#kaeya imagines


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always writes little notes for you when he leaves early for work. He can’t even imagine what it’s like to wake up to an empty and cold bed, him long gone for a day of managing a business and manor. So, he will leave little notes on the kitchen table, little post-its that say things like ‘I will be home early tonight, I can’t wait to see you’ or even a simple ‘I adore you’. Sometimes, if you’re extra lucky, he’ll even make you breakfast. Somehow, it always seems to be the perfect temperature for eating right when you notice it.

makes sure that when you’re assigned to a mission outside of Mondstat’s safe walls, it’s one with him. When confronted, he will deny having a say in your job, merely attesting the ‘coincidence’ to fate, or sometimes teasing you by accusing you of changing the assignments yourself. In truth, he worries about you. He knows how capable you are and has seen your strength firsthand, but fear still manages to cage his heart in an inescapable bind. What if you meet something stronger than you? No, he couldn’t handle loosing you. So, instead, Kaeya will follow you, ensuring your safety, but not without a few cunning remarks and teasing flirts. After all, he would truly follow you to the ends of the Earth, if only you asked.

finds himself asking you to be a helper for his research more often than not. It started out with a simple request for you to become a sketching subject for him. As time went on, he found himself drawing you when he zoned out, picturing the way the reflecting sunlight cascaded across your skin when you stared out at the piles of snow. So, to quell this confusing need to be close to you, Albedo offers you a position as his assistant. When you are around, the male begins to wonder if he should study the meaning of beauty and why he finds you to be the most accurate description he has ever witnessed.

always stumbles to you after getting hurt on a job, no matter how far into headquarters you are. Sure, it’s quite difficult to dodge all of his subordinates when he’s dripping blood, but seeing your smiling face is more than worth it. When you usher him into your private quarters with an exclamation of shock and worry, he can’t keep the grin down. Your voice is soft when you chastise him, warning him of the stinging before beginning to clean his wounds. Childe finds that in these moments, where he is laying in a sunbathed room, watching the wind blow tree branches just beyond the window, and the only sound audible is that of your soft mutters and breaths as you dab antiseptic on his injuries, he feels most at home. 

wishes to listen to you speak more than speak himself. This is quite a change from his normal behavior, when he eagerly recounts stories of days long forgotten. Said change even shocked the archon himself. Zhongli finds that when he is with you, his interest in the past dwindles just the slightest. Instead, he is quick to lend an ear to your problems. The god finds you most beautiful when you speak of things that make you happy, eyes shining and gentle smile playing on your lips. He will quietly commit every single thing you say to memory, so even if the day comes that you two must part, your words will dance through his mind infinitely. Yours are ones he could never forget.

Okay, Kaeya moment!

So, I unlocked how Kaeya got his Vision and did a hot take on it. It’s official that Kaeya is a Khaenriahn (however you spell it) spy. Of course the night Crepus died from using the Delusion, Kaeya came clean and Diluc tried killing him for it. Popular opinion (I first heard from my sister) is that under Kaeya’s eyepatch is a way for the unknown goddess to spy into Mondstadt. I like to think that he covers it up now as a way to atone for what he has done. Because he stopped spying, the Abyss mages are getting more active.

Mona said that Kaeya thinks he has escaped his past but that he has a big decision to make in the future and I can’t wait for this!


✨Love letters✨

Featuring: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe & Beiodu for Valentines Day


My love,

I hope you’ve drank water today, and have eaten full meals. If not, I’ll bring you food later when I see you, and make sure you’re hydrated.

You know how I’m awful at expressing my feelings towards you, I struggle sometimes to show you the love you deserve.

But, I love you very, very much.

I’m sorry for not always showing my love for you, I can promise you that I’m the one to blame for that, not you.

Thank you for being by my side, even during the darkest days. I appreciate everything you do for me, and I’m so glad you are with me.

Everyday I wake up excited to see you. Your laughter, your smile, your silly jokes and affection make me feel like the luckiest man alive.

I promise you, when I see you later today we’re going to cuddle all night. I won’t let you go.

I’ll say it again, I love you very, very much.

-Your Diluc.

Keep reading

✨Love letters✨

Featuring: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe & Beiodu for Valentines Day


My love,

I hope you’ve drank water today, and have eaten full meals. If not, I’ll bring you food later when I see you, and make sure you’re hydrated.

You know how I’m awful at expressing my feelings towards you, I struggle sometimes to show you the love you deserve.

But, I love you very, very much.

I’m sorry for not always showing my love for you, I can promise you that I’m the one to blame for that, not you.

Thank you for being by my side, even during the darkest days. I appreciate everything you do for me, and I’m so glad you are with me.

Everyday I wake up excited to see you. Your laughter, your smile, your silly jokes and affection make me feel like the luckiest man alive.

I promise you, when I see you later today we’re going to cuddle all night. I won’t let you go.

I’ll say it again, I love you very, very much.

-Your Diluc.



How’s my favourite person in the world doing?

I know you’re not expecting me to write this letter for you, but I have to apologise for not being there for you recently.

I’m sorry for being so busy all the time, I promise you I’ll make it up to you.

I love you a lot, sweetheart.

I miss you always, I’m always thinking about that cute smile of yours.

I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again, to hear that beautiful laughter of yours.

I left my favourite shirt for you to wear, you should find it in your wardrobe. I know how much you love wearing it, and I love seeing you in it.

I promise to come see you tonight.

I love you so, so much,

-Your Kaeya.


My Dearest,

I hope you are doing well today, I thought I would send you a letter to ‘add a bit of ‘spice’ as you always say.

I’ll keep this short, as I want to say and do more in person,

I love you so much.

Thank you so much for being here with me, my dearest.

I always cherish the moments we have together, your cute jokes, your laughter and just your presence alone makes me so happy.

I cannot wait to see what our future would be like together.

Once again, I love you so much,

-Your Zhongli.



I love you.

I’m bad at doing this, so forgive me if this is badly written.

I just wanted to send a letter to write how much I truly appreciate you.

You have made my life so much better by being here by my side.

I was so, so lonely. I never had anyone else in my life, besides myself. Then you came along and changed all of that for me. In a good way, of course.

I cannot tell you just how much I appreciate you.

I apologise that I’m not always the most gentle person, I don’t mean to sound harsh sometimes. I never want to hurt you, I’m scared that if I do you’ll leave. And I don’t want you to leave me.

I still remember the first time you told me that you love me. I felt like crying, that’s why I just hugged you instead of saying it back.

It’s my most treasured memory.

Pumpkin, I’m trying for you. I truly cannot express how much I’m grateful for you.

I just hope that you know, I really do love you so much.

Thank you for everything, my pumpkin.

I can’t wait to see you later.

-Your Xiao.



My beautiful, sweet lover, who I love very much, I hope you don’t miss me too much.

I’m joking, I miss you so much! I’d do anything to see you right now.

I randomly remembered my favourite memory of you earlier. It’s the one where I surprised you with a picnic date, we traveled to a beautiful area, ate and cuddled all evening.

We’re going to do that again, I promise you.

Nothing is more important to me than you are.

Thank you for dealing with me everyday, I know I can be overbearing sometimes, but I just get so excited to see you!

I can’t wait to see you later, I’m counting down the minutes until we meet again.

I love you so much!

-Your Tartaglia.



I’m sorry for leaving you so early this morning, I wish I could’ve held you more.

I wanted to write you this letter, just to tell you how much I love you.

I know I don’t tell this to you everyday, but when you’re sleeping I always whisper just now much I appreciate you being here for me.

I know I can be tough to deal with at times, but thank you for always dealing with me.

Just know I would do anything just to see you smile, laugh and look at me with those big lovable eyes of yours.

I love you so much, peaches.Everyday I look forward to your silly jokes, despite me acting like I don’t love them.

Peaches, no matter how hard life might be, I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.

I can never say this enough,

But I love you.

-Your Beidou.

My sfw requests are open!



✨How they wake you up in the morning✨

Featuring: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe/Tartaglia & Beidou!! (Basically my favs)


Normally: Diluc gets up early in the mornings, but never wakes you up until you need to be. Mornings with him would be gentle, since Diluc doesn’t show affection in public he’s always extra affectionate when you’re alone. Diluc would give you kisses on your face, neck and shoulder to wake you, while he’s holding you tight.

To be sweet: Morning cuddles!! Diluc would stay in bed rather than get up, he’d allow himself to relax with you in his embrace. When you two get up, he’d cook you breakfast while you hug him from behind. Mornings like this are his favourite.

In a emergency: Diluc throws your blanket on the floor and proceeds to tickle you. It’s a win-win for him, not only do you snap awake, but he gets to hear you laughing early morning.

To be a pain: Look, Diluc hates being mean to you. But when you’re not getting out of bed and you’re both getting late and he’s at his wits end, he’ll go and grab water to spray at you. Don’t even try to get mad at him, he did warn you multiple times.

Keep reading

✨How they wake you up in the morning✨

Featuring: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao, Childe/Tartaglia & Beidou!! (Basically my favs)


Normally: Diluc gets up early in the mornings, but never wakes you up until you need to be. Mornings with him would be gentle, since Diluc doesn’t show affection in public he’s always extra affectionate when you’re alone. Diluc would give you kisses on your face, neck and shoulder to wake you, while he’s holding you tight.

To be sweet: Morning cuddles!! Diluc would stay in bed rather than get up, he’d allow himself to relax with you in his embrace. When you two get up, he’d cook you breakfast while you hug him from behind. Mornings like this are his favourite.

In a emergency: Diluc throws your blanket on the floor and proceeds to tickle you. It’s a win-win for him, not only do you snap awake, but he gets to hear you laughing early morning.

To be a pain: Look, Diluc hates being mean to you. But when you’re not getting out of bed and you’re both getting late and he’s at his wits end, he’ll go and grab water to spray at you. Don’t even try to get mad at him, he did warn you multiple times.


Normally: Also gets up early in the morning. Kaeya is a busy person but he always makes the time to wake you up every morning without fail. He’d be sweet, gently waking you up. Kaeya savours these soft moments in the morning, but he’d also tease you a lot because of your sleepy face. (He finds it adorable)

To be sweet: Gets you flowers/snacks, cooks you breakfast and snuggles you all morning. He goes all out, since he can’t do this often for you he always wants to make sure you know how much he loves you. Also very, very affectionate.

In a emergency: Kaeya turns the lights on and if you try to block out the light he’d grab your hands so you can’t. You’re forced to wake up in the worst way possible, and honestly he can’t help but chuckle at your face.

To be a pain: Makes loud noises. I can picture him singing really loud and banging pans together. He’d also be chanting “Get up y/n” over and over again until you get up.


Normally: Aaaa Zhongli is so sweet when he wakes you up in the morning. He’d gently shake you awake while whispering your name, giving you soft kisses once you stir awake. Mornings with him would be very relaxing, Zhongli would always have tea and breakfast ready for you. Overall 1000/10 he can wake me up any day.

To be sweet: This man is always sweet, he drinks his respect juice. But on those days where he’s feeling extra affectionate, he would hold you close to him, letting you sleep in a little more. He’d stare so lovingly at you, thinking how grateful he is to have you in his life.

In an emergency: Listen, Zhongli is a calm and collected man, but when it comes to an emergency and you’re not waking up.. bet he’d just pick you up and sling you over his shoulder. His head is empty, must get you safe first. Honestly he wouldn’t even think twice about it too.

To be a pain: Never. He’d never be a pain to you, especially in the mornings, even if you absolutely refuse to get up.


Normally: Xiao would whisper your name repeatedly and if that doesn’t work then he’d start shaking you. Mornings with Xiao are quiet, but he’d always ask you how you slept and if you needed anything. Cuddles in the morning are not common at the beginning of your relationship, but as time goes on Xiao learns to love morning snuggles.

To be sweet: Xiao would get your favourite flowers for you. (If you’re allergic to flowers then he’d get your favourite snack). He’d still wake you up like he usually would, but Xiao would show more affection. Also when you realise he got your favourite flowers/snacks he blushes profusely.

In a emergency: Doesn’t even hesitate to pick you up and get you to safety first. He’d set you down gently before going off to deal with the problem that was caused. Don’t worry tho, he’d always come back to you quickly.

To be a pain: Believe it or not, Xiao is gentle with his s/o because he’s scared to hurt them. The most he would do is just drag you off the bed, everytime by your ankles. Good luck if you have ticklish feet, he won’t spare you.


Normally: Childe would tell you to get up while he’s still half asleep cuddling next to you, gently shaking you while mumbling “Get up.” Honestly neither of you would ever get up this way, so that’s why y’all brought alarm clocks. (Good luck fighting with him about who’s going to turn it off, you placed it at the other end of the room so you’re forced to get up).

To be sweet: Ugh he’d be so sweet. Childe would actually get out of bed first to attempt to cook your favourite meal and drink. When he walks back into the bedroom he’d be happily humming proud of himself, while you eat he’ll hold you close and occasionally steal some bites.

In a emergency: Hits his pillow at you. He’d do it gently because obviously he doesn’t want to hurt you but he does use some force. Instead of you two leaving for the emergency you sometimes end up having a pillow fight.

To be a pain: Please tell why I feel like this man would just flip the mattress over. Like, he’s had enough and just *flips* you over. He’d help you up after and make sure you’re ok, but he’ll be laughing at you.


Normally: Beidou is up early every morning, like Diluc she won’t wake you up until you need to wake up. She definitely whispers sweet nothings into your ear to wake you, she always enjoys the small smile you have on your face every morning. Pls Beiodu wake me up every morning.

To be sweet: Ugh this queen would cuddle you in her strong arms, while kissing your head. Beiodu doesn’t mind how much time she spends holding you, and when you’re awake she loves asking you about your plans for the day. She prefers cooking breakfast together one these sweet mornings, enjoying all the time you spend together.

In a emergency: Beidou definitely scares you awake. I can imagine her making a loud noise or tickling your feet. If that fails then she’s picking you up or dragging you to safety. She cares so much for you that she would always keep you safe.

To be a pain:Throws you overboard her ship. I’m joking, she’d definitely splash water on you. Unlike Diluc who’d spray it somewhat gently, Beiodu would just get a bucket and soak you. (She’ll dry you up tho bc she may have felt bad seeing your pouty face

My requests are open!



✨Surprising Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao & Beidou with a hug!✨

I found this idea cute for my favs! Enjoy~


  • My man was peacefully walking back to Dawn Winery when he suddenly heard footsteps running towards him
  • He immediately thought that someone was about to attack him, he quickly turned around to see you, he let out a big sigh
  • He knew what you’re about to do
  • Diluc had a deadpan expression, yet his heart was beating like crazy
  • He finds you and your antics adorable but he’d ever admit it to you!
  • So he opened his arms wide and braced himself for your impact
  • “Diluc!” You happily yelled as you jump up, wrapping your legs and arms around him
  • Diluc quickly caught you, holding you tighly in his embrace
  • “I love you so much!” You said, attacking his face with kisses
  • Diluc’s face was as red as his hair at your actions
  • He doesn’t mind in privacy you showing him affection like this, but out in public where anyone could see you two
  • He was malfunctioning.
  • “Y/n, I love you too but c-”
  • Before Diluc could finish his sentence, you jumped off him and playfully ran away from him
  • Diluc:
  • He watched as you ran away, before he started running after you
  • I hope you can run fast, he surely can
  • Once he easily caught you, he gave you a passionate kiss before walking away like nothing happened, leaving you flustered instead
  • Uno reverse


  • Pls this man would just tease you to no end
  • He absolutely loves it when you hug him like this
  • Kaeya was on his way to see his favourite person you obviously
  • When he heard the familiar sound of footsteps running towards him
  • He knew it was you, but as I said, he loves to tease
  • So he just kept on walking like he had no clue in the world you were running behind him
  • You frowned slightly as he kept walking, feeling sus of him
  • “Kaeya!” You yelled, hoping he heard you
  • But nope, he still showed no sign of him hearing you
  • Pls Kaeya just hug us already
  • Finally, he stopped and tuned around, a loving smile on his face as he opened his arms wide for you
  • You grinned and jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his waist, while you cup his face with your hands
  • “I love you!” You said, attacking him with kisses all over his neck and face
  • Honestly I feel like he’d just let you do this but since he has a reputation to hold he cannot
  • Before he could say ‘I love you’ back, you had already jumped off him and ran away
  • “Hey y/n, wait!” He yelled, before he started running after you
  • When he caught you, he lifted you up and twirled you around, causing you to squeal
  • “Come now, let’s go back to the headquarters where we can be alone” He said, still holding you as he walked
  • Y’all cuddled as he attacked you with kisses


  • Confused baby
  • Honestly the first time you did this to him he was baffled
  • Zhongli was taking a stroll around Liyue Harbor, admiring the sunset
  • That was until he heard someone running towards him
  • At first he ignored it because he genuinely thought it was either kids playing or someone else unlike Kaeya
  • Until he heard his name
  • When he turned around and saw you, he raised his eyebrows in amusement, wondering what you’re up to now
  • When you opened your arms widely, he frowned a bit and did the same too
  • “Zhongli, I love you!” You yelled, as you jumped on him
  • He wasn’t prepared for your embrace and you both ended up on the floor
  • But that didn’t stop you from clinging onto him while giving him kisses
  • Zhongli didn’t know how to react, bby was so confused
  • He was about to say something but you suddenly got up and ran off, leaving your poor not intentional man on the floor
  • He got up and went after you, on the outside he looked cool, calm and collected. But in the inside he was dazed
  • When he finally reached you, you didn’t run far since you were just playing, he wrapped his arms around you tighly
  • “My love, are you feeling well?” He asked
  • You giggled at him, snuggling into his warm embrace
  • “I’m doing better now” You mumbled into his chest
  • He did eventually say “I love you” back when you explained to him why you hugged him in such manner. Once explained he doesn’t mind if you do it often


  • Confused baby pt.2
  • Honestly why do I feel like he’d just step to the side as you jump, making you fall on the floor
  • But seriously, he thought something had happened to you the first time you ran and jumped on him
  • He went into protective mode, ready to attack anything that dare harm you
  • But when you started kissing him and showing him affection, he just,,, froze
  • Xiao was patiently waiting for you since your commissions were finished for the day
  • As he was waiting he heard footsteps running towards him
  • He immediately went into attack mode only to see you goofily running towards him
  • Xiao bby pls you’re safe jsjsbbs
  • He looked at you confused, why were you running towards him like that? Was there a ruin guardian after you again?
  • Honestly fuck them things tho
  • “Xiao, open your arms wide!” You yelled, nearing closer to him
  • He did what you asked, baby trusts you a lot
  • When you jumped on him, wrapping your limbs around him, he quickly composed himself as to not fall
  • “I love you so much!” You yelled, attacking his face with kisses
  • You tried to wiggle out of his arms but he doesn’t let you run away, he holds you tightly in his arms. “Is everything ok? Are you hurt?”
  • “I’m fine, I promise. Just wanted to say I love you, that’s all” You beam at him
  • Xiao says quiet for a minute, trying to process everything that’s happening
  • “You had me worried about you, I thought you were in danger. Give me a warning next time” He scolds.
  • “But I,, love you too. You must be tired, let’s go rest together”
  • Pls hes too precious


  • Ugh my strong queen
  • Beidou will always catch you no matter what
  • And I hc that she can catch everyone no matter size or height!
  • Beidou was on her way back to her ship, excited to see you after hours of being apart from each other
  • You spotted her walking in the distance, and started running to her like an excited puppy
  • “Beidou!” You yelled, hoping she heard you
  • And of course she did, she stopped in her tracks and turned around to see you
  • He let out a hearty chuckle before opening her arms out wide
  • Oh how much she loves you
  • Pls she has a soft side dont @ me
  • As you jumped on her, she quickly caught you before kissing your face
  • You’ve done this many many times to her, she decided to kiss you for once
  • “I love you” You giggled, enjoying her affection
  • “I love you to- oh they’re running off” She contently sighed
  • She did run after you, once she caught you, she tighly hugged you
  • “If you’re going to confess your love to me at least let me confess back” She joked
  • You looked at her and smiled. “Go on, you have my attention”
  • She rolled her eyes playfully before giving you a passionate kiss. “I love you y/n, so much”
  • You both ended up walking back to the ship holding hands, enjoying each other’s presence
  • Pls I am so gay for her, can you tell shshhabs

My sfw request are open!


✨Surprising Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli, Xiao & Beidou with a hug!✨

I found this idea cute for my favs! Enjoy~


  • My man was peacefully walking back to Dawn Winery when he suddenly heard footsteps running towards him
  • He immediately thought that someone was about to attack him, he quickly turned around to see you, he let out a big sigh
  • He knew what you’re about to do
  • Diluc had a deadpan expression, yet his heart was beating like crazy
  • He finds you and your antics adorable but he’d ever admit it to you!
  • So he opened his arms wide and braced himself for your impact
  • “Diluc!” You happily yelled as you jump up, wrapping your legs and arms around him
  • Diluc quickly caught you, holding you tighly in his embrace
  • “I love you so much!” You said, attacking his face with kisses
  • Diluc’s face was as red as his hair at your actions
  • He doesn’t mind in privacy you showing him affection like this, but out in public where anyone could see you two
  • He was malfunctioning.
  • “Y/n, I love you too but c-”
  • Before Diluc could finish his sentence, you jumped off him and playfully ran away from him
  • Diluc:
  • He watched as you ran away, before he started running after you
  • I hope you can run fast, he surely can
  • Once he easily caught you, he gave you a passionate kiss before walking away like nothing happened, leaving you flustered instead
  • Uno reverse


  • Pls this man would just tease you to no end
  • He absolutely loves it when you hug him like this
  • Kaeya was on his way to see his favourite person you obviously
  • When he heard the familiar sound of footsteps running towards him
  • He knew it was you, but as I said, he loves to tease
  • So he just kept on walking like he had no clue in the world you were running behind him
  • You frowned slightly as he kept walking, feeling sus of him
  • “Kaeya!” You yelled, hoping he heard you
  • But nope, he still showed no sign of him hearing you
  • Pls Kaeya just hug us already
  • Finally, he stopped and tuned around, a loving smile on his face as he opened his arms wide for you
  • You grinned and jumped on him, wrapping your legs around his waist, while you cup his face with your hands
  • “I love you!” You said, attacking him with kisses all over his neck and face
  • Honestly I feel like he’d just let you do this but since he has a reputation to hold he cannot
  • Before he could say ‘I love you’ back, you had already jumped off him and ran away
  • “Hey y/n, wait!” He yelled, before he started running after you
  • When he caught you, he lifted you up and twirled you around, causing you to squeal
  • “Come now, let’s go back to the headquarters where we can be alone” He said, still holding you as he walked
  • Y’all cuddled as he attacked you with kisses


  • Confused baby
  • Honestly the first time you did this to him he was baffled
  • Zhongli was taking a stroll around Liyue Harbor, admiring the sunset
  • That was until he heard someone running towards him
  • At first he ignored it because he genuinely thought it was either kids playing or someone else unlike Kaeya
  • Until he heard his name
  • When he turned around and saw you, he raised his eyebrows in amusement, wondering what you’re up to now
  • When you opened your arms widely, he frowned a bit and did the same too
  • “Zhongli, I love you!” You yelled, as you jumped on him
  • He wasn’t prepared for your embrace and you both ended up on the floor
  • But that didn’t stop you from clinging onto him while giving him kisses
  • Zhongli didn’t know how to react, bby was so confused
  • He was about to say something but you suddenly got up and ran off, leaving your poor not intentional man on the floor
  • He got up and went after you, on the outside he looked cool, calm and collected. But in the inside he was dazed
  • When he finally reached you, you didn’t run far since you were just playing, he wrapped his arms around you tighly
  • “My love, are you feeling well?” He asked
  • You giggled at him, snuggling into his warm embrace
  • “I’m doing better now” You mumbled into his chest
  • He did eventually say “I love you” back when you explained to him why you hugged him in such manner. Once explained he doesn’t mind if you do it often


  • Confused baby pt.2
  • Honestly why do I feel like he’d just step to the side as you jump, making you fall on the floor
  • But seriously, he thought something had happened to you the first time you ran and jumped on him
  • He went into protective mode, ready to attack anything that dare harm you
  • But when you started kissing him and showing him affection, he just,,, froze
  • Xiao was patiently waiting for you since your commissions were finished for the day
  • As he was waiting he heard footsteps running towards him
  • He immediately went into attack mode only to see you goofily running towards him
  • Xiao bby pls you’re safe jsjsbbs
  • He looked at you confused, why were you running towards him like that? Was there a ruin guardian after you again?
  • Honestly fuck them things tho
  • “Xiao, open your arms wide!” You yelled, nearing closer to him
  • He did what you asked, baby trusts you a lot
  • When you jumped on him, wrapping your limbs around him, he quickly composed himself as to not fall
  • “I love you so much!” You yelled, attacking his face with kisses
  • You tried to wiggle out of his arms but he doesn’t let you run away, he holds you tightly in his arms. “Is everything ok? Are you hurt?”
  • “I’m fine, I promise. Just wanted to say I love you, that’s all” You beam at him
  • Xiao says quiet for a minute, trying to process everything that’s happening
  • “You had me worried about you, I thought you were in danger. Give me a warning next time” He scolds.
  • “But I,, love you too. You must be tired, let’s go rest together”
  • Pls hes too precious


  • Ugh my strong queen
  • Beidou will always catch you no matter what
  • And I hc that she can catch everyone no matter size or height!
  • Beidou was on her way back to her ship, excited to see you after hours of being apart from each other
  • You spotted her walking in the distance, and started running to her like an excited puppy
  • “Beidou!” You yelled, hoping she heard you
  • And of course she did, she stopped in her tracks and turned around to see you
  • He let out a hearty chuckle before opening her arms out wide
  • Oh how much she loves you
  • Pls she has a soft side dont @ me
  • As you jumped on her, she quickly caught you before kissing your face
  • You’ve done this many many times to her, she decided to kiss you for once
  • “I love you” You giggled, enjoying her affection
  • “I love you to- oh they’re running off” She contently sighed
  • She did run after you, once she caught you, she tighly hugged you
  • “If you’re going to confess your love to me at least let me confess back” She joked
  • You looked at her and smiled. “Go on, you have my attention”
  • She rolled her eyes playfully before giving you a passionate kiss. “I love you y/n, so much”
  • You both ended up walking back to the ship holding hands, enjoying each other’s presence
  • Pls I am so gay for her, can you tell shshhabs

My sfw request are open!

