

Jmart cooldown sketch to keep me sane while I work on my student film :)))

Happy Trans Day of Visibility!!! Here’s some postcanon t4t jonmartin :)))

Happy Trans Day of Visibility!!! Here’s some postcanon t4t jonmartin :)))

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Based on https://fox-guardian.tumblr.com/post/632045905698226176/those-posts-where-martin-and-jon-run-into-each

[ID A farmer’s market scene of Martin, fully decked out in retro cottagecore gear, roller skating past a cute guy in steampunk gear, immediately before realising that the guy in steampunk gear is Jon. The last possible second of looking cool and in control and making this outfit work before ploughing into probably a lobster tank. Also I forgot to draw worm scars so season one I guess. END ID]

Still fiddling with this but in the name of progress: Jon sees you appreciating his thicc boi in new jeans and does not approve.

[ID: A digital sketch of Jon and Martin from The Magnus Archives in a train. Martin faces away from the viewer so that his thick butt is visible. He is engrossed in his phone. Jon is facing Martin, but eyeing the viewer with annoyance and several escaping eldritch eyes. They are sharing a single set of earbuds. End ID]

i will never ever finish this but i love these dumbasses

i will never ever finish this but i love these dumbasses

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Ahhh , it’s with a heavy heart I do my last of dumb shit posts. I’M SO EXCITED FOR THE LAST EP. this podcast has been such an amazing journey and I’m never gonna get tired of drawing Magnus archives

“I was going to snatch you away. Lure you both into this web, and then take you. Drive him to despair, so that when you returned to him, bulging, and talking in a thousand tiny voices, it would drive him to a final push. ”

Annabelle’s original plan was TERRIFYING… so naturally I had to draw the angst

Apocalypse? Apocalyse who?? I thought you said “peaceful countryside retreat”

Apocalypse? Apocalyse who?? I thought you said “peaceful countryside retreat”

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sketchy JonMartin before bed….. y’all ever just Yearn

sketchy JonMartin before bed….. y’all ever just Yearn

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More Aggie stuff. I think ab this so often.

Happy TMA-versary! To celebrate, here’s a comic I made for a TMA zine (currently on hiatus!) The concept is how S5 would look like if we DID get those “10 office romance episodes” before the apocalypse…

Returns from the dead to give you this

Another zine page! Jon and Martin go on an actual date!

Some of my favorite panels done for a TMA zine that ended up unreleased (as of now! Stay tuned!)

Featuring: Martin relapsing into the Lonely, Jon’s nightmare of Martin becoming a fully-realized avatar of the Lonely, and Jon making Martin cut his hair in the Institute’s bathroom

POV you came home too late and didn’t feed your cat (or boyfriend) on time…



My friend, not unkindly: so are you still fu-

Me:-fucked up about how Martin was specifically made as a character for Jon to hate and then Jon fell in love with him so hard that they became each other’s anchor to their own humanity?? Yeah, yeah I am

Yep. Me too.



sure sex is nice but have you ever had someone pull you out of the embodiment of loneliness

[ID: Jon and Martin hugging in the Lonely. Martin is a tall fat white man with white streams in his hair, and Jon is a short thin brown man with long hair. Both their faces are obscured, Martin’s by Jon’s face and Jon’s because he is burrowing his face into Martin’s arm. What is visible of their expressions both look sad. Thick gray clouds surround them. End ID]

legendarymisdeeds:[Image ID: greyscale digital drawing of Jon and Martin cuddling, looking happy. Jo


[Image ID: greyscale digital drawing of Jon and Martin cuddling, looking happy. Jon is in Martin’s lap. They’re sitting on some sketchy, scribbly lines that don’t look like a couch, but as the artist i can swear they were supposed to be a couch. Jon’s hair is white and long, going to about halfway down his back. Martin’s hair is light too, halfway to shoulder length. Jon’s face is tucked into Martin’s neck, and his eyes aren’t visible, hidden by Martin’s face, but they’re both smiling. Martin’s looking down at Jon. Jon’s right hand is clutching Martin’s hoodie collar. He has an ace ring on his middle finger, and burn scars and worm scars. Jon’s left hand and Martin’s left hand are holding each other, possibly slightly awkwardly, fingers interlaced. Martin’s right hand is supporting Jon’s back, covering the ends of his long white hair. Jon’s skin is darker than Martin’s. Martin has faintly visibly freckles. End ID.]

Just gonna gradually start adding my art from insta onto here…

This is one of my favourite jmarts. It’s sort of vaguely post canon, with white haired Jon, domestic bliss, not a worry or Fear in sight.

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gh0stlymoth: [ID: digital drawing of Jon and martin from tma kissing. martin is a fat polish man and


[ID: digital drawing of Jon and martin from tma kissing. martin is a fat polish man and has short curly hair, wears circular glasses, has stubble and freckles are scattered across his face. jon is a slim british indian man and has long hair that is tied up in a bun, with the bun not pictured. he has a neckscar and several more scars across his face, as well as some stubble at his chin. both have their eyes closed, lost in the kiss. the drawing is not colored and is drawn to appear to have been done with one continous line only. end ID]

So yeah, i did another one of the “looks-like-one-line” drawings, (altho a little bit diffrent this time) because they are fun, and ofc it’s jmart kissing because i am me.

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I hate it when my coworker is bandaging my wounds and I can no longer deny being in love with him >:/

Season 3 jmart request from @also-crit20lesbian this was really really fun thank you!!

[Image ID: A digital drawing of Jon and Martin from the Magnus Archives. The drawing depicts Jon and Martin stood facing each other in a dark room, lit only by a window in a door behind them, while Martin bandages a wound on Jon’s hand. The drawing is entirely in blue scaled aside from the light from the window, which is a pale yellow, and the blood on Jon’s bandages, which is bright red. Jon is on the left side of the image. He is a short, thin, south Asian man with shoulder length hair that is tied in a half bun. He has many small, round scars on his cheek and temple, and one by the corner of his mouth. He is wearing a dark sweater, and has short facial hair. There is a bloody bandage around his neck, and another around his right hand. His left hand is curled against his chest, and his right hand is extended out in front of him as Martin is bandaging it. He is looking up into Martin’s face with a sad and longing expression. Martin is on the right of the canvas. He is a tall, fat white man with short hair. He is wearing a dark sweater and round glasses. He has patchy stubble. He is cradling Jon’s right hand in his left hand and wrapping a bandage around it with his right. He is looking down at Jon’s hands with a concerned expression. The edges of their faces, hair and hands are lightly illuminated by the yellow light from the window behind them. End Image ID]


Jmart gardening request for @blackwoodberth!!

[Image ID: Four digital drawings on one page of Jon and Martin from the Magnus Archives doing tasks related to gardening. The drawing is all cream colored with accents of pink throughout. Martin is a fat, white man with short hair, light stubble of facial hair, and round glasses. Jon is a slender South Asian man with long hair worn in a ponytail, a trimmed beard and mustache, a scar on his neck, and small round scars on his face and arms. Both have prominent arm hair, though Martin’s is shorter.

Image 1, top left: A full-body drawing of Martin using a wheelbarrow. He is wearing overalls, and a long sleeved shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. He is grimacing, and there are sweat droplets on his face and arms. His hair, cheeks, and overalls are colored pink. The Wheelbarrow contains two bags of dirt, one which has a visible label which reads “Dirt” in pink letters, behind a mass of bushy plants with white flowers on them, there are two bees flying near the wheelbarrow. The plants, the label on the bag of dirt, and the inner wheel of the wheelbarrow are colored pink.

Image 2, top right: A full-body drawing of Jon sitting on a rock looking tired. His right hand is rested on the hilt of a shovel, which is stuck into the ground in front of him, and his left arm is rested on top of his right hand. His right leg is stretched out in front of him, and his left foot is resting on a smaller rock slightly to the side. He is also wearing overalls, a short sleeved t-shirt, and gardening boots and gloves. His eyes are closed and his mouth is hidden under his mustache. His expression indicates that he is tired. There is sweat on his face and arms. A large bush with white flowers sits behind him to his right. There are two bees to his left and one on his right. The bush, and Jon’s hair, shirt, gloves and boots are colored pink, as well as some simple shading around his eyes, underneath his legs, and the underside of the rock that he is sitting on.

Image 3, bottom left: A bust drawing of Jon in front of a circular pink backdrop looking fondly at a small furry moth on his right hand. His ponytail is draped over his left shoulder, and several strands of hair are loose and framing his face. He has a slight, lopsided smile. His right hand has a burn scar that covers most of the visible area. His hair, overalls, the scar on his hand, and the moth are all colored pink. Strands of hair near his temples are the same cream color as the background to indicate he is greying there.

Final image, bottom right: A right facing profile bust drawing of Martin carrying a bag of dirt over his shoulder. He is still wearing overalls but is now wearing a short sleeved shirt and gardening gloves. The dirt sits on his left shoulder. His expression is neutral but his cheeks are slightly puffed out as though he is holding his breath. His hair, cheeks, overalls and gloves are pink, as well as the label on the dirt bag, which is the same as the one in the first image, and some light shading on his arms. End Image ID]
