#juan carlos imagine




It was an odd day in Charming, as you organize the supplies in the dingy tattoo shop. It wasn’t the most appealing but the only place that would take a girl for a tattoo apprentice. Well more like have you to do all the slave labor. But you’d put up with it because you got to tattoo. Even if it was mostly the shitty tattoos no one else wanted to take. 

“Hey Kid, got a piece for you.” You heard Happy voice echo. You quickly walked up front to meet the biker with a hug. You knew he was part of the sons and he worked at the tattoo shop sometimes. 

“Whatcha got?” You asked smirking up at him crossing your arms. Today was very uneventful, two tramp stamps was as much action you got today. 

“Not for me, prospect here wants some spice.” Happy joked as he pushed the younger biker in front of him. You haven’t seen him around before, you sure would have noticed him.

“I’m Juice.” He stuttered out. Juice thought he was about to pass out. Happy had dragged him here once he heard Juice wanted to get some more ink. But you just took away his breath. 

“I’m Y/N, so what you got in mind” You asked giving him a smile as you leaned over the counter. Happy by now already made himself busy going through new photo books. 

“I was thinking of something on the side on my head. I don’t know what.” He mumbled trying to explain the idea in his head without sounding like an idiot.  

“You aways rock the mohawk?” You asked eyeing him up. He obviously stood out the with short shaving mohawk. It didn’t look like he had much ink, not that you could see since he was wearing clothes. You only noticed some lettering on his wrist and some Chinese letters in the inside of his bicep. 

“Yeah.” Juice said running his hand over his head. 

“Well we could do something on both sides? Do you want something in participial? or?” You asked grabbing the sketch book ready to come up with some ideas. 

“Tribal?” He  said still not really sure. You chuckled before coming up with a few different patterns. His brown eyes locked as he watched your ever move. 

“Well we can copy it so it’s exactly them same on both sides.” You said handing him over a few different stencils. 

“This one great.” He said smiling you nodded before going over making a perfect stencil. 

“You can follow me.” You said nodding for him to follow you to an empty chair in the back. You stood over him, feeling in a daze as he smelled like after shave and weed. 

Juice felt like he was holding his breath the whole time as you worked. He tried to close his eyes and not pay attention to your touch but he felt hypnotized. He thought it would be way worse getting a head tattoo but all his sense where distracted by you. 

“You like?” You asked as you cleaned him off and giving him a mirror to check it out. 

“Yeah thanks, better then my idea.” He said checking himself out in the mirror. 

Years went by and Juice was always you favorite client. Even after you left the shop to open your dan tattoo shop, he made the drive no questions asked to see you. 

It was late, you where closing up your shop. You didn’t expect Juice walking in hoodie over with slumped shoulders. He looked like a kicked puppy. 

“Juice?” You asked coming closer to make sure it was him. You heart skipped in your your chest when his brown eyes met your. 

“Sorry I should’ve called. I - uh- Don’t got no where to be. Just thought- If you. I got a piece in mind.” Juice mumbled over his words not sure what he really was doing out here at 11 pm. He was honest when he said he got no where else to be. The dark baggage of the club was weighing him down, he felt like he was suffocating and just needed to breath. And with you, here was the only place he could think of that would bring him peace of mind. 

“What you got in mind babe?” You said giving him a smile. Most of the work on his body was yours. It didn’t take long for you to come up with the art from his ideas. 

“Strip down.” You said as you set up your tattoo gun and work space. Juice nodded a slight pink blush filled his cheeks as he pulled his hoodie and t shirt off. He sat down in the leather work chair as you leaned over. 

You did your best trying to focus on just the tattoo and not the toned biker inches from you. You where basically leaning over on him, leaning between his legs as you worked on the two skulls on either sides of his pecs. 

This was the first peace Juice as felt all week. The pain from the tattoo felt numb, yet he felt relaxed. He was at ease he focused on you. He couldn’t help but watch you, as you bite your lip as you worked. 

“There.” You said before patting his chest smiling down at him. 

“Thank you, Sorry- I know its late.” Juice mumbled as he felt bad when he realized it was almost 3 am. But a part of him didn’t feel bad, he didn’t want to be alone.  

“For you, anything.” You joked as you cleaned up your work area as you let Juice get up and put his clothes back on. But you didn’t really know how much Juice really needed to hear that. 

“ah- Sorry.” You mumbled you as turned too fast running right into his chest. You didn’t notice how close he was to you. 

“I- Uh” He mumbled as he stared down at you. He couldn’t help it when his body naturally closed the distance between you. His hands gripped your hips quickly as he leaned down crashing his lips against yours without any protest from you. Your own hands gripped on to his upper arms to pull him down closer to you. 

“Can i- uh stay with you?” He asked desperation laced in his soft broken voice. You’ve never seen him like this before for the couple years you’ve known him. He was always a ray of sunshine, a goofy ball. Your hand slowly crept to hold his cheek, your thumb tracing his cheek bone right next to his eye. You missed seeing the crinkles when he smile so big. 

“I have no where else.” Juice whispered out growing with anxiety with your silence. He felt so comfortable with you, almost at peace. The first time he felt at ease in a long while. 

“Of course Juice” You said giving him a reassuring smile. You didn’t expect Juice to come here this late, you never expected him to need your comfort. But guess you need to expect the unexpected. 

Juice Ortiz Imagine




It’s been a week or so after the lockdown and the the shit with Zebelle. Gemma is on the run for the “committed murder”. My work load got a little crazier with Gemma hiding out. 

And I might have been avoiding Juice since the lockdown in his room. Not that it wasn’t hard everyone was too busy. The sons weren’t even working at the shop, they had too much to take care of. 

A part of my craved to be with Juice, the way my body reacted to his. But I couldn’t even look at him from across the room. I felt like I was hiding out in my office. 

I slowly peaked out making my way to Gemmas front office to get another cup of coffee. No one seemed to be around. 

“Are you taunting me Y/n?” I heard Juice say. I gulped  turning around seeing Juice looking at my ass. I didn’t wear the skirt of purpose, it wasn’t even that short. 

“There’s nothing taunting about a pencil skirt and a sweater.” I said before adding creamer and sugar to my coffee. I could feel his eyes one me. 

“Have you been purposely avoiding me?” He asked with a more serious look. I never seen him this serious before. He’s always just goofy and teasing.  

“No.” I said before sliding past him and making my way to my office. He didn’t follow me. 

About ten minutes later Juice came into my office with a determine look. He was wearing all back, probably came back from a run, that’s why I haven’t seen him all week. 

“Ae we not gonna talk about what happened?” Juice asked as he paced back and forth. 

“What about it Juice?” I asked slipping my coffee watching him unravel in front of me. 

“Well why aren’t you talking to me? Was it bad? Did you regret it? Shit I probably should’ve took you on a date first.” Juice mumbled more to himself then actually talking to me. He was a nervous mess. 

“Calm down, you didn’t do anything wrong.” I said sighing rubbing my eyes. 

“Then why aren’t you talking to me?” He asked his warm brown eyes bore into my own. 

“What do you want me to say?” I asked not sure where this conversation was going. 

“Do you want to do it again?” Juice said looking at you with his big eyes. 

“I - I don’t know. I Juice.” I mumbled trying to find the right words.

“I really like you, like completely fucked.” Juice admitted making me smile. I never thought it was more then teasing.

“I like you too.” I told him making his whole mode change within a second. He pushed himself over my desk, his hands resting as he leaned towards me. 

“How about I take you on a date then first before I have my way with you in bed… again.” He said his slightly cocky self back again. 

“Better be a really good date, I have high exceptions.” I teased happy that all the tension in the room left. 

“I’ll pick you up at 7.” He said before leaning over placing a soft kiss to my lips and disappearing back to the shop.   

Juice Ortiz Imagine




The club had to make rash decision sometimes and tonight was one of them. It was the middle of the night and the club was hundreds of miles away from Charming. Quit literally in the middle of no where.

They all knew the risks they where getting themselves into tonight. They where going in blind into an Irish IRA gun supplier warehouse. Juice found out this where they where holding majority of stock before selling. The only issue was they didn’t know who the Irish been selling to and where the guns where coming from. Finding out who was selling the guns to the IRA was priority.

The sons took it upon themselves to find out. They needed a better grasp over the gun pipeline to get back to business. They sat back a little too long and the Irishmen got a little too greedy.

The warehouse almost seemed abounded from the outside. But Juice knew better. He can easily tell the high tech security system was out in to blend in.

“Juice and Tig through the back. There’s way too many guys here for just a gun warehouse. 

“I think the Irish are hiding something more. Jax you will lead inside from the roof. Bobby please get those guards from the front distracted. Maybe lead them on a wild goose chase.” Clay explained as they huddled in the van.

Juice and Tig moved their way behind the warehouse. Getting the guns was up to the rest of the guys. They had to figure out the supply chain or what else the Irish might be hiding here.

“Where’s that security room?” Tig asked the younger son and Juice held his laptop in one arm trying to read the blueprints.

“I don’t know, but if I had to have a server room it’s be this office.” Juice whispered as the made their way down the hall.

“What the fuck is that?” Tig asked as they halted hiding around the corner watching down the hall.

“How am I suppose to know.” Juice sassed back. He didn’t understand how him and TIg always ended up working together. 

“Must be important if there’s 4 guards.” Tig said pulling out his gun.

“Blue prints is showing it’s a mechanical room” Juice said before closing his laptop and slipping into his backpack. He got out his gun with the silencer as the crested down the hall.

“Shhhh” Tig whispered grabbing the hairs from the back and shooting him. Juice ducked down slipping to the door letting Tig take care of the rest.

“Shit it’s locked.” Juice mumbled before and he grabbed the guards head and slammed it against the wall.

“Well we have company, hurry up.” Tig warned and he grabbed the final guard checking his pockets for any key cards.

“This would be a good time to hurry up.” Tig warned as he caught off the new guards.

“I’m try I’m not a lock smith or shit.” Juice yelled as he messed with the door keypad.

“Fuck it.”he mumbled taking out his gun and shorting the handle off.

“Fuck man!” Tig yelled back.

“Get in!” Juice yelled slipping in. The room was dark. Juice slowly walked through noticing a huge glass like cage in the middle.

“What kind of shit is this.” He mumbled as Tig got in closing the door.

“Must be the bedroom. Some real kinky shit.” Tig said walking closer to the glass box.

“I think it’s a safe or vault.” Juice said walking closer to try and see what’s inside.

“Oh shit!” Juice yelled as a chair was thrown against the glass he was looking at.

“What the fuck is that?!” Tig yelled pointing his gun at the glass safe.

“It’s a girl?” Juice said confused as small figure walked out the shadow looking pissed. You hair was hanging low a little messy from being stuck here. There was a sheer layer of sweat over you and dried blood. 

“Told you some real kinky shit.” Tig said smiling seeing you in the box. You where missing your clothes, just stripping in box short Calvin Klein panties with a matching sports bra.

You been stuck with the stupid Irishmen for 2 weeks would be your guess. They took you the last gun deal. Your gun deal. They wanted more guns then you where willing to provided for them. You started yelling at the men that just came in the room in Russian.

“That’s not Irish.” Juice mumbled still looking at you puzzled. He was still trying to figure out why the Irish had you looked up under guard at the guns wear house.

“She’s Russian.” Tig said tapping at the glass pissing you off even more. You weren’t who these idiots where but they may be your way out. You put up with the Irish to torture too long. They kept you feed enough to survive. They tortured you just enough to scream but you still didn’t break. You where too high of the food chain list to be stuck in here. 

“Clay we have some Russian locked up here…she was guarded and in a cage thing…yeah women maybe 25…” Tig said over the phone.

“We’ll take her, use her for negotiation.” Clay said over the phone.

“Clay said we got to take her.” Tig told Juice as they studied the glass cage.

“You think it’s bullet proof?” Juice asked knocking on the glass.

“Well.” Tig mumbled pulling out his gun and shorting the glass only making it bounce out.

“Guess it is.” Juice mumbled as she studied the door. He took out his knife placing it at the key pad lock.

“The fuck you doing Juice?” Tig asked looking at him. He didn’t say anything before using the back of his gun and full force slamming it on the knife. The electrical grid let out a few sparkles before the door opened.

You panic you didn’t really think they’d open this stupid glass cage. You backed up slightly grabbed the metal bowl that was left for your dinner. You still weren’t sure if they’d be worse then the Irish. This is why you never left Europe. 

“Come here doll” the taller one said as he stepped forward. Before you gave him a chance to grab you you swung the bowl full force at him.

“Shit!” He yelled stumbling back a little. You jumped past him running to the door. Juice quickly stepped in front eyeing you with a raised eyebrows. With his large body there was no way you could slip by him. 

Out of know where you felt a large hand trap around your neck pulling you into a head lock. You looked tattooed man with a Mohawk with pleading eyes as you felt yourself slipping away. Your body fell limp to the ground.

“Shit Tig you kill her?” Juice asked rushing to your side on the floor.

“No Russian bitch needs a nap before she knocked both of us out. These little Russian are sneaky juicy boy.” Tig said before picking you up from the floor and throwing you over his shoulder.

The son bikers quickly made their way down the halls and out the exit. The van was already waiting for them.

“What’s this?” Chibs asked eyeing the half naked women.

“They had her locked up. I think it has something to die with the Russian gun pipeline. Don’t know what that got to do with the Irish.” Tig said as he threw her into the back of vans towards Juice. He quickly sat up slightly catching you so your head wouldn’t hit the floor. 

“Good work brothers, now let’s go back to charming before They realize we where here.” Clay said as he went into another SUV.

“Make sure she stays sleep. She wakes up you knock her out.” Chibs told Juice before shutting the doors. Juice looked down at you not sure why everyone was so nervous. To him you looked so harmless. Another part of him tried to control his stupid male hormones from checkout your half naked body.

To him you looked so small and fragile. Your plumped body had bruises and dried blood but he could still she how beautiful you where. You didn’t look like a threat to him. A part of him wanted to wrap you up and protect you but he quickly pushed that aside for the club. 

But then again he never had to face the Russian mafia.
