#supernatural gabriel

lucifers-perfect-angel: this-darkness-light: lucifer-s-emoji: Drawing some luci at work, Sadly I img




Drawing some luci at work,
Sadly I imgined luci’s death but the important thing is that his eyes finally glowed in blue, instead of red

How dare you break my heart like this?!

That said, I love the idea that his grave would be redeemed

This was it and Lucifer knew it. He’d lived for eons, seen the universe be created, and watched as it was tested time and time again. He’d seen the start and end of planets, stars, galaxies, even almost the end of god himself. Everything had its time, even for immortals.

It was Lucifer’s time.

Lucifer had always prided himself on being a good fighter, on being skilled enough to at least escape a battle alive. But not this time. No. This time he had to finish it. He had to keep fighting. He had to protect his son.

The Michael from another universe had found his way to their world, easily tracking Jack down in an attempt to force him to open another portal. Lucifer couldn’t let that happen. He couldn’t let Michael hurt his son! It didn’t matter to him if the Winchesters were their, if he inadvertently protected them too. He had no time to be happy at seeing Gabriel alive. At seeing the baby brother who’s death Lucifer grieved. Lucifer fought with everything he had, every trick and power and skill he could scrap together from his weakened grace and millions of years of training.

It wasn’t enough. Lucifer knew that. He knew he would be fighting Michael alone. Sam and Dean had no desire to help Lucifer. The only two who might were Gabriel and Castiel and both couldn’t step up. Dean refused to let Castiel get close and possibly die, and Gabriel was still too shaken up and weakened from Asmodeus to do any fighting.

All of Lucifer’s instincts were screaming at him to protect Jack. He had to. Lucifer would not let Michael take away his son! He wouldn’t let Michael take any more away from him! His family, his freedom, his sanity, his Grace, his reputation. Jack would not be the next on that list!

They fought bloody, dirty, hard. Lucifer put everything he had into their fight. But this Michael was stronger, so much stronger than his Michael ever was. This Michael wouldn’t fight fair. He vanished in front of Lucifer, leaving the fallen archangel on edge, constantly looking around for where he might appear.

It had all happened so fast. Michael appeared behind Jack, blade ready to strike. Lucifer didn’t have enough time to go after Michael but he couldn’t lose Jack! He couldn’t! All Lucifer could think was “protect”. So he did what he had to do, he switched their places.

Lucifer could faintly register someone screaming “No!” But all voices sounded so distant. He could feel the cold blade pass through his back and chest. The cold emptiness that was starting to eat its way through him. Lucifer’s irises were glowing red as he collapsed to his knees, the taste of iron filling his mouth as blood trickled down his lips and jaw. He could see Gabriel and Jack watching in horror, at least I’ll die knowing someone cared. Lucifer thought, his irises fading back to normal tear filled eyes. There was a ringing filling the air, all of Lucifer’s desperate attempts to cling to life were failing. He could hear Michael’s triumphant laughter and his bragging speech about how he killed the serpent again. Lucifer closed his eyes tightly, tears streaming down his face. As the fallen Morning star slowly opened his eyes, they shown for the first time in billions of years, not red, but a brilliant glowing blue.

He slowly closed his eyes again, sending one prayer. One prayer to His father, and to his Michael, and Gabriel and to Jack. One last thing that he needed to get off his chest. “I love you.”

Lucifer’s body surged with an intense blinding light, loud ringing filling the air as a there was a burst of energy. As the light faded, Lucifer lay motionless, two broken wings burned into the ground. Brilliant blue eyes that would never shine again.

Lucifer had been redeemed.

Oh my god, why.

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Wanna know something slightly cursed?

Johnny and Gyro’s dynamic is kinda like Castiel and Gabriel’s dynamic.

One’s a silly dude who can be serious when the time calls for it and the other is just kinda tired all the time and sarcastic.

You’re welcome.


Things I learned tonight:

I’m still not over Gabriel getting fucked over.

It’s been like two years and I’m still not truly over this.

Probably never will.

Fuck, Supernatural you ruined my son for real how dare you-

Request: so if you have no problem, I would like to request something where the reader is the youngest Winchester, and she is willing to always protect and defend Jack but Gabriel is very concerned about her.


Pairing: Jack Kline x Reader; Gabriel x Reader (Platonic)

Word count: 1049

Warning/s: there’s some curse words

Summary: Having two hunters, one angel and one archangel as older brothers was already hard enough, you love them just as much you love the Nephilim. 

Having Dean and Sam Winchester as older brothers had it’s up and down, mostly down. but you’re not complaining, but then came Castiel and Gabriel, you also treated them as older brothers and they naturally treated you as their little sister, adding to the protectiveness of the Winchesters. 

“He’s an innocent kid!” you almost shouted, frustrated at how Gabriel was being right now.  

“That’s what my father said before Lucifer fall” he spoke as a matter of fact. 

your older brothers were out on a hunt, bring Cas with them. leaving you and Jack alone. the whole issue of Jack being Lucifer’s son had already passed, Dean had completely accepted him,  though it took a lot of lectures and convincing on your part to a stubborn Dean. and now Jack is part of the Family. 

except a certain Archangel thought otherwise. 

“Lucifer and Jack is different” you snapped, gripping your hair in frustration to the archangel. he doesn’t actually trust Jack being around you.

 “you don’t know that” he hisses, rolling his eyes at you before crossing his arms over his chest.

“I don’t need to know, I see it!” you snapped back

“I’ve known my brother since the stars were made, my father is a dick, my brother is a dick, his son is gonna end like him too” He spoke, his tone left no room to argue

“his a ticking time bomb!” he spat

you opened your mouth to say more but your eyes landed on the figure on the corner of your eyes. Jack stood on the archway, a broken look on his face before he turns around and leaves. 

you averted your eyes away from the empty spot and back at Gabriel to glare at him “and that makes you a great big bag of dicks!”

you pitched the bridge of your nose as you let out a breath of defeat before angrily walking away from the library to follow Jack but before you were an earshot away, you glance back on your shoulder to look at him. 

“we’re not done talking about this”


“Jack?” you softly called, gently knocking on his doors before opening it, only to find him seating on the edge of his bed, a faraway look in his eyes. 

he slightly looks up to meet your gaze but immediately drops it down the floor “you’re fighting because of me, It’s my fault” he sadly mumbled

quickly you, sat beside him, the bed slightly dipping before you took his hand on yours, prompting him to face you, and made him look at you. 

“Listen alright, none of this is your fault, it’s just me and Gabriel doesn’t have the same opinion” you explained, rubbing you knuckled over the back of his hand. 

fresh new tears threatened to fall down his eyes, but before it can fall you wipe it away from his eyes, then resting your hand on his cheeks which he nuzzled in. 

“Hey, don’t cry, It’s not your fault alright, and don’t believe anything he says or anyone at that, you’re Jack Kline you’re strong and brave, you’re nothing like your father and you’ll never be” you assured him, a soft smile making it up to your lips. 

his eyes never leaving yours, a smile played on the corner of his lips, the cheerful, innocent, and sweet Nephilim back once again. 

“Among everyone, I really like Y/n the most” he brightly said, sending heat towards your cheeks as you can’t help but smile wider, your heart fluttering more than usual. 

“I really like Jack too, don’t tell anyone but everyone inheres is kind of up tight” you chuckled, Jack following after. 

“how about we watch scoobydoo? I’ll prepare some food so why don’t you get comfortable in here” you suggested, gently brushing away some strands of hair away from your eyes. 

his eyes widen in excitement just by the thought of watching something he likes, let alone with you.

“and nougat?” he asked

“yup I’ll bring some” 

you scuffing out his room and towards the kitchen, you didn’t expect to see the archangel outside his room, back resting on the wall, probably waiting for you. 

“do you have something to say?” 

he let out a sigh before bringing up both his arms in defeat “alright, I might have been a little bit of a dick”

when you raise your eyebrow at him in question, he quickly shuffled around to explain himself before you walk away. 

“I’m sorry alright, It’s just my brothers are a dick, and as you said I am too, it runs on the blood so what makes you think his gonna be different, I’m just worried you’re gonna get hurt on the end” he genuinely explained, eyes averting away from you in embarrassment.  

after hearing his explanation, your glare turns soft as you took in his flustered form, of course, you knew why he didn’t trust Jack, Dean was just like him at first, they needed something they can take hold of before they trust somebody.

 “first of all, I’m sorry I called you a dick, you’re different from your father and your brothers” you apologize, Gabriel mirroring the look on your eyes as he listened to you. 

“and you’re just saying that because you don’t know Jack yet, give him a chance” you spoke before slightly cracking the door open so he can see Jack practically bouncing on his feet as he excitedly creates a fort of blankets to watch scoobydoo. 

Gabriel watches Jack, a curious and indescribable expression passed on his eyes, suddenly remembering the ancient days, a time where he used to look up to his brothers. 

“Please?” you mumbled, bringing back his eyes over to you. he sighs in defeat before nodding, how can he say no at you


you grin after he said that was probably the brightest he had seen you, reluctantly he let you push him inside the room to join back while you go and prepare some snacks. 

and that’s how you made the greatest mistake in your life, Gabriel ended up liking him, a bit too much that he taught Jack all kinds of pranks that he can try on Sam and Dean. 

starting then, Sam and Dean’s screams echoed on the bunker throughout the day. 

Gabriel and platy the platypus - supernaturalMore supernatural art x, x Find me on xAs always don’t Gabriel and platy the platypus - supernaturalMore supernatural art x, x Find me on xAs always don’t

Gabriel and platy the platypus - supernatural
More supernatural art x,x
Find me on x

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it’s as good as it’s gonna get I guess. Gabriel is my fav character on spn so I figured

it’s as good as it’s gonna get I guess.

Gabriel is my fav character on spn so I figured why not.

The Sam drawing

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