#jonah oc


@thewastelandwriter​ (context

I’d love to talk more about them!! Sorry it’s taken me this long to respond, but a lot of things have…happened. :/ 


The first character in blue is named Adon. He’s a sea witch (or warlock under the DnD class system) from a large and ever expanding family of magic users. The only boy out of 9 siblings. (Though he’s actually got a few half brothers from his monster parent’s side.) 

He lives in an abandoned lighthouse off The Coast of Swords. Somewhere North of Waterdeep. The sandy speckles on his body are almost indicative of the years he’s spent there. Like a worn, weather-beaten rock. Adon is passive, prone to deep contemplative states. It’s hard to get a rise out of him, but when it happens it’s all kinds of stormy and wild. He means well for the most part. Spending most of his days taking care of his lighthouse and the sea creatures that make their home beneath. 


The second person is an Overseer by the name of Jonah (They/Them). Previously a commoner on the isle of Tyvia. Poverty stricken and with no means to provide for their children, Jonah’s parents gave them up to recruiters from the Abbey. Hoping they, at least, would pass the trials of aptitude and live a better life. 

Jonah went on to become a successful Warefare Overseer and led a party of “witch hunters” across the isle of Gristol. Unfortunately, during one of these same quests, they were outmatched by an old cult and were left wounded trying to protect their own. Recovery was a slow and imperfect process. Their legs would never again be the same and the months spent inside all those quiet, hospital rooms were enough to drive them stir crazy. In that time, however, they picked up the habit of writing. Mainly journaling until the hobby progressed into a finer art. Jonah had fallen into a deep depression, but rekindled the light of their faith through poetry. Unable to rejoin their brothers in arms, Jonah now serves the Abbey as a scholar and writer of psalms. 


The third character is an artist named Pucc. Originally an Institute synth meant to be a doppelganger. Though before he could even masquerade as the waster who wore his face, Pucc had already made his escape. Something had gone awry in his programming that made him aware of a certain split in personality. He wasn’t actually the raider the institute had so quietly snubbed, despite possessing all of their memories. He was an entirely different person.

Pucc’s road to freedom was a harsh one, but it ended in the good, graceful stop of Acadia. Deep in the island of Far Harbor where so many other synths had taken refuge. There he was free to explore his own interests and found himself endlessly fascinated with the visual arts. Though with resources low as they are in Fallout, he limits himself to charcoal sketches, clay sculpting and even the modern ready-mades. 

My own, personal oc sheets 3/? My own, personal oc sheets 3/? My own, personal oc sheets 3/? 

My own, personal oc sheets 3/? 

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