#jumeau doll


So I recently noticed a photo of Jeanette floating around online, mislabeled as a “bisque and wooden doll by DeHors, late 1860s.” Which could really play havoc with people’s research, so I’d like to set the record straight.


is one of my French fashion dolls, nicknamed Jeanette. She has been attributed to Jumeau, not DeHors, and the early 1870s, not the late 1860s. She has a method of neck articulation patented by DeHors in 1867, which may be where the confusion came from, but her face is very typical of Jumeau’s fashion ladies. And to cap it all off, her body is of kid leather, not wood.

(I only wish I had any chance of affording- or someone buying me -a wood-bodied French fashion doll.)

This picture was on a post with clear information, and I’m really upset that someone’s been spreading it under the wrong maker name. And apparently without sourcing, since anyone who actually went to this blog could immediately see that the reposter was wrong about pretty much everything.

If you see anything else like this out there, please let me know.
