#joseph idv


Here, don’t mind me, just Happy Birthday to Count Desaulniers.

Random hcs that keep popping into my head cuz I can’t focus in french classes rn 

❦ Messily sketches random things, mostly people and small flowers, with a feather in random corners of his diary.

❦ He often notices he can’t help but draw those he’d taken pictures of before

❦ He frequently has nightmares, which have slowly deteriorated his sanity; though he tries not to show it, he often catches himself wiping away tears in the middle of the night

❦ Is touch starved, but is likely to push you away because he knows. He knows his cold façade will break the moment he feels warmth of a person pressed against him.

❦ If it weren’t photography, he would probably become a painter. He lacked patience for that, however. (Btw, according to Stage Play IDV, Joseph did carry a paintbrush before the sword!)

❦ Rumour is, Desaulniers’ stay-young secret is closely related to the disappearance of his posers for pictures. Could it be that the youthful appearance and the conscience of the Creator fusioned into one, granting immortality?

❦ The Count suffers from depression, often blaming himself for not saving his brother, even if he very well knows a young kid couldn’t save his twin, plague or no plague

❦ So when things get too overwhelming, or when feeling at his lowest, he hides himself away in his Camera World. A blanket, a cup of tea, surrounded by human replicas and a silence only found in the depths in Joseph’s camera.

❦ ❦ ❦ ❦

Joseph X french/french learning!reader

Because I speak it fluently and it’s fun (send help)

  • To those learning French. French is essentially oral Scrabble. To those speaking French. ON EST D'ACCORD NON?? Joseph seems offended by this comparison, but deep down… He agrees.
  • You often speak French, on a daily basis. Like, common conversations like where is my chaussette
  • (The last sentence is on purpose and I am wheezing it means “where’s my sock”)
  • You decided it’s fun to mix languages for new cussing. Though he usually keeps a straight face, he snorted at “what the merde” and now uses it on a daily basis.
  • No one notices he actually picked it up from you and didn’t come up w it himself.
  • Not even Mary.
  • *despairful Joseph noises* “whaT THE MERdE”
  • If you’re only learning French, he’ll encourage you speaking with him in French
  • You’ll often exchange secrets in french when around other hunters…….
  • …… That is until Mary arrives and he has to remind you she’s french.
  • She’s amused, but decided to join in into your conversation like nothing happened
  • Joseph doesn’t seem to approve cuz he feels like it was your little something, like a small special connection,,, but he can’t do anything about it, can he?
  • It’s only when you start learning it you realise it’s not hot unless you’re a masochist, because the amount of rules, the amount of exceptions for each rule, the amount of unnecessary stylistics and letters you never pronounce…. - sincerely, a french person.
  • If you’re learning it, he might start reading you La Fontaine, saying that “A language is learnt best when it’s learnt the way a kid learns it.” (la fontaine basically wrote small stories for kids from the POV of animals, I think there’s a word for these in English)
  • He’ll try and get you to move to more difficult litterature later on))
  • Mary keeps talking to you in short sentences, casually chatting with you every now and then

Lil’ Lab Assistant

Gameplay doodle when I played Gravekeeper

Luca pet to slowly crawl beside me when I’m incapacitated :D
