#jujutsu kaisen hcs


Studying @ Gojo’s

A/N: Hey besties!! I made a jjk studying series for all of you who are studying for exams rn! Let’s start with Gojo! <33

  • Gojo’s luxury apartment was a nice place to study, lofi hip hop playing softly from the speakers, a big table next to the window wall that let the sunlight deep through, shining down on your revision notes.
  • “My little nerd still studying?” You hear a teasing voice from behind.
  • “Mhm” you reply, eyes still glued to the notes in front of you.
  • You hear a sigh this time but you can tell he’s come closer, then suddenly you find two long arms wrapping around your shoulders, and his chin plopped on to your head.
  • “What if I just… paid the exam board to make you pass?”
  • You laugh at Gojo’s suggestion, the worse thing is you knew he was probably being serious.
  • “I’m serious” he says, confirming your thoughts as he pokes your cheek.
  • “Too pretty to be studying” he mutters against your cheek as he pressed kisses to it, making you giggle.
  • But as you reached to the side to grab your pen, Gojo quickly snatched it first.
  • “Huh?”
  • “Nuh uh! No more work unless you eat some kikufuku with me” he said, leaving no more for argument as you struggle to grab the pen from his hand, he grins widely as you jump to match his tall figure but fail.
  • And as you jump up to grab it one more time, his long arms finds it’s way to your waist, tugging you into his embrace with a chuckle. “Ah! Gojo!-“
  • “C’mon bubs, time for some mochi” he says casually but his smug grin is present. He carries you like a baby as he grabs the mochi from the kitchen and return to the living area, sitting down in your seat and placing you on his lap.
  • You smile gratefully at Gojo before giving him a kiss, as he lets you return to studying while he feeds you the mochi, taking a bite out of it every now and then too. Occasionally, playfully biting your cheek but you didn’t mind.
  • Eventually the tall white haired man got a call, you feel his muscular arms tighten around your waist as he muttered a ‘be right back love’ in your ear. You kiss his jaw before he leaves to answer the call.
  • Now you don’t know how long you sat there studying for, but once you took a deep breath and shifted your eyes away from notes momentarily, you notice a post it note and one more kikufuku next to you.
  • ‘So proud of you bby :)’ was written, with a small dick drawing next to it.
  • You giggle to yourself as you munched on the mochi. Studying doesn’t feel so bad when it’s with Gojo <3

Ex husband Gojo: unpleasant surprises

A/N: Happy Saturday besties! EX HUSBAND GOJO WON THE VOTE!! Don’t worry though, I got bodyguard Megumi coming soon

  • Ever since the incident between you and Gojo regarding the third child, things had been eerily quiet from his side. No 3am calls, no surprise visits, nothing.
  • Perhaps that’s why you felt on edge when it was Gojo’s turn to have the kids for the weekend, and he still hadn’t arrived, your hands slightly shaking as you tied your son’s shoelaces.
  • You’re overthinking it y/n” said a deep voice from your phone. “Maybe he’s just running a little late”
  • You sigh before nodding your head. Nanami was always your voice of reason. Sometimes you wonder if he could give good advice about your abusive relationship with Gojo, but you always kept that a secret from Nanami, not wanting to burden him with your own issues.
  • You’re suddenly pulled out of your thoughts at the sound of a knock on the door. You take a deep breath as you turn to open the door, feeling slightly confident, knowing Gojo won’t pull anything with his mutual friend Nanami on call.
  • But the view in front of you wasn’t what you were expecting.
  • “Geto?”
  • The black haired man smiled at you sweetly as you greeted eachother. “What are you doing here?” You ask confusedly.
  • “Gojo was sent on a last minute session, so looks like the kids got me for the weekend!” He said, but he sounded uneasy.
  • “Oh? Okay.” You say, slightly taken aback that Gojo didn’t tell you beforehand. You hear your kids squeal from behind as they spot their uncle Geto, quickly rushing to the tall buff man, clinging onto his legs. “Hello lil monsters!!” He coos making them giggle.
  • You smile fondly at your loving children, before returning your attention to Geto, “well we’re off to my mom’s house for the weekend, but don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything Geto” you say, kissing your children goodbye.
  • Geto looks up at you confused and slightly tense. “We?”
  • You nod “Nanami is coming with me for the weekend, I feel too tired to drive so he offered to take me there and keep me company!”
  • You silently observe Geto’s uneasiness at the mention of Nanami, he knew you two were close, so why was he so stiff?
  • Geto blinks twice before awkwardly laughing “aww haha how sweet of him, anyways we should probably head out now, c’mon kids!” He calls them.
  • You place a hand on Geto’s broad shoulder, gaining the raven haired man’s attention. “Are you okay Geto? You seem uneasy, if taking care of the kids isn’t ideal for you this weekend, I can always take them with me” you assure him but the man shake his head quickly and reassures you it’s fine with a pat on your hand, before awkwardly exiting with the kids.
  • You stand in front of your door for a second confused. Why did he seem so uneasy? After all the years you’ve known Geto, he’s never been so anxious.
  • Only when he lies.
  • You shrug your shoulders and carry on getting ready. After all, Geto was a trustworthy friend of yours and Gojo’s for years, you’re sure he’d tell you if there was a problem.
  • You’re pulled out of your thoughts once again as a car beeps from outside. You smile as you spot Nanami’s sleek car waiting, you quickly skip out the house, joining your friend.


  • Nanami stands beside you, finally the door opens and you’re greeted with your mom.
  • “Hi mom” you say, entering the house before she can greet you and Nanami properly.
  • You sigh dramatically as you place your bags on your floor and stretch your aching legs. You smile as you hear chatter from the garden, deciding to follow the sound.
  • “Err! Y/n! How about you let Nanami relax in the living room for a bit first?” You mom asks. You pull a funny face at your mom’s weird suggestion, but allow her nonetheless, continuing your path to the garden
  • “Ahh this is such a nice breeze, I miss thi-“ your sentence was cut off as you paused in your movements.
  • There sat Gojo in the hammock chair, long legs man spreading as he turn towards you with a menacing grin. “Oh? Hello y/n”
  • You furrow your eyebrows at your annoying ex husband, internally beating yourself up for believing Geto’s pathetic lie.
  • “What are you doing here?” You ask, and he ignores your question momentarily to pat his lap, “c’mere baby!” He says so sweetly but only you knew the twisted lust behind it, “and what kind of question is that? We’re family! Even if we’re divorced, I always saw your family as my own!” He charms the table, your cousins cooing at his sickly sweet words.
  • You move forward to question him further, but his large hands grab your hips firmly, pulling you forward, making you stumble into his embrace.
  • “Oh? Don’t fall for me now” he says smartly as he grabs you securely, cradling you into his muscular arms. Your family once again laughed at his jokes, as if it’s the funniest thing they ever heard.
  • Spoiler alert, it’s not, but Gojo was too good at faking the charm of a perfect man.
  • You gritted your teeth as Gojo stroked your hair absentmindedly with you in his lap, as he laughed along with your family. Humiliating was the only word to describe it, but you stayed silent, knowing if you fought against him, everyone would think you’re the crazy problematic one. Oh lord, they wonder how Gojo ‘puts up with you’
  • After all, women are always the hysterical ones right?
  • “Babe try this mojito, it’s so good” he says with a grin, pressing the glass to your lips but before you could protest against it, a voice came through the garden.
  • Y/n? Oh there you are. Hello Gojo” says the nonchalant man.
  • Gojo turned towards the voice, smile dropping as he stares at Nanami, who casually strolled into the garden.
  • Your cousins subtly swoon as they rush to introduce themselves.
  • You smile at Nanami’s effortless charm, your smile widening evilly as you realise why Geto felt uneasy at the mention of Nanami.
  • You can feel Gojo’s unnerving, intense stare on your face. He stares silently between you and Nanami, swishing his drink around. His face is unreadable. “And here I was ready to mend things” he mutters but you hear it. You hiss as his fingers dig into your hips.
  • “Why is he here?” His whispers in your ear and you can hear the envy in every word.
  • You ignore the pain shooting through your hips and grin from ear to ear as you tilt your head teasingly to meet his your ex husband’s glare.
  • Brushing your nose against his in mocking affection, you reply “why not babe?”

Hot Things the Jujutsu Kaisen Men Do

Warning: slight 18+



  • Getou is literally going to be such a gentleman. I refuse to believe he isn’t
  • He would be the kind of guy to walk his fingers across your back as he reached around your waist then pull you into his side as he pinched your hip
  • Getou is beautiful so when he catches you staring (you know you would stare. Don’t lie) he would lean forward so he met your gaze and would smirk before reaching out to twirl a piece of your hair around his finger. He’d give it a little tug before sitting back in satisfaction at the blush on your cheeks
  • His chill demeanor is so attractive as well. He’d literally just do whatever you want
  • He loves his kimonos, probably the only thing he will ever wear, but he will leave the top half loose so his chest can be on display. (Think Shigure Sohma from fruits basket)
  • He loves to tease you. He will raise his eyebrows and stick his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he does this. So hot.
  • He also loves to look down at you with hooded eyes rather than crane his neck to look down. His gaze often comes off as seductive, so you easily get heated over that


  • I am detrimentally I’m love with this man
  • He would definitely speak to you with his big business man voice most of the time and it’s so hot for him like COME ON I’d pay to be degraded by him
  • He would lend you his button up shirts when you came over because he loves it when you sleep in them. Loves fucking you in them even more. He’d button it back up after you both finish and to me that’s so attractive idk bro
  • He’d be so gentle but so stern. Same way in bed. Yep. Totally.
  • He would hold your hand in public and grip it tighter when he caught someone checking you out. I think he’d be secure in his relationship with you, but jealous Nanami is sexy okay? Okay.
  • His confidence and security is so hot too good lord above. The way he is just so commanding…
  • Nanami would also be having a drink after work, tie loose around his neck as he threw his head back against the chair and swirled the ice in his gin and tonic and groaned
  • Nanami would roll up his sleeves as you talk to him, head angled down as his eyes never leave yours. You’d be turned into a stuttering mess and he would play clueless, but his smirk gave him away
  • He wouldn’t know how hot he is


  • He is like the hot asshole jock dude you went to high school with
  • He KNOWS he’s hot and he won’t let you forget it
  • He would constantly be leaning over you, showing off his impressive height. He loves showing you how small you are compared to him. Definitely comes into play in the bedroom as well…
  • He’d also be an unofficial/official sugar daddy. He’d pay for everything your little heart could desire
  • He’d also be the type to not even look at a bill before slapping his card on it, knowing it’s not a problem
  • Gojo would be the type of guy to stretch his long limbs in a way that allows his shirt to pull up just enough to tease you. His white happy trail accenting his delicious abs
  • He would send you a wink every time he caught you staring at him (on sunglasses days) and he’d have the perfect boyish smirk to compliment it
  • Also, he’s a man spreader, but it works for him. He’d pull you by the hips/waist to have you sit on his thigh or lap every time you walk by
  • Gojo fucking Satoru is too sexy for his own good.


  • He’s a dilf. Boom. I could leave it at that. Dilfs are hot. Superior men.
  • But anywho, Toji would flex his massive size any chance he got. He’d grab the tops of doorframes, leaning into it so his shirt stretched across his muscles.
  • He would also be the kind of guy that would grab your waist from behind if you were trying to reach something on a top shelf. 50% of the time he will grab it and 50% of the time he will full on lift you up to grab it.
  • Definitely grabs your face to kiss you. A cheek pincher too so you pucker up for him
  • He would have a 5 o’clock shadow every other day and it’s so attractive on him. Definitely a dilf thing if you ask me
  • Toji would always have an arm back behind you in any chair or seat. That’s also including when he is reversing in a car. He’d do THE THING when backing up. He’d even throw you a wink as he did it
  • He would also always have a hand on your knee. He’d be a tease and squeeze up and down your thigh at inconvenient moments
  • I feel like he would have a manly scent that was distinct to him. It wouldn’t be stinky or anything, just unique and manly and delicious because it’s Toji Fushiguro


⤷ featuring : fushiguro megumi + gojo satoru (mentions of itadori yuji, kugisaki nobara, zenin maki, zenin mai, inumaki toge, panda, geto suguru, ieiri shoko and yaga masamichi)

⤷ warnings : minor/hinted jujutsu kaisen manga spoilers + hint of violence + grammar issues

⤷ form : headcanons + drabble

⤷ published : 26 march

⤷ pronouns : not mentioned

⤷ coffee order : Hi!! Saw that your requests are open. Can I request a one shot of childhood friends to lovers with either gojo or megumi (Also, can the reader be a heir to a strong sorcerer clan?? Thank you <3)

⤷ barista’s notes : so i stared to write this as a headcanon + drabble and in the middle, realise the customer wanted this as a oneshot/imagine…oops ʕ ꆤ ᴥ ꆤʔ i do apologise for the confusion and i am so sorry this took a while, im slowly getting back into writing since the change highschool/sixth-form to university is crazy - anyways i have watched the jjk 0 movie twice and still cried in both…ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ

  • Child!Megumi didn’t really see the point of having friends, especially ones that Gojo Satoru introduced to him - that was how he met you and to be honest, he wasn’t interested in getting to know you.
  • Your parents were friends with Satoru and they were close to the point where they allowed him to take care of you from time to time (aka taking you places without your parents’ supervision - worst idea…) and that was how you met your future friend.

Megumi stared at the little girl that was placed in front of him, while you stared at him back with the same look of indifference. “Y/N, this is Megumi and Megumi, this is Y/N,” Gojo introduced you both, causing Megumi to nod while you bowed to each other in acknowledgment. “Y/N there is no need to be so polite, it’s okay to be relaxed,” Gojo mentioned to you as he crouched down to your level before patting your head. “But isn’t this the boy you were mentioning about, the one from the Zenin clan?” you asked as you gripped onto your carer’s sleeve leading him to nod. “But he doesn’t know anything about Jujutsu or that yet, so I want you to help, you’re already an amazing sorcerer at your age and guess what, you both are in the same grade!” Gojo cheered while you looked at the boy who was in front of you before he scoffed at the idea of you helping him with whatever the weird creepy teenagerer had mentioned.

  • As time went by you and child!Megumi learned about each other and Tsumiki cared for you like you were like her little sister and Megumi could tell that you had admired her leading him to be confused on why.
  • Child!Megumi had learned you were an only child within your clan and that you were quite lonely, so having him and Tsumiki in your life was like a breath of fresh air away from the dense air of strictness that you had learned to get used to - Gojo was also a breath of fresh air but he knew that having friends your age was needed.

“Do you like your family?” Megumi asked suddenly, causing you to quickly turn back your head as the young boy continued to push you on the swing. “Like my mum and dad?” you asked before turning back to feel the wind graze itself upon your face as Megumi continued to push you. “Like your whole family,” Megumi answered, leading you to become a bit quiet as you stared at the sky, trying to think of a way to explain your feelings in an understandable way. “They are okay…there are times when it gets too much but I’ve gotten used to it,” you answered quietly as Megumi processed the information in his head. Taking one more big push, you squealed in delight as Megumu stood on the side as he waited for the swing to lower and become steady. “I’m going to help you get away.” Megumu declared, causing you to snap your head to the side of where he stood, as you stared at him in surprise. “I’m going to get you away from your family when I become stronger, I promise,” Megumi mentioned again but in a quieter tone as he looked at the ground. Looking at your friend, you couldn’t help but feel a warm buzz as you repeated the sentence in your head, imagining how freedom would feel as you would pull away from the restraints that came alone since the day you were born. “Okay,” you answered, causing the little boy to snap his head up, noticing the big smile that was on your face. “It’s a promise then, okay Megumi,” you voiced before extending your pinky towards him as he did, linking them together to seal the words that he had promised to you.

  • Middle School!Megumi wasn’t an easy child to be friends with, so when people found out that you and him were friends, people questioned how and why causing you to answer “because we are”
  • There are times when bullies would come to you, to get back at Megumi - it’s just they didn’t realize you were trained in martial arts as well by the fabulous Gojo Satoru and when Megumu finds out, they will get beat up more.

“Megumi, don’t take it too far, they’re already hurt,” you signed as you watched your childhood friend throw the last person on top of the pile he was creating. “They ganged up on you earlier today, right? So they deserved to be punished,” Megumi explained as he placed his hands in his pockets before walking towards you. Stopping him in his tracks, you made him stand in front of you, as you began to straighten his blazer and fix his tie causing the boy’s face to slightly flush with a rose hue as you continued to make sure he looked presentable for class. “Well, I already punished them enough,” you mentioned before standing back to look at your work before nodding that he looked fine enough. “You already know that Gojo made it possible that you could come here, if your parents find out what’s going on, they would have dragged you out and I can’t have that,” Megumi explained before beginning to walk away from the situation, leading you to jog after him before any teachers could find out that you and him were the cause of all this - even though, they would have a guess on who was the cause of this already…Fushiguro Megumi, it could never be you, right?

  • Jujutsu Tech Megumi and you were closer than ever leading Gojo to mention that Megumi was taking you away from him - Gojo sees you as his little sister because he just does - and Megumi would always be annoyed at your teacher since this was the same teacher that pushed you both to be friends.
  • You and Megumi were so close in fact that physical contact was normal between you both - Megumi would still blush from time to time - but he was comfortable with you. You both would be the type that would just assume you were a couple since the day you kissed him at your middle school graduation.
  • Itadori and Kugisaki are just surprised that you both just casually mention about a date you both have been planning in front of them.

“When do you want to go to this cafe?” Megumi questioned as he passed his phone towards you, trying to show you the place he was mentioning about. “Oh you remembered! Are you free on Sunday? I don’t have a solo mission then,” you asked to which Megumi nodded, leading you to smile that a date had been scheduled. “HOLD ON, WAIT A SECOND!” Nobara screamed before pointing at the both of you across the table that you and your classmates were sitting on. “You both are going out, with us?” Nobara questioned as she grabbed Yuji by the collar to bring him closer. “Yes,” Megumi answered bluntly, causing the sorcerer to become more annoyed at how indifferent he was. “THAT IS NOT EVEN FAIR!” Nobara explained while Yuji was begging to be released from her death grip. “I mean, this is a date, I don’t think you want to be third and fourth wheeling along with us,” you mentioned causing your friend to relax her face really quickly as well as her hand leading your other friend to clash on to the wooden flooring of your classroom. “A DATE?” Yuji and Nobara yelled before they continued to raid you with questions on how long you both been a couple and have not told them the second you both met them - let’s just say it was basically an interview from your two chaotic friends along with your teacher, who decided to have fun instead of on teaching like he had anything planned in the first place.

  • Child!Satoru isn’t the same as the Adult!Satoru that we have all come to love (and be annoyed by). From what you could recall from your childhood, Satoru was a quiet child that was always accompanied by someone leading you to be curious about him - even though your mother told you about this “Gojo Satoru” she mistakenly never told you what he looked like.
  • Let’s just say you both didn’t have good first impressions when you both were children.

“Mama, what’s that ugly thing?” you questioned innocently causing your mother to turn pale the second she saw what you were pointing at. “Y/N put your hand down!” your mother demanded in a whisper before bowing to the lady who was walking with the white-haired child. However, it seemed as if that said child had heard what you just said about him. “What do you mean ‘ugly thing’?” Satoru asked in an annoyed tone, causing you to hide behind your mother’s leg before slightly peeking from the side of her yakata to have a glimpse of the child. Let’s just say he didn’t seem pleased with how you described him. “I mean ugly,” you explained before continuing with, “ugly, ugly ugly, ugly, ugly!”. Getting frustrated with your innocent and childish taunting, Satoru couldn’t contain his anger and started to run towards you, causing you to shriek in fear as you began to sprint away from him leaving both women to shout after you both.

  • Child!Satoru and you since that day have hated each other (it was totally your fault) causing both families to continue apologising to each other whenever you both tormented each other.
  • However, as time went by, you both realised how fun it was to be in each other’s presence - so you both began to sneak out often to meet each other and have fun with whatever you guys planned, you would sneak away with some sweets as well causing him to have the sweet tooth that he has become in his adult life.

“Satoruuuuu!” you shouted as the patting of your little feet carried you towards the other person who was waiting for you. “Be careful Y/N!” Satoru shouted before sprinting towards you to make sure you didn’t trip over anything. Coming to a pause, you opened your arms to present all the treats that you had stolen from your mother’s kitchen. “I bought some monaka that me and mama made,” you gleefully showcased, causing the boy to take some of the wrapped bags from your arms before taking a peek. Satoru could instantly tell which ones were made by you as some of them were a little disfigured but somehow he could still identify that you were making flower-shaped monaka. Looking back up, Satoru saw the bright smile you were gifting him before explaining how hard you worked to try them to get as perfect as you would since you had been practising your mother for quite some time - that Satoru knew about because he saw how you would stare at your mother in awe when she made them before inviting you to join her when he had visited one time with his mother. Satoru couldn’t help but smile as he munched on the treats you had made for him.

  • As you both grew older, you and Teen!Satoru had now become more knowledgeable on the jujutsu world that your families were involved in causing you both to see each other more than you did before (minus the sneaking out that you did as children).
  • This meant that your families enrolled you both at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. Well…your family wanted to enrol you to the Kyoto side to not disrupt you both but Satoru persuaded (begged) them to enrol you to the same school as him - he didn’t want to lose his only best friend at that time.
  • Teen!Satoru is rapidly becoming into the Adult!Satoru you have come to known, as he began to tease you on certain things like your height, your reactions to certain things as well as yo
  • Due to this, you, Satoru, Suguru and Shoko became best friends and you were happy that Satoru saw Suguru as his equal - it was nice to see that it wasn’t just the both of you after many years.

“You know, you were my first best friend,” Satoru muttered before taking a sip from his canned drink (that you paid for) which led you to turn your head to look at your friend before looking up at the clear sky. “As you were mine,” you replied as the corners of your lips began to rise up ever so slightly, as you began to recall the silly but heartwarming memories that you had with him. “Do you think it’s ever going to change?” you asked before turning back to look at Satoru, who was surprisingly also looking at you as he peered over his rounded glasses. “Nah, you’re stuck with me for a long time,” Satoru replied nonchalantly before fully turning around to wave at Suguru, who was behind you both after coming out of the school building to meet you both. “Suguru!” you yelled as you gleefully waved at your classmate leading Satoru to smack your arm as he accused you of stealing his friend, only for you to reply with a smirk - if only you both knew where Suguru was going to head in life after a certain mission.

  • Teen!Satoru was the one that confessed to you in the end, causing you to (obviously) not believe him due to the many times you had to hide him in your clan’s estate whenever he was running away from a girl he was hanging out with.
  • Teen!Satoru, of course, was pouting at you but was determined to make you realise his love for you and literally followed you to every ‘solo’ mission you had as well as any free time you thought you would have for yourself.

“Satoru, leave me alone,” you commented before continuing to munch on the lunch you had brought in to class, only for Satoru to pick up one of the prawns and plop it in his mouth leading you to scramble through your pockets to take out a packet of dorayaki leading your best friend to beem at the treat you have presented him. “There is no way I’m leaving you alone if you have these treats, but also you rejected me,” Satoru pouted before quickly taking a bite of the dorayaki. “I have those treats because it was my dessert, but now since you’re here, I have to give it to you,” you explained before closing your lunch box causing Satoru to pout at you again. “Give me one date,” Gojo stated with his pointer finger raised up. “No,” you answered. “One date,” Satoru mentioned again with some determination. “No,” you answered with the same determination laced within your tone. “Just one, pretty please~” Satoru begged, placing his hands together while his treat was balancing between his teeth. “If I let you have one date with me, will you leave me alone?” you asked while resting your chin in the palm of your hand as you stared right at him causing the sorcerer to nod at you with a thumbs up. Sighing at the situation you were in, you finally gave in and accepted the date causing Satoru to cheer with pure delight.

  • Now here we are, adult!Satoru and you were now teachers at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College as well as a married couple - your father was surprised when you mentioned that Satoru was courting you but nevertheless, he was delighted that the head of the Gojo clan was settling with you.
  • Adult!Satoru is quite the clingy man since he was so used to having you every second in his day to day life - Satoru was now busier than ever being the strongest, which he complained about since he had to leave you alone with those “grumpy old people” and his clan on pressures with minor things like an heir (you joked to them that Tsumiki and Megumi were your children when you and Satoru adopted them when you were teenagers)
  • Some of the students who were also from sorcerer families (Maki, Mai, Inumaki and Kamo - before the current first years [Itadori, Fushiguro and Kugisaki]) thought that your marriage was an arranged one until Satoru (who was a bit offended) told them that you both married each other out of love, leading them to ask you directly because they didn’t believe him.

You had to admit to yourself, you didn’t think your day was going to start with your husband standing behind you with his arms around your waist and the current first years in front of you with widened eyes. “Ummm…good morning to your guys?” you confusingly greeted as you were still trying to figure out what was going on since you just walked into the school building. “Y/N-san, is it true that you willingly married that blindfold idiot?” Maki asked with anger and pure shock causing you to look at her weirdly before turning your head to find your husband resting his head on your shoulder. “What the hell did you tell them?” you questioned before placing a hand on his arms that were around you right now. “I just told them that our marriage wasn’t arranged, but they didn’t believe me, they’re so mean~” Satoru explained before fake tears started to flow down his face as he snuggled his head on the crook of your neck. Turning back to your students, you could tell that they were surprised by the scene that was in front of them right now. “Yeah, I did marry this idiot by my own free will, I mean…my clan wouldn’t really want to reject that, would they?” you answered, causing Maki and Inumaki to look at you in more shock as Panda was just standing behind them indifferently as he had already heard the stories about you both from Yaga.

© violettelueur 2022 - all rights are reserved to violettelueur. Do not repost, copy, change/modify, plagiarise, translate or screenshot my work : this will also include other social media/writing platforms like AO3, Wattpad, TikTok and many more.
