#just ugh



bc@dead-dove-dolly decided to block after responding to me after i blocked them im just going to leave a message here

one. don’t you fucking dare try to compare terfs to people not agreeing proshippers. I’ve literally stated time and time again that i don’t agree with Anti’s actions.

two. when you say therapists encourage you to do this i dont think they mean making dedicated tumblr blogs to being a proshipper and publicly posting abt it. theres a huge fucking difference between using this to cope ( even though i think its an unhealthy coping mechanism ) in private or between a small group and making a public tumblr blog dedicated to being a proshipper.

three. there’s a thing called unhealthy coping mechanisms.

Ik I said I wouldn’t talk abt them again but they decided to respond to me which I can’t even fucking read bc they blocked me

Like cool argument bro however I cannot fucking even read it so it’s not the epic own you thought it was

sorry for being inactive :(

Quarantine dragging on

I took this whole quarantine serious and it’s still going on and probably not easing up anytime soon. Had I know what was coming I would have gone to visit, eaten at that restaurant or done something else that I can’t do now. Really though if you want something you make it happen. I tried and it was too late and now I am just left with what I said or didn’t say. By May, I want to do everything I couldn’t . Ah, 2021 be as wonderful as everyone hopes you will be.


Someone I work with is divorced too and we got together a week ago for drinks at my favorite dive. W

Someone I work with is divorced too and we got together a week ago for drinks at my favorite dive. We talked about work, but also about dating as formerly long-time married women.

She is scandalously dating someone 20 years younger than herself. She says her friends all applaud her (I did too), but she can’t shake the feeling she’s keeping someone from living their destiny.

“He should be a father. He wants to be. I’m not on that path anymore.”

It hurt me to hear her deny herself happiness with someone she’s obviously grown to love. l told her to trust him when he says he wants to be with her. That he’s a big boy, she’s having fun, and it will all sort itself out.

I also confided that I feel like I’m in high school…..unrequited crushes, bad boys, being too shy to speak, getting extra twiterpated when someone new likes me.

She says that’s because I met my ex in high school. Thats the only way I know how to date. Like a high schooler.

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The Music of Monsters

Give No Quarter

Read it on AO3!

Part I

Word Count: 2,715

Jude Duarte sat in the plush velvet armchair, twirling a knife into the delicately carved wood arm. She shifted her grip loosely, carving a small J into the arm stump. The scrolls of the chair were elaborately carved, likely by hand, and looked imported. The plush velvet lining the bottom was clean, and the chair behind the desk did nothing to vanish any curiosity about the wealth they must have. A man walked in a moment later, tossing his blonde hair out of his eyes and perching on the arm of the chair behind the desk between them. Maps littered its surface, the swirling oak gall ink depicting great sea serpents twisting off the page.

He cleared his throat, glancing at the knife she had resumed twirling into the armrest. “So. settled, then?” She could smell the coffee on his breath from where he sat, the deep purple pigment under his eyes not so easily hidden.

Keep reading

um HELLO!!!!

the way that literally everything about this is just perfect,,,
