#jujutsu kaisen

 暴君 || F_Rabbit*** Reprinted with permission from the artist.  Do not repost or delete source inform

*** Reprinted with permission from the artist.  Do not repost or delete source information.

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you get a yuuji and you get a yuuji and you get a yuuji an-

Untitled || H.J.*** Reprinted with permission from the artist.  Do not repost or delete source infor

*** Reprinted with permission from the artist.  Do not repost or delete source information.

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pairing:Inumaki Toge x gn!reader

genre:fluff with crack bits


tw/cw: ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP, best friends to lovers, YouTuber/streamer!Inumaki, non-speech curse user!Inumaki, food (especially alcohol), one ‘lighthearted’ swear word from reader.

a/n:based inspired by @/MjYeta’s JJK Normal Job au art on Twitter. Also my (late) entry for @ryesei’s“Be My Valentine?” collab. Dedicated to my favorite moot and YutaInu connoisseur @mitsuyaya Belated Happy Valentine’s Day *headpats* ♥️ thank you @luvvmamaia@quirrrky@osanoya for beta-reading this *huuuuuuugs* also tagging @anime-central@hanayanetwork

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Ding dong!

“Toge? It’s me, Y/N. I brought us some food and beer!”

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Maki, Okkotsu, Panda & Inumaki || Jujutsu Kaisen Movie 0 Full PV
