

“A sickness is known as hate. Not a virus, not a microbe, not a germ — but a sickness nonetheless, highly contagious, deadly in its effects. Don’t look for it in the Twilight Zone — look for it in a mirror. Look for it before the light goes out altogether.”-Rod Serling

Getting closer to the release, we bring to you these talented and incredible artists that are the bone of our fandom.

They need no introduction, but here it is, for the DamiRae Zine 2022:

@catyypsss, will delight us with the Red Riding Hood AU


@marudavalosarts, who will bring us with her sweet art in the Nutcracker, Cinderella and The Secret World of Arrietty.

The DamiRae Zine 2022: Ordinary World’s will have a cost of $10 dlls and all the proceeds will be donated to The Human Society and we’ll have a raffle to give away 3 free zines. Check our feed for more information and stay tuned for the last spotlights!

“The most common ailment of all men, the strange and perverse disinclination to believe in a miracle.”- Rod Serling, ‘The Twilight Zone’.

We are one day away from seeing the second #DamiRaeZine! But this couldn’t have been possible without the incredible work of the artist, writers, betas and staff. For today’s spotlight, meet:

@audieoddity, who will be presenting the #ScottPilgrim AU!

@agentminnesota187 will transport us to the sea with the Pirates of the Caribbean AU

Last but not least, @xxnightskysviexx will introduce us to the 1001 Nights AU!

The DamiRae Zine 2022: Ordinary World’s will have a cost of $10 dlls and all the proceeds will be donated to The Human Society and we’ll have a raffle to give away 3 free zines. Check our feed for more information and stay tuned for the last spotlights.
