#keeper of the lost cities unlocked


spoiler alert please dont ruin your reading experience trust me you dont want this one spoiled for you

i just finished the guide since my book finally came and i am so unbelievably impressed

say what you will about laura but when im reading this book i put aside everything else and focus only on the book, and i really really loved the art. the ones i definitely liked most are the fosters, the songs, and the council. something about the huge full spread rendering of the councillors just enthralled me. 

and yeah. tam’s old haircut. not saying i dont like the bangs but wow he can really pull anything off

i really enjoyed reading the registry files. 1: keefe’s was absolutely hilarious. there was nothing in that file that was left untouched, and that leads to so many hilarious comments.

dex’s file was amazing, mostly because of that one section we all know, the one he redacted hardcore. it’s amazing

the amount of people who have spyballs is almost scary. what’s scarier is who was denied. how did alden manage that? i would imagine that it was a result of bronte not exactly being his biggest fan

the adults have some interesting files. sounds like edaline was working on something huuuuuge, as was grady, and they probably have no clue what either of them was working on. i really hope we get to know what those assignments were 

kenric’s memorial page had me tearing up so bad. not gonna lie, i still think he’s a black man because that’s what i thought for like. the first four years of me reading this series, and my mental picture isn’t gonna be able to be replaced just because of these pictures. im incapable of changing my mind

i just wanna say. seeing dex in The Twin just. really emphasized the crush i have on him. it’s getting worse. i have to constantly remind myself that he’s not real. he just looks so huggable. 

dont even get me started on keefe’s memory narration. that just… that gave me so many fic ideas it’s not even funny. and the way he cut off his sentence of “I’d better take a break, before I write something really embarrassing. Like how I’m pretty sure I’m-”


i just need to know. i need to know all of the things.

this memory log was obviously written after he woke up because he drew the memory of his mom’s weird ritual at the end of legacy, so he already knows what his power is. but i have a feeling this isn’t about that.

also the way all of his little entries always became about sophie is a little hilarious and SUPER adorable. he’s so whipped that she is a part of his regular thought process about literally everything. 

“If I hadn’t already known I liked her-”

“That was the first time it felt like… maybe I had a tiny shot at making this brave, beautiful, blushing girl like me.”

“I almost lost her.”


anyway. that’s all i got rn. maybe ill have more in depth opinions on my reread.

sophies-earbuds -> out 

not to be a simp on main but…

shannon messenger is the best. her writing has provoked so much thought and emotion in me that i literally cried for like. two hours. yes i am a seventeen year old crying at a kids book.

no matter what i think about the actual plot, it’s written so well, and so beautifully. it flows amazingly. ive always loved books with more than one pov, and this only reiterates my fondness of it. this book opened up so many new possibilities, and it sparked new creativity in me. thank you shannon. youve given me so much more than you’ll ever know.

that said… my initial reaction is still super heavy in my mind, so i am seriously not able to be subjective and logical when it comes to talking about the book. specifically the ending.

i havent read the guide yet since i wanted to wait for my physical copy to come for that (i read the novella in my ebook), so ill probably be back in a few days with some thoughts on that

i cant believe this is my sixths release season. i remember when neverseen came out, i actually went to the bookstore that day to buy it off of the shelf because i didnt know you could preorder. very honestly, i dont remember that year very well, i was in seventh grade and i barely remember what i had for dinner last night. but i distinctly remember seeing the neverseen display and feeling so excited to know what comes next.

little did i know, i would still be reading as a senior in high school. im about to turn 18, and i still preorder this middle grade series every year because it makes me so happy. it jumpstarted my career path. i wasnt a writer until kotlc made me one, and now i get to go to college knowing exactly what i want to be. i could never repay shannon messenger for that.

i dont know why, but this year feels so different from past release years. not because of the pandemic, or because it’s technically a half book. it might just be because of where the story has gone, and where it’s taken us as readers. i know im not the only one who grew up with sophie.

yes, i will post spoilers, and i will tag them all appropriately. as long as you have blacklisted the tags “spoiler” or “spoilers” you should be fine. i likely wont get my book until sometime in the next two weeks, so i’ll be doing the same as well. that said, please dont come to my inbox with any spoilers until i make it explicitly clear that i’ve finished the book, which i always do. that pretty much goes for all other blogs on here as well, because man, it really sucks being spoiled. especially since we’ve been waiting so long.

anyway, thanks for jumping down memory lane with me. i hope you all have fun this release season. and please remember to try and stay positive. i know it can be pretty doomsville lately, but not everything has to be a downer. we can find the brauty in small things.
