#judith deuteros


Ok, since I’m now a locked tomb blog kinda now, and I Have Thoughts, I’m gonna share them with you. What would happen if Cytherea hadn’t shown up? I don’t mean like “everyone has happy fun times and works on necromancy together!” First of all, Silas Octikiseron is there, and he always gonna be No Fun. A non-Cytherea Canaan House would still be full of petty sniping at each other. What I’m saying is, the necromancers of Canaan house are some of the most brilliant to have ever existed.

We’ve got Ianthe , Abigail , Palamedes, and Harrow, who could all make claim to being the best in their respective fields. You honestly think these four couldn’t figure out perfect lyctorhood together? Hell, in canon Palamedes figured out Something that allowed Cam to both survive and get his eyes, and they had this planned out before his suicide attack on Cytherea. Ianthe figured out imperfect lyctorhood without any help, Cytherea killed Abigail first explicitly because her spirit medium abilities and knowledge of history could figure out who Cytherea was! And then Harrow, who managed to preform the lyctoral process while being attacked by a much older lyctor! If we get into Harrow the Ninth, she’s one of two people in canon who can manage theorems in The River! You honestly wanna tell me if they put their heads together, they couldn’t figure it out?

So my idea is that the Necromantic Dream Team over here figures out perfect lyctorhood, thinks “Oh yeah, this is probably how we do it.“ Then everybody who wants to be a lyctor becomes one, cavaliers intact, and they send a call to God like, ”Ok everybody’s done”. Could you imagine? Everybody just walking on the ship with their cavaliers like it was nothing? I can’t decide if it would be funny or absolutely heartbreaking. Funny from an outsider’s perspective, but Augustine and Mercy and maybe Gideon the First would just break. Pyrrha, Cristabel, and Alfred‘s sacrifice meant nothing, and these children figured out what they couldn’t! The angst potential here!

“How does it feel, Captain, to have a King bowing before you?”

Hmmm I realize I haven’t talked on here yet how concerned I am for Judith, what with her not being mentioned in the Nona blurb as living with the rest. I mean what Mercy does to her in AYU is like the worst thing in the whole series. I can’t tell you the deep, animal fear I felt when I figured out what she was preparing her for; when Mercy refers to her as “it” I legitimately panicked until I remember that we see her relatively okay (in fact much more lively) in HtN. But not having her on the BOE planet makes me nervous, although Corona isn’t mentioned either, so I hope they’re together and Corona is looking out for her. Worse twin is better than no one.

And if it is a prayer, it might as well be a confession.



Baby, I don’t ask much
All I want is your touch
It’s the way I love you
It’s why I hate

[image description: a digital illustration of judith deuteros and coronabeth tridentarius from the locked tomb series. they’re embracing each other tightly, with their hands in each other’s hair, and kissing.]

Marta Dyas and Judith Deuteros, scions of the Second House! Just give them all your keys, because&he

Marta Dyas and Judith Deuteros, scions of the Second House! Just give them all your keys, because….reasons??

These aren’t real designs for Cohort uniforms, I just doodled them with vaguely regency jackets for lack of other ideas : /


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I’d like to congratulate @hotbonegrunge on being 100% right this entire mcfreakin time.

Congratulations on promotions. I never had a promotion without sooner or later the arrival of flower

Congratulations on promotions. I never had a promotion without sooner or later the arrival of flowers—if I was at home—or if I was shipside, a bundle of dizzyingly coloured flimsy, painstakingly folded into petals and sepals. Blatant shades of red and purple.

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