#johnny joestar



Wanna know something slightly cursed?

Johnny and Gyro’s dynamic is kinda like Castiel and Gabriel’s dynamic.

One’s a silly dude who can be serious when the time calls for it and the other is just kinda tired all the time and sarcastic.

You’re welcome.

Johnny Joestar, Lucy Steel and Gyro Zeppelin drawn by Araki

From: Chapter 37, Steel Ball Run(2006)

 I got bored of the old profile pic and I’m in a mood for orange

I got bored of the old profile pic and I’m in a mood for orange

Post link


Reminding myself about all the reasons I love him

Araki’s sketches: Steel Ball Run, main protagonists

Araki’s sketches: Stell Ball Run

I’m still reading steel ball run and I’m obsessed with it. I initially thought that Gyro was the only protagonist ‘cause he dominated the scene. I loved Diego Brando and Gyro and hated Johnny at first but then Johnny became my favourite character ever. In my opinion sbr is the best JoJo’s part so far. I love everything about it, the plot, the characters, backgrounds and stand. gyro is the best jobro and you can’t change my mind… GO! GO! ZEPPELI. and diego is so cute and precious sorry for any mistakes
