#journal entry



sitting with a friend, having coffee. i zoned out. what’s up? he asked. sorry…i was just having a flashback. because i suddenly remembered that it has now been four years since my life changed irrevocably. (my life has changed irrevocably more than once, but oh that heartattack 2004…) and it’s still a story that’s hard for me to tell. i don’t even think anyone knows the full story of it all, except for maggie, cos she was my fellow raindog. it went something like this - hey, do you think it’d be a good idea to run away with the circus?-i think it’d be a terrible idea. but let’s do it anyway. & we did. & nothing was ever the same. fuck, i’m all nostalgic right now.

-from a journal entry, 5/25/08

Date a girl on the rebound and do everything you can to get her back with her ex

Removed a bad link, re-posting terminated posts

In front of her

I love the idea of being told/made to suck someone’s dick in front of her

  • Maybe she wants to see it as it turns her on. Prove to her I’ll do anything sexually for her.
  • Maybe to humiliate/humble me in front of the guy she is fucking.
  • Maybe just to assert her self as dominate over me and bring it up when she wants to as what she made me do.
  • Maybe to make her guy feel power over me.

: |

first day of school ✓

here is my journal entry for today ! i started to do entries last year but i ended up forgetting and not having time - i’m hoping to continue this year ☺️


Journal Entry for Goddess #1

I think tonight was the longest time I had been without orgasm. Consecutively. Boy, that really fucks with your head. Puts you in a different mind set. The first week is difficult too, because when I was first getting used to it, it really made me only think about my cage and how horny I was. Honestly it just amplifies sexuality and libido at first, which is torturous. It’s really hard to ignore that metal, the coldness of it, the reality that I am missing my normal sensations and pleasure. Before, masturbating was a daily routine. Now that the quick release, once a day, is gone, I found myself initially aching for any kind of sensation.

After the first week though, the feeling subsides a bit. Enough to control focus and thought in other directions rather than my pleasure. Definitely focused more on submission as well. Not my own gratification but the gratification of My Goddess. And also, filing time with other tasks and entertainment. But when it comes to sexual gratification, the intense feeling of week one is amplified into a few moments of attention to my cage. Whenever I noticed it, sexually, it tore me apart with lust and desire. Being so aroused all in a single moment is so torturous and difficult. It’s like taking a week’s worth of teasing with no cage and compressing it all into that single moment. Such painful bliss is divine.

However, day 17: orgasm. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Profanity doesn’t give it justice. The sensation is heavenly. It’s bliss. But also, over, too quickly. Fleeting. Desperate and hasty. But oh so incredible. Overall, conflicting. My Goddess, drove me to the edge and pushed me into orgasm, head first, and it was incredible. So well worth the wait. I can’t wait to see how much further this goes, with @teasefordays and I!


Ohhhh my darling boy. You are divine. Thank you for the entry.


I never know which blog to post a specific theme to and juggle the idea around for each

Stormfluid Blog - Things to share with her

Wife Sharing Confessions - Hard to say topics of what I want/like/have been through
