#johnny imagines


Father NCT!

(questions in italic)

(mc commentary in bold)


taglist: @plump-peach


Episode 1

Welcoming the Seo twins!

  • Ah a new home, new children and a new superman!
  • wow this one is big
  • neat too
  • aww look at all the toys 
  • is that a dollhouse or a mini home. Both Mc’s laugh
  • wait what was that
  • suddenly a fit of giggles fill the air
  • ah there it is again
  • the camera moves into a room with two beds facing each other filled with two little girls staring at each other making small little gestures at each other
  • “do you think daddy farts in his sleep” One of the girls asks causing the other to begin giggling.
  • Omo I think we may have interrupted something
  • “Iris you fart in your sleep” The other replies causing both of them into another fit of giggles
  • Ah the sound of precious laughter, great way to start the morning
  • “Primrose, lets go wake up daddy” Iris sighed after catching her breath from the childish laughter. 
  • Both girls fell down to the floor, Iris moving her little bangs out of the way, her sister following behind her.
  • Omo i think they’re twins
  • “Primrose look a camera” Iris pointed out, both girls moving towards the moving camera at the door of their bedroom. They started touching the camera and moving their faces towards the camera
  • wah look at them, they’re so pretty.
  • “mirror, mirror on the wall who’s prettiest of them all” Primrose asked not exactly getting the phrase right but her smile shining none the less
  • You Primrose, you!
  • “You both are Prim”You said tiredly as you entered your daughter’s room
  • “mummy”Both girls shouted as they tried to climb you.
  • “good morning girls”You giggled bending down bringing them into your arms.
  • Ahh is that their mother
  • look how pretty she is 
  • “did you sleep well”You asked both girls nodding in reply before puckering up their lips
  • “morning kiss huh?”You asked as they both jumped up quickly
  • “Yeah mummy” they both said in sync making you laugh at them
  • You gave each of them a little peck before they attacked your cheeks, little smooch sounds filling the room. 
  •  That’s always the best thing to wake up to 
  • right it makes you feel so appreciated 
  • “Should we go make breakfast for daddy hm?”You asked finally moving away from the girl’s kisses
  • They both nodded eagerly before you smiled and led them to the kitchen
  • Primrose ran to the kitchen in front of you while Iris walked slowly again moving her bangs out the way before rubbing her eyes. Then noticing the many tents around her living room
  • “Mummy what are those”Iris asked as she pointed to one of the tents.
  • “Oh those? why don’t you go ask them hunny”You said as you bent down to help Primrose with her mini apron
  • “but mummy”Iris said her shiny eyes staring at you in fear, always being the shyer one out of the twins
  • “It’s ok Iris I bet they’re really nice”You sighed as you walked over to the little girl and patted her soft hair. She looked from you to the tent and grabbed your hand and unintentionally dragged you over, a giggle leaving your mouth.
  • “Ok look”You smiled and bent down to the tent
  • “Hello Camera Uncle, this is Iris”You said as you pulled her closer and she shyly waved
  • ahhh she’s so precious I can’t handle
  • “Where are all my girls”A deep voice came from the hallway
  • Oh the new superman, I’m excited
  • “Daddy”Primrose shouted as she ran over to her father
  • Iris heard as well and ran over aswell
  • suddenly the camera moves to the face of the said man
  • Ah Johnny Seo
  • Johnny?
  • Of NCT (Stage montage) 
  • <Interview>
  • “Hello, I’m Johnny Seo, Father of the 3 year old Seo Twins, Iris and Primrose” He smiled with Iris on his lap 
  • “Hello”They both said bowing their heads 
  • “And I’m Y/N L/N the mother of these adorable twin girls”You said with a smile as twirled Primrose’s pigtails
  • (How did you meet?)
  • “Y/n was actually a model with this foreign company that we collabed with and we have this member, Mark he tends to get really awkward around new people but Y/n here broke the ice really quickly and I just clicked with her” Johnny said while looking at you lovingly.
  • “You’re lucky I actually agreed to that shoot, I was coming down with something that week” You sighed, leaning towards your husband
  • “Oh my god that was you, Doyoung literally was sneezing for days”He laughed and you just shrugged.
  • (Why did you keep the marriage a secret?)
  • “Y/n got pregnant right after we were married and because it was twins her pregnancy was really hard especially since it was her first one, So she mainly stayed with her mother out of the limelight for the sake of the twins” He said, smiling sadly and the two little girls in front of him
  • “Plus Johnny’s a wuss”You chipped in and offended look flashing Johnny’s face
  • “Sorry I was a loving husband”He said fake annoyance in his voice
  • “It’s okay we appreciate you anyway”You said a smile on your face before you peck him on the cheek. The two girls giggling as they watched their parents.
  • (How do you feel about leaving them alone?)
  • “I trust the girls will have everything under control”You said a smile on your face.
  • “Hey-” Johnny started
  • “Primrose is confident and fun and Iris is lovely and responsible they’ll look after Johnny just fine” You said ignoring the way your husband tried protesting
  • “I can’t wait for you to leave”Johnny teased
  • “I love you too baby” You replied
  • Everyone be excited for the Seo twins
  • Primrose is the fun twin 
  • (show clip) “Iris come dance with me we can show off all our moves
  • and Iris the more reserved”
  • (show clip) “Daddy, you shouldn’t shout so loud you’ll gain too much attention”
  • Welcome our new princesses!

Kinktober Day 18 - begging x Johnny (f!reader)


You sat cross legged on the edge of the bed, looking down to Johnny, sat on his knees in front of you, the boy wearing nothing but his boxers, head hung and ears completely red.

You chuckled softly.

“You’re too cute,” You muttered, leaning forward and placing a finger under Johnny’s chin, making him look you in the eye “Guess you don’t get so cocky when you’re forced to beg, huh?”

He whined softly, letting his eyes flutter shut

“What are you waiting for?” You raised a brow, squishing his cheek softly “Beg.”

“Please…” He started “Please touch me, mommy. Fuck- I’ve been waiting so goddamn long- please just fuck me,”

You cocked your head, looking to him expectantly. Johnny huffed, immediately going into a pout as he realised you were asking him for more.

“Please mommy,” He continued, and though he looked more annoyed than anything else, his desperation shone through in his voice “It hurts so fucking much- want mommy to do something- anything to me- I’m so fucking horny for you-”

“Strip. Get on the bed.” You instructed, standing up

your boyfriend immediately obeyed, taking off his boxers and sitting against the frame of the bed, spreading his legs slightly- leaving a large enough space for you to sit there, which you did. 

You smiled softly as you brought your hand to his cock, tracing just a single finger along the vein on the underside of him. Johnny whimpered, bucking upwards, being met with air.

“P-please- more-” He breathed out

“Let’s see how much teasing it takes for you to not even be able to talk,” Your smile widened, turning into more of a devilish one, and Johnny moaned throatily- you couldn’t tell if it was a complaint or a display of his arousal, but you did see his cock twitch as soon as the words left your mouth

Kinktober Day 11 - exhibitionism x Johnny (gn!reader)


Johnny whimpered as you dug your knee between his legs, his face scrunching and body tensing as he tried to keep his mouth shut. The rest of NCT 127 were just around the corner; as far as they knew, you’d taken Johnny to bed when he complained about being tired, and as loud as they were, Johnny was still undeniably worried about one of his members walking just a few metres forward, turning the corner, and seeing him in such a state.

Your boyfriend’s hair was almost sticking to his forehead, a very thin layer of sweat covering his completely flushed face, a very prominent bulge in his pants, and deep red marks that would surely turn to purple later littered all over his neck.

“So dirty, baby boy,” You whispered into his ear “Getting so turned on by me fucking you like this.

Johnny whimpered again, creaking open his eyes.

“Y/N…” He stammered “Please-”

“Please what?” You cocked your head

“God, this is so embarrassing,” He whispered, almost chuckling, but you could tell it was just to let off steam

“Come on Johnny,” You smiled “What do you want me to do?”

“Make me cum in my pants,” He said, smirking towards you for a while, before you chuckled lowly and began rhythmically rubbing your knee against him

“Whore,” You smirked in return as Johnny’s lips pursed again, trying to silence himself, and he whimpered, nodding slightly as you continued, your hands squeezing his hips tightly

{2:09 AM}

Thank you for requesting, I’m sorry this took sooooo long


Your knees dug into the hotel carpet, already feeling the burning friction. Your fingers gripped at the short strands of blue, gripping ahold of the floor for grip as the pleasure grew.

Johnnys large hands holding on tight to your hips, making them a deep red which would soon turn into a crimson purple as the night went on. His strokes deep and hard, you felt every inch as he pumped into your cunt. Airy moans leaving your lips.

“You like that sweetheart, you taking every inch of my cock like a good girl” his voice deep, you drowned in it, felt like pure heaven. You nod your head not being able to form words, you knew all that would spill out would be moans.

“Awe how sweet, your dripping everywhere darling, all over my cock, the floor and your pretty thighs” his words sent chills down your spine, you felt a gush of wetness, then heard a chuckle. His finger coming down to collect your sweetness, before licking his digit. A deep moan filling the room, mixing with yours. “And that’s why I call you sweetheart”.

He bucked his hips up just a tiny bit, hitting that spot, you felt your knees buckle underneath you. As he kept repeating his movements, pushing you further to that euphoric feeling. “You gonna cum for me sweetness, gonna soak my cock even more?come on give it to me, cum for me”.

Just as you were about to give in to that knot in your tummy, the butterflies. You felt him stop and then pull out, a low growl leaving him as he felt the cold air hit him after being wrapped in your heat. He came around to the front of you, a smirk on his perfect lips.

“You’re gonna taste yourself on my cock before I let you cum baby girl” a chuckle leaving him as a whine left you.


your eyelids flutter open when the bathroom door creaks open, the yellow tinted light illuminating your dark room. you spot a figure slip out of the steam filled room in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. he swiftly turns off the lights and your eyes give in to the weights pulling them down.

the next time you wake is when the bed dips as the familiar figure slips into it. you stir slightly, rubbing your eyes as johnny lets out a low laugh. you groan in protest when he softly pinches at your cheeks.

“did i wake you?”, johnny whispers. he lets out another hearty laugh when you glare at him. he apologizes by pressing fluttering kisses into the side of your face, loving the way your tense shoulders melt into the feeling of him. 

johnny shifts and pulls you into him, letting you bury the side of your face in the junction between his shoulder and neck. his hands rub your arm and back in a soothing motion, humming softly to a song you didn’t know the name of. you breathe in the familiar scent of lavender that clung to his skin and closed your eyes. 

“sleep,”johnny whispers into your hair as you slowly slip in and out consciousness. he presses one last chaste kiss to your forehead, and that’s all that it takes for you to fully drift off to sleep.  



Pairing: sub!Johnny x reader

Genre: Smut & slight fluff

Words: 1 112

Summary: If there was something Johnny regretted in your relationship, it was how he naively thought he could win whenever you two made a bet. After so many times, he should’ve known better, really.

Read here

a spark maybe | johnny | ch.25

a spark maybe: ch. 25

coffee line: after floods of photos sent to you after that new years eve party, your once quiet life is soon to have a kickstart with the famous jock johnny suh. will there be a spark in your love life?

a/n: complicated things become more complicated

<prev||next> [ asm masterlist]


taglist (closed):@yixing-jaehyun@anothermessedupbitch@hannahdinse8@kylomeyon@unmanageable-day@murasakillmepls@sokkigarden@kathryn3405@stopitvpls@mvrklee@smarkling@notbeforelong@dear-mllelily@yourchasingsunsetslove@neocluefor@titanmaknae29@honeymark@michplusb@xalicelisx@hanemyak@jungcherie@phonixel@thatssuhjohnny@yugy30m

coming home | johnny | oneshot

pairing: dad!johnny x mom!reader

genre: syrup-y latte

bean count: 1.6k+

a/n: here’s a cute dad!johnny fluff for you! i missed writing fluff hope you enjoy reading this as much i did writing it ☕️


as time struck 4pm, johnny quickly glanced around the staff room and swiftly shoved his files and papers in his bag. his colleagues perked up at the hustle he had been recently doing whenever the day came at this certain time, only to shake their heads playfully as the door slammed of their quiet workspace.

“he’s coping up, isn’t he?” kun fixed his glasses, smiling as his dimples indented his cheeks because johnny’s little habit reminded of himself before.

jaehyun laughed, agreeing with him. stretching as the day came into an end, he realized, “oh right, how long has it been already? seems like he’s still struggling at it.”

kun slung his shoulder bag, gesturing jaehyun to leave the office together, “just two days! hahah amateur.”

almost tripping on the way, johnny rushed down the stairs and caught the bus before it left. he panted as he sat down, checking his phone for any updates. a text message from his cousin- seo hyelin, popped out on his notification center.

[hyelin-noona] : couzie bean where are you? i gotta go for my night shift in a bit!

[john] : just got on the bus! will be there soon ‍♂️ how’s the little one?

[hyelin-noona] : adorable! he didn’t give me a hard time!

[john] : i’m glad ‍ thanks for looking after him!

[hyelin-noona] : anytime! it’s the summer break, he’s all yours! you sure you can handle him later?

[john] : i survived yesterday, so it’ll be a piece of cake

boy was he sowrong.

when johnny was preparing dinner in the kitchen, he couldn’t even count the times he had to leave the stove to go and check on his crying, seven month old son, who couldn’t stand a minute without him.

he sipped the soup he was cooking and almost burnt his tongue when the baby started to wail a little. unfortunately leaving the television on play wasn’t a solution to keep him occupied.

when he decided to carry him while he fried the chicken, however, his son made a sour face hearing the sizzle of the hot oil. johnny sighed and put him down on his high chair and gave him a cracker.

that’ll settle him, for now. he thought.

dinner went by smoothly.. barely. changing diapers was a hassle as the little one kelt rolling over, ended up peeing on the bedsheet that johnny rubbed his eyes thinking he’d have to wash that first thing in the morning tomorrow.

even worse, the panicked him lifted up the baby and peed on him as well. johnny was dumbfounded but it was shortlived as the baby smiled at him as if he gave him a gift.

johnny thought he’d be able to put him to sleep right after. preparing his bottle of milk, he took the milk formula and warm water. then it struck him, “ah, how to do this again?” he sighed, looking at his son, “i don’t suppose you know how to make this, jesse.”

jesse looked at his dad, giving him a teethless smile. johnny snickered out loud, shaking his head and followed his instincts by putting warm water in the bottle and shaking it with the amount of tablespoons according to the can. shaking several droplets of milk onto his skin, he tasted it and concluded it was okay for jesse to drink.

his heart beated slightly, waiting to see jesse’s reaction. he puffed out a relieved sigh when the baby continued to drink as he laid on johnny’s arms.

“this isn’t so bad at all, huh jesse?” johnny shook him gently while jesse just looked at him with his long lashes. “we’re a good team.”

usually babies sleep around 8pm or so, and johnny thought he’d have some alone time after this. but nope! johnny let out a soft grunt when jesse started to cry nonstop, so he checked for any filled diapers or maybe he wasn’t feeling well.

he placed jesse facing him as he patted his back for some comfort. sighing when he finally leaned on his shoulder and hugged him, having hiccups here and there. he sung a lullaby his mom used to sing to him, five minutes passed and his son was sound asleep and he placed a kiss on his head as he turned off the bedroom lights and kept the baby light on.

opening the door to the bathroom, he turned on the showerhead to wash himself all the dirt he received from jesse: soup stain that splashed on his newly bought shirt, pee stain from the diaper disaster after dinner, milk vomit he got by the neck and shoulder, and the difficult phase of putting him to sleep.

he wondered how you were able to do this so flawlessly, and singlehandedly. being a mother was a 24/7 job, tirelessly working around the clock just to provide jesse’s needs. sometimes he was your big baby too, giving him a good dinner after a stressful day at work or giving him sweet embraces and massages to ease his mind.

that was why he wanted to work harder for his little family. and now that you were away, he had to work much harder since it was just him and jesse right now. gosh, how much he missed you.

24/7 during those seven months of love and care you gave was nothing compared to the two days he did. that was a huge difference.

the knob of the showerhead squeaked and johnny tried his hardest not to make a noise as he exited the bathroom. his fingers running through his wet hair made him so refreshed that he felt like he hadn’t showered for ages.

his computer rang, receiving a video call request from you. it was the first time you both have been apart since jesse was born and it was your first week back after maternity leave so johnny quickly clicked the button and answered it. “hi babe.”

he saw you shuffling through your things before you look at the screen, “give me a sec- a whole lotta things here.”

felt like forever, but seeing you made him so relaxed. “cool, take your time.”

you scratched your eyebrow and you swore you could’ve dropped your phone at the sight of your husband, fresh out from the shower with nothing on but a towel wrapped around his hips. “whoa hey,” you smiled, “how’s everything over there? our house hasn’t burn into bits just yet?”

johnny scoffed, taking a seat on his desktop chair and continued to dry his wet locks. “pfft, what do you take me for?” your laugh was contagious for johnny he nearly made a loud snort, “sigh, it’s manageable. our son is a handful, makes me appreciate you more by the second.”

you pouted in joy hearing that, johnny has a way with sweet words that it warmed your heart. even if he was tired from work, he still tried his best to make you smile by his actions. he’d kiss you passionately until jesse cried, give you warm hugs during movie nights, and listened to your complaints.

“i love you, but i know you know that already.” you chuckled, and for a second johnny paused before smirking at you. “what?”

“of course i know, just that it’s the first time you initiated saying it.” johnny smiled, agh i really miss you. “i love you more. when will you be back?”

his raspy voice was so attractive to you that you almost forgot to mention something. “by the way, my flight’s been rescheduled from next monday to tomorrow. work has been quick. your miserable days are soon to be over.”

you almost snorted seeing johnny’s reaction, he was obviously happy yet he attempted to hide it. “that’s.. that’s great! i’m happy for you. earlier the better.”

“i could tell you’re having a great time with jesse that your bags are showing.” you joked and johnny pretended to be hurt.

“hey, jesse is a sweetheart but he could be a terror.” johnny defended, remembering his cute little smile.

“wonder where he got that from.” you sarcastically pinpointed, earning a chuckle from him.

“i swear when you get back-“ he turned his head to the side and heard jesse making a fuss in the next room, sighing a bit before leaving and that made you giggle.

“oh you woke him up.” you teased as you waited a minute or two until he entered your shared bedroom with your son in his arms. “hi baby! how’s my little bear?”

the sound of your voice and your face on the computer screen made your son let out a gurgle and you were glad you were coming home the next day. you missed your boys so you could say you were homesick.

“baby look, mama’s there.” johnny took his little hand waved it at you.

“papa bear hasn’t given you a tough time, has he?” you continued to tease him, seeing him glare at you playfully. “mama misses you my little jesse bear, i’ll see you soon.”

johnny patted jesse’s bottom as he began to rub his eyes, “alright, he’s sleepy again. i gotta hit the sack too. it’s 1:30am here.”

you nodded, “mhm alright, i’m gonna go for lunch and walk around the city. i’m meeting eomma and appa after this.”

he smiled as he heard this, “okay. send my regards to them. we have to visit chicago this december, it’ll be jesse’s first christmas with them.”

“will do.” you gave a flying kiss and wave a goodbye to your boys. “love you both, see you in a bit.”

johnny mirrored your gesture before turning off the pc and readied himself for bed.

“love you too babe. goodnight.”

in love with a monster | johnny | oneshot

pairing: boxer!johnny x nurse!reader

genre: latte, splashes of syrup with hints of americano, some drama on the side haha

bean count: 6.9k (yup it’s my longest fic so far)

warnings: violence, slight mentions of drugs, abuse, etc (bc of the topic). pls scroll down if it’s uncomfortable

a/n: agh i had this on my coffee shelf for ages i thought it was expired lol, i re-brewed it again recently so i added some final touches eheh enjoy your coffee my beans! ☕️━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

people told him to not react, told him to not make things into a big deal, even to the point of bringing unsaid words to a physical state. that was how messed up he was, that he’d put a fist in every petty situation.

it was humiliating to feel that. ten had to watch his best friend being sent to the hospital for countless of times to have his injuries taken care of. the nurses probably named him an ER regular due to the constant fighting. only a few people knew of his reckless breakouts, and his group of friends found it worrisome.

it became much worse when he signed up for boxing. his emotions slowly coming out him and conveyed to another person, resulting them in bruises or bloodied scratches.

yuta was one of the few people in the group to ever receive a punch to the face from the johnny suh. yes, the johnny suh. the people on campus emphasized on ‘the’ because of the fact he acted non-human like. his gaze fierce like it about to attack any second.

johnny knew of those assumptions about him, and he hated the fact that people talked as if they knew him so well. if only they knew what he’d been through, it’ll probably shed some light in his ‘supposed’ darkness that lingered within him.

johnny never saw himself as a person who was reckless. he never intended to be that until he was cornered by seniors in high school as freshman, offering him drugs and telling him to man up and act like one due to his tall figure. he was apparently ‘too soft’ for his tough appearance.

that in a weird sense ticked those seniors off when he rejected them that they started to beat him up five against one. johnny on the other hand, stood up and as if he were possessed by some martial art spirit, fought back violently and his doings resulted him sitting in front of a police officer’s desk.

his parents believed him and because he was still involved in a physical fight he had to be detained for while. johnny never felt so betrayed by the defense system of the city when he was merely defending himself. he was an emotional wreck that his fist fights became worse by time and no one knew when he’d stop. his anger and frustration laid out on someone else that no one knew who was able to tame him.

the only person other than his parents who ever understood his background and encouraged him to change was his coach- mr. jeon. a neighbor he grew up with and a friend of his dad’s. he was the owner of the young people boxing association for people around johnny’s age. he in contrary to all familiar faces johnny knew, saw his strength as a skill and gift (to use as defense as well), and wanted to coach these into a sport he never thought he’d do.

it took a lot of persuading on his parents’ side for him to participate in that, as it was something that’ll possibly trigger his reckless behavior. eventually they were on the same page as long as it was beneficial for him to do something he liked- sports. besides, johnny was passionate about this, so why not?

what his parents didn’t know was that he had secret fights outside of that circle. though it wasn’t frequent, however, it still occured. johnny tried his hardest to keep distance but he always end up tied in the knots, provoked actually. he kept his mouth shut about those encounters, or else the college star- him- of the club would be kicked out.

“hey john, we hanging at your boxing club today, fine with your coach?” jaehyun slung his duffel bag behind him, earning an approving nod from the asked person.

“yeah sure. he signed me up for preliminaries last month and i got in, so we’re preparing for the for quarterfinals that’s happening in two weeks.”

“that’s great, at least you’re not kicking butts outside of this boxing arena.” jaehyun innocently remarked, making johnny hit his head under the table as he retrieved a dropped towel. ironic.

they walked towards the small building sandwiched in between a pharmacy and a coffee shop, which were johnny’s go-to places if he needed a bandaid or a coffee break. mr. jeon’s eyes lit up as he saw johnny and his mates of 6 enter the once quiet ring and made the place livelier. “alright the guys are here! got some pizza, feel free to eat, y’all big rascals.”

johnny wrapped a band on both hands before wearing a mouthpiece and a pair of gloves. his training was about to start and he couldn’t afford to slack off with a slice of pizza. his physique was good enough to last him today’s practice.

“ok john, you ready?” mr. jeon asked, johnny standing in posture until another voice entered the room.

“mr. jeon i’ll leave the keys to the upper classroom here. the little kids just finished their class for today.”

a female voice, johnny thought. he looked to owner of it and never had he stopped to look at something or someone for more than three seconds. because.. in other times, those three seconds were filled with aftereffects of adrenaline from a punch or a knockout he gave to someone.

“ah, yes just leave it there!” he called out, and from his peripheral vision, he noticed johnny was in a daze. he smirked a bit and gestured to the boys to observe him tease the obvious starstricken lad. “y/n! come and meet the guys, also feel free to watch if you’d like.”

“oh yeah sure, i got some time.” you smiled and placed your bottle down before sitting next to a doe eyed guy. “i’m y/n, nice to meet you all.”

johnny looked away before you could even greet him. you didn’t mind though, you already knew who he was. you’ve both only shared a conversation or two at the university anyway.

he was a star pupil and the person who had mr. jeon’s attention since day one that he arrived, wasn’t hard to miss. scrolling through your phone, you decided to check your semester’s schedule.

johnny attempted to glance at you, while mr. jeon readied himself to train his student. had he met you before? did you both attend the same school? he didn’t remember, but you looked like someone he met before. he hopped a bit before facing his coach again, but he wasn’t himself.

he was obviously distracted.

mr. jeon noticed the small gesture he had for two minutes now, internally chuckling before giving johnny a soft nudge on the back of his head. “ey rule number one, always stay focused.”

“i am.” johnny immediately answered, his ears slowly turning crimson.

“clearly on something else.” he smirked, referring to you, “come on, quarterfinals ain’t coming at you that easy, john.”


“you fancy her- y/n, don’t you?” taeyong chewed as he played with the straws of his bubble milk tea. “among all your practices, last month’s was the one i’d say you were… out of it.”

johnny tilted his head and the corners of his lips tugged up, “not ‘out of it’. it’s just that i haven’t seen her before.”

“are you sure about that? you’ve literally seen tons of girls in this association and at gyms. you must’ve at least encountered her before or just admit that you like her and ask her out already.” mark whined, finally grabbing the rare opportunity for him to tease the guy.

johnny laughed and raised a brow at them, “you’re telling me to ask her out?” he shook his head, “nah, there’s no way she’ll fall for ‘this’.”

“you just gestured to all yourself.” jaehyun mirroring his actions.

“exactly.” johnny chuckled, “with someone having such a reputation like involved in bad fights and bruises and hospital bills and whatnot, there’s no chance.”

“look at you being considerate.” mark giggled, earning himself a slap to the back of his head. “ow, sorry.”

the coffee shop opened and revealed a tired you, the boys turning their attention to johnny and read each others’ minds. “hey y/n! the seat next to johnny is vacant! you can come join us!”

johnny slightly jumped in his seat after hearing jaehyun’s offer, softly asking him to stop as his teeth gritted. “dude quit it!”

“johnny said he doesn’t mind!” jaehyun continued to call out, making johnny’s eyes grow wide.

you smiled and looked at them, “really? it’s okay?”

johnny could only fake a smile.

but his heart couldn’t.

after ordering a cup of maple latte, you walked towards their table and johnny noticed something was off. it was subtle and it only took someone with such experience to see it. johnny had those ‘such’.

you were limping that he stood up and blocked you with his full body. “you need to go to the hospital now.”

“way to go for a conversation starter.” yuta said softly as jaehyun and mark tried their hardest not to snicker, eyes closed shut and mouths either covered or pursed.

“it’s just a sprained ankle, big deal.” you quickly denied quite light heartedly and sat beside him but before your bottom could even rest on the wooden seat, your forearm was yanked upwards by johnny. “ow, what are you doing?”

“just a sprained ankle, huh?” johnny smirked, his eyes spotting a bruise or more on your arm. the boys noticed it too, were you involved in an accident or something? “you’ve done a good job in hiding it.”

your ears heated up and your cheeks slowly burned a little, he got you. “fine.”

johnny groaned while he found out that his friends ditched him at the the foot of the hospital. he placed his hat the other way around where he could see clearly. the area was busy, nurses jogging to get to their patients and doctors getting paged for more incoming patients. he didn’t know where you were taken, so it made sense he’d be lost.

now that he thought about it, him coming here very often must’ve annoyed the ER. speaking of the ER, doyoung’s older brother- gongmyung, approached him.

“when i heard fellow colleagues mentioning you i thought you got yourself into trouble again.” he took off the stethoscope and hung it around his neck. “your girlfriend reflects of you, her bruises were indeed from physical fights.” tilting his head to where you were examined behind a room.

johnny’s ears reddened and his eyebrows rose, looking away. “she’s not my girlfriend.”

“i know.” he chuckled, “i just wanted to see your reaction if i did say so.” he crossed his arms smirking at johnny’s now rosy cheeks, “from the looks of it, it seems like i got my answer. you can go check on her, i got a code blue to catch up on.

johnny could only scoff after the young doctor gave him a playful wink before he made his way to the said room. seeing you all dazed staring at the ceiling. “let me guess, dr. kim told you about reason behind my bruises?”

he pulled a chair close to you before sitting down. “not quite, just that it rooted down to physical fights? never knew you could be reckless.”

you puffed a breath and bit the insides of your mouth, “you could say that.”

“what do you mean?” he asked, and you could only chuckle at the innocent child-like question that came out the lips of a muscular young man.

“i know we see each other at the gym but we never really get the chance to talk if i recall.” you blinked brightly despite your body aching. “i don’t share stuff of my personal life to anyone.”

johnny scratched the back of his head, “sorry, i couldn’t help but notice the ‘subtle’ pain you were trying so hard to hide.”

you giggled and sighed, “alright i changed my mind, i’ll share it to you. you seem harmless in contrast to your looks.”

“i guess i’ll take that as a compliment?” he crossed his arms and waited for you to continue.

he couldn’t see your now changed expression due to his closed eyes- drained and tired from training, your eyes started to glisten as you tried to compose yourself before speaking.

“they’re from my ex-boyfriend.”

johnny’s eyes shot open and stared at you speechlessly.


“yeah, he didn’t like that i broke it off with him three months ago so.. that’s that i guess?” johnny stayed quiet, watching you look out the window to wipe small tears that couldn’t wait a second to fall. he chose to be that way since you weren’t finished with your storytelling. and he swore he wished he changed the topic immediately.

“my ex-boyfriend was park seoham. his name ring a bell?”

ring a bell? of course it did. johnny’s lips pressed into a thin line, his jaw clenched and you could see the tensed demeanor he was having. he hadn’t heard that name in a while, let alone wanted to. the senior that tormented his freshmen years by getting him do to drugs and be involved in childish, unneccessary gang fights.

“too familiar,” johnny leaned forward, his elbows touching his knees as he saw your face change in horror that he knew who your ex was. before you could even say anything, he took his shirt into his hands and started to strip-

“hey whoa-” you covered your eyes, only to hear johnny chuckle from your reaction.

“chill, i’ll show you something.” johnny lifted his shirt halfway just by his abs. a scar that was about 3 inches long marked that area, and from the looks of it, it seemed permanent. “this- right here, was caused by him. park seoham was my senior in high school. used to be involved in a lot of things that i got dragged on.”

“sorry.” you sighed, “i guess we got our own fair share of disasters from him.”

there was an awkward silence between the two of you since the only mutual topic you’ve discussed on was about your ex-boyfriend. johnny didn’t know how to converse any further, because he was actually a wreck in front of you.

how can someone so fragile and decent fall in love with a monster like park seoham? from what he knew, only the feeble minded would hang out with the likes of him and his gang. who was he to judge anyway, it wasn’t like he knew you as much.

but because someone like you who was fragile and decent earned those unneccessary bruises sparked something in him that he wanted to protect you. he wanted to know you more.

at first, he didn’t know whether to pursue being friends with you while you had connections with the person he despised before (hesistation, really). though what role had you play with it back then when clearly you weren’t in the right condition at the moment. so guessed he wanted to give it a try.

“out of topic but..” you turned to look at him, “when this is all over, i mean when- you’re, out of here.. wanna hang out for coffee?”

you let out a giggle that made him slightly confused, “we would’ve earlier if you hadn’t brought me here. but yeah, i’d like that.”


four months passed and it was funny how you and johnny grew closer by time. you’d meet him at the university during lunch breaks and have study sessions, even though you both have very different majors.

his parents liked how their son was happier than he was two years ago. somehow they thanked you for giving him a chance to find new friendship in a rather messed up version of him. you even find yourself staying late at night at his place to binge watch a lot of movie trilogies, just like how best friends act during the weekends.

sometimes, you both would go on a food trip out of the city. other times, schedules would clash so the timing had to be changed.

by this point, you’ve both taken a liking on each other. johnny felt like he found a long lost soulmate. he admired the fact that you compliment his wavelength and how he matched yours. as rumors about him in the past were worrisome to you and would like keep distant as much as possible, that was thrown under the bus by now because johnny was totally different.

he was a dork, the cute kind.

“that’s not how you throw a punch, sweetcakes.” johnny called out, clearly teasing at how you were so lazy and ‘not interested’ in boxing. “come on girl, you can do better than that!”

“what are you, my dad? so bossy.” you snickered, fixing the velcro straps on the gloves with your teeth to tighten the grip. screw big gloves, you thought, going back to the equipment room to get another pair.

jaehyun and yuta caught johnny’s reaction seeing you do that because apparently for him, it was… hot. and the fact that they caught it on video made them let out waves of laughter. “look at how tensed up johnny hyung is.”

“he’s so turned on.” yuta covered held his stomach from laughing too hard, “you think he’d survive one session?”

“what the heck, hyung?” jaehyun’s ears reddened at the implication, his low chuckles made him snort quite a bit.

“i meant if he could last-“

“shut up i can hear you guys!” johnny glared at the two, approaching them as jaehyun hid his phone in his pocket. “do your asses need a beat up?”

“dude, you’ve been distracted. we get ya bro, she’s really got you into her.” yuta wrapped his arms around the guy, squeezing his biceps to change his attention on you instead of them ratting his unsaid feelings. “so can you really last-“

“alright you asked for it.” johnny pushed him away, readying his arms to really give the boy an ass whooping of his life-

“ok my gloves are changed-” you called out as you exited the equipment room. “johnny?”

johnny held back when he heard your voice, and yuta and jaehyun could hear heralds of angels singing because you- a goddess, saved them both from disaster - no pun intended.

“are you sure you want me to throw you a punch?” you pursed your lips, “just because mr. jeon’s on paternity leave doesn’t mean i’m his subsitute. besides, aren’t the other guys more capable to be your boxing bag?”

“sshh, they’ll be heartbrokened if they hear you say that.” he held your head with his hands, “okay, now throw me some punches. you say you’re so strong.”

“you pushy.” you playfully punched his chest, johnny letting a groan out as you did so, seeing jaehyun and yuta jokingly pouting their lips at you before going into the eating area.

ten and mark entered the gym with food in their hands, keeping note that everyone called for a chinese take-out tonight. ten squinted his eyes at the ring, snickering at the sight of you and johnny practicing boxing. it was amusing because you didn’t look like the part who’d be throwing punches, until he remembered something.

“what’s y/n’s last name again?” he asked the younger boy, placing the styrofoam boxes on the table. “i can’t really remember.”

mark hummed, “i saw her name at a roster sheet by the student club recruitment board. ah- it’s.. it’s at the tip of my tongue. i just can’t put a finger around it.”

“it’s y/l/n.” taeyong came in with drinks after locking the car at the port outside. “you guys know the brazilian jiu-jitsu legendary fighter ‘lion fist’? she’s the granddaughter.”

the four boys looked at taeyong. “oh right-”





mark laughed in excitement before dropping everything. “dude- does johnny hyung- hahah oh my g- know? johnny hyung!”

ten looked at johnny, who responded to mark’s call “uh mark, i don’t think he knows-”

you used your leg to hit johnny’s ankle that it caught him off guard, making him fall to the ground while you landed on top of him, earning shocked reactions from the other boys. your legs straddled his upper body on a mount position while you put his hands into crosshold, while your right arm glided underneath his head as you lower your chest, pinning him down. this move- was one of the first offence attack your grandfather taught you as a child: the ezekiel choke.

“rule number one, always stay focused.” you smirked at him, receiving the same reaction from the boy.

johnny gave up by tapping out, immediately shocked by your attempt to give him an offence attack. “seriously? jiu-jitsu? i only do muay thai, you cheater.”

“you were distracted, johnny. had to shake you out of it somehow.” you winked at him as you took your gloves and bands of your hands. “let’s eat, shall we?”

as you excused yourself to the girls’ washroom, jaehyun and yuta held their laughs after many times today. it was so contagious that the other three knew what their gimmick was. yuta nudged the dimpled boy, “bro, did you get that on camera?”

“sure did, bro.” jaehyun shook his phone, giggling a low laugh.

yuta gave the boy a high five, “told you he wouldn’t last-“

“shut up you douchebags.” johnny squeezed the sides of the two younger ones while they whined with the stinging pain, panting after that shock of his life. “she did a killer move back there.”

yuta wrapped his arm around johnny again, “come on john, don’t tell me that didn’t turn you on? she was on t-”

“ah up up up!” johnny shushed yuta as he spotted you exiting the restroom, wiping excess sweat with a towel you borrowed. “hey.”

“thanks for lending me spare clothes, ten. tell your sister i owe her.” you said grabbing a lunch box before carrying your bag. “i’d love to stay but i have to go hit the sack. i’m beat.”

johnny pulled a face when you straight up ignored him and it wasn’t hard to miss that mark, yuta, and taeyong started laughing. then he noticed the two looking at one area of your body- a bruise. and johnny was quick enough to act and wrap his towel around you, making you become startled at his gesture.

“yeah looks like we have a marathon of movies to finish, don’t we?” johnny chuckled through gritted teeth, giving your arm a squeeze.

you put on a fake smile yet have no idea what this boy was up to. so you decided to play along, “oh right, we do. let’s go? i’ll get the car ready.”

yuta squinted his eyes at johnny, smirking once again. “johnny, was that a hickey-”

“i swear yuta, you’re such a pain in the-”

“okay okay! it isn’t. geez.” he chuckled as he chewed on his fried rice, giving up at teasing him.

the night was nearing and the sun was already setting. the drive to your place was quiet and by the time you got in front of your house. you took your bag onto the backseat of johnny’s car before turning to him. “okay what was that all about, draping me with your towel earlier..”

“you tell me,” he started, gulping water from his bottle.

“if it’s about me pulling you a jiu-jitsu move then i’m sorry i didn’t speak of it sooner.”

“well that.. and another thing.” he closed the cap but you took the bottle and drank from it as well. “that bruise.. seemed recent.”

“well duh, i had it from the punches received from the kids’ training.” you said, combing your hair back. “those little punks-“

johnny crossed his arms, “i know a fresh bruise when i see one.” he didn’t want to assume because he didn’t want for it to be real. but with the way that you were being all defensive, said otherwise. “you’ve been seeing him, haven’t you?”

you slightly choked on your water and thank heavens he didn’t notice it. “who? seoham? i haven’t seen him as of late.”

“really? why lie to me? we’ve been practicing together for fun and you haven’t got any bruise til now-“

“and what if it is? what will you do?” you spat. “can’t it just be a normal bruise i got from hitting myself accidentally by the corner from i don’t know- my drawer?”

“can it be true that that’s the case?” johnny rebutted, “or you’re planning to change and state the real reason?”

your face turned sour at the current conversation you were having with johnny. “what gives? i’m stating the truth that i haven’t been meeting him.”

“because if you’re the granddaughter of the legendary lion fist you’d be able to defend yourself months before we met.” he raised his voice, hurt by the fact that you hid something from him after months of being close friends, considering you as someone he cares a lot for. “or have you been meeting him since we crossed paths?”

you sighed, not understanding why johnny was acting up, “okay fine. you got me.” you raised your hands, “i’ve been seeing him, but not in the way you think.”

“then what was the past few month of us then?” johnny placed his hands on his hips. “did you guys somehow manage to patch up during the times we hung out? or were you just using me as rebound just to get back at him?”

“r-rebound?” your chest hurt at the accusation, “there’s no way i’d use you as rebound because if anything, what we did was real.”

“oh really now? like how you pretended not to know any martial arts or when you skipped our planned meetups so that i don’t know- you could meet up with him? were any of those part of your realness?”

you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. he was insanely getting into your nerves, so you raised your voice as well. “look i don’t know why you’re acting like this, this bruise is just a minor hit.”

“a minor hit? really? you had history with the guy!” johnny’s blood boiled and he was sure he popped a vessel.

“johnny, let’s just take a breather, shall we-” you covered your eyes with your arm as a passing vehicle drove by the both of you.

“even if it was a minor hit doesn’t change the fact that you got hurt.” johnny looked at you, even with all the tension between the two of you, you could still see the sincerity he felt in his eyes.

so you decided to tell him the truth.

you sighed as you rubbed your forehead, “okay. i wasn’t being complete honest with you, johnny.” you shifted your position to lean against a pole while he stood across from you, arms crossed as he mirrored your position by his car.

“when we first conversed at the hospital the day you got me admitted, i told you park seoham and i broke it off.” johnny nodded, waiting for you to continue. “we did, but i’ve been seeing him not because i wanted him back in my life but because right after our breakup, he got into a car accident and got hurt… big time. he didn’t want any other nurses but requested for me to get him through rehab.”

“sounds possessive.” johnny stretched, “he got hit real bad, huh?”

“so bad to the point that he only remembers my name.” you said, hearing it come out from your mouth left a bitter feeling. “guess it was just out of pity for me to help him, given that he ended up like that. this bruise happened because it was a muscle memory for him to do defense and somehow he doesn’t remember any of the bad things he did.”

now johnny wanted to gag after hearing that, “must be good on him, but for the people he victimized for his thrill and fun in the past? don’t think so.”

you walked closer to him, patting his shoulder. “he’s changing for the better.”

johnny’s brows met, change? as if. “he left a scar on me that made me hospitalized for three months that i almost didn’t graduate high school. how’s that for a change?”

“i know it must be hard to take this all in.” you sighed as your lips quivered, “i didn’t say anything before because of all the trauma you had with him. i also wanted to get over him and start anew but the hospital won’t shut up about him, so i had to go back. you have to trust me on this johnny.”

johnny held your hand and gripped it, you let out a sigh of relief knowing that he understood, until he let go slowly. “trust you? y/n, i don’t know whether to trust you anymore after this. i trusted you enough before but all these unsaid info.. it’s too much. call me petty but as i said earlier, it doesn’t change the fact that you got hurt.”

he stood up and straightened his posture, “you have to trust me when i say this though. i reacted because i care so much about you, so much that i wanted to protect you from harm, to the point that it was almost obssessive then i realized it was actually love. but a lot of things were revealed to me tonight and something dawned on me.”

you gulped nervously as tears welled, this isn’t good.

“i wasted my time and effort on you.” he sadly revealed, “here i was thinking i could be the hero who needed to save the girl he befriended and eventually loved. only to see that she can courageously handle herself, i’ll applaud you, really. the world needs more girls like that. i’m probably just being hopeful that i ended up looking like a idiot who’d never get that chance.”

before you could even say anything, he started the engine and drove off.

your chest hurted so much, just how stupid and messed up could you get? you covered your mouth to stop it from quivering but damn were you too late for that. tears fell at the guilt you felt and the dishonesty you did towards johnny was plain selfish, you only cared about yourself. if anything came out of that conversation,

was that you were the monster that hurted him.


johnny hadn’t heard from you since that night. now that mr. jeon’s back from paternity leave, he’d rather focus on practice for the semi-finals and make a name for himself. like boxing, you were just another round he had to go through.

“you sure about that?” johnny was shaken from his thoughts as held the punching bag from swinging back at him. ten approached his best friend with a bottle of water in hand. “you really should keep your thoughts to yourself, this gym’s pretty quiet, y’know?”

johnny rolled his eyes at the suggestion, “trust me the last time i kept my thoughts intact with my brain i got my heart broken.”

“how you coping up though? we haven’t seen y/n come by recently after your quote on quote fight.” he held up his fingers, only to see johnny punch the bag harder. “guess i shouldn’t have asked?”

“it’s cool, it’s been a month now actually.” johnny hopped around the bag to get new punches out. “i’m all good.”

“really? ‘cause you’ve been throwing punches at the bag for a bloody month.” ten shrugged, taking a seat at the corner of the ring. “even mr. jeon couldn’t get you to snap out of it.”

“what do you mean? coach jeon and i have been training since then.”

“agh i mean the guys miss y/n! especially yuta and jaehyun!“ ten waved his arms exaggeratedly.

“you mean they miss me and y/n having the so-called tension?” johnny clicked his tongue, “they should keep their fantasies to themselves, geez.”

ten threw a towel at him, “i know semi-finals is in a few days and finals in a month. if you’re so busy fighting matches why not fight for your love life? you miss y/n more than anyone.”

johnny curled his tongue as he held a punch, “she’s a distraction.”

“sigh for a buff and strong guy like you, you’re still too soft.” ten groaned, “i’m done playing cupid!! you can cry your remaining days being loveless.”

johnny took a break, drinking the remaining water from the bottle when he spotted text message from mr. jeon:

coach jeon: “john, your rival’s been decided. check your email, please.”

as you worked at the university hospital, one of the few sophomores who actually had an opportunity to do so. you were actually quite happy you’ve kept yourself busy, well, your thoughts really. in all honesty though, you still pondered about johnny and he was up to.

you even thought about making up with him, but it was too awkward to show up at the gym after a month as if nothing had happened between you two. you shook your head to get out of overthinking. time will tell, y/n. you told yourself.

flicking your hands after washing them, you tore a piece of tissue paper before entering the rehab center. the corner of your mouth raised a little after seeing seoham waving at you walking with crutches. “nurse y/n! my favorite!”

in a panic, you jogged up to and slightly hit his shoulder. “quiet, your voice’s too loud. besides, i’m like the only nurse you know.”

he giggled with a snort as he adjusted his ankle wrap, “well true.. anyway dr. kim just stopped by earlier and said that i’m gonna be discharged tomorrow.”

“oh really?” you asked, checking his records, “good on you, eight months of rehab did something.”

he smiled a toothy grin and blushed a little, walking towards his room. “yeah, because of you.” not noticing you almost dropped the papers. “so when this all ends, i mean when i’m out of here… wanna grab coffee?”

your head never whipped so fast at the unncanny offer the young man just made, looking away. “i- uh.”

“or you’d rather hang out and have coffee with johnny suh?” your eyes widened as cold chills creeped up your spine. this voice.. was the old seoham. “think i wouldn’t notice?

“whatever you mean?” you feigned innocence, but that’s too late for now, wasn’t it?

“you’re not the only person i remember so clearly, y/n.” his facial aura changed, and just like before, he scared you. “johnny suh, seems like you know him. maybe even got tangled with him somehow? romantically? or have you guys even-”

“what do you want, seoham?” you gripped your board, staring at him firmly so that he wouldn’t see you give in so easily.

he clicked his tongue, “eh well, nothing really. felt like i had some unfinished business with him. not because you and him have been meeting up. no no.” you pressed your lips together, “his mere existence is a threat to me. so i have been doing research on your days off.”

“stay away from him,” your voice shook, breath hitching a little.

“how could i when you lead me straight right to him?” he leaned forward towards you. “i noticed all your little moves, sweet y/n. your little chats on the phone when i was ‘sleeping’? or what was the most recent one?” he tapped his chin, “the heated argument you guys had that night a month ago?”

you looked at him with widened eyes, trying to recall how he managed to know about that. then it came to you:

the car that drove by with the flashing headlights.


“finally caught on, haven’t we.. sweetcakes?”

you flinched at the nickname, only johnny called you that. what right-

“dr. shin, my personal PT- said i’m all good for boxing. i could even start as early as tomorrow perhaps. given that the semi-finals is in a few days.” he chuckled before showing you an email he received.

“young people boxing association semi-finals: university division: park seoham vs. johnny suh.”


“you can’t join that!” you gasped, “you’re still in rehab and can’t engage in any physical activities.”

seoham laughed in a low tone, “you underestimate me, y/n. before johnny suh came along beating everyone’s asses it was me who’s undefeatable.” he held your chin, “i should be thanking you, making our paths cross again.”

“you’re such a jerk, seoham. you always were a monster.” you said bitterly, holding your tears.

“but you fell in love with this monster.” he gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead as you pushed him away. “aw, was that you and johnny boy’s form of love action? sorry to barge in.”

“you should’ve stayed dead-”

“oh but i’m alive more than ever! you’re my angel.”

you opened the door and rushed out, wiping your tears. going to the locker room, you changed into your clothes and sent a text to taeyong that you’d be stopping by the gym.

“hey look y/n just texted, said that she’ll be stopping over.” taeyong announced and immediately looked for johnny. “where’s john?”

“he just left!” mark replied while playing with ten on ps5.

you cursed to yourself and ran as fast as you could so that you could catch up with johnny. this was all your fault, just how could you face him when you’ve hurted him and now it was seoham who was going to hurt him to extreme?

you search in every nook and cranny of the city for him, “where is he?” you stopped running, panting so much that gasped for air. johnny where are you? you ran again to look for him until you spotted a tall guy with a figure you so recognized… and missed.

“johnny?” you called out, and how your chest squeezed at the sight of him.

he turned around, quite shocked seeing you all tired. “y/n?”

“don’t go to the semi finals!” you cried, “seoham is going to be there.”

“so?” he sounded bitter and you didn’t blame him, “probably another park seoham, you know there’s a lot people with same names. we’re not in a small world, y/n.”

“no, it’s the park seoham. my ex, the person you hated, he- you gotta believe me!”

“i don’t know.” he shrugged, “one person can’t recover from a fatal car crash and recover less than a year.”

“not seoham, he’s different. please you have to forfeit the match.” you said as johnny gave you sour face.

“why should i listen to you?”

“because i don’t want you- the man i love to be hurt anymore!” you finally confessed and groaned as you wiped your face. “i don’t want things to change because of what i did and i’m sorry if i hurted you.”

“she finally got the hint now, john?” you turned to see seoham in crutches, smiling at johnny and you weren’t believing what you were seeing.

“yeah, thanks to you. can’t believed it worked.” johnny let out a sigh of relief.

your mouth went agape and you were frustrated right now. “what the- what the hell?”

johnny chuckled, took your wrist and pulled you close to him, wrapping you in a hug. “scared, sweetcakes?”

you patted his chest repeatedly until he let go, “again, what the hell?”

johnny looked at seoham and shrugged, “guess i was being dishonest. after our argument, i went to visit seoham just to see if he really did change for the better as you stated and to make peace with him.” holding his laugh seeing your startled expression, “he did. it took some convincing on my part but yeah, i guess we’re okay.”

seoham scratched his head in embarrassment, “i don’t know what history we had but he seemed to know you when he stopped by at the hospital. and we just.. talked. then i found out you guys were having a lover’s quarrel, so i talked to him about pranking you a bit. my idea. plus, lover boy here is a coward.”

you squinted your eyes at them, shaking your head. you must be dreaming. “wh- what about the email?”

“fake copy.” johnny showed you the legit one. “my real opponent’s matthew kim. from seoul national.”

you blinked, “then how did you-” pointing at seoham, know about the argument?”

“johnny told me.” he blinked back at you, his face showing no signs of deceit.

you tilted your head, whispering to yourself, “then it wasn’t the blinding lights?”

johnny chuckled, “sorry, must be a lot to take in.” making you scowl at the enunciation he made, then you realized something.

“ah, haha.” you combed your hair back again with your hands. “is this about getting even, johnny?”

he just smirked at you for an answer.

“that’s so low!” you threw a punch at his chest, him holding your hand before you even did so and hugged you once again. “that was so real, what the hell…”

“sorry,” he laughed and seoham signaled him his exit. he nodded at the forgiven person before nuzzling his face on your neck. “didn’t i tell you? my major is acting.”

you pushed yourself away from him, “oh my gosh john- you’re the worst! i’m leaving!”

johnny pulled you to him once again before kissing you on the lips, “don’t. you still owe me movie trilogies to watch.”

you puffed your cheeks, “fine. let’s go.”

johnny turned around, looking for certain people. “guys, you got that on video?

yuta and jaehyun gave him a thumbs up, snickering at their little boys’ play.

“sure did!”


johnny looked at you after hearing his name call from your lips before jogging up to you.

“she’ll never hear the end of it.”

hi my lovely beans! since it’s love month i decided to do some short prompts/ drabbles about johnny x reader to celebrate

to place an order: send in “johnny + genre + (topic of your liking)” e.g “johnny + fluff + flowers”

please check my guidelines on the coffee menu to see the requirements before sending anything in!

i’m doing this until the end of feb! so orders are limited ☕️ also please do check if some topics are taken!

happy love month nctzens

[11:50] within the minutes, the tension between you, johnny, and your friends rose little by little. that question you asked caught johnny off guard. he didn’t know why but he felt disappointed and it was irritatingly inexplainable on his part.

it made him grit his teeth, as if he wanted to say something but no words seemed to come out of his mouth. his eyebrows met in frustration just thinking about it. you looked so familiar yet you were so distant. his eyes drifted from your face to your hand. the clenching of your hand on your chest gave it away that you were uncomfortable.

all the reason for him to pick up the hint that he needed to leave right now and not make you weirded out because of his mere presence.

“s-sorry.” he stuttered, “i-i think should leave.”

johnny exited the little circle your friends shortly gathered in, his group looking at you intensely and with pity. your eyes welled and you couldn’t say anything. as you excused yourself to the toilet, you told the girls not to follow you. you needed the time alone.

“it’s so hard to just watch them both suffer. we can’t even do anything.” mark groaned, mouth slightly quivering.

“if i were her, i could never handle the trauma and crap she went through.” kun sighed, combing his hair back before placing his hands on his hips.

yeri looked up with tears almost falling, “who could? she had to lie to the person she loved and owed her life to.”

jaehyun pressed his lips, “and she’s carrying the guilt she wasn’t even meant to carry in the first place.”

you stared at yourself through the mirror, you couldn’t even fathom anything. your head was all empty until johnny appeared in front of you after months.

ah crap.

the sight of the man you loved made your heart pierce wide open, it was stinging and painful that your breathing lost control. by the time you exited the toilet you were heaving, it was getting harder to breathe and you wanted to escape, bumping into several students along the way.


you haven’t said his name in a while and right now that was the only word you so wanted, craved for, desperate to see and be in his arms.

you could’ve been though, if it weren’t for the accident that almost costed your life yet put johnny’sin shambles and pieces, pieces that lasted years mostly had you in it but went away in split seconds.

seeing him right now would mean blaming yourself and that guilt would envelope you like a blanket. but damn those feelings hurt so much you wanted it to stop.

you wanted to see him, you wanted johnny.


no way..he shouldn’t remember you, correct?

“it’s y/n, right?”


[11:45] you stood by your locker, sighing because the ringing in your head seemed restless. aimlessly staring at a distance made you hear the chewing you did inside your gums.

yeri was worried, looking at you every now and then just to check your state. “y/n, we have to eat.” flinching as you unknowingly slammed your locker, sighing more than ever. she turned to seulgi with teary eyes, “eonni, she’s not getting any better.”

she patted her shoulder before wrapping her arm around her even though she has books on the other. “she will be, it just takes time.”

you went to the cafeteria, quickly grabbing whatever food your eyes landed on. a rough group of boys caught your attention- the hot sporty ones, as fellow schoolmates called them so.

one boy dressed in a black tee stood out not just because of his height, but because he was staring at you since he stepped foot. the way he stared at you made you feel nostalgic so you averted your eyes.

his name’s johnny. everyone knew him as the surf guy, well-mannered, and handsome. he didn’t even plan on breaking eye contact with you until you did. “johnny… keeps looking this way, it’s weird, and awkward.”

sooyoung patted your hands, pressing her lips to a thin line, “why not talk to him?” and as soon as she suggested this, johnny walked towards your table.

“sure..” you said, straightening your body as he approached closer.

taeyong and the rest of the guys just behind him and walked to seulgi was, “why did you let y/n be? you know they can’t meet.”

“it’s troubling her, don’t you see?” she reasoned, “she’s been sighing since-”

“hi, i’m johnny.” they whipped their heads to their friend, and their chests never felt so hurt seeing him introduce himself to you with a smiling face. the air around them never felt so tense and never had they ever expected this to happen so soon. even so, the innocent look on johnny made them feel bad.

they looked to you, who was clenching your chest.

“i’m sorry, but… do i know you?”


[11:42]elitestudent!johnny slung his messenger bag across his body once the professor called the class into a halt as everyone stood, his newly bought rolex watch wrapped on his left wrist made people look his way.

with a figure tall and muscular, and skin quite tanned- his hobbies include surfing and tennis by the way, people can’t help but wanting to befriend the sophomore hottie. johnny gave them a glance, a small smile and a bow to acknowledge hearing their little whispers about him.

as he made a slight eye contact with you, however, he froze on the spot. his constant staring unknowingly blocked the way of other students behind him who were rushing out for lunch break.

“yojohnny, you coming with?” jaehyun looked back at his friend, “heard they’re serving buffet at the cafeteria.”

he looked at you one last time before biting his lip, “yeah, let’s go.”

the cafeteria was pretty much everyone’s favorite spot to hangout and chill, johnny was no different, talking and laughing out loud with his friends. they became quiet when they noticed him looking elsewhere.

jaehyun raised a brow, snapping his best friend out of a trance. “earth to johnny?” he chuckled, “you alright?”

“y-yeah,” he fiddled his fork on the pasta, looking back at you. “she looks familiar.” jaehyun, mark, yuta, and kun looked at each other, not saying a word and johnny quickly caught on, they were hiding something from him. “do i know her?”

“uh,” mark rubbed the nape of his neck, he wanted to say something but was afraid of the aftereffects. looking at his hyungs for backup, he hesistated once they gave him an unencouraging and stern stare.

“not that we know of.” taeyong managed to break the tension.

“well i’m going to talk to her.” their panicked eyes sought each other’s help as johnny stood up walking towards you.

johnny, wait!”


imaginebestfriend!johnny or boyfriend!johnny paying you a visit at your home / dorm because he found out you were down with a fever

pls.. my face be heating up even more if ever that happened

just imagine:

this fine man picking you up for prom because he’s your date

the video is him asking you to stop playing around and take a better photo of him kyyaaaa my heart

°ஐ mocha pantry ஐ°

-> a glass of mocha- or mocaccino is like cappucino, just see-through. so this pantry is like watching through the glass.. or screen, or tv lmao. it’s espresseo-cafe’s version of JCC, basically masterlist

ʚikea disasterɞ

johnny and his little family goes to ikea

ʚflex or fail?ɞ

you go to annoy johnny while he exercises at the gym

˗ˏˋ affogato pantry ˎˊ˗

-> “eat with our eyes” they say. like pictures, affogato is basically a dessert that tells a story once you eat it. in this cafe, it’s storyboards / timestamps! ☆彡 masterlist


the hot skaterboy in your campus is the talk of the town, and he may have the hots for you.


johnny becomes overprotective towards you at the beach

ʚhot n’ coldɞ

you and johnny become models for the campus’ magazine

ʚjust you and meɞ

➙ a roadtrip with johnny during his time-off of the screen

ʚshut up and kiss me alreadyɞ

➙ the seemingly arrogant johnny got paired with you for a seven minute in heaven segment at a party

ʚmake up for itɞ

➙ a distressed johnny making you cookies for a compensation

ʚeyes on meɞ

➙ an introverted you have a photoshoot with an extroverted johnny

ʚmatch made in heavenɞ

➙ johnny’s the wing spiker, and you might be just the match

ʚsnowed inɞ

➙ the first meeting of next door neighbours have their christmas snowed in

ᵕ̈corretto pantryᵕ̈

-> who says coffee can’t have alcohol? add an extra shot of espresso, we’ll be all over the place hahah ᵕ̈ corretto scenarios are mostly fun and comedy and hyperactive.. but don’t have too much \(≧▽≦)/ masterlist

ʚraining cats and dogs ɞ — ordered oneshot

you and johnny clash heads most of the time, and somehow it’s normal

ʚdon’t you dare ɞ — ordered oneshot

johnny takes some measures to find out why you avoid him

ʚpepero kiss ɞ — oneshot

as you’re busy with your projects, johnny is needy for some attention

༊·˚cappucino pantry˚·༊

-> the layers of cappucino makes you expect and anticipate, just like trilogies or series. enter the world of wonders with many flavours and feelings, maybe you’d want more ༊*·˚ masterlist

ʚmaybe ɞ — twoshots latte ✓

➙ for you and johnny, you both grew up in an elite, business oriented family. and it was expected for you to tie the knot after graduation.

ʚsquared ɞ — threeshot latte ✓

a soulmate drama series where you and johnny meet

ʚjust for the night ɞ — twoshot latte ✓

a little setup date may bring something nice after all

ʚpregancy ɞ — threeshot affogato ✓

➙ you find out you’re pregnant, and johnny’s ecstatic

ʚvip ɞ — threeshot affogato ✓

volleyball player and hottie johnny suh is very much interested in you, a tsundere

ʚrecollect ɞ — threeshot affogato ✓

➙ a short trilogy that tests you and johnny’s relationship

ʚa spark maybe ɞ — social media au // ongoing

after floods of photos sent to you after that new years eve party, your once quiet life is soon to have a kickstart with the famous jock johnny suh. will there be a spark in your love life?

ღ*latte pantry*ღ

-> milk froth is like the stars, add a dash of espresso is like the unknown, a mix of two brings you to another universe that warms your heart. here’s the pantry full of au’s ღೃ masterlist

ʚto burn your bridges ɞ — oneshot

spy and mafia au with romance building up

ʚthe music in me ɞ — oneshot

pianist!johnny and singer!reader reunites in university

ʚi got you ɞ — mini coffee

a short halloween au

ʚin love with a monster ɞ — oneshot

a world where johnny is a boxer and you’re a nurse

ʚcoming home ɞ — oneshot

➙ an au where johnny looks after his son while you’re away for work

☽⋆americano pantry⋆☽

-> strong, bitter coffee that leaves a heavy feeling in your tastebuds. very much suited for a rainy day ☽ or if you just feel angsty masterlist

ʚ80/20 ɞ — oneshot

➙ your relationship with johnny was on rocks, it’s not too long until someone breaks first.

ʚexes confront each other ɞ — oneshot

➙ a sequel to 80/20, you and johnny meet at a studio after a year or so.

ʚwe were there ɞ — oneshot

➙ you and johnny were members of the high school debate club, and were previously linked.

ʚno more ɞ — mini coffee

➙ a heated argument in the car caused tension to rise.

ʚone step ɞ — oneshot

➙ you and johnny have a big event of a lifetime.

ʚexpectations ɞ — oneshot (ordered)

johnny wanted you, you wanted him. will this relationship at the studio bring you two together?

ʚred & blue ɞ — oneshot

➙ known as opposites, johnny finally decides to pop you a question.

ʚi saw an angel ɞ — oneshot

➙ johnny works as a ceo and is also a full time father to his sickly daughter.

ʚclarity ɞ — oneshot

➙ a breakup where johnny searches you for clarity in your relationship.

*♡syrup pantry♡*

-> sugar, spice, and everthing nice. have some syrup to sweeten up your day / night! here are some fluffy/ heartfelt scenarios for you to enjoy ♡ masterlist

ʚattention ɞ — oneshot

➙ a sudden double date leads you to be paired up with the volleyball heartthrob, johnny suh.

ʚpresent ɞ — oneshot

➙ a christmas shopping spree with johnny, your best friend.

ʚsweet truth ɞ — oneshot

mixed emotions with quarantine drove everyone crazy, even you. little did you know, something sweet came out of it.

ʚokay with it ɞ — oneshot

there were unsaid feelings between you and your childhood crush. he felt the same too, but are you both sure you’re okay with it?

ʚcover up ɞ — mini coffee

johnny cooks you- who is a chef, some breakfast one morning.

ʚi like you, jerk ɞ — oneshot

➙ people called you a tsundere. johnny knew that. except he didn’t know who could melt that persona.

ʚfool ɞ — oneshot

➙ a heartbroken you gets drunk one night and johnny comes to the rescue.

ʚstay with me ɞ — oneshot

➙ a fever stricken johnny calls you in to look after him

pepero kiss | johnny | mini coffee

pairing: johnny x reader

genre: corretto with syrup! very sugary ☕️

bean count: 775

a/n: i have a week off which sucks cuz bye money but here’s a delayed valentine’s coffee special for you enjoy reading my lovely beans!


midterms, projects, presentations. that usual cycle of college students have to repeat in the span of four to five years. and all you wanted was to have a well deserved break after everything’s done.

you stretched your legs on johnny’s couch, staying at his apartment was only supposed to be during the afternoon. though that plan had failed because you went rollerskating with your girls prior to coming here. you wanted to leave after having dinner with him but he insisted that you stay the night because your apartment was stations away.

johnny looked at your studious self, typing away on your laptop while you listened to lofi-music. as for him, he already finished his projects and homeworks an hour before you started, so he was pretty free.

he sometimes would tease you for not completing every project after him, and he found it cute that you were so competitive about it. you were competing with the rank one of your major.

also he was kind of frustrated at you, not because you were catching up with your deadline and putting other things first than your studies, but because he wanted your attention for almost two and a half hours.

usually you’d give him glances and sweet smiles if you needed a break. however, tonight was just not that night. johnny sighed out loud on purpose just to make you notice him. he opted the decision to give you any physical contact, ‘cause the last time he did so he got a painful smack on his newly inked tattoo.

you tried so hard not to giggle at your pacing boyfriend, his reaction to not being noticed was funny for you. and even if you did pay him any attention, you wouldn’t be 90% finished as you were now. so you thought to tease him for a while.

when you finally held the cover of your laptop, johnny immediately looked to see if you were done. only to be disappointed once again to see you getting your notes from a folder.

“ah, i’ll just watch some tv while you work.” he dramatically said, reaching for the remote control before realizing it was pepero day. so he went to the pantry and grabbed a box of it.

he knew it was your weakness since you started dating and he knew how much you can’t resist it. the familiar sound of plastic rustling made you look at johnny for the first time in two hours, and snickered at you as he took a bite of a pepero stick and winked at you.

you didn’t know whether to laugh to be disgusted but you just awkwardly looked away. not wanting to show johnny that you wanted one. you closed your laptop and walked towards him, attempting to get the box from him.

ha, it worked.

johnny smirked, “babe, you have to finish your project then you can get a reward.”

you pulled a puffed face at him and johnny swore he wanted to drop everything to hug and kiss you. “i’m already done, so i can have my reward.” you said as you took the box of pepero from him, putting one stick in your mouth.

johnny squinted his eyes and pulled your hairtie off towards the ends of your hair. you gasped as you halted in your steps and held his hands, johnny used this opportunity to pull you gently towards him and turned you around.

you stared at him as he wrapped his arm around your waist, the pepero stick still in between your lips. he smiled at you with his light brown eyes. and he leaned closer to you that you assumed he wanted to try the pepero kiss. so you automatically closed your eyes.

he took the biscuit away that as you opened your eyes, he shook his head and waved the chocolate stick at you. “that’s not the reward i’m talking about.”


johnny grasped your body tighter and locked his lips with yours. you almost forgot how soft they were that you wanted to stay like this a little bit longer, which you did, for two minutes.

you licked your lips and coughed shyly, blinking at the ground not noticing he placed the biscuit in his mouth. you took the box from his other hand, wanting to have a snack after finishing your work.

“ah..” you whined as you turned to look at him, “that was the last one?!”

johnny looked at you mischievously, fiddling the biscuit in his teeth. “mhm.”

“babe i want one.” you chuckled, earning a hum from him.

“sure.. but you have to do the pepero kiss with me first.”
