#jumin x you


Unsure of what to get Jumin for the holiday season, you seek out advice from V to help solve your problem.

Word Count: 1,583

Happy holidays to everyone – no matter what you’re celebrating I hope today is absolutely amazing for you! Life has been absolutely hectic for me but I’m glad to say I’ve made it to this point and I’m ready for the future, whatever that might bring! Thank you all endlessly for your patience and I hope this little prompt might make up for my constant absence.  (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)


The holidays were quickly approaching – from one second to the next it was November and December came bursting through your door.  

Usually, that wasn’t a problem for you; you adored seeing the seasons change from the warmth of orange, red, and yellow trees to the coverings of snow over their once lumbering branches, and the holiday lights that would brighten up the world around you more than the very stars in the sky.  

The only issue was Jumin – just what to give him, that is. After all, what could you give to the man who had everything?  

You spent many nights creeping from your husband’s arms in bed to pace nervously about in his office over the topic; plenty of notes scribbled with writing only to be crumpled and tossed away at your dismissal.  

It wasn’t that you weren’t trying – you were. Desperately so. You wanted nothing more than to bring the light in his eyes that he so often brought to you – to give him something heartfelt and touching and new in his life of riches.  

But what on earth could that thing be?  

“I… I want this to be special!” You exclaimed over the phone. Somehow, in the midst of V’s constant travels and supposed work, you’d managed to catch him in a moment of free time. You spent the first few minutes of that free time, thanking him, though, V seemed a tad bit lonely himself – more than happy to accept your earnest, friendly company. “But I… I just don’t know what I could do! Whatever I get him – he could just as easily buy!”  

“You’re right.” V hummed, a tinge of gentle amusement in his voice. “But I think he’d love anything so long as it’s from you.”  

You folded your lips and sighed with a drop of your shoulders. “I know, but I don’t want it to be just anything. Jumin has changed my life in so many wonderful, amazing ways – I found my best friend, my husband – I just want to show him how thankful I am for everything… for him.”  

Red crept onto your cheeks as you fiddled with your wedding ring, a smile spreading across your face in such a way that was easier than breathing.  

“I love him so, so much, and I know he knows that, but I want to show him!”  

V chuckled. “You mean other than the fact that you married him?”  

“Well, I’d marry him all over again if I could!”  

A bright wave of laughter poured in from the other line, and though you couldn’t see V, you could perfectly envision the grin painting his expression.  

“Jumin may not believe in soulmates but the two of you are as close as it comes. In spite of what you may believe, Jumin didn’t always have everything – he only truly gained it when he met you.”  

At your pause he continued, sincerity etched in him like the finest needlework. “He told me that. He does often.”


V simpered. “Of course.” He thought for a moment, his mind traveling far beyond the phone or where he was. “When we were growing up, the first gift I ever gave Jumin was a painting of where we first met – he was the first person I ever showed my artwork to and… he’d always been supportive.”  

You’d never heard V open up in such a way to you before and you nearly forgot to breathe in your surprise, listening intently.  

“The painting wasn’t encrusted with diamonds or lined with gold but he hugged the canvas so tightly when I gave it to him I worried it’d snap in half!”  

He laughed, and you believed for a moment it might’ve sounded wistful, yearning for a past he could no longer grasp. He was quick to hide it away in an instant, taking in a slow, quiet breath. “The gifts that matter the most to Jumin aren’t the ones that are the most expensive or extraordinary – but the ones that come from your heart. It’s truly the thought that counts most for him.”  

“Thank you, V… that was wonderful.” You spoke softly as if any louder and you might frighten him away. Truthfully, never having seen him so vulnerable might’ve left you a bit clueless, but you tried. “I really do appreciate your help.”  

“I’m more than happy to help. Do you think you have an idea?”  

You nodded, a glimmer of excitement brimming to life inside your chest.  

“Yes, I think I do.”  

And with that, your work began.  

You wrote as if your life depended on it, a never-ending whirlwind of scribbles on paper that left your hand sore and aching like you’d never known.  

But you would’ve done it all over again in a heartbeat. It was worth it. Jumin was utterly worth it.

You just simply couldn’t wait for the holidays to finally arrive.  

And when it did, you were practically bouncing in your excitement.  

Jumin too, took to the festivities with an odd bit of delight anyone else would rarely see. His tie was dotted with snowflakes and he might’ve worn a pair of reindeer antlers on his head – only upon your asking, however.  

“Are you sure it doesn’t look… silly?”  

You pressed a quick kiss to his nose, a few giggles slipping through your voice. “It looks perfect!”  

“You’re too kind, love.”  

“No, I’m just honest.” You took a few steps back and tapped your feet in anticipation, practically antsy. “Are you ready for your present?”  

Jumin had woken you up that morning with his own gifts for you, his expression lighting up with pure joy each time you opened something up. His gifts were surprisingly small and personal – little things he‘d notice your gaze holding or reminded him of you – a new turnaround that he admitted he’d needed a helping hand from the RFA to accomplish.  

You weren’t afraid to admit your heart absolutely melted at the sight of it all.  

And now, it was your turn to do the same for Jumin.  

You scrambled for the box and gave it to your husband hurriedly, a simple box made up of festive stripes and a bright bow settled atop.  

“Go on, go ahead!” You beamed warmly, Jumin chuckling at your eagerness. “I think you’ll like it!”  

“I’m sure I will dear.” 

He fiddled with the box curiously before opening it up, lifting up a leather-bound book, his brows raising intently at the sight of a note written on the very first page. 

“To all the chapters that have yet to be written. I can’t wait to experience them all with you.” 

“When I stayed with you – when you began opening up to me – you told me how much you loved stories, and you read me your favorite,” You reminisced on that time with a fond, wide smile that brought those familiar butterflies fluttering in your stomach. “So I wanted to write my favorite story.” 

Jumin’s lips parted with a gentle, hesitant breath, almost afraid he’d somehow be wrong as he spoke. 

“Is this…?” 

You nodded, biting back a small, sheepish laugh. “It’s our story.” 

As if you hung the very stars themselves, Jumin stared at you in utter and absolute awe. 

Of all the gifts Jumin had received, in all their shapes and sizes, only a few had truly taken his breath away. Even fewer presents had managed to cause his heart to swell. 

Your present, brought his heart to a melting point. 

Jumin began to read the pages in bits and pieces – glimpses of your view of him in the beginning of your days in the RFA  to your wedding night – each word of how your feelings grew and your bond deepened etching that much further inside of him. 

He hadn’t even realized the tears brimming in his eyes until your hands wrapped around his cheeks, your thumbs gingerly wiping away at the teardrops.

“Oh no, no what’s wrong?” Curls of Jumin’s hair became entangled around your fingertips as you brought his expression to you. A sudden wave of panic coursed through you only to mellow at the sight of the warm smile on his face. 

“Nothing is wrong, love, nothing at all.” He chuckled. “I’d even say things are as close to perfect as such a thing can be.” 

“They’re the good kind of tears?” 

“The very good kind.” Jumin mused.”I just remembered how incredibly lucky I am… how incredibly lucky and irrevocably happy I am.” 

He pulled you close, the book kept to his chest as if it’d be a tragedy to ever let go. Your husband’s forehead rested against your own and steadied himself in spite of the slightest tremors in his voice. 

“Thank you… not just for this… but for everything. I truly don’t want to imagine what my life would be without you – I don’t want to imagine any sort of life without you.” 

“You don’t have to! I’m not going anywhere!” You grinned. “We still have all those extra pages to fill up after all!” 

“We might need another book, you know.” 

“And why’s that?” 

Jumin pressed a tender kiss between your brows and eased you into an embrace that like a blanket, you simply enveloped yourself in. There wasn’t a single other place in the world, you’d rather be than right there in his arms, listening as he whispered the answer into your ear. 

“Because I don’t think I ever want our story to end.” 
