#kakashi hatake smut


*nyctophilia:the love of the night or the darkness; finding relaxation or comfort in the darkness.

a/n:my first smut?!?!?!
please be kind. this is my first time writing for smut and it’s probably not the best. this is just a sort of tester to decide if i do wanna start writing smut from now on or not…

word count: 2,875

warnings:smut, nsfw, oral (fem receiving), fingering, praise
also, not spellchecked. im too lazy.


It’s the first time he sees you.

The first time his eyes fall on your figure up close, battered and bruised, blood dripping off of the edge of your chin and onto the ground beneath you. You look small then, fragile; injured and afraid as you stare back at his offered hand, unsure of whether you should take it or not.

Questions flitter in his mind, of varying degrees of seriousness and wonder – but he doesn’t ask any of them. His mouth wisely stays shut, should you run off at any little movement or sound, and instead he smiles, though all you can really see is the way his eyes pinch at the corners and the slight tilt of his head.

His hand remains outstretched towards you, and it’s a second later that you slip your own in his.

There’s a nasty wound on your thigh he realizes the second you crawl to your feet, and he catches you at the last second before you go tumbling into the ground once more. A grunt leaves his lips at the sudden weight, and he shifts, pulling you so you’re more secured in his arms. When he glances down at you, he frowns at the sight of your eyes shut, your chest rising and falling rhythmically.

You’ve fallen unconscious.

Kakashi hadn’t realized just how bad your wounds were, and with a light sigh, he bends, slipping his free arm under your knees so you’re positioned securely against his chest. Your head lolls back, and he’s quick to maneuver in a way that has it rested against his shoulder instead.

When he looks back down at you, you’ve lost all trace of fear and seem at peace.

The frown never wavers from his face, and then he’s off, balancing your weight in his arms as he maneuvers his way through the forest. He can’t run, not with you in his arms and his own exhaustion screaming at him; so Kakashi’s stuck walking, every single muscle–specifically in his legs–exhausted beyond belief but he’s determined to create enough of a distance.

And when your eyes finally flicker open once more, it’s the middle of the night, the only thing providing any sort of light is the fire Kakashi started a little while ago. Your eyes flicker, blinking a few times to adjust properly and fully awake; and when you sit up, you realize that the wound on your leg has been dressed, a bandage wrapped tightly around it. There’s also a few bandages and band aid’s across your battered body, specifically against the nasty wound on your forehead that had been bleeding the last time you were awake.

You set a hand to your forehead, somewhat dizzy as you inhale sharply.

“I’m glad to see you awake.”

You start at the voice. Your head snapping to the left in fear, only for your eyes to settle on Kakashi; he’s a bit away from you, a stick in his hands as he pokes at the fire but the second you’re awake, his eyes are on you that same, gentle smile curling the ends of his eyes.

“Did you… you cared for me?” Your words come out soft, barely audible, hesitant but your eyes never leave his own.

“Yes,” he nods, setting the stick down before leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees and head falling into his hands. “I had to stop the bleeding from your leg. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best I can do.”

Letting your eyes flicker to the fire, you sigh. “Thank you.”

The silence that follows is all too telling. You know exactly what Kakashi’s thinking without even having to look at him, because it’s exactly what you’re thinking.

It’s only a matter of time.

Tilting your head up, you glance at the night sky, peeking at the stars you can see through the branches and foliage’s of the trees that surround you. Everything seems so peaceful then, like there’s not a single worry in the world, and you find comfort in the way that feeling envelops you wholly–even if none of it’s true.

“The stars are quite pretty tonight.”

Kakashi frowns, but tilts his head back anyway. He has to agree, the stars do look quite beautiful.

And when he looks at you, head tilted, eyes sparkling, covered in bandages; he can’t help but think the same.

“Why’d you do it?”

Only a matter of time.

A small smile curls onto your lips as you turn to meet his eyes. “Because,” you shrug, voice light, not a shred or regret or doubt in the way you speak. “What else was I supposed to do?”

Kakashi’s eyes narrow and you see the first signs of distress flicker in his eyes. “But… the–Y/N, he was a high up root ANBU officer… There’s no way Danzo will ever let you go.”

“He killed my parents, Kakashi.”


“I don’t regret it,” you cut in, sending him a sharp look. “So, if you’re expecting me to apologize, it’ll never happen and you might as well leave.”

Kakashi huffs. “He’ll have you executed.”

“Then, so be it.”


Pushing yourself to your feet, your eyes narrow down at Kakashi, voice rising. “Would you have me carry on in that village as if my parents weren’t murdered unjustifiably? To carry on my duties? Kakashi, I couldn’t. You haveto understand that.”

Kakashi rushes to his feet, and you blink as he’s suddenly right before you, nothing more than a mere breaths away from you. You can see everything this up close, every scar, every wrinkle, and most importantly, can see the hurt in his eyes. The absolute heartbreak he’s experiencing that moment as he stares back at you.

“You could’ve done it for me.”

Shoulders falling, you swallow thickly. “I love you, Kakashi,” you whisper, “more than anything. But… they’re my parents.”

His shoulders fall and you can see the way that last little bit of hope that had existed dwindles down to nothing. Kakashi’s heart sinks right then and there, ripping in half, and there’s this guilt that festers deep inside of you. You’d never meant for any of this to happen, never meant to involve him at all–but it was a stupid and pointless wish.

Danzo was cruel, you’d known that. And of course he’d send Kakashi after you.

Kakashi turns and it’s instinct that you reach for him, hand wrapping around his arm, a small gasp leaving your lips.

“If these are to be my last moments,” you mumble, “I’d want to spend them with you.”

Kakashi pauses, tensing in your grip, before his head slowly turns, eyes falling on you once more. His eyes flicker to the grip you have on his arm, to your eyes, and it seems that’s all it takes–just one look at those eyes that he loves more than anything.

His lips are pressing against yours a moment later, an arm curling around your waist to pull you flush against his chest. You don’t hesitate to respond, your own hands move to his mask-clad cheeks, slipping past to tug at the ends of his hair, trying to tug him closer. His tongue pokes past your lips and you listen instantly, letting your lips part as slips his tongue in, your hot breaths mixing together as you pant against him.

When you pull back, he latches on your lip with his teeth, slowly pulling away.

Meeting his eyes, both of your chests rising and falling rapidly, you let your fingers slip past the edge of his mask.

“May I?”

And he nods without hesitation, letting you slip his mask off of his face, bunching around his neck as your fingers move to his lips. You don’t make any move, not at first, the tips of your fingers gently brushing against his slightly puffy, wet lips, letting your eyes flicker across his exposed face that you’ve never seen before.

“You’re so handsome,” you utter, voice breathless.

“And you’re beautiful.” Kakashi mumbles, not wasting another second before he’s moving to press his lips against yours once more. You let a small squeak of surprise out in response, shocked by his eagerness, before you ease into his touch once more, reciprocating the kiss.

Your fingers thread through his hair, knocking his head band off to where it falls to the ground with a light thud. Kakashi barely pays it mind, hardly giving the symbolism of it a thought as he presses a hand against the back of your head, moaning against your lips.

Your fingers move to his Jonin vest, fingers working desperately to unlatch it and tug it off. Kakashi’s lips move along the edge of your mouth, to your jaw, until you’re tilting your head back to give him access to your neck. He presses kisses along the vulnerable skin there, nipping at slightly with the intention of leaving a mark, as he lets you slip his vest off of his shoulders, you wasting no time to pulling off his shirt underneath.

Once Kakashi’s left in nothing more than his pants, he pulls back, eyes heavy and lidded as gently guides you down. He would’ve wanted your first time together to be somewhere more romantic; he’d always thought of when and where, wanting it to be special. He never would’ve guessed it’d be in the middle of the forest, somewhere outside of Konoha, hiding from his own coworkers who were searching for you.

You fall back against the forest floor without hesitation, staring up at Kakashi apprehensively.

“Is this okay?” He asks, frowning at the look in your eyes. “We don’t–”

“It’s okay,” you assure, cutting him off with a shake of your head. “I’m just… I don’t want to rush it. This–This’ll be the last–”

“Shh, shh,” he hushes gently, shaking his head. “Don’t think about that, okay?”

You nod, a frown marring your lips.

Moving his fingers to the hem of your shirt, Kakashi meets your eyes; “can I?”

Nodding, you inhale sharply as his cold fingers touch your bare stomach, slowly sliding your shirt up and over your head. The cold night air nips at your skin, and your hands move to wrap around yourself but Kakashi grabs your wrists before you can, pressing them above your hand and into the dirt.

“I’ll keep you warm,” he whispers, voice husky. “Besides, I want to see you.”


His hands lower, sliding across your stomach as you shiver slightly at the touch. You’ve never been touch so intimately before, and you know Kakashi is aware; which is why you trust him without a doubt to be gentle and take care of you. Still, the odd sense of vulnerability that you’ve never felt or experienced with anyone is scary.

His hands are moving to slight your pants off, leaving you in only your wrappings and underwear.

You’re completely vulnerable to him.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispers, leaning down to press a kiss on your left hip. You moan at the touch of his lips on your cold, exposed skin, a shiver running up your spine as you arch into his awaiting hands. He presses kisses along your stomach, biting and nipping that elicits soft gasps from your lips in response until his fingers are slipping under the top of your underwear, slipping underneath.

“I’m gonna make you feel good, okay, Y/N?”

You nod, voice stuck in the back of your throat.

“Come on, Y/N,” Kakashi coaxes, leaning up to meet your eyes. “I need to hear you say it.”

Okay, Kakashi.”

Smiling softly, Kakashi nods, pulling your underwear down your legs and tossing it back behind him without a care in the world. Your legs instinctively move to press together, but he’s quick to halt your movements, hands grabbing you by your calves and pulling them apart. You whimper as the air hits your exposed pussy, back arching off the dirt, sweat having it stick to your skin as you feel a warm set of lips press a gentle, barely there kiss to your lips.


“Shh, it’s alright.”

His fingers move to your lips, spreading them and your legs twitch in response, hissing slightly until you feel his lips against your cunt. A gasp breaks past your lips, twitching slightly in his grasp, until you feel his tongue press against your clit, swirling around. He repeats the movement, one arm moving to press your leg into the ground, stopping from clenching together.

Your hands move to the top of his head, gripping his hair tightly as you pull, eyes clenching shut in pure bliss, a whimper leave your lips as he moves to suck at your clit, harsh and firm.

“Oh my god, Kakashi!”

He hums against your clit, the vibrations of it stirring something deep inside you, feeling it wind up as you yank at his hair.

When he slips a finger into your hole, the sensation of it is new, foreign despite how tight it feels, it feels amazing. Your panting, chest rising and falling as you feel the coil inside of you near close to snapping. He pumps the finger in, out, in, out, all whilst sucking hard on your clit, and your legs are squirming around him, desperate to break free at the sudden incline of pleasure.

But Kakashi’s grip is tight and he doesn’t relent, slipping another finger in once he feels you’ve loosen enough.

It takes only a few more seconds before you’re snapping, a cry leaving your lips as you feel your orgasm ripple through you. Warmth envelops you whole, sweat beading across your skin as you tremor in his arms, his name leaving your lips in a shrill cry.


Once you come down from your high, body slowly sinking back into the ground, chest rising and falling, Kakashi pulls away, grinning down at you.

“How’d that feel, baby?”

Meeting his eyes, you smile, somewhat dazed; “amazing…”

“That was the prep, Y/N, we’re not done yet.”

Swallowing thickly, you watch as his hands move to his own pants, quickly unbuckling them before sliding them down his legs. He doesn’t take them completely off, letting them bunch around his thighs before he crawls towards you, wrapping your legs around his waist and lining himself at your entrance.

“It might hurt a little,” he advises, meeting your gaze. “But I promise it’ll feel good.” 

“Okay, Kakashi.”

“You’re sure you’re okay with this?”

You don’t hesitate to nod; “I want to feel you.”

And with that, Kakashi slowly pushes himself in. Your body tenses instantly, and Kakashi makes sure to go in slow, keeping an eye on you to make sure he’s not hurting you too bad. You lean forward, hands moving to grip his shoulders where you dig your nails into his bare skin. But Kakashi doesn’t stop you, letting you use him as he continues to sheathe himself further and further.

“Kashi! It hurts!”

“I know, love, but it’s okay. We’re nearly there,” he grunts out, face twisting as he struggles to keep a slow and steady pace for you.

The pain is starting to ease however, and he can see it in the way your face eases, body untensing in his grip. He reaches the end of your cervix, a grunt leaving his lips as a soft whimper flutters from your own. 


Blinking, you meet his eyes; “it’s starting to feel better. You can go faster.”

Leaning forward, he’s quick to slip his arms under your waist, moving you so you’re sat up against him, on his lip, and he can hold onto you easier. You moan slightly at the movement but settle against him easily, arms wrapping around his shoulders and tucking your head into the crook of his neck where you press soft kisses.

Grabbing you by the hips, he slowly eases you up.

“Help me out, love, we’ll go at your pace.”

You nod against his neck and Kakashi feels you slowly push yourself up, his hands on your hips helping you. You start slow, unsure and apprehensively, before you slowly start to quicken your pace. Kakashi’s teeth click together as the pleasure starts to build, soft grunts leaving his lips, while you moan against his neck, breath hot.

“Kakashi, I’m close!”

“Me too,” he grunts, grip tightening on your waist slightly. “Me too, Y/N.”

Your pace quickens, chasing your high as you pant against his neck, nails digging into his back, biting your lip.

Another scream tears past your lips as you feel yourself reach another orgasm, that familiar warmth rippling through your body as you press your lips into Kakashi’s neck, panting. Your bodies press against each other, sweating, as you slowly come down from your high only to feel Kakashi tense beneath your touch a second later, a loud grunt pushing past his lips before you feel something warm flood you.


Leaning back, you brush your fingers against Kakashi’s cheeks, slowly pulling his focus back on you as he pants, breathless.

“I love you,” you whisper, feeling your eyes water as the realization sinks.

Pressing a hand to your cheek, Kakashi swallows thickly. “I love you too,” he nods, thumb brushing away a stray tear that slips before you can stop yourself. “More than anything.”


Their ✨quirks✨ when making love to you — Sasuke, Kakashi, Sai, and Gaara.

warning!18+. pure smut, but with love. sasuke’s includes degradation and overall rough sex.

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req:(@kakashi-with-the-good-hair ) kakashi’s first time. make it as sweet or icha as you please.

warnings:nsfw content, minors please do not interact. first time (loss of virginity), fingering, reader is gn.

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