#jumin mysme


Okay so this is my first one-shot on here so I apologise if its not great. I really wanted to join in this year for Jumin’s birthday as he has always been my favourite and I just love him so so much! So here is the first prompt for #Juminweek2020

On the table sits a bowl of cherries. Freshly picked from Jumin Han’s very own cherry farm. Their ruby-red hue shines as the afternoon sun beams through the apartment window. A faint scent radiates from the bowl, bringing a familiar and sweet smell to the room.

Laying underneath the sofa my husband sits on, is a ball of white fur. Her features hidden in the shadows. She is eyeing the bowl that sits above her on the glass top. The tip of her snowy tail pokes out from the side of her hideaway, swishing back and forth. It was only a moment later that her peach nose would emerge, twitching at the faint sweet smell. The curiosity has caught the cat’s attention.

I observe Elizabeth from afar. I don’t want to disturb her as she spikes her intrest at the berries laying in the sunshine. Her face slowly reveals itself as she starts to sneak out from under the sofa. Her nose draws in closer towards the fruit until she is sitting infront of the table, looking up at the contents that lay on top. Her tail continues to flick from side to side behind her.

I’ve never known for her to do this. Jumin and I would take frequent trips to the cherry farm and always bring home a bundle of the juicy berries, but she never took much notice of them. Maybe the odd glance now and then, as one would do if there’s food laying around. There has even been the odd trip where she’d attend with us, yet she never showed interest in the cherries. How come this particular bunch peaks her interest?

Her small paws are now perched on the edge of the table, bringing her face closer to the bowl. Then off they come. With one silent leap, her four feet land on the table top. Elizabeth’s body is now only centmeters away from the fruit, her nose only shortening that distance. I continue to watch the cat as she dips her paw into the bowl, prodding the cherries with her small toe beans.

Not only has the persian cat’s curiosity risen, but my own has too! Not wanting to frighten our pet, I slowly approch her and the cherries. She continues to gently poke around the bowel nudging the berries around. Her head lifts up when I am next to her.

“What’s up with you, pretty girl?” I ask the cat. A small meow leaves her mouth before her attention turns back to the bowl. I look closer at the bowl myself before realising what she is interested in.

A big black beetle.

I squeal and jolt back away from the table, eyes wide and staring at the now visible bug crawling around the bowl. How did we not notice that before? It’s hardly missable! The beetle’s body is roughly the size of a single cherry, with small stick like legs sticking out from the sides.

Elizabeth continues to poke around with her paw, hitting the bug and nudging it round the cherries’ bowl. I want to stop her but the ridiculous fear of the bug prevents me from getting any closer. I try to call her away from the bowl but all attempts fail with no sign of any hope.

“My love? Is everything alright?” I hear the voice of my husband call from another room. He must have heard my cry. If not, maybe he sensed it?

“I’m fine!” I call back, not wanting to worry him much further. “Could you possibly come help me though?”

I hear a door close and shortly after, my handsome, dark haired husband appears into the living room. His face perplexed by my call for him. The steel grey eyes I know so well fixed onto me as my own are glued to the crawling creature that continues to roam free on the cherries. I slowly point my finger to the bowl before attempting to speak.

“There’s a bug on the cherries…” I say with a stuttering laugh. “If it wasn’t for Elizabeth noticing it first, I don’t think I would have known it was there!”

Jumin’s shoulders relax and the concerned twist of his lips turns into a relaxed smirk. He walks up towards me and places his warm hands around my waist. His head hovers over my own as he now looks down at the beetle in the bowl.

Elizabeth continues to stalk the bug as it slides around the curved fruit, struggling to escape from the curvature of the bowl. She walks around the table, as if to try and get a better angle of the insect as it struggles to escape.

“It looks like you don’t need my help.” Jumin jokes as he lowers his head down to plant a delicate kiss on my cheek. “I think Elizabeth might have this situation under control!”

“But we can’t leave it in here! We’ve got to put it outside!” I quickly add, turning my head towards my husband.

He chuckles before loosening is arms around me. “I guess you’re right.”
