#photographer idv


Random hcs stuff abt Hunters I’m thinking about rn as I type

pt1 cuz otherwise it’s wayyy too long

  • Antonio has anxiety and insomnia, violin always helped him destress and fall asleep
  • Joseph really enjoys drawing bit is too self concious to ever show anything so it’s just scribbles with a feather in the corner of a diary
  • Mary and Michiko sometimes discuss things like hobbies or jewellery, Violetta is often invited to join
  • Mary and Jack often tease Joseph about being short
  • Jack, Joseph can understand. By why Mary!?
  • Mary just loves teasing, doesn’t she
  • Robbie often plays with Violetta.He makes her small figurines he carved in wood and she knits him sweaters.
  • Leo absentmindedly picks and waters random flowers
  • He doesn’t want to ask for anyone’s help, despite his burn scars still hurting every now and then
  • Mad Eyes dislikes showing weakness, but BonBon tries to help his creator nonetheless
  • Mad Eyes often overworks himself, and falls asleep on his blueprints.
  • BonBon will close the window and put a blanket over him so he doesn’t catch cold
  • Luchino pretends to have a god complex purely cuz he believes in the “fake it till u make it” confidence thing.
  • He’d carry around stuff he found “cool” like a cool rock or a feather

Joseph X french/french learning!reader

Because I speak it fluently and it’s fun (send help)

  • To those learning French. French is essentially oral Scrabble. To those speaking French. ON EST D'ACCORD NON?? Joseph seems offended by this comparison, but deep down… He agrees.
  • You often speak French, on a daily basis. Like, common conversations like where is my chaussette
  • (The last sentence is on purpose and I am wheezing it means “where’s my sock”)
  • You decided it’s fun to mix languages for new cussing. Though he usually keeps a straight face, he snorted at “what the merde” and now uses it on a daily basis.
  • No one notices he actually picked it up from you and didn’t come up w it himself.
  • Not even Mary.
  • *despairful Joseph noises* “whaT THE MERdE”
  • If you’re only learning French, he’ll encourage you speaking with him in French
  • You’ll often exchange secrets in french when around other hunters…….
  • …… That is until Mary arrives and he has to remind you she’s french.
  • She’s amused, but decided to join in into your conversation like nothing happened
  • Joseph doesn’t seem to approve cuz he feels like it was your little something, like a small special connection,,, but he can’t do anything about it, can he?
  • It’s only when you start learning it you realise it’s not hot unless you’re a masochist, because the amount of rules, the amount of exceptions for each rule, the amount of unnecessary stylistics and letters you never pronounce…. - sincerely, a french person.
  • If you’re learning it, he might start reading you La Fontaine, saying that “A language is learnt best when it’s learnt the way a kid learns it.” (la fontaine basically wrote small stories for kids from the POV of animals, I think there’s a word for these in English)
  • He’ll try and get you to move to more difficult litterature later on))
  • Mary keeps talking to you in short sentences, casually chatting with you every now and then