#juyeon au


☆ [nostalgic] summer romance! juyeon 
birthday present for him and one of my best friends! | tw: drowning 

  • a soft splash of water cascades down the side of your arm and you turn your head, still floating, to see eric waving you toward him
  • flipping over, you dive down into the ocean and push yourself toward his direction
  • coming up for air - you see his eyes sparkle as he whispers, “let’s go scare chanhee!”
  • you scrunch up your nose and tell eric that’s not nice but he just insists he has to get back at him. did you forget the incident at the beach two days ago? you know, with the ice-cream?
  • you roll your eyes - recalling some argument over chanhee grabbing the last mango pop or something - but eric is gone before you can answer
  • you watch him doggy paddle to where chanhee and younghoon are - wrapping his arms around the other boy and pulling him down into the water
  • the shouts of shock and laughter wring around you like bells, everything is so happy and sweet, just how summer should be like
  • but something feels weirdly empty 
  • you look up to your left where some of your other friends are, cuddled up against each other, even in the heat people in love just gravitate to each other
  • to your right are strangers, strangers clearly in the middle of their own summertime loves
  • all of a sudden - in the middle of a crowded, bustling ocean - you are hit with loneliness
  • when am i going to find someone who loves me?
  • you sink a little down, haloed by the oceans water, when you hear another sound
  • this one isn’t joyful, in fact it sounds like terror, and you turn to see a flaying hand only a couple of meters away
  • your body freezes - is that person drowning? - your muscles act before you do, propelling you down back into the water and toward the murky outline of the figure
  • you’re a decent enough swimmer, making it to the person - a small boy - just in time to do something
  • but do what? you’ve never saved someone before, do you carry him - do you -
  • “help get him on my back!”
  • the new voice comes from your side, you turn and see that you aren’t the only person who has made it to the boy
  • this person, all cut angles and seriousness, is wearing the lifeguards whistle around his neck and a wave of relief overtakes you
  • “ok!”
  • you do as you’re instructed and the lifeguard tilts his head toward the shore
  • you follow behind him and scramble up the sand - hand on the boys back as you watch everything play out in slow motion
  • all you’re aware of is that you’re down beside the boy, you’re watching the lifeguard do CPR, his mother and father scurry over, people are talking and yelling
  • then the boy jerks up - coughing and doubling over - the lifeguard is asking him something and you don’t even notice till everything is ok
  • that you’re holding the boys hand in your own
  • it’s a blur after that - after the parents thank you and the lifeguard, named juyeon, over and over.
  • and now - you’re sitting in a small cabin off the boardwalk, the lifeguards cabin, and you’ve got a towel on your shoulders and eric is asking if you’re ok now
  • you smile and say you are - just in the time for juyeon to come out of an adjoining office room and you get to look at him seriously for the first time 
  • he’s tall, with wet dark hair pushed back from his forehead. 
  • a light golden tint runs down through his muscular proportions and his eyes are … 
  • they’re captivating 
  • long and outlined by a perpetual darkness, long eyelashes to envy over, and a brown that almost looks onyx under the light
  • he’s shirtless, wearing just the bright orange swim shorts and that whistle
  • he comes over and crouches in front of you with a smile full of kindness, puts a hand on your knee that makes your entire body ignite
  • “thank you for helping me today, whats your name?”
  • eric answers for you and you’re thankful because up close his apparent beauty is way more to handle than you had imagined
  • words - no matter how hard you try to think of one - don’t even manage to formulate in your mind
  • that hand on your knee pats your skin, giving it a little squeeze before juyeon stands back up and says he’s gotta go back out - his shift isnt over
  • eric thanks him and when he’s gone, you hear him chuckle
  • “you know you’re drooling, right?”
  • that summer - you go to the beach every damn day you can
  • you tell your friends you’re just trying to get some workouts in, you know swimming uses all your body’s muscles
  • but no one is fooled
  • because you’re not the only one with what becomes known as “juyeon fever” around town
  • he just moved here, took a summer job lifeguarding at the local beach, and - to only add to your dream boy list - drives a cool looking sports bike to and from work
  • you get to the beach early one day, trying to hide your identity with a ridiculously sized sun hat and issue of the paper you stole from the grocery store - to see him pull up for his shift
  • he’s wearing those swim shorts, same color as his bike, and a hawaiian print shirt in navy (unbuttoned and fluttering behind him as he pulls up and parks)
  • he pulls the helmet off, shaking his hair lose, and you nearly curse to yourself - what is this? am i some extra in a movie all about juyeon, because he looks like the main character of a blockbuster for sure. baywatch level.
  • when he turns in your direction - you hide behind the sunday sudoku and hope he doesn’t notice - but suddenly the sound of feet on sand get louder and louder
  • he says your name and you try to compose yourself as you lower the paper
  • you smile, and ask if juyeon is here to start work
  • he plops himself freely down on the sand beside your towel and pushes the shirt off as he says he is, but he’s a little early
  • you avert your gaze and even as the sun beats down on you both, you feel yourself freeze when juyeon mentions he’s seen you around the beach alot
  • “well - it’s summer.”
  • you explain and juyeon laughs, and even that sound is perfect
  • “that’s true - the ocean is the best place to be in the summer…….and all the time.”
  • you see him stare out at the calm waves, his usual sweet smile still on his face, but those eyes of his look like they’re searching through a memory
  • “do you swim even in winter?”
  • you joke and he laughs again, “i do, at the indoor pools. oh - by the way your friend eric invited me to a barbeque are you going to be there?”
  • barbeque? what barbequ - your eyes widen as you remember that it is THAT barbeque the one you were supposed to come over and help set up
  • “right, yes i am - i actually i promised id buy the plates and stuff so i have to go-”
  • you scramble, rolling up your towel and reaching for your bag when juyeon says
  • “oh - id give you a ride back but my shift starts in five. ill see you there then?”
  • a ride on the back of your bike? - is what you want to ask, knees going weak at the thought - but all you do is nod, dumbfolded smile on your own face
  • he waves as you make your way up the sun and you don’t even have time to get giddy because your phone rings and its exactly who you think it is.
  • eric’s voice from the other side chides; “hey, where are you!? haknyeon just dropped the watermelon all over my kitchen!”
  • you keep looking at your watch
  • the little minute hand ticks to 11:39 and you wonder if juyeon is really going to come
  • the party has already been going on for a good three hours - the summer moon sparkling up above the strings of lights in eric’s backyard
  • everyone you know is already here and you know the public beach closes at 8:30 so it’s not as if juyeon is still on his shift
  • not unless something bad happened………or he’s decided to skip out on the barbeque to go do something else, you know, which someone else-
  • just as you set down your drink, little umbrella pathetically floating to the empty bottom, you hear the reave of a bike
  • everyone else hears it too because the chatter gets more excited and you hear his name float from one person to another
  • “is that juyeon?” “isn’t that the hot lifeguard?” “oh my god, do you think he’s single?”
  • you try to hide your own anticipation - not cool to get so excited over a boy right? - but the butterflies flap in your stomach and you just turn away
  • if he wants to talk to you he can come up to you and if he doesn’t then well it’s his -
  • “hey, sorry im late - do you know where i can put these?”
  • you turn and see juyeon there - for the first time he’s not wearing those neon swim shorts, but a pair of black denim jeans
  • the shirt, still hawaiian print, is slightly buttoned this time but you can still clearly see the dip of his chest and the pretty silver chain that rests on the jut of his collarbones
  • he waves the bags full of chips he picked up on his way over and you lead him toward the refreshments table, every pair of eyes on the two of you
  • “did you get stuck at the beach?”
  • you try to make conversation 
  • “oh no, my bike had a flat tire so i had to get that fixed before i came over.”
  • “oh! well eric is inside if you want to-”
  • juyeon is looking at you, you can feel it because the intensity of his gaze is unmatched, and you don’t know why but you can’t meet it
  • he tilts his head and then agrees - he’ll go see eric, but he’ll come back
  • when he’s gone you let out the breath you’ve been holding and try to scurry away from the gazes that have wavered on you and juyeon the whole fifteen or so minutes he’s even been here
  • you find solace inside, past the kitchen and near the back staircase where the guest bathroom is
  • you’ve been in eric’s house enough times that you know it’s a perfect hiding spot so you don’t bother closing the door
  • you just lean back against the sink and cross your arms - what are you going to do now? juyeon is here, but that doesn’t mean anything. 
  • plus every last single person at this party has him on their radar
  • what makes you any different? the fact that you helped him ONCE?
  • and you didn’t even do anything that serious……you had just been there at the same moment he was……
  • “ah - sorry, i didn’t know anyone was here.”
  • you look up suddenly and juyeon is in front of you again
  • he has this cute, flustered expression on his face - he starts saying something about how eric told him to use the mirror in here since the main bathroom might have a line in front of it and blah blah blah
  • you step forward and you think it’s whatever was in that tiny little umbrella drink you had that makes you put a hand on juyeon’s shoulder and stop him mid sentence
  • “can you take me on that bike ride now?”
  • the second you ask - you think regret starts to bubble in your chest - but juyeon just breaks into another of those heart melting smiles
  • “of course. i actually….” he scratches the back of his neck “i actually dont really like big parties.”
  • you’re remembered of those lovers you had seen at the beach, tangled in each other despite the summer heat, as you press a little tighter against juyeon’s back
  • the wind from the bike flutters your hair - and you feel his strong figure through the thin fabric of that ridiculous shirt he’s always wearing
  • you close your eyes, thinking back to the shocked expression on everyones face as juyeon had pulled you through them and toward his parked bike
  • how they had looked so confused - and eric had just shot you a thumbs up from the back step of his door
  • your heart beats heavy in your ears and at the end of your fingertips you feel the flex of juyeon’s abs in response to your tight hold. it feels so intimate.
  • juyeon stops at the only place you’d expect him too, the beach
  • it looks serene and beautiful in the darkness of the summer night
  • the sand isn’t as scorching as usual and the waves only kiss the shore slightly
  • you and him walk down toward it - feet reaching just the edge before you run back to avoid getting wet
  • juyeon laughs and runs toward you, strong arms picking you up and before you know it, you’re up in the air and dangling above the water
  • you’re telling him to not let you go, no matter what and juyeon is chuckling promising over and over he won’t he won’t
  • i will never let you go
  • your laughing and playing around leaves you breathless, when you and juyeon lay back down on the sand and stare up at a starless sky
  • just that summer moon glistening down on you both
  • “why did you become a lifeguard by the way?” you ask - just to break the comfortable silence
  • “because i love the ocean, but know it can be a scary place too.”
  • you turn to look at his profile, even more perfect inches away
  • “i like that about it, that it’s both beautiful and a little dangerous. i like things that have that duality.”
  • “so you must like love too?”
  • you don’t even mean to say it, it simply slips from your lips and juyeon turns to face you
  • his smile turns to another expression, more earnest and soft
  • “yes, i do.”
  • you swallow, “ i do too, that’s why im looking for it.”
  • the silence that follows is coated with the midnight waves and insects that come out only in the warm months
  • before, when you couldn’t meet his gaze, you were just being shy and afraid
  • now you are vulnerable and staring back - deep into those darker than the earth browns when suddenly his large hand comes gently up to your waist
  • his eyes don’t leave yours, not until you’ve been pushed up flush against him in the sand and they close in time with yours as his lips ghost over yours
  • polite, without having to be, he whispers - can i? and you whisper back - you can.
  • the first kiss is chaste and pure, vanilla bean ice-cream flavored with a little speckle of a firework. 
  • it’s after you breach this first step that you both decide you can do better than that.
  • juyeon pulls you ontop of him, rolling his back deeper into the sand as you sit up on his hips and push your hands into the flimsy fabric of his shirt
  • it gives way, off his broad shoulders and you lean down to press kisses down from the edge of his jawline to the curve of his long throat, and then down to his shoulders
  • the entire time, his large hands seize you in place by your waist, he makes sounds of wordless pleasure and when you bite down into that perfect skin of his you feel like you’re marking an untouched beauty
  • he runs one hand up to the back of your neck and he pulls you in back to his mouth
  • sitting up easily as his tongue runs across the seal of your lips, you get yourself comfortable in the crook of his lap - pressed to the bare skin of his chest
  • this kiss tastes of fiery spice, multiple fireworks - a whole parade 
  • and when you grind down slightly juyeon makes an animalistic echo that runs from his lips to your spine and you think you could really just let him slip whatever you’re wearing off 
  • but just as you separate to help him with the task, you hear the screech of a car pull up
  • “who is there? the beach is closed!”
  • you pull back off of juyeon and gather yourself up - juyeon jumps to his feet too and you turn to help him button his shirt back up so you two look like you haven’t just been making out for god knows how long
  • the voice calls again, “hey - you two - you know the beach is closed right!”
  • you see the officer’s figure and wave back
  • “oh we didn’t know! we’ll leave in a moment!”
  • the officer motions for you two to get back up to the street and you and juyeon try not to laugh as he lectures you two on public decency
  • after that, juyeon drives you back on his bike and although you are more than willing to invite him back inside with you, all you do is share another kiss on your doorstep
  • “i should at least take you on a date before, you know?” 
  • he mutters against your lips and you roll your eyes - modesty in this day and age?
  • “fine, but after that we have all summer.”
  • and you do have all summer. despite the fact that half the towns population is seething with jealousy about it.
  • you have the entire summer to bask in the unfiltered, sweet, and hot like the sun romance you have wished for for so long
  • meeting up with juyeon after his shifts, taking bike rides to other towns, picnics, amusement parks, dates shopping because you need him out of that hawaiian shirt, and get togethers with your friends as everyone else who is coupled off sticks to their other half and you ……… you stick to yours, juyeon
  • little kisses before he has to go to work - little hand touches when you’re sitting around eric’s dinner table playing monopoly as chanhee schemes you all out of your properties - arm around your waist when you go out to dinner
  • and pressing close in the depths of his room or yours, the sound a symphony of little noises and the buzz of the fan on your naked skins
  • its a summer that you only thought was possible in a movie or at least in someone elses life, not yours
  • and when embarrassing tell juyeon about your theory that he’s the main character of a summer romcom blockbuster
  • he looks at you clearly and smiles, “and so are you - since you’re my love interest right?”
  • you feel a flush overtake you and you laugh, say something about how you’re not star quality, and juyeon just pulls you back into him
  • “what are you talking about, you’re the only star for me.”
  • and you don’t expect him to remember that little line all these years later
  • when you’re standing with your toes in the sand, back at the beach you and juyeon fell in love with so long ago
  • you point to the lifeguard chair and joke
  • “i used to watch you and think you belonged on baywatch or something - you know everyone was in love with you right?”
  • his hand is a comfortable, knowing weight on the curve of your waist
  • “well i was only in love with you.”
  • you scrunch your nose up and lean in to peck his lips
  • “that’s sweet.”
  • “i mean, you were the only star for me.” 
  • you turn, juyeon’s face - still handsome even though more mature - seems to flash for a second with a look he had when you two were much younger
  • “the only star for me then and now.” 