#judith butler


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And the Crowd Goes Wild: Gender as Performance for an Imaginary Audience in Genius

i am now degendering fairy lights. the act of owning, putting up, and decorating your living space with fairy lights is now degendered. i am taking away the gender associated with fairy lights and brushing it off. the act is now neutral. no longer can you tell someone’s gender by seeing them putting up fairy lights 

“Let’s face it, we’re undone by each other. And if we’re not, we’re missing something.”

-Judith Butler

“This performativity…is not freedom, but a question of how to work the trap that one is inevitably in.”

-Judith Butler, on gender performativity


“Performing one’s gender wrong initiates a set of punishments both obvious and indirect, and performing it well provides the reassurance that there is an essentialism of gender identity after all. That this reassurance is so easily displaced by anxiety, that culture so readily punishes or marginalizes those who fail to perform the illusion of gender essentialism should be sign enough that on some level there is social knowledge that the truth or falsity of gender is only socially compelled and in no sense ontologically necessitated.”

— Judith Butler, “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution” (528)
