.

“did i wake you?”, johnny whispers. he lets out another hearty laugh when you glare at him. he apologizes by pressing fluttering kisses into the side of your face, loving the way your tense shoulders melt into the feeling of him. 

johnny shifts and pulls you into him, letting you bury the side of your face in the junction between his shoulder and neck. his hands rub your arm and back in a soothing motion, humming softly to a song you didn’t know the name of. you breathe in the familiar scent of lavender that clung to his skin and closed your eyes. 

“sleep,”johnny whispers into your hair as you slowly slip in and out consciousness. he presses one last chaste kiss to your forehead, and that’s all that it takes for you to fully drift off to sleep.  
