#k hip hop

cw: blood️ it’s all my mistake and you’re the winnercw: blood️ it’s all my mistake and you’re the winner

cw: blood

it’s all my mistake and you’re the winner

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RAVI - ‘TUXEDO’ Official MV

Phootography by Oh Jaekwang

Directed by Ryudoyeon

Lee Hi Icons

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @poemsjaewon

Saay Icons

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @poemsjaewon

psd ©: @kiwibomb

Ash B Icons

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @poemsjaewon

DPR Live icons

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @poemsjaewon

psd ©: @wiiintermoon

Christian Yu Icons

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @poemsjaewon

♪ psd ©: @wiiintermoon

Villain Cheetah Packs

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @poemsjaewon

Mirani Lockscreens

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @poemsjaewon

Jay Park Lockscreens

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack

Simon Dominic ‘Party Forever’ Icons

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @poemsjaewon

DPR IAN and Bibi Lockscreens

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack

Justhis Icons

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack

Ash Island Lockscreens

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack

Ash Island Packs

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack

♪ psd ©: @wiiintermoon

Gray Lockscreens

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack

Monster Woo Lockscreens

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack

Jay Park Lockscreens

♪ fav / rt if you saved

♪ don’t go over saying it’s yours, be honest please

♪ twitter credits | @wonderlandpack

After years of like… Inactivity, I have finally tried translating this gem ;’)))

#neonblue    #mkit rain    #bloo x niahn    #khiphop    #k-hiphop    #k hip hop    

Member: Simon Dominic // AOMG

Genre: Romance, Fluff

Words: 2.9k

/ 1st Part//2nd Part/

A couple of weeks has passed since the interview, and everyone seemed to have forgotten the moment during which she had proclaimed her ideal type. Not many notable events had happened ever since, really, other than Simon Dominic himself, her ideal type, managing to snatch her phone number and sending her encouraging texts. Her adoration for him grew every time she received one of such texts. Like right now.

Since people had moved on from her ideal type, the agency she was signed under thought it the best time to start preparing for a new comeback. And from there, there were a million practices, starting from practicing her Korean language knowledge, vocal lessons, going into recording songs, and then finally the choreographies for the new tracks, as well as practicing the older choreographies for different entertainment shows. Her schedule was packed, so much so that as soon as she was in the dorm, she would hit the hay straight away. And Simon D, or Jung KiSeok, KiSeok by her preference, never failed to bring a smile with his messages, 

“The hard work will pay off with a number one win, you’ll see”.

He was most certainly a sweet man, she would think occasionally. Such smiles would sometimes be caught by the other group members as well, but rarely would anybody ask, as they were all busy with their own things, their own schedules. 

Time went on quickly, and the encouraging messages were getting few, and far between, yet she had no time to truly ponder over them. And besides, she knew he was a busy man, he had his own thing to work on, and he was nothing but a “secret fan”, as he had once called himself. They weren’t really friends, and definitely not something more, even if her heart did stir in discomfort at accepting such things. She really couldn’t change their relationship at this stage, and definitely not through texts anyway. What’s more, the man knew of him being her ideal type, which was mortifying, embarrassing, horrible. She would never dare to meet him in real life. Nada.

It was in the midst of such thoughts when a text from none other than the man himself had come,

“I am working on a new EP right now, and I need a female vocal for one of the tracks…”.

Her hands were clenched from excitement as she gazed at the phone screen, waiting for a follow up message to ding, however, none ever came, and she realised that to get him to say what he wanted to say, she had to prompt him. And so she did,

“How can I help?”

“Yeah, so I was wondering whether you could ask your group members whether they could feature?”

“Huh?” her face muscles slacked as the sound left her lips, in utter and complete surprise. She was so expectant, waiting for the proposal, yet here he was. “Hah…” she smiled, a small smile, and then chuckled, but of course, what did she expect. Why would he ask her, specifically, to be featured on the track. Besides, that feature would do more harm to his EP and her group’s comeback, anyway. 

“Yeah, sure, I’ll ask. No prob.”

Her heart was defeated, beating a rhythm to a sad song as she got up from her seat, about to walk over to the members of her group, when another text dinged, and hurriedly she opened it,

“I was kidding tho”

Again, like a fool, her heart started beating frantically.

“I want you to feature on that song. Your voice would be perfect for it. I wanted to ask you first before asking your company. Also, no pressure, I don’t wanna seem like a jerk by appearing as if I started texting you just for this moment.”

Before she could comprehend what she was doing, her fingers had already typed out a quick answer and had pressed “enter”.


“Great, can’t wait.”.

Her mind was trying to catch up to the situation. Was it not just a couple of minutes ago when she proclaimed that she could never meet this man, Jung KiSeok, in flesh due to her embarrassment? Was it not just seconds ago that she stated that this collaboration would bring more harm to the two of them? She was a fool, a helpless fool, possibly crushing on this man whom she did not even see in flesh. How embarrassing.

And so time went on again, and once again, Jung KiSeok had not blessed her with any encouraging texts, although this time, she knew for certain that he was busy with his EP, and not simply fed up with encouraging her all the time. Her heart was at rest as she was promoting her group’s new album, appearing on many events, and radio shows. 

This day, there was a fansign event, and as she was greeting her fans, signing their merchandise, and taking pictures, there was a sudden murmur in the event hall, and soon, she found out why. 

A man stood before her, a black cap on his head, and a black face mask over half of his face. All she could see was his eyes, and even that was hard to accomplish as she had to squint and twist her head to see. There was something about this man, something familiar, yet she directed her thoughts elsewhere, mortified to accept them. There was no way that was Jung KiSeok in front of her. She must be getting delirious from thinking about him for too much, recently.

The man bowed in front of her, and put a file of papers for her to sign, and as she flipped through the file, albeit briefly, she was struck with even more shock. “How did you manage to make them agree on this collab? After the whole ideal type situation, there would’ve been no way they would have agreed to this?”

There was a slight pause, during which she stopped flipping through the pages and looked up into his eyes once more. “I have my tricks,” he said with a proud and deep voice. She breathed in a sharp breath. This whole situation was incredulous in her eyes. This was impossible. How..? “So will you sign this? I want to frame it on my wall,” she laughed in absurdity, quickly signing the documents and giving them back to Jung KiSeok. “Can’t wait to work with you in the future. Fighting!” and he moved on, although she could spot a crease where his eyes should be, figuring he was smiling. As was she.

To her side, she heard giggling, and soon felt a light tap on her forearm, as the members were smiling and teasing her. She only hoped no other scandal would break out. 

It wasn’t long after the fansign when she received a text from the one person she had been gushing over, detailing the date and time and place where she should go to record the vocals for Simon D’s track. She would be a liar to say she was excited. She was more. Ecstatic, perhaps, if not on cloud nine.

As she stepped into his studio, she could feel herself getting faint. The first time she got to see him, she was overwhelmed by shock and surprise, as well as paying more attention to the documents than to the man himself. Right now, on the other hand, her focus was very much pointed to the idea of meeting him and the knowledge of him being her ideal type, and also the fact that she called him out to be her ideal type to the whole nation. The small part of her brain had managed to conjure the fact that he teased her by calling her his ideal type, but she knew he was just joking. There was no way it could be true. She could tell as much after reading all of the hate comments. After all, the netizens were right, the man was older, and had dated plenty of beautiful women. Compared to all of that, she was just some rookie. She was glad enough to be asked to be a feature on his EP. That was enough, and maybe, they could even become proper friends.

“You’re here!” a familiar voice rang in her ears, and she perked up, her previous dark thoughts vanishing in a blink. “Hope it wasn’t too difficult to find this place?”

It took her a second to realise he was making small talk, and after a horribly long pause, she managed to reply with a meek, bashful “No.”. Even to herself she sounded like a school-girl with a crush. It was embarrassing.

He was smiling at her, nodding at her answer, muttering “good” under his breath. “Take a seat, I’ll handle you the lyrics.” as he was dishing out directions, he was rummaging in one of the file cabinets that was in the corner, presumably looking for the lyrics sheet. “It’s a slow track, romantic, or even sexy. I don’t need anything too fancy with a lot of vibrato, or anything. I just need you to sing in your low tone, something sexy? We’ll figure it out as we go.” he told her as he handed her the sheet. 

True to his words, the lyrics were sexy, alluring, romantic. She had no clue how to pull it off, but she knew for a fact that she would try the hardest to do it regardless. “I’ll look forward to your guidance. I haven’t quite done anything like this before.” she was glad for the sheet in her hands, as she could focus on it and the work that was to come, rather than his deep voice, handsome face, the serious expression making her gulp–.

“I know, your concept has been quite cute, right? Nothing girl-crush, or anything? But your voice is nice, it has depth and that’s what I need.”. Her heart did a flip. He had been following her group’s activities, if he knew of the previous concepts. This recording is not going to go well, if this is the kind of encouragement she was going to receive. She might have a heart-attack before she manages to record anything.

He was looking at her, waiting for her to give a sign and let him know that they were ready to record. His dark eyes, so deep, so mesmerising–, “I guess we can give it a try, first of all.” she spoke, smiling to hide her messy thoughts.

KiSeok sat down in front of the monitors, turning to face the booth just as she was stepping in. As she stood in front of the mic, she put her reading glasses on before the headphones. Being shortsighted sucked, particularly now that her ideal type had to see this side of her. “You need glasses?” he asked her through his own mic.

“Yeah, it’s not that bad, but since I don’t like holding the lyrics sheet, and the font is quite small, it gets blurry.”

There was a short pause before he spoke again, his voice quiet even if the noise was going right into her ears, “It’s cute on you.” 

Her ears were burning at his words, but she pretended not to have heard anything at all, or else she knew she would make it awkward. “Let’s just prowl through, me…” she whispered to herself and from there started the recording session.

It took her a couple of tries, but she nailed the chorus, and was ready to burn the lyrics sheet to the ground, alongside everything in the building. Or maybe not. She didn’t want to put herself, or Jung KiSeok in danger. That would be foolish. Right?

She was tired, and her voice was no longer cooperating with her, getting strained. She sighed into the mic, ready to call for a break when an unfamiliar voice entered her eardrums. “That was amazing, (Y/N). Damn, I should’ve asked you to be a feature in my tracks too.” Her eyebrows rose up on her forehead as she took off the headphones and stepped outside the booth. 

“Thanks, Mister JaeBeom.” she bowed to him, truly flattered by receiving what seemed to be a genuine compliment. 

“She called you “mister”, oh man, haven’t heard that one in a long while…” the familiar deep voice laughed behind Park JaeBeom, the man himself, before slapping his shoulder.

“Just call me Jay, we don’t do formalities here.” Jay cringed while laughing, passing it off as a joke. “Anyway, you should definitely do a collab with me, your voice’s nice. The track’s coming along nicely, too. I just stepped by to check up on you two, but you seem to be doing better than expected.”

“Thank you.” she said, once again respectfully. After all, he was a senior to her, even if he “doesn’t do formalities”.

“Are we done for today?” quipped KiSeok, raising an eyebrow, to which she nodded apologetically.

“My voice is getting strained, so I don’t want to overdo it.”

He scratched his neck at that, thinking for a moment while peering into her eyes. “Should we go and get some tea, in that case? There’s a cafe near the studio.” she took in a sharp breath, yet the sly gaze of Jay Park did not escape her vision. 

“I would love that, yes.” she smiled at the older man, knowing her eyes were twinkling.

“Great. Let’s just clean up and go, then.” he said, all the while sending Jay a weird look, almost glaring, or daring to speak something unthinkable. She wondered what kind of telepathic conversation those two had. Ah, it must be nice to have such a close friend.

“Man, just go, I’ll clean this shit up.” beckoned Jay, pushing KiSeok in the direction of the exit, shooing the couple out of the building altogether.

“He’s such a prick, that one. How overbearing. Like a mother..” complained KiSeok, his face set into a scowl.

“Why? Didn’t he offer a good thing? You don’t have to clean up any longer,” and we get to spend more time together, she thought inwardly.

“He never does anything for free. But anyway, maybe I should be thankful for it just this once.”

“Why’s that?”

“I get to spend more time with you.” he answered all too nonchalantly. He swept her off her feet just like that. Her face was burning. Her ears were burning, too. Did she hear it right? “What are you so embarrassed for? You’re making me embarrassed, too.” his chuckle was timid, and his hand was grasping at his neck as he walked just a step or two in front of her. At that moment, she really wished she could see his face. Was he as embarrassed as she was? She bet on not, but was he embarrassed at all? She wanted to know.

“You wanted to spend more time with me?” she asked, her voice trembling just the slightest bit from the embarrassment.

“Of course I do.”


“What do you mean why?” he asked, stupefied into a stop. “I want to know you better, that’s why.”

“Why?” she asked again, unable to stop, as confused by his behaviour as he was by hers.

He looked at her for a long time before replying. “You… Don’t tell me you don’t know..?” he sighed, shaking his head and chuckling under his breath. “I did tell you that you’re my ideal type, right?” he asked, his voice blank.

“No? Yes? But wasn’t that just a quip to get me to cheer up?” she asked in disbelief.

“No? I was serious.”

“So you want to spend time with me because I’m your ideal type?” she asked again, feeling stupid that all she could do was ask questions, specifically questions of which he seemed tired of.

“No. I just wanted to get to know you better. Ideal type seemed too superficial, after all, it’s formed of my opinions of you. I want to get to know you better and then say that you’re my ideal type for sure.”

“Oh…” she was confused by the situation. What was happening? She could not tell.

“So… What I’m trying to say is, I have an interest in you. You seem nice, for as much as we talked and texted. I want to get to know you even better.” his voice was small, and getting smaller, like he was embarrassed of his own words.


“So this whole cafe thing is a ploy, really. I would like to consider it a date…”

“A what?” her voice was horrified, as was her expression. She was certain this was some kind of dream. After all, Jung KiSeok inviting her to a date could only be a dream, right?

“Do you… not want that? Because, that’s okay, too. No pressure. I would understand, after all, I am just some old uncle. It’s okay.”

“NO! A date seems lovely! I would want that! I would really want that! Please, if I can!” she yelled out, completely not in control of her feelings nor her body, nor her anything. For a fact, she still thought she was dreaming.

He smiled at her, his eyes creasing as he turned to start walking again, and behind him, she walked with a huge smile on her face, grabbing the sleeve of his jacket in joy.

Man I really love rap and hip-hop songs. Although I know that not everyone are fond of this genre but sometimes as a youngster I am surprised that in the past all the songs of this genre received a lot of prohibition from the public and some even banned their broadcast. If this still happens right now I don’t know what I’ll do. Rap and hip-hop are literally have been a part of my life, even if I can’t sing them.

Besides that, I love Epik High, Jay Park and iKON. For those of you who also know them, let’s support them together! And of course the same goes to all the rappers you love and all the legends out there!
