#keeper of the lost cities

I finally read the second KotLC book. Many people warned me that this series was going to emotionallI finally read the second KotLC book. Many people warned me that this series was going to emotionallI finally read the second KotLC book. Many people warned me that this series was going to emotionallI finally read the second KotLC book. Many people warned me that this series was going to emotionall

I finally read the second KotLC book. Many people warned me that this series was going to emotionally destroy me but I wasn’t prepared for the emotional destruction to start in book 2. Regardless I loved the book and I’m excited to read the next one.

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Bian: what part of your morning routine takes the longes?

keefe: my hair obviously

dex: making sure all of my stuff is still in one piece after the triplets spend time at home

sophie: finding my will to live

keefe: before we go to ravagog I’m going to need each of you to tell me your greatest weakness

tam: my greatest weakness is that grow up my parents didn’t treat me well and if someone who is supposed to love you unconditionally hates you than you must be really awful. And why let anyone into you life if they are just going to mistreat you. So now I trust no one.

linh: I’m afraid of chickens

Dex: I may have adopted a horse. what should I name it?

fitz: why a hor-

keefe: sophie foster

keefe could literally just like kill someone and you guys would be like “good for him” or “my poor baby thats so traumatic ”

tam: has anyone told you lately how much of a disappointment you are?

keefe: other than my parents no

tam: well then I guess I don’t have to add anyone else to my kill list

the gang: *watches Lilo and Stitch*

keefe with tears in his eyes: Ohana means family family means no one gets left behind or forgotten

sophie: this quote hits hard, I just love it so much

Dex Biana and Linh: am I a joke to you?

Keefe: *pushes a door that says pull*

Sophie: um keefe-

Biana: just let him I want to see how long it takes him to figure it out.

Keefe: what no I don’t like Sophie!

fitz: that time when I walked in to your room and you were organizing a 5 pound box of pictures you have of her by date that’s you not liking her?

Biana from the other room: simp!

Sophie: *chokes on garlic bread*

keefe: so she is a Vampire! Biana you owe me 5 bucks!

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Sophie: keefe where are we going?

*brings her to a road called old town road*

keefe: I’m gonna take my horse to the old town road


Keefe Sencen’s eulogy

Dearly beloved,

we are gathered here today to celebrate the wonderful life of Keefe I’m not your legacy boy Sencen. Keefe was a wonderful friend to those who were close to him. We all knew him by his trademark messy blonde hair, smirk, and “I don’t care” attitude. Keefe loved serving the black swan, and we could talk about all of those adventures but I think if he was here today he would rather have us talk about his prankster legacy. He loved to break into dame Alina’s office and put nasty things in her desk. He also loved to destroy things such as the glass pyramid on top of foxfire. And let’s not forget his most infamous prank, the great gluon incident. These pranks helped him win the foxfire detention record. However the most important thing in his life was his adorable boyfriend tam song. They didn’t get along at first but soon they were inseparable. As we wrap up here today Keefe Sencen lives on in all of our (and especially his fan girls) hearts.

I’ve been thinking about how the fandom used to be and where we are now and the way we act towards each other is so different than it used to be. We all used to be like sophitz vs. sokeefe and we never talked about anything else. Comment sections were just all full of arguments. Not saying no one has ship arguments any more but they are way less common and intense. I’m so glad we don’t do that anymore.

Do y'all remember when we all used to ship wylinh? wtf was wrong with us?

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*answers hail from Dex*

Sophie: I feel like I’m forgetting something. whatever it was must not be important if I forgot it

Dex who literally called her to remind her to pick him up:

started drawing this after @ailenewritesanddraws told the gc they drank perfume instead of their energy drink <3

did we all forget alvar is canoncically JACKED?!

flatan truthers make some noise

shannon rlly dropped the ball not giving any of her characters birthdays i wanna celebrate sophie day

i’d like to think they’re friends outside of work

(from a request on instagram)
